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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

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A coupling technology of capacitive deionization and MoS2/

nitrogen-doped carbon spheres with abundant active sites for efficiently
and selectively adsorbing low-concentration copper ions
Zhengle Hao a,b,c,d, Yanmeng Cai a,b,c,d, Yue Wang a,b,c,d,⇑, Shichang Xu a,c,d, Jixiao Wang a,b,c,d
Chemical Engineering Research Center, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin 300072, PR China
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Membrane Science and Desalination Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, PR China
Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin), Tianjin 300072, China

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conventional techniques like electrodialysis, evaporation concentration cannot efficiently and selectively
Received 1 August 2019 separate valuable heavy metals ions (VHMI) from electroplating rinse wastewater due to VHMI’s low con-
Revised 6 December 2019 centration and other ions’ competitive adsorption. To realize the separation, a coupling technology was
Accepted 15 December 2019
proposed which combines capacitive deionization (CDI) technique suitable for separating low-
Available online 28 December 2019
concentration ions and the few-layer molybdenum disulfide/N-doped carbon spheres (FL-MoS2/NCS)
composite capable of selectively adsorbing copper ions (Cu2+), a representative VHMI. The FL-MoS2/
NCS composite was successfully prepared by one-pot method and used as the cathode and anode in a
Valuable heavy metal
Capacitive deionization
CDI cell. Electrosorption experiments in the CDI cell showed that the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode (cathode)
Few-layer molybdenum disulfide/N-doped can efficiently adsorb low-concentration Cu2+ (23.63 mg/L) with a saturated adsorption capacity of
carbon spheres 1199.63 mg/g at 0.8 V. In the competitive environment (Cu2+/Na+/Fe3+), the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode can
Low concentration selectively adsorb Cu2+ still with a high adsorption capacity of 1071.6 mg/g greatly outnumbering that
Copper ions of Na+ (199.2 mg/g) and Fe3+ (262.8 mg/g), despite the high concentrations of both NaCl (500 mg/L)
Adsorption and FeCl3 (80 mg/L). Furthermore, the XPS test and competitive adsorption results proved that the effi-
cient and selective adsorption of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode for Cu2+ was synergistically promoted by
electrical double layer (EDL) and complexation of Cu2+ with FL-MoS2/NCS.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

⇑ Corresponding author at: Chemical Engineering Research Center, School of

The rapid development of science and technology is inseparable
Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, PR China.
from the use of heavy metals, especially valuable heavy metals.
E-mail address: (Y. Wang).
0021-9797/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 429

