Vocabulary-Buildingstrategies: (Unit 4, Page 46: Word Skills Use After Exercise A)

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s

(Unit 4, page 46: Word Skills; Use after Exercise A)

D i agr amming
When y o u lea r n a new prefix o r s uffix , make a wo r d web d ia g r am t o c rea te a men ta l set of
wo r ds . Spe n d in g a few min u tes t o c rea te a d ia g r a m wit h defin it io ns will he lp y o u e x pa n d
yo u r v o ca bu la ry .

P r a c t ice . Write words that begin with the prefix self- in the empty ovals. Include the part of speech. Then
write definitions of the words in the ovals.

self-esteem n.
the attitude of
acceptance and
approval of oneself

s el f- prefix
by oneself or by itself;
done by or to oneself
or itself

I dea . You can diagram any new vocabulary that has some similarity. For example: adjectives, adverbs, car
words, technology words, etc.

Summit 1 Unit 4
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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