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Gra mmar Self -C hec ks

(Unit 3, page 28)

Fu ture pla n s a nd fi n ished f u ture a ctio ns

Look at the stat emen ts ex press ing futu re plans .

Ex pec t, ho pe, inte nd , or plan a nd a n infinitiv e

We h ope to st art putting some money away.

I don’t pla n to be financially dependent for the rest of my life.

Perfect form of the inf in it ive

By this time this year, I plan t o h av e s aved up enough cash to buy a new car.
Her goal is to h av e p aid o ff all her debt in five years.

Circ le the le tte r of the correct ans wer .
1. Which structure do you use when you want to express general future plans?
a. verb + the infinitive b. verb + the perfect infinitive
2. Which structure do you use to express an action that will or might take place before a specified future time?
a. verb + the infinitive b. verb + the perfect infinitive

Look at the sentenc es ex pressing fin ishe d future ac tions .

The future pe rfect

By next year, I wi ll ha ve c ompl eted my studies, but I wo n’t ha ve got ten married.
How much wil l yo u ha ve s av ed by next month?

The presen t pe rfect in an ad ver bial c lause

Once I’ ve co mplet ed my studies, I’ll get married.

I’m going shopping when I’ ve fi nish ed my report.

Circ le the correc t let ter to com plete eac h stat emen t .
1. Use ____ to distinguish between a completed future action and one that will follow it.
a. the future perfect b. the present perfect in an adverbial clause
2. Use ____ to indicate an action that will be completed by a specified time in the future.
a. the future perfect b. the present perfect in an adverbial clause

(continued on the next page)

Summit 1 Unit 3
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
BE C AR EF UL! Do n’t use t he future perfect in the a dv erbia l clause .

Check the correc t state ment .
 a. I’m going shopping when I’ve finished my report.
 b. I’m going shopping when I will have finished my report.

Summit 1 Unit 3
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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