Meanwhile, a large amount of wastewater containing valuable NCS) composite for efficiently and selectively adsorbing low-
heavy metal ions (VHMI) has been produced, such as copper, gold concentration Cu2+ was investigated. The structure, morphology
and so on [1]. In particular, industrial electroplating rinse wastew- and composition information of the composite were obtained by
ater is the main source of the wastewater containing VHMI [2]. The physical characterization. The FL-MoS2/NCS composite was made
direct discharge of rinse wastewater not only poses a serious threat into an electrode and the electrochemical performance of the FL-
to human health and the environment, but also causes waste of MoS2/NCS electrode was investigated by electrochemical worksta-
valuable heavy metal resources [1]. Therefore, it is urgent to tion. Besides, the electrodes were used as the cathode and anode to
develop a technology that can efficiently separate VHMI from elec- construct a CDI cell for electrosorption experiments. Copper ions
troplating rinse wastewater. (Cu2+) was chosen as a representative of valuable heavy metals
At present, two main difficulties exist in separating VHMI from to investigate the adsorption behavior of VHMI by electrosorption
rinse wastewater: one is the low adsorption capacity due to the experiments in the CD cell. Firstly, the electrosorption performance
low concentration of VHMI in the rinse wastewater (below of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode (cathode) for low-concentration Cu2+
50 mg/L), and the other is the failure to selectively separate VHMI was studied in copper chloride (CuCl2) solution. Furthermore, the
from rinse wastewater due to the competitive effects of other ions, adsorption selectivity of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode (cathode) for
such as common salt ions [3]. Conventional technologies such as Cu2+ was investigated in the competitive environment (Na+, Fe3+).
electrodialysis and evaporation concentration cannot solve these The adsorption mechanism was revealed by adsorption kinetics,
two difficulties at the same time, so VHMI cannot be efficiently intra-particle diffusion, adsorption isotherm models and X-ray
separated from the rinse wastewater [3]. For one thing, capacitive photoelectron spectroscopy measurement.
deionization (CDI) technology, also called electrosorption technol-
ogy, has received wide attention owing to its suitability for sepa-
rating low-concentration ions [4]. This is because charged ions 2. Experimental sections
are enriched around the electrode at an applied voltage and
adsorbed into the electrical double layer (EDL) formed at the 2.1. Materials
electrode/solution interface. Therefore, the removal of low-
concentration ions in water is achieved [5,6]. However, CDI tech- Dopamine hydrochloride, ammonia aqueous solution (28%-
nology has no selectivity for ion adsorption in the above process 30%), Sodium molybdate dihydrate, Thiourea, Copper chloride, Iron
[7]. For another thing, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has attracted chloride hexahydrate, Sodium chloride, and 1-Methyl-2-
attention due to the selective adsorption of VHMI in an environ- pyrrolidinone were purchased from Aladdin Industrial Corpora-
ment containing competitive ions [8,9]. This is because MoS2 tion. Ethanol was purchased from Li Anlong Bohua (Tianjin)
which is rich in sulfur (soft base) can preferentially interact with Pharmaceutical Chemical Co., Ltd. All chemicals were analytical
VHMI (soft acid) based on hard-soft-acid-base theory, so that VHMI reagents and used as received without any further purification.
can be separated from wastewater [10,11]. However, MoS2 as a
conventional adsorbent is mainly used to treat wastewater con-
taining high-concentration VHMI, and the process for treating rinse 2.2. Preparation of materials
wastewater containing low-concentration VHMI is not mature
enough [12]. Preparation of polydopamine spheres (PDAS): As reported in
In order to address the two difficulties of separating VHMI from the previous literature [23], first, 90 mL of deionized water,
rinse wastewater, we can integrate the advantages of CDI technol- 40 mL of absolute ethanol and 0.6 mL of ammonia aqueous solu-
ogy and MoS2 to achieve efficient separation of low-concentration tion (28%-30%) were uniformly mixed. Then, 0.5 g of dopamine
VHMI. Zhang et al. used 2H phase MoS2 as a CDI electrode material hydrochloride was dissolved in 10 mL of deionized water and
to adsorb low-concentration Pb2+ (<6 mg/L) [13]. The results added dropwise to the above mixture solution. Finally, the reaction
showed that Pb2+ can be well removed with an adsorption capacity was carried out for 37 h with gentle stir at room temperature. The
of 86.26 mg/m2 due to the cooperation of electrosorption and obtained PDAS were washed several times with deionized water
chemisorption, which proves the feasibility of removing low- and absolute ethanol before being dried at 60 °C overnight.
concentration VHMI by combining CDI technology with MoS2. Preparation of FL-MoS2/NCS: As shown in Fig. 1, firstly, the
However, the easy agglomeration and small interlayer spacing of PDAS prepared above (0.2 g) were dispersed into 20 mL of ethanol
the generally prepared 2H phase MoS2 result in insufficient utiliza- solution (ethanol’s volume fraction: 50%) via ultrasonication for
tion of internal sulfur atoms (active sites) [8,14,15]. Also, the 2H 1 h, then 2.18 g of sodium molybdate dihydrate and 2.06 g of
phase MoS2 has poor conductivity and hydrophilicity, which thiourea were dissolved in deionized water (50 mL) to form a
affects the performance of MoS2 as an electrode material [16,17]. transparent solution. The PDAS suspension was added to the above
In response to these problems, many researchers have integrated transparent solution and stirred for 30 min, and then concentrated
MoS2 with carbon material such as carbon nanotubes [18,19], acti- hydrochloric acid was added to adjust the pH to about 1. After that,
vated carbon fiber cloth [20], grapheme [21], etc. to prepare com- the above suspension was transferred to a hydrothermal synthesis
posites for use in batteries and supercapacitors. The resulting reactor and maintained at 200 °C for 24 h. During the hydrother-
composite possesses enlarged interlayer spacing, good dispersion, mal process, MoO24 are adsorbed on the surface of the PDAS due
conductivity and hydrophilicity. However, these carbon materials to the rough surface of the PDAS, abundant catechol base and chi-
either involve the use of costly raw materials or undergo sophisti- none base, and positive zeta potential (8.77 mV). Meanwhile, H2S
cated and environmentally unfriendly preparation steps. In con- generated by thiourea at high temperature and pressure is also
trast, the preparation of polydopamine-derived carbon spheres adsorbed on the rough surface of the PDAS. Subsequently, the FL-
by direct polymerization of dopamine is low-cost, easily prepared, MoS2 nanosheets grow on the surface of PDAS by the reaction of
and environmentally friendly [22,23]. Also, the polydopamine- H2S with MoO24 . After cooling down, the obtained FL-MoS2/PDAS
derived carbon spheres are abundant in nitrogen heteroatoms, was washed several times with deionized water and absolute etha-
which can not only improve the conductivity and hydrophilicity nol, and dried at 60 °C overnight. Finally, the dried product was
of the material, but also selectively adsorb VHMI [24–26]. calcined at 800 °C for 2 h under a nitrogen atmosphere to obtain
Here, a coupling technology of capacitive deionization and few- FL-MoS2/NCS with good conductivity and crystallinity. For compar-
layer molybdenum disulfide/N-doped carbon spheres (FL-MoS2/ ison, the product was prepared without adding PDAS under the
430 Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the preparation process of FL-MoS2/NCS.

