The Future of Accounting

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Lectura: “The future of accounting”.

Ejercicio 1.- Contesta en Español las siguientes preguntas:

a) What do you think the future of accounting looks like?
Como una pieza fundamental de una empresa, que le dará una visión más
amplia sobre su panorama económico y administrativo.

b) What skills will you need to be successful in this profession?

Capacidad de análisis, interpretación de datos y estudioso.

c) How will you prepare yourself for the future?

Estudiando y capacitándome constantemente en temas que influyen en mi

d) What virtues do you think are going to help you in your profession?
Que soy una persona sociable, responsible y comprometido.

e) What aspects do you consider you have to work on, in order to be a better
En mi disciplina, constancia y paciencia.
Ejercicio 2.- Escribe los enunciados en los que identificas el uso de pronombres
* With today´s technology, management already has access to software programs
which do this for them.
* Who in turn will need to develop skills not traditionally associated with the job
*Accountants are finding that management doesn’t need them o report on the
Ejercicio 3.- Escribe en frente de cada enunciado, “V” para verdadero y “F” para
falso. Corrige aquellos enunciados falsos.
a) Accountants are not only seen as “bean counters”. ____V______
b) Technology is a disadvange for accountants nowadays. ____F____
c) Accountants will be employed only to send financial reports to their clients._
d) Accountants will need to update their skills according to the situations.
e) Accountants will always be perceived as people being in an office with lots
of papers. __V__
Ejercicio 4.- Escribe 3 enunciados usando relative pronouns, puedes utilizar el
vocabulario que a continuación se presenta.

accountants Efficiently Analize Critical to Send Work on Prepare Perform

operates data the success financial a financial several
of the reports computer budgets duties.

1. The girl who was dancing at the party is my Girlfriend

2. The animals that live here are adapted to extreme conditions.
3. He married a woman whose father is famous.

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