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L #35

LO #1- Plan and prepare for maintenance/ repair

Information Sheet 1- Plan and prepare for loop checking control systems
1. Definition and types of control system
1.2 Control System
Definition: A combination of various elements connected as a unit to direct or regulate itself or
any other system in order to provide a specific output is known as a Control system. We know
controlling is basically known as the act of regulating or directing.
So control system is used to direct the functioning of a physical system to carry out the desired
For example, from a television system, refrigerator, air conditioner, to automobiles and satellites
everything needs a proper controlling to provide the output for which it is designed. Thus all
these are control systems.

1.2 Need for a Control System

Control systems are considered as one of the major aspects of our growing technology. Every
sector of the industry is linked with the control system in some or the other way.
Like in space technology, power system, transportation system, robotics, machine tool
controlling etc., everything needs controlling. So these are basically control systems.
These basically provide the desired responses or application when proper controlling is provided
to them.
It is noteworthy here that the input and output of a control system must have appropriate
mathematical relationship between them. When there exists linear proportionality between input
and output of the system then it is known as a linear control system, otherwise a non-linear

1.3 Components of a Control System

Majorly the control system is divided into two major domains:
Controlled process: The part of the system which requires controlling is known as a controlled
process or plant.
Controller: The internal or external element of the system that controls the process is known as
the controller.
Further, some other aspects are as follows:
Input: For every system to provide a specific result, some excitation signal must be provided.
This signal is usually given through an external source. So, the externally provided signal for the
desired operation is known as input.
Output: The overall response of the system achieved after application of the input is known as
Disturbances: Sometimes even on providing required input, the system fails to generate the
desired output. So the signal that causes variation in the desired output is known as disturbances.
Now, disturbances can be of two types depending on its origin. If the disturbance is generated
from the system itself then it is known as internal disturbances.
While if the disturbance is generated from somewhere outside the system and unknowingly
acting as another input to the system causing an adverse effect on the output. Then it is known as
external disturbances
1.4 Types of Control System
These are majorly classified on the basis of whether the output is involved in controlling action
or not.
1.4.1 Open Loop Control System
In the open-loop system, the applied input or the controlling factor is independent of the system
Open-loop control system is sometimes termed as a non-feedback system. This is so because no
comparison is done between input and output of the system for controlling actions.
The figure below represents the block diagram of the open-loop system:

Fig 1 block diagram of the open-loop system:

Example: Immersion rod
An immersion rod is used for heating of water. When the input is provided i.e., the external
supply is given then the rod starts heating the water. But there is no way provided by which the
rod can sense the required level of heating i.e., feedback is not present. Thus it is an example of
an open-loop control system.
1.4.2 Closed-Loop Control System
In a closed-loop system, the applied input or controlling factor depends on the output of the
system. It is also known as feedback control system because in such systems comparison
between input and achieved output is done to get the desired output signal.
Let us have a look at the block diagram of the closed-loop system:
Fig 2 closed-loop system
Example: Air conditioners
Air conditioners are used for regulating the temperature of a room. So these control systems
make use of thermostats as a feedback unit.
The actual temperature of the room is first measured and accordingly the temperature is adjusted
to get the desired value of room temperature.

1.5 Features
Sensitivity: Sensitivity is the ability to show instant variation in output whenever there exists
any change in input. There are external parameters like temperature change or other atmospheric
conditions that hinder the actual performance of the system. So a control system must be
sensitive only to the actually applied input and not to other external parameters.
Stability: The system must be stable while providing the output without showing fluctuation
with time.
Bandwidth: The permissible frequency range of the system specifies its bandwidth. And so to
have a good frequency response the system must possess high bandwidth.
Noise: An unwanted signal that hinders the performance of the system adversely is known as
noise. A good control system must show the least susceptibility towards the noise.
Accuracy: The system must produce accurate output, so as to have least chances of error in the
achieved output value.
Speed: Speed defines the processing time of the system within which the specified output is
achieved. So the speed of the system must be high enough to deliver the output timely
Information Sheet 2 OHS policies and procedure

