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Presented to
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Methods of Research

Sunday Jane L. Bautista

Ginalyn G.Digdigan
Charity Faith Dimzon
April Love E. Ganibe
Marlo Jake Llandino
Febe C. Marabulas
Laurice Corrine G. Rosa
Shiree Ann Selidio
July 2021




Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 3

Conceptual Framework 5

Hypothesis 6

Significance of the Study 6

Scope and Delimitation 7

Definition of Terms 8
Chapter 1



The poor reading comprehension of Filipino students is a "reality" that must be

recognized by the country in order to improve its educational system in any country.

In the Philippines, the problem of students in reading is not a new issue. In fact,

certain studies reveal that the reading problems of Filipino students seemed to be

perennial (Alayon, 2014; Habagat & Rizon, 2012; Lalunio, 1994; Miguel, 2007;

Montalban, 2010; Umali, 2016). Due to such problems, reading and literacy instruction

have always been the top priority in all Philippine curricula. Umali (2016) labels that

reading instruction in the Philippines can be distinguished into two facets: (1) the regular

reading class which is embedded in the standard curriculum, and (2) the remedial

reading class which is a separate subject given to those students who need help in

correcting and improving their reading difficulties. The remedial reading class in the

Philippines is a pull-out type since it is not integrated within the regular reading class of

the students.

The practice of remedial reading has been in the limelight for a long time in the

Philippine education sector. In fact, the study of Genero (1976) presents how elementary

schools and high schools in the country devised their own remedial reading programs to

assist struggling readers. He explains that the principals of the schools encourage their

teachers to assess their students reading level so that they can provide the proper

interventions for them. Although, remediation for struggling readers has been practiced in

the Philippines for decades, its optimization has reached its prime only through the

Department Order (DO) 45, series of 2002 – Reading Literacy Program in the

Elementary Schools and DO 27, s. 2005- Remedial Instruction Programs in High School

of the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd).

A remedial reading teacher in the Philippines or a reading specialist in the U.S.

and majority of the European countries is a professional teacher who has an adept

background and training in honing the reading abilities of students in general and assists

struggling readers to improve themselves (International Reading Association [IRA],


Theoretical Framework

The study is anchored on dual route reading theory postulated by Tilly, et al

(2010). Accordingly, the association of words recognition and comprehension is

concomitant to the development of reading skills. Word recognition is an indirect Non-

lexical reading route which assumed to be restricted low frequency of words for which the

readers have not yet established and well- internalized its orthographic representation or

to any instance to which the reader encounter an unfamiliar word or nonsense letter


Furthermore, the efficient and accurate recognition of written words is undoubtedly

a pre- requisite for proper reading comprehension but not sufficient to it’s own. Thus, in

order to comprehend a sentence or a paragraph, the final meeting of correctly

recognized words has to be elaborated which reference to the readers syntactic and

semantic knowledge (Miller, 2010; Tilly et. al., 2010) Alumbro (2001) cites that good

reading does not happen overnight. It can only result from carefully planned program of

instruction with evaluation as it’s indispensable component. Reading intervention

program without effective instruction will not close the achievement gap.

In addition, the study based on the concept that ECARP, a national program that

would address the thrust of DepED to make every child a reader at his/her own level

which designed to equip elementary learner’s with strategic reading and writing skills to

make them independent young readers and writers. This was supported by the study of

Morphett and Wasburne which concludes that elementary school children are on the

maturity stage to learn reading through the use of printed text in the form of passage and

other articles suited to their grade level (Wells, 1986).


Likewise, it is anchored on the belief of the researcher that the development of

PHIL-IRI is one of the initiatives put in place in support of ECARP. It is one of the

diagnostic tools that teachers can determine the learner’s level in reading and its needs.
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Philippine Informal Reading

Inventory (Phil-IRI):

 the Manual of

Administration; Reading Proficiency Level in

 Group Screening Test English:

for English;  Frustration Level

 Graded Passages with  Instructional Level

 and independent Level
Questions for English;


 d) Phil-IRI forms

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework 6

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to determine the extent of implementation of the Philipine

Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) Program and its outcome to the Reading
Proficiency Level in English of Grade 6 pupils of Pedro M. Buen Sr Elementary School,

Tambilil, Kiamba, for School Year 2020-2021.

