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Name: Abdul Mateen

Note: words count is 3000, only 10% less or more will be considered in the answer. All answers are mandatory.
Write the task number before giving answer to each task. (The answer sheet instruction words will be not considered
as answer word count.)

Task Number: ___1_____

Safe working with contractors presents a challenge. Outsourcing work will always reduce the amount of control
over the production or services but as the plant has round about 500 employees. Being a smaller company has its
own advantages. We can be more flexible in our approach and decisions can be made more quickly. Lines of
communication are shorter, usually there are not too many people involved and it is easier to know that the
contractor’s employees are working here.
Use of contractors in itself does not result in poor health and safety standards, but poor management can lead this
to injuries, ill health, additional costs and delays. We have to work closely with the contractor; this will reduce the
risks to our own employees and the contractor’s too.

We have to ensure the some of the basic obligations according to the Article 16 C155:
1. We should ensure about providing the workplace, machinery, equipment and the process under their
control are safe and without the risk to health.
2. We have to ensure that the chemical, physical and the biological substances and the agents under their
control re without risk to health.
3. We have to provide the adequate protective clothing and equipment to prevent risk of accidents or of
adverse effects on health.

It has been found that employers who put real effort in making health and safety practices effective gained many
benefits. For example, they save money from tighter control over using and storing materials. Better understanding
of health and safety leads to improved staff morale and industrial relations.
The chances of the occurrence of the accidents are more when the contractor’s job is excluded from the usual
methods of safe working if:
■ The hazards of their job haven’t been identified and steps have not been taken to minimize risks.
■ There is no one around to monitor and to make sure the contractor follows health and safety rules site.
Accidents with contractors can be caused due to poor communication when staff don’t know there is a contractor
working nearby and when contractors don’t know the dangers on site, to ensure the safety there should be good
Clearly, there is a need for communication and close co-operation between our management and the contractor so
that all risks associated with the job are covered. Contractors may prepare a detailed safety method statement on
how they intend to carry out the job so that risks are controlled and managed. This should be based on an
assessment of risks to the health and safety of employees and others who could be affected by the work.

 Unit IG1: Management of health nd safety

Word count (436)

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

Task Number: _____2___

We have to make sure that we are following the basic legislation of the health and safety. The accidents have never
been planned but they occur sometime due to the negligence of worker or the inspector who was monitoring.
We have to be ready and should have done the risk assessments, if we have not done before or we have not
prepared any system and even we are not following the basic legislation. If the accident happened we may have to
face the worse consequences, which might be costs more than our expectations.

A breach of health nd safety legislation is usually a criminal offense wherever you are in the world. And the failure
to meet the legal standards might lead to:
 Formal enforcement action
 Prosecution of the organization in the criminal courts
 Prosecution of the individual, such as the directors managers and workers

According to these points, an enforcement agency might be force an employer either to make an improvement
within given time period or to stop carrying out high risk activities all together until improvements are made. And
the prosecution might result punishment in the form of a fine nd it also could be improsinment.

 Unit IG1: Management of health nd safety

Word count (200)

Task Number: ____3____

First of all the risk assessment is the formal process of identifying preventive nd protective measured measures by
eluting the risks rising from hazard taking in to account the adequacy of by existing controls and deciding that the
risk is acceptable or not.
By following this method we can control the occurrence of the accidents and set the control measures to prevent
from the accidents. As in the given scenario the pregnant woman has been observed in the site. The workplace
needs to be informed and a pregnancy risk assessment needs to be completed. A pregnant worker is more
susceptible to an injury to themselves or to the unborn child. Pregnant woman nd the new mothers while breast
feeding are more risk from the certain types of hazards in most of these instance the hazards presents risk not
only to the woman but also to the unborn baby. Many of these hazards can cause miscarriage, birth defects or ill
health in the baby. Consequently, new and expectant mothers are often picked out by local law which requires that
they should be provided with the special consideration through the risk assessment process. There are few hazards
we have to consider while developing risk assessment keeping in mind about the pregnant women.
 Chemicals( for example lead)
 Certain biological agents( for example the Rubella virus)
 Manual handling especially later in pregnancy
 Extreme of temperature
 Whole body Vibration
 Ionizing radiation
 Night shift work
 Stress and violence

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

While developing risk assessment we should keep in mind the pregnant woman that what kind of work she is
doing at the work place, It may be necessary to change the type of work if it is not safe for her or we can change
the way of doing that work that is safer for her. And we can change the work type for the woman.

