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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s

(Unit 4 page 42: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise B)

Vi su a l izing
When y o u v isua li ze , y o u c rea te a men t a l ima ge . Take a few min u tes t o c rea te v is ua l
ima ges y o u ca n asso c ia te wit h t hese v o ca bu la ry ite ms. T h is will g ive y o u a v isua l
referen ce t h a t w ill he lp y o u be t te r lea r n a n d remember t he v o c a bu la ry items.

P r a c t ice . Decide on one or more images suggested by the vocabulary items below. Write these
descriptive nouns and adjectives in the boxes. Then picture these images in your mind.

At t rac tive Unat t rac tive

fashionable / stylish old-fashioned / ou t of style

black silk
an Armani jacket

in style / t rendy / h ot t acky

elegant / c hic flashy

st riking shocking

I dea . Create visual images for vocabulary you learn in later units.

Summit 1 Unit 4
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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