Specifically, the researchers want to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the extent of implementation of the PHIL-IRI Program to Grade 6

pupils of Pedro M. Buen Sr ES?

2. What is the Reading Proficiency Level in English of Grade 6 pupils of Pedro M.

Buen Sr. ES?

3. Does the extent of implementation of the PHIL-IRI Program have a significant

outcome to the Reading Proficiency Level in English of the Grade 6 students of

Pedro M. Buen Sr ES?

HypothesIs of the Problem

HO3 There is no significant outcome on the extent of implementation of Phil-IRI

Program and the Reading Proficiency Level in English of Grade 6 pupils of Pedro M.

Buen Sr. Elementary School.

Significance of the Study

This study is deemed very significant to consider the following reasons:


For the pupils, primarily, the research could aid in determining what students need

to improve their reading and comprehension skills.

For the teachers, this study will be a basis for teachers to make more innovative

reading strategies in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education

Program of the Department of Education (DepEd), focusing more on “Every Child A

Reader Program” or (ECARP), through DepEd Memorandum No. 402,

Series of 2004 and Administrative Order No. 324.

For the school administrators and reading coordinators, the results of this study

could be a core for them to design a groundbreaking reading enhancement framework

which will then be implemented through the conduct of an extension program.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted to find out whether there was a significant outcome

between the extent of implementation of the Phil-IRI Program to the Reading Proficiency

Level in English of the Grade 6 pupils of Pedro M. Buen Sr. Elementary School, Tambilil,

Kiamba, Sarangani Province for School Year 2020-2021.

The respondents of this study were the 30 Grade 6 pupils only.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined and understood as follows:

a. Phil-IRI refers to the revised assessment tool composed of a set of graded passages

administered to the whole class and to individual students, which was designed to

determine a student’s reading level.

b. Phil-IRI Group Screening Test (GST) is a 20-item group-administered reading

comprehension test for Grade 6 in English. The objective of the GST is to identify

students who need further testing.

c. Phil-IRI Graded Passages refer to informal assessment tools used to record

individual student’s performance in oral reading, silent reading and listening

comprehension. There are four sets (Sets A, B, C and D) of passages for English in

Grade 6 level which can be used for both pretesting and post-testing.

The Phil-IRI Oral Reading Test is administered in order to:

 identify the student’s miscues in oral reading;

 record the number of words that a student reads per minute; and

 find out how well a student understands the passage read

The Phil-IRI Listening Comprehension is administered when the student is identified

as a non-reader. The purpose is to find out how well a student understands the selection

which will be read by the test administrator/teacher. Then the test administrator reads the

multiple choice questions and the student answers them orally.

The Phil-IRI Silent Reading Test maybe administered after the Oral Reading Test is

conducted to further check the student’s comprehension skill.

d. Phil-IRI Testing Kit is a set of materials composed of a) the Manual of Administration,

b) Group Screening Test for English c) Graded Passages with Comprehension

Questions for English and d) Phil-IRI forms.

e. Reading Proficiency Level refers to the reading levels namely: frustration,

instructional, and independent. Furthermore, it uses predetermined set of criteria in

identifying the reading levels of the pupils such as the reading speed and percentage of

correct answers to comprehension questions. Only students currently enrolled in school

are assessed.

Frustration Level- this term refers to the lowest reading level. The Grade 6 pupils

attain 58% and below correct answers in their comprehension based on PHIL-IRI criteria

Instructional Level- the level at which the Grade 6 pupils profit from instruction.

The pupil got 59-89% correct answers based on PHIL-IRI comprehension criteria.

Independent Level- the highest level at which a grade 6 pupil can read

independently and with ease without the help or guidance of the teacher. The pupil

scores 90-100% correct answers based on PHIL-IRI comprehension criteria.

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