2. OH&s policies and procedure

Occupational health and safety is an aspect of public health program. Creating a healthy
workplace and a healthy work force in any occupational environment is the best way to position
that occupation to better delivery of service. Concern for your own safety as well as the safety of
others should always be on your mind. Most safety procedures are common sense but, because
some hazards are not obvious, there are regulations born out of experience which are designed to
make the workplace safer. The need to use safe working practices and safety equipment is to
avoid the risk of injury to yourself and to others in the course of your work.
There are some general points which can be noted:
 Safety equipment, e.g. goggles, gloves, etc., should be provided and must be used where
they are appropriate.
 Safe working practices are part of any job and you should always learn and adopt them as a
natural way of working.
 Don’t take shortcuts which compromise your safety, or that of anybody else.
 You should make yourself aware of the procedures used at your place of work to prevent
 You should know how to isolate electric supplies and how to work safely on electrical
In general, Occupational health and safety (OHS) policies and procedures protect the safety,
health and welfare of people at the work place.

2.1 Safety requirements of equipment/tools Introduction

There may be particular requirements on the equipment you use at work; where this is the case
the leaflet will point you towards further information you may need.

2.2 Equipment covered by the Regulations

Generally, any equipment which is used by an employee at work is covered, for example
hammers, knives, ladders, drilling machines, power presses, and circular saws, photocopiers,
lifting equipment (including lifts), dumper trucks and motor vehicles. Similarly, if you allow
employees to provide their own equipment and you will need to make sure it complies. Examples
of uses of equipment which are covered by the Regulations include starting or stopping the
equipment, repairing, modifying, maintaining, servicing, cleaning and transporting.
2.3 Safety and reliability of control systems
Control systems should be designed and constructed in such a way as to ensure that as few
hazardous situations as possible arise. They should be designed and constructed taking into
account the following aspects:
a) They should be able to withstand the intended operating stresses and external influences,
taking into account foreseeable abnormal situations. External stresses include humidity,
temperature, impurities, vibration and electric fields;
b) a fault in the hardware or software of the control system should not lead to hazardous
c) errors in the control system logic should not give rise to hazardous situations; and
d) Reasonably foreseeable human error during operation should not give rise to hazardous
Particular attention should be paid to the following points:
a) the machinery should not start unexpectedly;
b) the parameters of the machinery should not change in an uncontrolled way;
c) the machinery should not be prevented from stopping if the stop command has already
been given;
d) no moving part of the machinery or piece held by the machinery should fall or be ejected
e) automatic or manual stopping of the moving parts, whatever they may be, should be
f) Protective devices should remain fully effective or give a stop command; and
g) Safety-related parts of the control system should apply in a coherent way to the whole of
an assembly of machinery and partly completed machinery.

2.4 Control devices

Control devices should be:
a) Clearly visible and identifiable and readily distinguishable from one another by their
separation, size, shape, colors or feel, and by labelling controls either with words or with
unambiguous and easily recognizable symbols to identify the function or consequences of
using the controls;
b) Designed in such a way that controls for starting or stopping are clearly marked;
c) Positioned in such a way as to be safely operated without hesitation or loss of time and
without ambiguity;
d) Designed in such a way that the movement of the control device is consistent with its
e) Located outside danger zones, except where necessary for certain control devices such as
an emergency stop or a teach pendant;
f) Positioned in such a way that their operation cannot cause additional risk;

2.4.1 Starting
 Machinery should be fitted with a specific start control device. It should be possible to
start machinery only by voluntary activation of the control device provided for that
purpose. Start controls should be shrouded or otherwise protected to prevent inadvertent
operation. Near each start control there should be a stop control.
 The same requirement applies:
 when restarting the machinery after a stoppage, whatever the cause; and
 When effecting a significant change in the operating conditions.
 However, if there is a voluntary activation of a device that restarts the machinery or
changes the operating conditions other than the control device provided for the purpose,
this may only be used on condition that it does not lead to a hazardous situation – for
example, initiation of certain functions of machinery by the closure of an interlocking
 For machinery functioning in automatic mode, the starting of the machinery, restarting
after a stoppage, or a change in operating conditions, may be possible without
intervention, provided this does not lead to a hazardous situation.
 Where machinery has several starting control devices and operators can therefore place
one another in danger, additional devices should be fitted to preclude such risks. If safety
requires that starting and stopping should be performed in a specific sequence, there
should be devices which ensure that these operations are performed in the correct order.

