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As you enter the ruined temple, you hear footsteps ahead.

The Air is clear and damp with a

strong earthy odor to it. As you walk in you notice slime on the walls (harmless) and cobwebs of
varying sizes.

A1 Workshop for repairing or creating weapons, religious items or tools.Pool of water;

chamber's original contents are water damaged. Cracked Flask, Corroded Chains in various
states of construction. Corroded Tools. Water Damaged workbench on one wall. Hanging
Tapestry. (Trap - Looked at (mural, arcane symbol), Setback, Floor tiles are electrified 1d10

B1 Crypt for a high priest or similar figure, hidden and heavily guarded by creatures and traps.
Pool of water; chamber's original contents are water damaged. Slime on the walls (harmless).
Vines growing on walls and ceiling. Monster. Broken Crypt in the center of the room. (pet or
allied creature) guarding treasure Hiding from enemies. Giant Constrictor Snake hiding among
vines near ceiling. 3 Potion of Healing, Spell Scroll 1st, Spell Scroll 1st, Potion of Climbing

C1 Conjuring room, specially sanctified and used to

summon extraplanar creatures. Minor water damage, growing mushrooms on table in corner
with bottles. Iron bar, bent on the ground along with 4 copper coins. Brasier unlit on second
table. Small box filled with crystals of varying colors. 2 violet fungus. 2 Cure Potions
D1 Dining Hall for the temple's high priests. Ashes, contents mostly burned. Empty jars on the
ground. Large Fireplace with wood. Tun (huge cask) 250 gallons spoiled ale. Monster (dominant
inhabitant) with treasure. 3 Goblin, 1 mastiff - 18cp treasure
E1 Guardroom. Furniture wrecked but still present. Monster (random creature) with treasure. 5
Poisonous Snakes. 10 gp strewn about the floor
F1 Kitchen, Furniture wrecked but still present. Trick item. Mural on wall. Swaps the minds of
two characters (rolled randomly).

A2 Central temple built to accommodate rituals, Used as a campsite. Cave-in with

debris.Central Shrine at back of room. Scrolls laying about from fallen bookshelf in corner. Text
on herbalism and local flora. 1 wolf and 2 hobgoblins.
B2 Cells where the faithful can sit in quiet contemplation, Rubble, ceiling partially collapsed.
Empty room.

C2 Kennel for animals or monsters associated with the temple's deity, Holes, floor partially
collapsed. Trapped (touch door) - Dangerous, Unstable Ceiling Collapses in front of door (2d10

D2 Relic Room Holding Cup of Silvanus, Pristine and in original state. Empty except for Cup
and additional treasure. Small golden bracelet (25gp), Silver ewer (25gp), Copper Chalice with
silver filigree (25gp). Battleaxe made with Obsidian head and Basalt Handle, Decanter of
Endless Water, Bag of Holding.

Magical Battleaxe made of Stone (elemental earth). Heroic History. While attuned to this item,
you have tremorsense up to 10 ft and can cast the Mold Earth Cantrip.

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