 Unit IG1: Management of health nd safety

Words count (308)

Task Number: __4___

Temporary works may be consider as constructions, that will not be a permanent structure but instead of that we
have to create the infrastructure of the site (e.g. bridges, tunnels etc.) or as part of the construction of the
permanent feature such as scaffolding or a necessary support structure.

As in the scenario according to there is no construction but there could be different temporary works as the
manufacturer’s repairs the pressure vessels boilers and other heavy equipment. Temporary works can be very
minor, short-duration work such as painting and decorating a small office, repairing damage to coping stones on
top of a brick wall, or excavation of a shallow trench to give access to buried telephone wires, etc. Temporary
works usually fall under the category of earthworks, structures or the foundations for equipment such as cranes.

There will be widely contrasting numbers and severity of risks at every place of work. The hazards associated with
these temporary works will vary depending on the nature of the works themselves.
These might include,

 Hazards associated with the work environment (such as extreme outdoor temperatures).

 Hazards associated with safe movement through the temporary work site (such as slips,
trips, and falls).

 Working at height (such as falls from height and falling objects).

 Vehicle hazards (such as vehicle overturn).

 Manual handling (such as the lifting of components during maintenance activities).

 Lifting operation hazards (such as the collapse of a mobile crane).

 Tools and equipment hazards (such as mechanical hazards).

 Fire hazards associated with work activities (such as cutting and grindings) and flammable
liquid and gas use (such as propane).

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

There are some control measures relating to management of temporary works:
The control measures for management of temporary works to overcome the hazards include:
 Communication and Co-operation
 Risk Assessment
 Segregation
 Emergency procedures
 Welfare provision

These are the some of the basic points to overcome the hazards related to the temporary works, the most effective
thing is effective communication and co-operation between the various parties that are
performing the temporary works. This communication and co-operation are best if achieved by
pre-work planning meetings of all of the parties involved.
The temporary works and its impact on the existing workplace must be fully risk assessed. This
assessment must include consideration all of the hazards associated with the temporary works.
All of the people involved in temporary works must be competent. We should make sure the
area where the temporary works performed is segregated well from existing workplace.


(Word count 411)

Task Number: ____5____

A permit to work is a documented procedure that authorized by certain people to carry out specific work within a
specified time frame. It sets out the precautions required to complete the work safely, based on a risk assessment.
As per the given scenario the permit to work contained just two sections which are just the issuing and receiving
sections, so we have to improve this and the permit to work must contain the following general sections; Issue,
Receipt, Clarence/Return to service, Cancellation and Extension.
In the issuance section it should be described that in which section the work is going to be carried out. The date
and time of the issue and the duration of the work. In the receipt there will be signature of the competent person
accepting the permit. And the clearance section contains the signature of the competent persons stating that the
area has been made safe. The cancelation section have authorized manager’s signature to accept the hand-back of
the work place from the workers. The extension section includes some permit systems in case there is any overrun
of the work.

The issuance section of the permit defines the work, identifies the hazards and determines the necessary safety
An authorized manger must complete this section. This will require them to carry out a risk assessment of the

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

work on order to identify all the relevant hazards and the prosecutions the manager must be competent to do this.
The authorizing manager must specify:
 The exact nature of the work.
 Where the work can take place
 The names of each of the workers authorized to carry out the work.
 The date and time that work can start.
 The period of time permit is valid for.
 The controls measures that must be in place before, during and after the work.
 Any restrictions
 Any other permits that may be relevant.

The authorizing manager sign the permit to formally which confirm that all necessary prosecutions have been
taken and that work can now start, providing the necessary prosecution. The manager’s name and signature along
with the date and time should be clear.

