Geomorphology: Fred A. Kruse

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Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / g e o m o r p h

Mapping surface mineralogy using imaging spectrometry

Fred A. Kruse ⁎,1
Department of Geological Sciences & Engineering and Arthur Brant Laboratory for Exploration Geophysics, University of Nevada, Reno, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Imaging spectrometry, simultaneous measurement of spectra and images in up to hundreds of spectral
Received 2 March 2010 channels or bands, is a proven technology for identifying and mapping minerals based on their reflectance or
Received in revised form 2 September 2010 emissivity signatures. Also known as hyperspectral imaging or “HSI”, extraction of key spectral signatures
Accepted 8 September 2010
from these data allows direct identification of iron minerals such as hematite, goethite, and jarosite in the
Available online 31 March 2011
visible/near infrared (VNIR); clays, carbonates, micas, sulfates, and other minerals in the short wave infrared
(SWIR); and silicates and carbonates in the long wave infrared (LWIR). The unique capability of imaging
Spectral mineral mapping spectrometry to produce detailed maps of the spatial distribution of specific minerals, mineral assemblages,
Remote sensing geomorphology and mineral variability on the surface of Earth makes it an ideal tool for enhanced geomorphic mapping. Case
Imaging spectrometry histories illustrate the use of HSI for characterizing and mapping active and relict geothermal/hydrothermal
Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) systems and determining relations between mineralogy and derived landforms. Imaging spectrometry, used
3-D geologic visualization in conjunction with complimentary datasets such as InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar), Light
Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), or stereo (photogrammetric-derived) digital elevation models (DEMs),
provides a unique means of visualizing the spatial distribution and association of mineralogy with
topography, thus contributing to the understanding of the relations between geology and landscape and to
improved interpretation of surface geologic processes.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction elevation models (Dikau et al., 1991; Drăguţ and Blaschke, 2006;
Glenn et al., 2006; Kouli and Seymour, 2006; Santini et al., 2009).
1.1. General Though terrain characteristics are typically at least partially controlled
by the underlying bedrock and weathering products, and aerial pho-
Landforms are physical features on the surface of Earth defined by tography and aircraft/satellite imagery have played significant roles in
surface shape and topographic expression, and location in the studying landforms (Short and Blair, 1986; Way and Everett, 1997),
landscape (Hammond, 1954, 1964). They are usually defined on the the bulk of geomorphic analyses still use topography only, and spec-
basis of homogeneous terrain characteristics and result from the tral remote sensing has not played a significant role. Recent remote
actions of common geological processes over time (Hammond, 1964; sensing advances in the area of imaging spectrometry (or hyperspec-
Dikau, 1989; Bolongaro-Crevenna et al., 2005). Simple examples tral imaging, “HSI”) analysis provide new tools, that when linked with
include mountains, hills, tablelands, and plains (Hammond 1964). high-quality digital terrain models available from systems such as
More recent subdivisions include ridges, valleys, slopes, terraces, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), Interferometric Synthetic
saddles, fans, channels, flood plains, escarpments, basins, etc. Aperture Radar (InSAR), and stereo-capable optical satellite systems
(MacMillan et al., 2000). Other more specific examples are those such as the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection
associated with selected geologic processes such volcanic activities, Radiometer (ASTER), provide additional potential for putting the
fluvial and glacial environments, wind, the coastal zone, and erosion landscapes into geologic context and providing new insight into the
and weathering (see geologic processes causing specific configurations of landforms.
Considerable recent effort has been expended on developing
approaches and methods for analyzing landforms using digital 1.2. Mineral mapping using imaging spectrometry

The physics of visible/near-infrared (VNIR), short-wave-infrared

(SWIR) and long-wave-infrared (LWIR) spectroscopy are well known.
⁎ MS 172, Department of Geological Sciences & Engineering and Arthur Brant Key spectral features in these regions allow identification of a variety
Laboratory for Exploration Geophysics, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557, United
of materials using laboratory and field spectroscopy, including
States. Tel.: + 1 303 499 9471; fax: +1 970 668 3614.
E-mail addresses:, minerals, vegetation, man-made materials, snow and ice, and water
Permanent Address: P.O. Box 5775, Frisco, Colorado 80443, United States. (Salisbury et al., 1991; Clark et al., 2003, 2007). In geology, electronic