same conditions, and were named as Bare MoS2 and MoS2 before The EIS test was performed with an AC amplitude of 10 mV and
and after calcination, respectively. the frequency ranges from 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz. The specific capac-
itance (Ci, Fg1) was derived from the imaginary part of the impe-
2.3. Characterization dance spectrum based on Eq. (3):
Morphology, structure, and composition information were char- Ci ¼   ð3Þ
2pfmZ im 
acterized by field emission scanning electron microscope (SEM)
(Hitachi S-4800), field emission transmission electron microscope where f (Hz) is the scanning frequency, Zim (X) is the imaginary part
(TEM) (Philips Tecnai G2 F20), X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Bruker D8- of the impedance spectrum, and m (g) is the mass of the active
Focus), Raman (Renishaw inVia reflex) and X-ray photoelectron material in the electrode.
spectroscopy (XPS) (PHI5000 VersaProbe, Japan). The specific surface
area and pore structure were tested by using a Quantachrome Nova 2.6. Electrosorption experiment
station. The mass fraction of MoS2 in the composite was analyzed by
thermogravimetric analyzer (Netzsch STA449F3). The hydrophilicity In order to investigate the electrosorption performance of the
of the composite was analyzed by employing the contact angle ana- FL-MoS2/NCS electrode, electrosorption experiment was carried
lyzer (DataPhysics Instruments, Germany). out in a CDI cell at 25 °C. The CDI cell was assembled by using
the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode as the cathode and anode, and the dis-
2.4. Preparation of electrodes tance between the two electrodes is 1 cm. The test voltage (0.8 V)
is provided by a direct current regulated power supply. The
The Coating method was used to prepare the electrodes in this copper-containing rinse wastewater was simulated by 270 mL of
work [27]. First, active materials (FL-MoS2/NCS or MoS2), 50 mg/L CuCl2 solution (Cu2+ concentration: 23.63 mg/L) with a
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and graphite powder were pre- pH of 4.5. After the electrode reached saturated adsorption, the
pared into electrode slurry at a ratio of 8:1:1 by using N-methyl- electrode was placed in a 1 M nitric acid solution for desorption.
2-pyrrolidone (NMP) as a solvent. Then, the obtained slurry was Then, this electrode was adopted again for the adsorption of
coated on the surface of graphite paper with a scraper and dried Cu2+, and the reusability of the electrode was evaluated by repeat-
at room temperature. In addition, the MoS2 electrode was also pre- ing 5 cycles. The above experiments were repeated for three times.
pared by the same procedure. In the competitive adsorption experiments (binary systems: Cu2+/
Na+ and Cu2+/Fe3+; ternary system: Cu2+/Fe3+/Na+), the effects of
2.5. Electrochemical performance measurements the presence of competitive ions on the adsorption performance
of Cu2+ on the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode were investigated in CuCl2
Cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) solution (50 mg/L). The concentration of Cu2+ was measured by
and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were con- using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer
ducted in 1 M NaCl solution by using the electrochemical worksta- (ICP-OES). In our experiments, the adsorption capacity is defined
tion (PARSTATTM 4000A) under a three-electrode system. The as follows:
system includes a platinum electrode as the counter electrode, a
ðC 0  C e ÞV
saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode, and q¼ ð4Þ
a FL-MoS2/NCS electrode or a MoS2 electrode as the working elec-
trode. The potential range of CV measurement was between 0.6 where C0 and Ce (mg/L) represent the initial and final concentra-
and 0.4 V. The calculation of the specific capacitance was based tions, respectively, V is the total volume (mL) of CuCl2 solution,
on Eq. (1) by means of the CV curves. and m is the mass of the electrode material.
R E2
C¼ E1
ð1Þ 3. Results and discussion
2mv ðE2  E1Þ

where E1, E2 (V) are the initial and terminal potential, i (A) is the 3.1. Material characterization
instantaneous current, v (V/s) is the scan rate, and m (g) is the mass
of the active material in the electrode. The GCD test was conducted The morphology of PDAS, FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 was investi-
at different current densities. The discharge specific capacitance is gated by SEM. As shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), dopamine hydrochlo-
calculated from the GCD curve by the following formula: ride successfully self-assembled into PDAS with a particle size of
about 540 nm (Fig. S1) and a rough surface. As displayed in Fig. 2
C¼ ð2Þ (e) and (f), although MoS2 is laminated structure (Fig. 2(f)), large
amount of pure MoS2 nanosheets agglomerate into a cauliflower-
where I (A) is the constant current during charging and discharging, like structure (Fig. 2(e)). In sharp contrast to MoS2, it can be clearly
t (s) is the discharge time, m (g) is the mass of the active material in found that the FL-MoS2 nanosheets are well dispersed on the sur-
the electrode, and DV (V) is the potential window during discharge. face of NCS with wrinkled and curved edges (Fig. 2(c) and (d)). The
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 431

Fig. 2. SEM images of (a and b) PDA spheres, (c and d) FL-MoS2/NCS, (e and f) MoS2.

results indicate that the presence of PDAS greatly alleviates the (EDX). Fig. 3(h)–(k) manifest that the presence and distribution of
agglomeration effect of MoS2 nanosheets in the hydrothermal C, N, S and Mo elements. C and N elements are evenly distributed
process. in the middle of the carbon spheres (Fig. 3(h) and (i)) while Mo and
The layer numbers of MoS2 and FL-MoS2/NCS were studied by S elements are uniformly distributed in the outside of the carbon
TEM, as depicted in Fig. 3. A large number of MoS2 nanosheets spheres (Fig. 3(j) and (k)). The above SEM and TEM results prove
stacked together can be observed in Fig. 3(a) and (b), which is con- that the FL-MoS2/NCS composite were successfully prepared.
sistent with the results of SEM. As shown in Fig. 3(c), the layer The crystalline phases and the interlayer spacing of the prod-
number of MoS2 is approximately 10 layers, and the interlayer ucts were examined by XRD, as illustrated in Fig. 4(a) and (b).
spacing is 0.63 nm which is larger than that of commercial MoS2 Fig. 4(a) shows that both MoS2 and FL-MoS2/NCS have diffraction
(about 0.615 nm) [15]. The expansion between layers can be attrib- peaks of five crystal planes of (0 0 2), (1 0 1), (1 0 3), (1 0 5) and
uted to the insertion of thiourea and ethanol into the interlayer of (1 1 0), which are consistent with the hexagonal crystal structure
MoS2 during the hydrothermal process. Fig. 3(d) and (e) clearly of MoS2 (JCPDS card No. 37-1492) [29]. The diffraction peak of
show a distinct interface between the FL-MoS2 nanosheets and (0 0 2) crystal plane of Bare MoS2 is split into two peaks which
the NCS, indicating that the FL-MoS2 nanosheets are well dispersed appear at about 9° and 18°, respectively. This suggests that the
on surface of NCS. The layer number of FL-MoS2 nanosheets loaded interlayer spacing of MoS2 nanosheets before calcination is about
on the NCS is mostly below 5 layers and the expanded interlayer 0.98 nm [30], which can be attributed to the interlayer expansion
spacing is 0.65 nm. It is because the presence of NCS does not only caused by superfluous thiourea and ethanol macromolecules
prevent the tendency of FL-MoS2 nanosheets to aggregate, but also embedded in interlayer of MoS2 nanosheets during hydrothermal
further enlarge the interlayer distance of FL-MoS2 nanosheets. process. However, after calcination of Bare MoS2 at high tempera-
Meanwhile, as depicted in the circled part in Fig. 3(f), the FL- ture under the nitrogen atmosphere, the diffraction peak of the
MoS2 nanosheets possess many defects. The enlarged interlayer (0 0 2) crystal plane is again transformed into that of MoS2 with
distance and defects not merely increase the active adsorption hexagonal crystal structure. It is predominantly because thiourea
sites of FL-MoS2 nanosheets, but also reduce the diffusion length and ethanol macromolecule embedded in the interlayer are
of ions [28]. The element distribution and structure of FL-MoS2/ removed during the calcination process. Meanwhile, the position
NCS were further studied by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of diffraction peak of the (0 0 2) crystal plane after calcination
432 Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

