Confort Ingles 23

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Thermal Cornrort 9.


Mr---------------------------, M ,. (lEATHER) FAT BONE

"• ""
"~ ". MOl5T MUSCLE
"~ ", ".

'" •"



'"I '"'
I "
"~ .
•o 0.05 0.\0 0 .15 ..'"
Hg.2l Comparing Thermallnertia of Fat, Bone, J\1 oist
Fig.21 Variation in S ki" Reflection and Absorptivity for MuscJe, a nd Excised Skin [O That or leal her a nd Water
Blackbody 'ieal Sources


Infrared Heating ,,,
Optical and thcnnal propcrties of skin mus! be considcrcd in
" sludies orlhe effecls of inrrare<! radiation in (1) producing changes
, ,'"
in ski" temperalUre and ski n blood f1ow, and (2) evoking sensations NORMAL
of Icmperature and cemfort (Hardy 1961). A1though ¡he body can
be considcrcd 10 havc ¡he propcrtics ofwatcr, thennal scnsation al1d
hea! transfer with the e"vimnm en! rcquirc a study orlhe skin and ils
iOlcraction with visible anl! infrarcd radiation.
Figure 21 shows how skin reflectance and absorptance vary for a
blackbody hea! source al ¡he lemperature (in K) indicated. These 0.10 0.30
curves show that darkly pigmentcd skin Is heated more by direct
rad iation from a high-intcnsity heatcr at 2500 K than is lightly
pigmcntcd skin. With low-tempcraturc, low-intensity heating equip- Fig. 23 T hermallnertias of Excised, Bloodless, and Normal
meO! uscd for tOlal area healing, Ihere is mínimal, if any, diffcrencc. Living Skin
AIso, in practice, clolhing min imizes difTerences.
Changes in skin temperatu re caused by high-intensity infrared exposurc times, the kpcp ofnonnal skin is Ihe same as Ihal in which
radiation depend on the Ihcnna l conductivity. density, and spec ific blood flow has becn sloppcd; excised skin heats more rnpidly
heat of the living skin (Lipkin and Hardy 1954). Modeling ski n bccau5e ofunavoidable dehydration thal oceurs postmortcm. How-
heating with the heat Iransfer theory yields a parabolie relalion bc- ever, with [onger exposurc lo thcrmal radiation. vasodilation
tween exposure lime and sk in tcmperature rise for nonpenelrating increases blood flow, cooling Ihe skin . For Ihe firsl 20 s ofirradia-
radialion: lion, ski n with nonnal1y conSlricted blood vessels has a kpcp val ue
one-founh Ihat for skin with fully dilaled vesse ls.
Skin Icmperalure is Ihc best single index oflhennal comfort. Thc
where mos! rapid changes in skin lempcrnture occur during the first 60 s of
1,, - ce
final skin lempcralllre.
exposure to infrnred radiation. During this initial periodo thermal
1'1 - inilial skin temperatun:. oc sensalion and Ihe heali ng rate of Ihe skin vary wilh Ihe quality of
J ~ irradiance from source radiation tcmpcratures. Wfm1 infrared radiation (color lempcralure in K). Bceause radiam heal
a - sldn absorptance al radial ion lempcralurt:s, dimensionless from a gas-fired heale r is absorbed al the skin surface, Ihe same unil
(1 - time, ti level of abso rbed radiation during the fi rsl 60 s of exposure can
k ... specific Iherma1 conduClivily Oflissue, Wf(m' K) cause an even wanncr initial sensation Ihan pcnctrnting solar radia-
P ... densilY, kglm3 tion. Skin heating curves tcnd to leve l off aftcr a 60 s exposurc
cp ... specific hcal. J/(kg' K) (Figure 23) , which means Iha! a relative balance i5 quickly crealcd
ProdUCI kp cp is the physiologically imponant quantilY Ihal belween heal absorbed. heal flow 10 Ihe skin surfacc, and heal los5
delennines temperature elevalion ofskin or other tissue on exposu re lO Ihe ambienl environment. Therefore, the effects ofrndianl heating
10 nonpellctrating rndiatíon. Fatty lissue, bccause of its relatively on thennal comforl should be examined for conditions approaching
low specifie heal, is healed more rapidly Ihan moist ski n or bone. thennal equilibrium.
Experimentally, kpcp values can be delennined by plottíng l!/2 Stolwijk and Hardy ( 1966) deseribed an unelothed subjcct's
againsl 1.13J 20 (Figu re 22 ). The relalionship is linear, and Ihe response for a 2 h exposu re 10 Icmperaturcs of 5 10 35 °C Nevins
slopes are inversely proponional 10 Ihe kpcp oflhe specimen. Com- el al. ( 1966) showed a re lalion belween ambient temperalUres and
paring leathcr and watcr with body lissues suggests that thennal Ihcnnal cornfort of c lothed, rcsting subjecls. For any given unifonn
inenia values depend largely on lissue watcr conlent. environmcntal tempcralure, both initial physiological response and
Li ving tissues do not eonform strietly to this simple malhemat- degrec of cornfon ean be dctermined for a subject at resto
ieal formula. Figure 23 compares excised skin with living skin with Physiological implicalions for radiant heating can be defined by
nonnal blood flow, and skin wilh blood flow oceluded. For shon lWO environmenlal temperalures: (1 ) mean radianl lemperaturc 1,

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