2.4.2 Stopping Normal stop

a) Machinery should be fitted with a reliable control device allowing the machinery to be
brought safely to a complete stop.
b) Each workstation should be fitted with a control device to stop some or all of the
functions of the machinery, depending on the existing hazards, so that the machinery is
rendered safe.
c) The machinery’s stop control should have priority over the start controls.
d) Once the machinery or its hazardous functions have stopped, the energy supply to the
actuators concerned should be cut off. Operational stop
a) Where, for operational reasons, a stop controls that does not cut off the energy supply to
the actuators is required, the stop condition should be monitored and maintained. Emergency stops
Emergency stop controls should be:
a) colored red; and
b) Positioned in such a way as to be safely operated without hesitation or loss of time and
without ambiguity.
c) be clearly identifiable, clearly visible and quickly accessible, so that they can be used to
stop the hazardous process as quickly as possible, without creating additional risks
Machinery should be fitted with one or more emergency stop devices to enable actual or
impending danger to be averted. They should be located where any operator can easily reach
The emergency stop function should be available and operational at all times, regardless of
the operating mode.
Emergency stop devices should be a back-up provided in addition to other safeguarding
measures, not as a substitute for them.

2.4.3 Assembly of machinery

In the case of machinery or parts of machinery designed to work together, the machinery should
be designed and constructed in such a way that the stop controls, including the emergency stop
devices, can stop not only the machinery itself but also all related equipment, if its continued
operation may be dangerous.

2.5 Selection of control or operating modes

 If, for certain operations, the machinery should be able to operate with a guard displaced or
removed or a protective device disabled, the control or operating mode selector should
a. disable all other control or operating modes;
b. permit the operation of hazardous functions only by control devices requiring sustained
c. permit the operation of hazardous functions only in reduced risk conditions while
preventing hazards from linked sequences; and
d. Prevent any operation of hazardous functions by voluntary or involuntary action on the
sensors of the machinery.
If these four conditions cannot be fulfilled simultaneously, the control or operating mode
selector should activate other protective measures designed and constructed to ensure a safe
intervention zone.
2.6 Failure of the energy source
The fluctuation, interruption and re-establishment after an interruption of the energy source to
the machinery should not lead to a dangerous situation (e.g. fails-to-safe).
Particular attention should be given to the following points:
a) The machinery should not start unexpectedly;
b) The parameters of the machinery should not change in an uncontrolled way when such
change can lead to hazardous situations;
c) The machinery should not be prevented from stopping if the command has already been
d) No moving part of the machinery, or piece held by the machinery, should fall or be
ejected unintentionally;
e) Automatic or manual stopping of the moving parts, whatever they may be, should be
unimpeded; and
f) The protective devices should remain fully effective or give a stop command.

Other things you should consider

 Adequate training should ensure that those who use the machine are competent to use it
safely. This includes ensuring they have the correct skills, knowledge, experience and risk
awareness, and are physically suited to the task. Sometimes formal qualifications are
needed. Ensure control switches are clearly marked to show what they do.
 Have emergency stop controls where necessary, e.g. mushroom-head push buttons within
easy reach.
 Make sure operating controls are designed and placed to avoid accidental operation and
injury, use two-hand controls where necessary and shroud start buttons and pedals.
 Do not let unauthorized, unqualified or untrained people use machinery – never allow
children to operate or help at machines. Some workers, eg new starters, young people or
those with disabilities, may be particularly at risk and need instruction, training and
 If machines are controlled by programmable electronic systems, changes to any programs
should be carried out by a competent person (someone who has the necessary skills,
knowledge and experience to carry out the work safely). Keep a record of such changes and
check they have been made properly.
 Ensure the work area around the machine is kept clean and tidy, free from obstructions or
slips and trips hazards, and well lit.