Fig. 3. TEM images (a and b) and HRTEM image (c) of MoS2, TEM images (d and e) and HRTEM image (f) of FL-MoS2/NCS, annular dark-field STEM image (g) and EDX
elemental mapping images of (h) C, (i) N, (j) S, (k) Mo in a single FL-MoS2/NCS.

shifted to a lower angle (13.9°) (Fig. 4(b)). This phenomenon indi- The chemical composition of FL-MoS2/NCS and the chemical
cates that the interlayer spacing of MoS2 after calcination states of S and Mo were analyzed by XPS. The XPS survey spectrum
(0.63 nm) is greater than the standard value (0.615 nm), which of FL-MoS2/NCS demonstrates that C, N, Mo, S exist in the compos-
can be also reflected in Fig. 3(c). This result can be attributed to ite and the atomic ratio of S to Mo is about 2 (Fig. 5(a)), which
the fact that although embedded thiourea and ethanol macro- matches the stoichiometry value of MoS2. In the high-resolution
molecules are eliminated at high temperature, the residual lattice spectrum of C1s (Fig. 5(b)), the characteristic peaks of CAN, CAC
defects have resulted in the formation of an enlarged interlayer and CAO appear at 284.7, 285.6 and 287.5 eV. The high-
spacing. Compared with MoS2, the diffraction peak of the (0 0 2) resolution spectrum of N1s shows that the peaks at 395.4, 397.3
crystal plane of FL-MoS2/NCS appears at 13.5° and the intensity and 401.4 eV are attributable to Mo-N, pyridinic N and pyrrolic N
is greatly reduced, indicating that the interlayer distance is further (Fig. 5(c)). As shown in Fig. 5(d), the peaks at 229.5 and 232.7 eV
expanded to 0.65 nm [15,31], which is consistent with the result of correspond to Mo3d5/2 and Mo3d3/2, indicating the existence of
HRTEM image (Fig. 3(f)). This is primarily because the presence of Mo4+. Meanwhile, the small peak at 226.8 eV can be ascribed to
NCS further inhibits the growth of the (0 0 2) crystal plane of FL- the presence of S2. The high-resolution spectrum of S 2p displays
MoS2 nanosheets. The selected area electron diffraction pattern characteristic peaks at 162.3 and 163.5 eV (Fig. 5(e)), which are
(SAED) (Fig. 4(d)) verifies that FL-MoS2/NCS is a polycrystalline derived from the S2p3/2 and S2p1/2 orbitals of S2, respectively [36].
structure, and all diffraction rings coincide with the diffraction In order to obtain the pore structure and specific surface area of
peaks corresponding to XRD. FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2, nitrogen adsorption-desorption measure-
Raman spectra further illustrates the successful loading of FL- ments were performed on the two materials, as shown in Fig. 6
(a) and (b). The isotherms of the two materials are typical type
MoS2 nanosheets on NCS. As for FL-MoS2/NCS, the typical E12g and
IV with type H3 hysteresis loop, indicating the presence of meso-
A1g vibration modes of FL-MoS2 appear at 379.9 cm1 and
porous structures (Fig. 6(a)). FL-MoS2/NCS has a pore size distribu-
403.4 cm1, respectively, and the peaks at 1368 cm1 and
tion of about 2–2.5 nm calculated by the BJH method (Fig. 6(b)),
1599 cm1 correspond to the D and G bands of carbon (Fig. 4(c))
which is mainly derived from the interlaced FL-MoS2 nanosheets
[32]. Furthermore, it is found from the inset of Fig. 4(c) that the fre-
and NCS. A large number of mesopores can act as a ‘‘reservoir”
quency difference between A1g (378.1 cm1) and E12g (404.4 cm1) for ions and accelerate the rate of ions migration [31]. According
of MoS2 (26.3 cm1) is greater than that of FL-MoS2/NCS to Fig. 6(a), the specific surface area of the two materials was
(23.5 cm1), which indicates that the layer number of FL-MoS2 obtained by the BET method. The specific surface area of FL-
nanosheets in FL-MoS2/NCS is less than that of MoS2 [33–35]. MoS2/NCS is 43.87 m2/g, which is 3.3 times that of MoS2
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 433

Fig. 4. (a) XRD patterns of FL-MoS2/NCS, MoS2 and Bare MoS2, (b) the (0 0 2) plane peak of XRD of FL-MoS2/NCS, MoS2, (c) Raman spectra of FL-MoS2/NCS, MoS2 (inset of c:
Raman spectra of E12g and A1g vibration modes), (d) SAED pattern of FL-MoS2/NCS.

