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*List the names of the group member. Write the family name first and it should be alphabetically arranged.

Performed Listened to
Member’s Name Contribution Cooperation Individual Others/ Enthusiasm Attendance TOTAL
Task Communication
Malayo, Shirley 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Molana, Genevie 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Moniva, Aiza Jane
Narsico, Eddie 10 10 10 10 10 10 10


Poor Fair Good Excellent

0-3 pts 4-6-pts 7-9pts 10 pts
Contribution Poor Fair Good Excellent

Rarely contributed Occasionally contributed Actively contributed Constantly contributed

thoughts or insights, if thoughts and ideas to thoughts and ideas to thoughts and ideas to
any. the group project. the group project. the group. Came
Contributions were of fair Contributions were of prepared to group
quality. good quality. meetings with
constructive ideas.
Contributions were
thoughtful and of high

Cooperation Poor Fair Good Excellent

Uncooperative and Cooperative at times. Cooperative and Highly cooperative and

difficult to work with. Had some difficulty productive. Took a worked extremely well
Seemed to be counter interacting with others. proactive approach to with other group
productive. Negative Attitude was fair. completing the members. Was a
attitude. assignement. Had a positive influence to
positive attitude. group work.

Performed Individual Poor Fair Good Excellent

Failed to complete Completed some Completed most Completed all individual
individual assignments, individual assignments. individually assigned assignements and the
forcing others to Did not complete fully, or tasks. Or did complete individual tasks were of
complete incomplete did complete fully but not fully, but some of the high quality.
portions. high quality work. work was of fair quality.

Listened to Others / Poor Fair Good Excellent

Lacked acceptable Communication was fair, Communication was Excellent
communication skills. but could have been good. Worked well with communication.
Did not listen to what better. Worked generally others. Communication helped
others had to say. Did well with others. A few move the group in a
not work well in group. instances of forward direction.
miscommunications. Worked very well with

Enthusiasm Poor Fair Good Excellent

Lacked enthusiasm. No Moderately enthusiastic. Enthusiastic. Motivated. Very Enthusiastic. Very

motivation. Generally motivated. motivated.
Attendance Poor Fair Good Excellent

Attended none of the Rarely attended the Showed up to most of Attended all of the group
group meetings group meetings. Or the meeting. Or showed meetings.
showed up late to most up late to a few of the
meetings without meetings without
informing others. informing others.

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