2.7 Reading and understanding electrical drawings

Electrical drawings can represent anything from a single-line power distribution, to a power or
control circuit, and are prepared using various symbols for electrical devices and their
interconnections with lines representing conductors or wires used for interconnections. To read
and understand electrical drawings, it is necessary to know the following:
 Symbols used for representing electrical devices
 Their interconnections, legends, terminology, and abbreviations
 Sheet numbering and column format for each sheet
 Wire and terminal numbering (an important aspect in understanding electrical drawings)
Information Sheet 3 Instrumentation and control loop standard

3. Introduction
Electricity is an essential component for virtually every step in manufacturing and most other
industries. In most facilities, the electricity will come in at one point in the building, and then be
distributed to just about every corner through a series of wires. Even the tools and machines that
are used are filled with wires that are used to conduct the electricity to perform whatever action
is needed.
While electricity is used constantly throughout the day without much thought, it actually has the
potential to cause many issues. If something is not wired properly, it can result in injuries,
deaths, fires, and many other problems. This is why there are well-established wire color codes
to ensure those working with an around this type of equipment can ensure everything is wired
safely and effectively.

3.1 Types of Wire Color Codes

There are quite a few different wire color code standards in place, so it is important to understand
which one to follow in which situation. The standards used will vary based on what country the
wiring is being done in, and the type electricity it is for, and other factors. Learning about the
different options that may be used in a given situation is essential for workplace safety.

3.2 Wire Colors for DC Power

When wiring for DC power, there are typically going to be either two or three wires. The
coloring is as follows:
Positive - The wire for the positive current is red.
Negative - The wire for the negative current is black.
Ground - The ground wire (if present) will be white or grey.

Fig 3 wiring for DC power

3.3 AC Power (120/208/240 Volts)
AC power comes in many different types based on how many volts the wires will be carrying.
For wires that will be 120, 208 or 240 volts, the following wiring color standards are used. It is
important to note that with this type of wiring, there are multiple phases in place, each of which
will get its own color wire to make it clear what it is for those working on it.
Phase 1 - Phase 1 wiring should be black.
Phase 2 - Phase 2 wiring should be red.
Phase 3 - Phase 3 wiring should be blue.
Neutral - Neutral wiring should be white.
Ground - Ground wiring can be green or green with a yellow stripe.

Fig 4 wiring for DC power

In some uncommon situations, one phase will have a higher voltage than the others. These are
known as high-leg connections. While rare, they can be identified by looking for a wire that is
marked with orange, which will be the higher voltage wire.
3.4 277/480 Volt Wire Color Standards
These high-voltage connections are quite common in many manufacturing and other industrial
areas. Due to the serious potential for deadly electrocution or other issues, getting these color
codes right is essential.
Phase 1 - Phase 1 wiring should be brown.
Phase 2 - Phase 2 wiring should be orange.
Phase 3 - Phase 3 wiring should be yellow.
Neutral - Neutral wires should be grey.
Ground - Ground wiring should be green, or green with a yellow stripe.
Fig 5 277/480 Volt Wire Color Standards
These are the wire color coding standards that are used in the United States. In Europe and other
countries, there are different standards in place. In most cases, a machine made overseas for use
in America will be wired according to US color standards. Taking the time to confirm this is the
case before using the machinery is always a smart safety step.

3.5 Data Wiring

Another important thing to keep in mind when looking at the safety of electrical wires is the data
wiring in a facility. Cables that are used to transmit data for computer systems are often thought
to be harmless since they are carrying information rather than electricity.
Some types of networking cables will have enough electricity flowing through them to cause a
hazard. Certain devices, such as phones, will just need the 'power over Ethernet' which means
they get the electricity that is needed from the network cable they are connected to. If someone
cuts into these wires, or they become frayed, they can present a risk of shock or fire.
Data cables are typically colored based on the needs and standards of the facility rather than the
electrical standards due to the lower voltages. Applying labels or warning signs near these types
of cables can serve as a good reminder of the potential risk of shock.
Information Sheet 4- Loop checking parameter

4. Loop checking parameter

Assure that all the control loops installed by the contractors are operational and within applicable
standards and manufacturer’s tolerances and that systems are installed in accordance with design
With this method cost and time will be minimized and safety integrity will be maintained.
 This technical report is an informative document providing guidance on performing
testing of control loops.
 It covers the functionality test of digital and analog instruments and controllers used in all
areas of the plant.
 Inspection of all parameters and instrument response based on the checklist will depend
on the approved Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) of the construction.