(13.23 m2/g). The large specific surface area can provide more dispersion of FL-MoS2 nanosheets, the enlarged interlayer spacing
active sites for ions adsorption. and rich defects reduce the diffusion resistance of ions and
In order to further obtain the mass fraction of FL-MoS2 enhance the kinetics of ion transport [40]. Moreover, the improved
nanosheets and carbon spheres in the composite, TGA measure- hydrophilicity of FL-MoS2/NCS can also accelerate the transport of
ments of MoS2 and FL-MoS2/NCS were carried out, separately. As ions. The Inset of Fig. 7(b) shows that the CV curves maintain a
shown in Fig. 6(c), the mass of MoS2 remains basically unchanged good rectangular shape as the scan rate increases from 5 to
below 350 °C, while the sharp mass loss between 350 and 500 °C 100 mV/s, which demonstrates ideal EDL capacitance behavior.
can be ascribed to the oxidation of MoS2 into MoO3 in the air atmo- However, the shape of the CV curve is fusiform at a scan rate of
sphere. Compared with MoS2, the weight loss of FL-MoS2/NCS goes 200 mV/s. This is because the ions can only be adsorbed on the sur-
through two processes. Firstly, the mass loss below 350 °C can be face but can’t reach the interior of the material at high scan rates,
attributed to the evaporation of the adsorbed water in the material. resulting in the distortion of the CV curve and a sharp decline in
Secondly, the weight loss between 350 and 515 °C is due to the the specific capacitance. Fig. 7(b) clearly displays that the specific
conversion of FL-MoS2 nanosheets to MoO3 and the decomposition capacitance of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode shows a decreasing
of NCS. The mass fractions of FL-MoS2 nanosheets and NCS in FL- trend with increasing scan rate, but it is always higher than that
MoS2/NCS were calculated to be 94.31% and 5.69%, respectively. of the MoS2 electrode. The result verifies that ions can migrate
Moreover, the NCS improve the hydrophilicity of the FL-MoS2/ rapidly to the surface and interior of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode
NCS electrode with a contact angle of 62°, which is lower than due to low diffusion resistance.
the 96° of the MoS2 electrode. (Fig. 6(d)). This phenomenon can GCD test was performed to further understand the electro-
be attributed to the abundant nitrogen heteroatoms in NCS chemical behaviors of the composite as shown in Fig. 7(c)–(e).
[37,38]. The enhanced hydrophilicity demonstrates that NCS can The GCD measurements of the FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes
indeed improve the wettability of the material, which can facilitate show a symmetrical isosceles triangle curve (Fig. 7(c)), which indi-
the diffusion of ions into the pores of the electrode and improve cates that the two electrodes exhibit ideal EDL capacitance behav-
the adsorption performance of CDI [39]. ior. As displayed in Fig. 7(c), the discharge time of the FL-MoS2/NCS
electrode at 1 A/g is greater than that of the MoS2 electrode, sug-
3.2. Electrochemical properties gesting the specific capacitance of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode cal-
culated by Eq. (2) is higher than that of the MoS2 electrode. Besides,
The electrochemical properties of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 elec- the GCD curves of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode still maintain a sym-
trodes were investigated by CV measurements. The results of the metrical triangle with increasing current density (inset of Fig. 7(d)),
CV test are shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b). Fig. 7(a) depicts the CV showing excellent charge and discharge characteristics. Mean-
curves of the FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes at 5 mV/s in 1 M while, the specific capacitance of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode shows
NaCl solution. According to the Eq. (1), the specific capacitance of a downward trend with the increase of current density (Fig. 7(d)),
the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode (472.2 F/g) is much higher than that but it is still higher than that of the MoS2 electrode. Besides, the
of the MoS2 electrode (176.1 F/g). For one thing, the high specific internal resistance of the composite causes an IR drop in the initial
capacitance of the composite can be attributed to the fact that good portion of the charge and discharge curves. The variation of IR drop
434 Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

Fig. 5. (a) XPS of FL-MoS2/NCS survey spectrum, (b-e) high-resolution spectra of C 1s, N 1s Mo 3d, and S 2p.

with current density during discharge of the two electrodes is pre- In order to study the resistance and capacitive behavior of the
sented in Fig. 7(e). It can be found that the IR drop of the FL-MoS2/ composite, the EIS test was performed. Fig. 8(a) and (b) are the
NCS electrode rises with increasing current density and is smaller Nyquist plots of the two electrodes and the enlarged part of the
than that of the MoS2 electrode, which can be attributed to the Nyquist plots in the high frequency region, respectively. The equiv-
reduced electrode resistance due to the presence of NCS. The excel- alent series resistance of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode (x-intercept:
lent electrochemical properties of the composite are also high- 0.25 X) in the high frequency region (including the solution resis-
lighted in the excellent cycle stability. The CV curve of the FL- tance, the active material resistance and the contact resistance) is
MoS2/NCS electrode after 100 cycles maintained the initial shape smaller than that of MoS2 electrode (0.48 X). Meanwhile, it can be
of the first cycle, indicating good electrochemical stability (Fig. 7 clearly seen from Fig. 8(b) that the Nyquist curve of the MoS2 elec-
(f)). In summary, the above CV and GCD test results fully prove that trode displays a 1/4 arc in the high frequency region while the
the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode possesses excellent electrochemical Nyquist curve the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode is absent, verifying that
performance. the charge transfer resistance of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode is
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 435

Fig. 6. (a) N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, (b) the pore size distribution (inset of b: partial enlarged detail) and (c) TGA curves of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2, (d) water contact
angles on the surfaces of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes.