0169-555X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
42 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

processes at wavelengths less than ~ 1.0 μm allow (in addition to

others) VNIR spectral identification of minerals containing Fe+ 2 and
Fe+ 3 (Hunt et al., 1971a,b) (Fig. 1, left). Molecular vibrational
features, occurring between ~ 1.0 and 2.5 μm in the SWIR, are
diagnostic of minerals containing anion groups such as Al–OH, Mg–
OH, Fe–OH, Si–OH, CO3, NH4, and SO4 (Hunt and Salisbury, 1970,
1971; Hunt et al., 1971a,b, 1972; Clark et al., 2007) (Fig. 1, right).
Silicates, carbonates, and other minerals have primary restrahlen
features in the 8–14 μm (LWIR) wavelength range (Farmer, 1974;
Salisbury et al., 1991) (Fig. 2). Small differences in absorption band
position and shape in the VNIR-SWIR (or emissivity for the LWIR) are
correlated with mineral compositional differences and variability
(Gaffey, 1986; Salisbury et al., 1991; Duke, 1994; Cloutis et al., 2006).
Imaging spectrometry, “the acquisition of images in hundreds of
registered, contiguous spectral bands such that for each picture
element of an image it is possible to derive a complete reflectance or
emissivity spectrum”, is technology that has been available since the
early 1980s (Fig. 3) (Goetz et al., 1985). It has also become known as
“Hyperspectral Imaging” or ‘HSI’. Its utility for detailed VNIR-SWIR
mineral mapping has been effectively demonstrated (Goetz et al.,
1985; Kruse, 1988; Kruse et al., 1993b, 2006; Rowan et al., 2003;
Vaughan et al., 2003; Kruse and Perry, 2009). Though not discussed
here, recent research has also demonstrated mineral mapping in the
LWIR using emissivity spectra like those in Fig. 2 (Cudahy et al., 2001;
Vaughan et al., 2003; Vaughan and Calvin, 2004). Current airborne HSI
sensors provide high-spatial resolution (2–20 m), high-spectral
resolution (10–20 nm), and high signal-to-noise (SNR) (N500:1)
data for a variety of scientific disciplines. The Airborne Visible/Infrared
Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) represents the current state of the art.
AVIRIS, flown by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is a 224-
channel imaging spectrometer with approximately 10 nm spectral
resolution covering the 0.4–2.5 μm spectral range (Green et al., 1998).
AVIRIS is flown as a research instrument on the NASA ER-2 aircraft at
an altitude of approximately 20 km, resulting in approximately 20-m
pixels and a 10.5-km swath width. Since 1998, it has also been flown Fig. 2. LWIR emissivity spectra of quartz, carbonates from the John Hopkins University
spectral library (Salisbury et al., 1991). Absorption spectra converted to emissivity.
on a Twin Otter aircraft at low altitude, yielding 2–4 m spatial
resolution. A number of other airborne instruments exist; both
commercial and developed by various governments around the world marked the establishment of VNIR/SWIR spaceborne imaging spec-
(see trometer mapping capabilities. Hyperion is a satellite sensor covering
The launch of the EO-1 Hyperion sensor by NASA in November 2000 the 0.4 to 2.5 μm spectral range with 242 spectral bands at

Fig. 1. Left: Iron mineral VNIR reflectance spectra of hematite, goethite, and jarosite. Right: Reflectance spectra of selected minerals with absorption features in the 2.0–2.5 μm
(SWIR) spectral range. Spectra from USGS spectral library (Clark et al., 2007).
F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56 43

Fig. 3. The imaging spectrometer concept. Each pixel of the image yields a continuous spectrum that can be used to measure atmospheric properties and/or to identify the surface
materials (Goetz et al., 1985; Vane, 1985). A: Atmospheric Transmission, B: Minerals, C: Water, D: Green Vegetation. (Modified from
html; original source of JPL-modified figure thought to be (Vane, 1985). Atmospheric transmission spectrum courtesy of Rob Green, JPL.