 › wiki › Permit-to-work
 Unit IG1: Management of health nd safety

(Word count 338)

Task Number: ____6____

As per the scenario there is no SSOW regarding industrial radiography operations. After all, without a set method
for carrying out a task safely and a recognized procedure in place to deal with non-routine processes, the threat of
mistakes being made is high.
Safe systems of work for the industrial radiography is developed by taking into account the people, material
environment, and equipment involved in undertaking a task, identifying all foreseeable hazards and assessing the
risks, and then seeking to minimize or eliminate these risks by providing a formal framework for workers to follow.

Here are basic steps to developing safe systems of work,

1. Task assessment
2. Hazard identification and risk assessment
3. Defining safe methods
4. Implementing the system
5. Monitoring

A safe system of work should be based on a thorough assessment of the task the system is to cover, so it’s
important that all aspects of the radiography are examined and put into writing to make sure that no elements of
the task are overlooked. This assessment should be done by supervisory staff with input from workers with
detailed knowledge about the radiography. That way, the system of work produced is effective and practical as well
as safe, and any assumptions that supervisors might have about methods of work don’t differ from reality.

 The law requires employers to conduct a ‘suitable and sufficient’ assessment of all risks that employees
and others may be exposed to. Identifying possible causes of harm, Evaluating the likelihood of that harm
occurrence nd the availability of the safeguards. And further safeguarding measures where necessary to reduce the
risk to as low a level as reasonably practicable.
 If we can’t eliminate hazards and risks remain, then procedures to ensure a safe method of work must be
worked out. Instructions must be given by supervisors or manager because leaving your workers to come up with
their own method of work might be not a safe system of work.

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

Safe systems of work will only be effective if properly implemented and maintained.
In order to ensure safe systems of work are followed every time, your employees must be trained adequately to
carry out the process correctly.The workers should be competent to carry out the work safely and
Aware of the systems and hazards which the safe methods aim to remove/reduce.
It is vital that everyone appreciates the need for the system and its role in preventing accidents. Particular training
should be organized.
Our system must be carried out on each and every occasion. This requires effective monitoring: regularly checking
to make sure that the system remains appropriate for the task and that it is being fully complied with. It is not
enough to only check systems after an accident.


 Unit IG1: Management of health nd safety

Task Number: _ 7__

According to the given scenario, the workers are not appreciated while they raise any complaint about the health
and safety risks. As per the scenario there is negative health and safety culture has permuted in the organization.
In an organization with a negative health and safety culture, the majority of workers thinks and feels that health
and safety is not important as they are poorly educated and see it as unnecessary or any interference.

Here are five  indicators that your organizations safety culture is negative; Poor Incident/accident reporting,
investigation and analysis-Many incidents go unreported. Management blames individuals for accidents,
Individuals are blamed, and it is believed that accidents and injuries are a part of the job. No Balance between
safety and profitability, Profitability is the only concern in the organization. Feedback loop is not closed after an
accident, following an accident the focus is on the employee, and they are often disciplined. Poor communication
of safety issues with the workforce-Management is not interested except to tell workers not to complain or cause

According to a study conducted by the HSE, “The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and
group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commit and the
style and proficiency of an organization’s health and safety management”.
Changing the safety culture of an organization can be difficult and is not a simple task.

Here are few steps that management can take to build a strong safety culture, thereby improving safety
performance and preventing accidents:

1. Define safety responsibilities for all levels of the organization.

2. Develop upstream measures (e.g., number of reports of hazards/suggestions, number of committee
projects/successes, etc.).
3. Align management and supervisors through establishing a shared vision of safety and health goals and
objectives considering the productions.

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

4. Implement a process that holds managers and supervisors accountable for visibly being involved, setting
the proper example, and leading a positive change for safety and health.
5. Evaluate and rebuild any incentives and disciplinary systems for safety and health as necessary.
6. Ensure the safety committee is functioning appropriately (e.g., membership, responsibilities/functions,
authority, meeting management skills, etc.).
7. Evaluate and rebuild the incident investigation system as necessary to ensure that it is timely, complete,
and effective. It should get to the root causes and avoid blaming workers.