lower than that of the MoS2 electrode. Aforementioned results are ment. In summary, the above electrochemical test results demon-
mainly originated from a large amount of Sp2 C and nitrogen atoms strate the excellent electrochemical performance of the FL-MoS2/
in the NCS that can simultaneously improve the conductivity of the NCS electrode, which can guarantee a satisfactory CDI performance.
FL-MoS2/NCS. The slope of the straight line of FL-MoS2/NCS elec- Here, the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode was used in the following elec-
trode in the low frequency region is greater than that of MoS2 elec- trosorption experiments.
trode (Fig. 8(a)), which represents the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode has
lower Warburg diffusion resistance. So the above results indicate 3.3. Adsorption kinetics of Cu2+ on the electrode
that electrons and ions have a larger migration driving force in
the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode. In order to investigate the mechanism and potential rate-
In addition, the charging resistance of the FL-MoS2/NCS and controlling steps of the adsorption process, including mass transfer
MoS2 electrodes change with frequency as depicted in Fig. 8(c). and chemical reaction processes, kinetic models have been
The charging resistance represents a process in which ions diffuse employed to further analyze the crucial factors affecting the
from the solution into the electrode pores, calculated by subtract- adsorption of Cu2+ on the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode. In general,
ing the high frequency impedance of 100 kHz from the real impe- pseudo-first-order kinetic, pseudo-second-order kinetic and
dance at a specific frequency. The FL-MoS2/NCS electrode exhibits intra-particle diffusion models have been adopted to evaluate the
lower charging resistance in the low frequency range of 0.01–10 Hz experimental data. The linear forms of pseudo-first-order (5) and
(Fig. 8(c)) compared to the MoS2 electrode, which is predominantly pseudo-second-order kinetics (6) models are as follows:
ascribed to the improved dispersion, the interlayer distance and
Lnðqe  qt Þ ¼ Lnqe  k1 t ð5Þ
hydrophilicity of FL-MoS2/NCS. However, the charging resistance
of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode is basically the same as that of the
t 1 t
MoS2 electrode in the range of 10–100,000 Hz, because the ions ¼ þ ð6Þ
qt k2 q2e qe
can only migrate to the surface of the two electrodes and the inte-
rior adsorption sites are not fully utilized. where qt (mg/g) and qe (mg/g) are the adsorption capacity at time t
In order to further investigate the relationship between the (h) and equilibrium, and k1 (h1) and k2 (gmg1h1) are the
dynamic specific capacitance and frequency, the specific capaci- pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order kinetics adsorption
tance of electrodes at different frequencies is calculated from Eq. rate constants, respectively.
(3). Fig. 8(d) shows that the specific capacitance of the FL-MoS2/ In addition, ion diffusion (mass transfer) plays an important role
NCS electrode decreases with increasing frequency. And the FL- in the solid-liquid adsorption process. In order to better under-
MoS2/NCS electrode possesses a higher specific capacitance stand the diffusion mechanism in the adsorption process, the
(437 F/g) than that of the MoS2 electrode (162 F/g) at the low fre- intra-particle diffusion model equation is adopted for analysis.
quency of 0.01 Hz, which conforms that the active sites inside the The intra-particle diffusion model can be expressed as Eq. (7):
electrode can be thoroughly utilized at the low frequency. This
qt ¼ ki t 1=2 þ C ð7Þ
result coincides with the conclusion from previous CV measure-
436 Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

Fig. 7. (a) CV curves of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes at a scan rate of 5 mV/s, (b) the specific capacitance of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes at different scan rates
(inset of b: CV curves of FL-MoS2/NCS electrode), (c) GCD curves of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes at a current density of 1 A/g, (d) the specific capacitance (inset of d: GCD
curves of FL-MoS2/NCS electrode) and (e) iR drop of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes at different current densities, (f) Cycling performance of FL-MoS2/NCS electrode at a
scan rate of 50 mV/s.

where ki (mgg1h1/2) is the rate constant of the intra-particle dif- concentration Cu2+ from the bulk solution to the periphery of the
fusion model and C is the intercept, representing the thickness of electrode surface. Furthermore, the diffusion resistance is reduced
the liquid film. and the internal active sites (S and N) can be fully utilized due to
The kinetics fitting results at 25 °C are shown in Fig. 9(b)–(d). It the enlarged interlayer distance of the FL-MoS2/NCS. Therefore, the
can be observed from Fig. 9(b) and (c) that the linear correlation cooperation of the above advantages greatly promotes the adsorp-
coefficient of the pseudo-first-order kinetic (R2 = 0.996) is higher tion of Cu2+ on the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode with a high adsorption
than that of the pseudo-second-order kinetic (R2 = 0.988), indicating capacity of 1199.63 mg/g which is much higher than the adsorption
that the electrosorption process at 0.8 V conforms to the pseudo- capacity obtained in other studies [11,41]. However, when the
first-order kinetic and is controlled by diffusion. Generally, the applied voltage is 0 V, the pseudo-second-order kinetic model can
adsorption process can be divided into three stages: the ions diffuse better describe the adsorption process, which is controlled by
from the bulk solution to the electrode surface; the ions pass chemisorption and the adsorption capacity drops sharply to only
through the liquid film of the electrode surface to the interior of 48.4 mg/g (Fig. S2). This is attributed to the increase in ionic diffu-
the electrode material; the ions combine with the active sites. In sion and migration resistance due to the absence of electric field
the electrosorption process, for one thing, the synergetic effect of force. Only a tiny proportion of Cu2+ are enriched to the exterior sur-
electric field force and forced convection greatly reduces the face of the electrode for complexation with the active sites, while the
diffusion resistance, which promotes the enrichment of low- interior active sites are not efficiently utilized. Therefore, the high
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 437

Fig. 8. (a) Nyquist plots of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes, (b) the enlarged part of Nyquist plots in the high frequency region, (c) charging resistance and (d) specific
capacitance of FL-MoS2/NCS and MoS2 electrodes as a function of frequency.