approximately 10 nm spectral resolution and 30 m spatial resolution from the data. A matched-filtering approach modified by a linear
from a 705 km orbit (Pearlman et al., 2003). Hyperion captures a mixing model (Mixture-Tuned-Matched-Filtering, MTMF) is used to
spectrum at each image picture element (pixel) with 242 spectral determine mineral occurrence and abundance on a per-pixel basis
bands over a 7.5 km-wide swath perpendicular to the satellite motion (Boardman, 1998; Mundt et al., 2007). Examples below in the results
along an up to 160 km path length. Key Hyperion characteristics are section principally show mineral maps produced using data from the
discussed further in (Green et al., 2003) and Hyperion data are Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) with one
available for download from the U. S. Geological Survey (See the USGS example from a commercial sensor “Terra”. Numerous other HSI
E0-1 Website: Thousands of Hyperion scenes sensors are available. Secondarily, the combination of the results of
have been acquired around the world. The EO-1 Science Validation surface mineral mapping with digital elevation models (DEMs) is used
Team has evaluated and validated the instrument. Selected results to generate terrain-delimited mineral maps and 3-D visualizations
have been published in various venues (Asner and Green, 2001; leading to enhanced geomorphic mapping and understanding.
Hubbard and Crowley, 2001; Kruse et al., 2003). Also see (Ungar et al., Atmospheric correction is a requirement for most imaging
2003) for a summary along with associated papers. spectrometer analysis applications. Data are routinely calibrated to
radiance by data providers using laboratory measurements validated
2. Approach and methods by in-flight calibration experiments (Green et al., 2003). Radiance
data are then corrected to reflectance utilizing the measured spectral
The analysis approach described here uses extraction of spectral images and atmospheric models such as MODTRAN and related
signatures from imaging spectrometer data and a variety of signature imaging-spectrometer-specific correction software (Gao and Goetz,
matching methods to identify and map specific minerals and mineral 1990; Richter and Schläpfer, 2002; Matthew et al., 2003; Kruse, 2004).
assemblages exposed at the surface of Earth. Calibrated radiance data This approach produces excellent surface reflectance data without
delivered by data providers are corrected for atmospheric effects and requiring the use of ground spectral measurements (Kruse, 2004).
representative spectra for key materials (endmembers) are extracted Atmospheric water-vapor features near 0.9 and 1.1 μm (which are
44 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

fully resolved using imaging spectrometer data) are used to estimate and how they are distributed. The approach used here involves
atmospheric water vapor concentration on a pixel-by-pixel basis. reducing the data to just a few key spectra that explain all of the data
These estimates are used along with data characteristics (band spectral variability, the “endmembers” (Fig. 4a for reference).
centers, full-width-half-max response) and acquisition parameters Geologic materials (and vegetation) mix at the surface (as aerial
(ground elevation, flight altitude, site latitude/longitude, date and mixtures) in such a way that the mixed spectra are linear
time) with the atmospheric model to produce a per-pixel reflectance combinations of the endmember spectra occurring in a specific pixel
corrected dataset. Field validation is often used to finalize results for (Boardman, 1993; Boardman et al., 1995). Once the endmembers
detailed site-specific studies. have been determined, then the locations and abundances can be
Spectral signatures in the atmospherically corrected imaging estimated and are mapped using several spectral matching ap-
spectrometer data are used to find what minerals occur at the surface proaches (Kruse et al., 1993a; Boardman, 1998; Kruse, 2008)

Fig. 4. NDV endmember plot, mineral endmember abundance maps (and color figure combined mineral map) for the northern Death Valley site. a: Spectral Endmember Plot,
b: True-Color-Composite Image (0.65, 0.55, 0.45 μm, RGB), c: Calcite Matched Filter (MF) Abundance Image, d: Dolomite MF Abundance Image, e: Muscovite #1 MF Abundance
Image, f: Muscovite #2 MF Abundance Image, g: Muscovite #3 MF Abundance Image, h: Silica MF Abundance Image, i: Zeolite MF Abundance Image, j: Mineral map produced using
MF abundance images and mixing feasibility (infeasibility) data (Boardman, 1998; Kruse et al., 2000).
F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56 45

Fig. 4 (continued).