4.1 Loop
– is defined as a combination of one or more instruments arranged to measure and / or control a
process variable i.e. form the measuring device, including all components in between
4.2 Loop Checking
– is defined as the checking for correct operation of all instrument systems and loops and the
preparation of all instrumentation for commissioning. This includes the operation of equipment
by means of the plant wide Distributed Control System (DCS), ESD, FGS and correct operation
of the associated graphics on the Man Machine Interface (MMI).
We will do in loop check
 Before execution, all test equipment shall be prepared and calibrated, the necessary
 The complete instrument loop shall be tested as one system, and when necessary
adjustment shall be made
 Associated alarms and trip actions of PCIMS and/or board-mounted instruments shall be
 Based on the sequence, each loop will be checked from field devices, through the process
interface equipment and to the control room consoles via data highway
 Signal will be generated from the field devices, and the test data will be filled in, then
stamped on the loop wiring diagrams under the supervision of client with signature by
 The loop interfaced with packaged local panel shall be loop tested by
simulating/checking signals at the interface terminal block directly.
Loop/Function test is divided by a two-group operation.One group to be in the field (Field
Technician) and the other group to be positioned in the control room or front of local panel
(Operator Station Technician).

Table 2 Operator Station Technicians

4.3 Types of loops
There are two types of loops are in the field of instrumentation.
1. Open loop: It has no feedback.
2. Close loop: It has feedback.
In instrumentation a Close loop is consist of 3 basic Parts.
1. Input device (pressure, level, flow, temperature transmitters)
2. Output device (Control valve)
3. Controller (DCS, PLC , etc.)
Figure 6: Open loop ( It has no feedback).

Figure 7: Close loop: (It has feedback.)

4.4 Loop check team responsibility matrix

To minimize overlaps and duplicate efforts, it is very important that the loop check team be
prepared and are aware of their responsibilities
Table 3: loop check team responsibility matrix

4.5 General requirements

 Loop shall be termed ready for testing when all the construction punch list items have
been satisfactory closed out.
 Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of DCS, ESD, FGS Systems and all other control panels
associated with mechanical and other packages have been successfully concluded.
 The appropriate pre-installation instrument calibration/testing has been completed,
recorded on the Instrument Calibration Record and witnessed/accepted by Owner
 All punch items are completed. All required documentation drawings are assembled
within each package.
 Loop checking shall be witnessed by QC Group in accordance with approved
The components within the loop have been installed in accordance with process piping,
instrument air piping, mounting details and Instrument drawings. All cabling and wiring has
been installed, tested and labeled, recorded on the Cable Test Report and witnessed/accepted by
Owner Representative.
4.6 Test equipment and tools
 Digital Multimeter
 Current / Voltage Standard Source Instruments
 Decade Resistor Box/Millivolt Generator
 HART Communicator
 Screw driver sets
 Allen wrench set
 Portable Pressure Calibrator
 Hand Pump
 Temperature Calibrator
 Other Relevant Tools
Test equipments must be calibrated and performing in rated accuracy.
Safety and precautions
 All parties involved in this activity must be familiar with applicable safety practice.
 Wearing appropriate PPE’s and use of proper tools in opening the instrument terminals
boxes must be maintained.
 Safety belts will be required in some other areas where the instruments are mounted on
high elevations.
 Observed proper polarity connections for electronic instruments and any other
instruments requiring separate supply.
Information Sheet 5.Selection of tools, equipment and testing devices

4.Selection of tools, equipment and testing devices

A tool is a device that can be used to produce an item or accomplish a task, but that is not
consumed in the process. It can be considered as extension of the human hand thus
increasing speed, power, and accuracy and on the other hands equipment includes any
machine powered by electricity.
Hand tools are tools manipulated by hands without using electrical energy such as:
puller, hacksaw, pull-push rule, pliers, hammer, and others.
Machine/Power tools are tools manipulated by our hands and with the use of electrical
energy such as: electric drill, grinding wheels, vacuum cleaner and others.
Pneumatic tools are tools or instruments activated by air pressure. Pneumatic tools are
designed around three basic devices: the air cylinder, the vane motor, and the sprays
4.1 Different types of use Multi – meter (Test instruments) and their measurements
The Multi-tester or multi-meter is sometimes called the VOM (voltmeter, ohmmeter, and milt-
ammeter). It is the best instrument that can measure voltage, resistance and current.
 It is generally made of two types:
 The analog and
 The digital.

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