adsorption capacity at 0.8 V proves that the electric field force from proposed. Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models have
the CDI technique greatly increases the diffusion (rate-controlling been widely applied to solid-liquid adsorption processes. There-
step) rate of low-concentration Cu2+. fore, the experimental data were fitted by using the above three
Furthermore, the high adsorption capacity is inseparable from models. Among them, Langmuir isotherm is based on the following
the use of FL-MoS2/NC. The specific reasons are as follows: firstly, assumptions: (1) monolayer adsorption; (2) homogeneous adsor-
good hydrophilicity improves the wetting performance between bent surface; (3) Each active site on the surface of the adsorbent
the electrolyte and the electrode, and the electrosorption perfor- can only adsorb one molecule while no interaction between these
mance at the interface; secondly, the enlarged interlayer spacing, adsorbed molecules. However, the Freundlich isotherm is based on
abundant defects and mesoporous structure accelerate the migra- the assumption that adsorbates are adsorbed onto a heterogeneous
tion of ions and enhance the adsorption capacity; finally, the inter- surface by multilayer adsorption. The Langmuir, Freundlich and
action between the abundant S, N active sites (soft base) and Cu2+ Temkin isotherm models are given as Eqs. (8), (9) and (10),
(hard acid) greatly facilitates the adsorption of Cu2+. In summary, respectively:
the coupling technology of CDI and FL-MoS2/NCS can be used to
K L Ce
efficiently adsorb low-concentration Cu2+. qe ¼ qmax ð8Þ
1 þ K LCe
As displayed in Fig. 9(d), the fitting results of the intraparticle
diffusion kinetic model show a multi-linear relationship. This 1

result indicates that the adsorption process can be divided into qe ¼ K F C e n ð9Þ
two stages, namely the diffusion of Cu2+ to the electrode surface
and the migration to the interior of the electrode material until sat- qe ¼ BlnðK T C e Þ ð10Þ
urated adsorption. The straight line does not pass through the ori- where qe (mg/g) and Ce (mg/L) are the adsorption capacity and con-
gin, suggesting that intraparticle diffusion is not the only step to centration at adsorption equilibrium, respectively, qmax (mg/g) rep-
control the adsorption process [42]. Liquid film diffusion is also resents the maximum adsorption capacity; KL (L/mg) KF (mg/g) and
inferred to be a significant factor affecting the adsorption process, KT (L/g) are the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption con-
which is consistent with the kinetic fitting results. stants, respectively; n is the characteristic constant of adsorption
Reusability is one of the important issues of the electrode. intensity, and B (J/mol) is the constant associated with the heat of
According to the adsorption-desorption cycles, the reusability of adsorption.
the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode is shown in Fig. 9(e). After five cycles, The fitting results of the adsorption isotherm models at 25 °C
the capacity retention still remained above 94.5%, indicating that are shown in Fig. 10. The adsorption capacity shows an upward
the electrode could well be well regenerated and reused. trend with the increase of Cu2+ concentration at 0.8 V, because
the migration of Cu2+ to the interior of the electrode material is
3.4. Adsorption isotherms of Cu2+ on the electrode more favorable due to the stronger driving force at a higher con-
centration. Thus, the active sites of the electrode material can be
In order to study the interaction between adsorbed ions and thoroughly utilized. For another thing, the correlation coefficient
electrode materials, many adsorption isotherm models were of Freundlich isotherm (R2 = 0.9455) is higher than the other
438 Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

Fig. 9. Adsorption kinetics of Cu2+ on FL-MoS2/NCS electrode at 0.8 V and 25 °C (a), pseudo-first-order kinetic model (b), pseudo-second-order kinetic model (c), and intra-
particle diffusion kinetic model (d) for Cu2+ adsorption on FL-MoS2/NCS electrode, Recycling performance of FL-MoS2/NCS electrode (e).

adsorption isotherms, indicating that the Freundlich isotherm

model can better describe the electrosorption process. This result
indicates that the adsorption occurs at the heterogeneous interface
and is multilayer adsorption. What’s more, the value of adsorption
intensity n (1.22) of the Freundlich isotherm is greater than 1 ver-
ifies that the adsorption of Cu2+ on the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode is a
favorable process [12].

3.5. Adsorption mechanism

In order to further investigate the adsorption mechanism of FL-

MoS2/NCS on Cu2+, the electrode after adsorption was character-
ized by XPS. It can be seen from Fig. 11(a) that the FL-MoS2/NCS
electrode after the first adsorption contains C, N, Mo, S, Cu and F
elements, which proves that the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode does
adsorb Cu2+. Besides, the peak at 688.1 eV is derived from the F ele-
ment in the binder (PVDF) used in the preparation of the electrode.
Fig. 10. Isotherm models of Cu2+ adsorption on FL-MoS2/NCS electrode at 0.8 V and In the high-resolution spectrum of Cu 2p (Fig. 11(b)), the Cu 2p3/2
25 °C. peaks at 932.7 and 935.0 eV can be attributed to the Cu+ and Cu2+
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 439

Fig. 11. XPS spectra of FL-MoS2/NCS electrode after adsorption (a) survey spectrum, (b–d) high-resolution spectra of Cu 2p, S 2p and N 1s.