(Fig. 4a–j). Operationally the method consists of applying the and a mixture feasibility image (infeasibility score) showing the
following steps to the imaging spectrometer data, summarized in spectrally predominant material (Fig. 4j) (Boardman, 1998; Kruse
(Kruse et al., 2000; Kruse and Boardman, 2000): et al., 2000).
(1) Correction of imaging spectrometer data for atmospheric
3. Selected mineral mapping results
effects using a MODTRAN-based atmospheric model such as
ACORN, FLAASH, or ATCOR (Kruse, 2004)
The examples below illustrate the results of mineral mapping for a
(2) Spectral compression, noise suppression, and dimensionality
variety of minerals and geologic environments.
reduction using the Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transfor-
mation (Green et al., 1988; Boardman, 1993; Mundt et al., 2007)
3.1. Northern Death Valley, NV/CA (AVIRIS)
(3) Determination of endmember occurrences using convex geomet-
ric methods (Pixel Purity Index – “PPI”) (Boardman et al., 1995)
A site in northern Death Valley (NDV) is used to illustrate the basic
(4) Extraction of endmember spectra using n-dimensional scatter
results of mineral mapping for characterization of hydrothermal
plotting and visualization (Boardman and Kruse, 1994)
systems and exploration and exploitation of metallic ore deposits.
(5) Identification of mineral endmember spectra using visual
This area is approximately halfway between Reno and Las Vegas,
inspection, automated identification, and spectral library
Nevada, USA, directly on the California, Nevada border, within Death
comparisons (Kruse et al., 1993b; Kruse, 2008)
Valley National Park. It has previously been observed by numerous
(6) Production of mineral maps using a variety of mapping
other remote sensing instruments (Kruse, 1988; Kruse et al., 1999;
methods. The “Spectral Angle Mapper” (SAM) produces maps
Kruse and Perry, 2009). PreCambrian bedrock in the area consists of
of the spectrally predominant mineral for each pixel by
limestones, dolomites, and sandstones. A Mesozoic quartz monzonite-
comparing the angle between the image spectra and reference
composition stock was intruded into these at depth, altered by
spectra in n-dimensional vector space (Kruse et al., 1993a).
hydrothermal fluids (quartz-sericite-pyrite or “QSP” alteration), then
“Mixture-Tuned-Matched-Filtering” (MTMF) is a partial linear
eroded to its present surface exposures (Wrucke et al., 1984; Kruse,
spectral unmixing procedure that finds and maps specific
1988). Minor copper mineralization occurs along NW-trending
minerals constrained by mixing with a composite (unknown)
fractures. AVIRIS data collected 9 June 2000 at 20 m spatial resolution
background (Boardman, 1998; Mundt et al., 2007).
were analyzed using the image-based spectral endmember approach
The results from the imaging spectrometer mineral mapping are described above. The data were corrected to reflectance using a
typically presented as multiple gray-scale abundance images (one per MODTRAN-based atmospheric model, ACORN (Kruse, 2004) (http://
endmember) (Fig. 4c–i), and/or combined as a single classified image, endmember spectra were determined, and
utilizing a combination of the Matched Filter (MF) abundance image locations and abundances mapped using MTMF. Minerals signatures
46 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

extracted from the data included calcite, dolomite, three varieties of altered rocks at several locations along the west and north sides of the
muscovite, silica, and zeolites (Fig. 4). The mineral identifications and inferred ring-fracture system (Wendt, 2003).
mapped distributions are consistent with previous mapping results AVIRIS data acquired 12 July, 2002 at approximately 20 m spatial
using other sensors and verified by spot checking of surface resolution were analyzed using the approaches described above. Data
mineralogy using field and laboratory spectral measurements and were corrected to reflectance using the ACORN atmospheric model,
X-Ray diffraction of selected hand samples (Kruse, 1988; Kruse et al., endmembers were determined using the reflectance data, and spatial
1993b; Kruse and Perry, 2009). Of note, the AVIRIS mineral map distributions were mapped using Mixture-Tuned-Matched-Filtering.
clearly shows the NW-trending alteration system (Muscovite #1, Minerals identified and mapped using the imaging spectrometer data
Fig. 4e, j), and the separation of calcite and dolomite in the included alunite, kaolinite, dickite, muscovite, jarosite, silica, and
Precambrian roof pendant (Fig. 4c, d, and j). Based on all available calcite (Fig. 6). Comparison of on-the-ground mineralogy at Goldfield,
information, the AVIRIS mineral map itself is the best mineral map determined using a field spectrometer to the AVIRIS-mapped
available for the site. alteration, verified the mineralogy and distribution shown in the
imaging spectrometer mineral maps (Fig. 7).