 Unit IG1: Mngement of health nd safety

(Word count 388)

Task Number: ___8_____

As per the scenario, there are a lot of flood incidents during the monsoon season. No emergency measures were
taken by the organization to prevent the floods. Many governmental agencies are dedicated to alerting the
community to road closures during our thunderstorm season. IN the city of Tucson's Operation Splash and Pima
County Department of Transportation pre-deploy barricades and emergency flashers to locations where they know
water will be running across roadways, causing major problems for motorists.
Local law enforcement and fire departments pre-deploy response teams into areas that are known to become
inaccessible during heavy rain and runoff conditions.
So, the following arrangements must be within the organization to avoid flooding.

We have to action according to the all the emergencies that come in the future, such as floods during the monsoon
season. From the notes we can get idea about the direction of the flood nd the destruction it creates. There should
be emergency alarm inside this organization which tend to create the situation so the everyone can get an idea
about the situation. If God forbid a flood comes, what procedure should they use, for example, which way should
they go? There must be availability of suitable equipment that can be used and to prevent flooding, for example
life jackets etc. And in the event of a flood, there should be staff who know how to swim well and deal with a flood-
like situation so that if a servant drowns, he can be easily rescued. Arrangements for contacting emergency
services: internal emergency must be made by the organization to prevent from the foreseeable incidents. Like a
flood situation here, it should have all kinds of international emergency arrangements. They should have
communication devices so that people who can't hear the alarm can be informed by calling etc. As it can be an
emergency like flood. The person working there should be given proof training on what to do if such a situation
arises. At the time of emergency like flood, if a person drowns and is evacuated immediately after the evacuation, a
place should be reserved for first aid so that they can come to the place easily.
They should be trained well what tools are needed to give first aid to a drowned person? We should have our own
personal staff of providing first aid in the event of a flood.

 Unit IG1: Mngement of health nd safety

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

Word count (395)

Task Number: ____9____

The term incident can be defined as an occurrence, condition, or situation arising in the course of work that
resulted in or could have resulted in injuries, illnesses, damage to health, or fatalities. Investigations often find that
similar scenarios have occurred previously but, for a variety of reasons, did not result in serious consequences. This
is increasingly recognized in high-risk industries where “near misses” are also investigated as well as incidents
which actually resulted in loss.

A six-step, structured approach to incident investigation to ensure that all the causes are uncovered and addressed
by appropriate actions.
 Immediate investigation
 Plan the investigation
 Corrective actions
 Data collection
 Data analysis
 Reporting

In the event of an incident, immediate action to be taken may include making the area safe, preserving the scene
and notifying relevant parties. Planning ensures that the investigation is systematic and complete. What resources
will be required? Information about the incident is available from numerous sources, not only people involved or
witnesses to the event, but also from equipment, documents and the scene of the incident.

Typically, an incident is not just a single event, but a chain of events. The sequence of events needs to be
understood before identifying why the incident happened.When asking why, we need to identify the root and
underlying causes, as well as the direct causes. Failures and mistakes don’t just happen by themselves;
organizations allow error-enforcing environments that encourage direct causes to develop and persist. Such
environments, and the basic management failings behind them, are the root causes – the ultimate source of the


Word count (259)

Task Number: ___10_____

The organization should review and improve its safety and health management system continuously, so that its
overall safety and health performance improves constantly. The organization can learn from relevant experience
and apply the lessons. There should be a systematic review of performance based on data from monitoring and

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

from independent audits of the whole safety and health management system. These form the basis of complying
with the organization’s responsibilities under the 2005 Act and other statutory provisions. There should be a strong
commitment to continuous improvement involving the development of policies, systems and techniques of risk
control. Performance should be assessed by:
 internal reference to key performance indicators
 external comparison with the performance of business competitors and best practice in the organisation’s
employment sector.
Many companies now report on how well they have performed on worker safety and health in their annual reports
and how they have fulfilled their responsibilities with regard to preparing and implementing their Safety
Statements. In addition, employers have greater responsibilities under Section 80 of the 2005 Act on ‘Liability of
Directors and Officers of Undertakings’ that requires them to be in a position to prove they have pro-actively
managed the safety and health of their workers. Data from this ‘Auditing and reviewing performance’ process
should be used for these purposes. 



Word count (215)

NEBOSH IG1 Open-book examination Mock Exercise V.1.0 Answer Sheet

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