states, respectively, while the Cu 2p1/2 peaks at 952.8 and 954.9 eV For the binary system (Cu2+ and Na+ or Cu2+ and Fe3+), as seen in
also correspond to Cu+ and Cu2+ states, respectively. In addition, Fig. 13(a), the adsorption capacity of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode for
the peaks at 942.3, 944.4 and 962.6 eV also proved the presence Cu2+ still reaches 1193.4 mg/g under 0.8 V and 20 mg/L NaCl,
of Cu2+ state. The presence of Cu (I) in the electrode demonstrated which remains basically unchanged compared with the adsorption
that low-concentration Cu2+ (soft acid) reacted with the S active capacity without NaCl. The adsorption capacity for Cu2+ decreases
sites (soft base) in FL-MoS2/NCS (soft-soft interaction) to form gradually with the increase of NaCl concentration. This is primarily
Cu2S, so that Cu2+ was immobilized on the electrode [43]. For because sodium ions with a smaller hydration radius replace some
another thing, the presence of Cu2+ state in the electrode proved copper ions and occupy some spatial positions in the electrical
that a part of Cu2+ in the solution is adsorbed on the electrode by double layer under electrostatic force in the presence of a high con-
electrosorption (EDL). As shown in Fig. 11(c), the two peaks of centration of NaCl, a drop in adsorption performance would be
S2p3/2 and S2p1/2 after adsorption (162.5, 163.7 eV) shifted to a resulted in. Meanwhile, a high adsorption capacity of 1095.6 mg/
higher binding energy than those before adsorption (162.3, g was maintained even though the NaCl concentration was as high
163.5 eV). This is due to the fact that S in FL-MoS2/NCS is affected as 500 mg/L, indicating that the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode can still
by a positive cation, demonstrating the soft-soft interaction selectively adsorb low-concentration Cu2+ in the presence of Na+.
between Cu2+ and FL-MoS2/NCS [44]. In addition, as depicted in This is predominantly because Na+ is hard acid while Cu2+ is soft
Fig. 11(d), the peak of the pyrrolic N was transferred from acid (Cu2+ softer than Na+) that can preferentially interact with
401.4 eV (before adsorption) to 402.3 eV (after adsorption), which the abundant S and N active sites in the material. In addition, as
also confirmed the soft-soft interaction between Cu2+ (soft acid) displayed in Fig. 13(b), the adsorption performance of the electrode
and pyrrolic N (soft base) [26]. The above results proved that the on Cu2+ decreases relatively more in the presence of FeCl3 than
adsorption of low-concentration Cu2+ on the electrode can be NaCl, reducing from 1199.63 to 1048.2 mg/g at a concentration
attributed to the synergy between EDL and complexation of Cu2+ of 80 mg/L FeCl3. This is mainly because of the strong electrostatic
with the FL-MoS2/NCS, which is clearly shown in the schematic force between Fe3+ with high valence and the electrode makes it
diagram of adsorption mechanism (Fig. 12). easier for Fe3+ to occupy some spatial positions in the EDL. Hence,
the contact of Cu2+ with active sites becomes relatively difficult.
However, a high adsorption capacity of 1048.2 mg/g was still
3.6. Effect of competitive ions on Cu2+ adsorption maintained when the FeCl3 concentration was 80 mg/L.
For the ternary system (Fig. 13(c)), under low-concentration
The electroplating rinse wastewater contains various ions. In competitive ions (NaCl: 20 mg/L and FeCl3: 20 mg/L), the adsorp-
order to investigate the effect of competitive ions on the adsorp- tion capacity of the electrode for Cu2+ was maintained
tion of Cu2+ on the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode, competitive adsorption 1189.2 mg/g with a capacity retention of 99.1% compared with
experiments were carried out at 25 °C in binary and ternary the adsorption capacity without competitive ions. However, the
systems. adsorption capacity of the electrode for Cu2+ showed a downward
440 Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441

Fig. 12. Schematic diagram of adsorption mechanism for Cu2+ on FL-MoS2/NCS electrode under 0.8 V.

Fig. 13. Effects of competitive ions on the adsorption of Cu2+.

trend with the increase of the competitive ion concentration. Gen- selectively adsorbing low-concentration Cu2+ was deeply studied,
erally, ions with a high valence state and a small hydrated radius and the following conclusions were obtained.
are more easily electroadsorbed [45]. Therefore, the priority of
ion electrosorption in the ternary system should be as follows: (1) The newly obtained FL-MoS2/NCS composite possesses
Fe3+ > Cu2+ > Na+. However, in CuCl2 solution containing 500 mg/ abundant active sites and defects, enlarged interlayer spac-
L NaCl and 80 mg/L FeCl3, the adsorption capacity of Fe3+, Cu2+ ing and good hydrophilicity compare with modified materi-
and Na+ was 262.8, 1071.6 and 199.2 mg/g, respectively. Although als in other literatures [46–48].
the adsorption capacity of Fe3+ is slightly higher than that of Na+, (2) The FL-MoS2/NCS electrode exhibits outstanding electro-
the adsorption capacity of Cu2+ is much higher than that of Fe3+, chemical performance with a high specific capacitance
which is inconsistent with the above-mentioned electrosorption of 472.2 F/g and a low equivalent series resistance of
order. This proves that the high adsorption capacity of Cu2+ is 0.25 X.
mainly due to the stronger affinity (soft-soft interaction) between (3) The adsorption capacity of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode for
Cu2+ (soft acid) and active sites (soft base: S and pyrrolic N). In con- Cu2+ in the solution of 50 mg/L CuCl2, 500 mg/L NaCl and
clusion, although the adsorption performance of the electrode on 80 mg/L FeCl3 was about 1071.6 mg/g at 0.8 V, which still
Cu2+ is reduced under the interference of Fe3 and Na+, the electrode remains the same high level as it was in the solution of
can still efficiently and selectively adsorb Cu2+ with outstanding 50 mg/L CuCl2 solution (1199.63 mg/g), proving the good
adsorption capacity based on the soft-soft interaction. selectivity of the composite for the adsorption of Cu2+.
In summary, based on XPS and competitive adsorption results, (4) The XPS test further proved that the high efficiency
it is proved that the coupling technology can be employed to effi- and selectivity of the FL-MoS2/NCS electrode for the
ciently and selectively adsorb low-concentration Cu2+, which is adsorption of Cu2+ was achieved by the synergistic effect of
due to the soft-soft interaction between Cu2+ (soft acid) and the EDL and complexation between Cu2+ and FL-MoS2/NCS
active sites (soft base) of the composite. Therefore, given that most composite.
VHMI are soft acids, it can be inferred that the coupling technology
can be used to adsorb most VHMI which is low-concentration.
CRediT authorship contribution statement

4. Conclusions Zhengle Hao: Data curation, Writing - original draft. Yanmeng

Cai: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software. Yue Wang: Visual-
In this paper, a coupling technology of capacitive deionization ization, Investigation. Shichang Xu: Supervision. Jixiao Wang:
and FL-MoS2/NCS with abundant active sites for efficiently and Writing - review & editing.
Z. Hao et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 428–441 441

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