3.2. Goldfield, NV (AVIRIS)

3.3. Beatty, Nevada (Terra HSI)
The Goldfield mining district, located approximately 40 km
(25 mi) south of Tonopah, Nevada, USA, is a volcanic center thought The Beatty, Nevada study area is located in the southwestern Great
to be a resurgent caldera (Ransome, 1909; Ashley, 1974, 1979). It has Basin, USA, within the southern portion of the Goldfield structural
been described as the type locality for the Epithermal Bonanza deposit block, which is part of the Walker Lane structural zone (Taranik et al.,
of the enargite-gold or quartz-alunite type (Berger, 1992; Rockwell, 2007). Whereas a wide variety of rock types and ages occur in the
2000). At least two periods of volcanism occurred and extensive Beatty area, it is largely characterized as a Tertiary volcanic
hydrothermal alteration was caused by convective circulation of environment. Various tuff and hydrothermally altered rock units are
hydrothermal solutions along a zone of caldera ring fractures and seen throughout the area (Aslett et al., 2008). Tectonic extension in
linear extensions (Ransome, 1909; Ashley, 1974, 1979, 1990; Rowan the Beatty area began in the mid- to late-Miocene and resulted in
et al., 1974) (Fig. 5). Ore bodies (native gold, enargite and/or luzonite- tilting. Additional volcanism and circulation of hydrothermal fluids
group minerals) occurred in silicified zones in advanced argillically resulted in mineralization, currently exposed at the surface. Regional

Fig. 5. Goldfield Mining District Alteration Map (from (Ashley, 1990) showing approximate outline of AVIRIS coverage (dark black box).
F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56 47

Fig. 6. Left: endmember spectra extracted from the 2002 Goldfield AVIRIS data. Right: MTMF mineral map produced using the endmembers at left. Numbers mark locations of ground
spectral measurements shown in Fig. 7.

geologic studies in this area examined the feasibility of caldera- volcanism throughout the late Cenozoic (Ruppel, 1972), with the
related vs. detachment faulting mineralization events and concluded geyser basins underlain entirely by Quaternary-age rhyolitic rocks
that the mineralization of mineral deposits was related to detachment (Breckenridge and Hinckley, 1978). Regional fault systems and the
faulting (Sawyer et al., 1994). Beatty and vicinity have multiple hot Yellowstone Caldera control the distribution of thermal features (Eaton
springs, caused by increased heat flow related to crustal extension et al., 1975; White et al., 1988). The entire area has been extensively
(Taranik et al., 2007). glaciated, and many of the springs and geysers issue from stream and
High-spatial-resolution imaging spectrometer data were acquired glacial sediments derived from the rhyolites (Pierce, 1979).
for the Beatty area during 2007 and 2008 for the University of Nevada, The Upper, Midway, and Lower Geyser Basins of Yellowstone
Reno in support of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research (Taranik National Park occur along the Firehole River in the west central part
et al., 2007). Commercial “Terra” hyperspectral data were collected at of the park (Fig. 9, left). The Upper Basin, containing over 150 hot
approximately 1 m spatial resolution. The Terra sensor measures 366 springs and geysers, extends approximately 5 km northwest from Old
spectral bands total in the 0.4–2.5 μm range with approximately 6-nm Faithful along both sides of the river (Breckenridge and Hinckley,
spectral sampling ( Data are calibrat- 1978). The large majority of thermal features have high flow, alkaline-
ed to radiance by the data provider and converted to “empirical line composition waters, many of which commonly discharge directly into
(EL)” reflectance using ground targets. Mineral endmember spectra the river. Some acid-dominated systems occur along the fringes of the
were extracted from Terra data acquired 9 and 10 April 2007 and basin, characterized by low flow and minimal deposition of sinter and
MTMF mineral abundance mapping was performed (Fig. 8). Minerals sulfur. Midway Basin occurs downstream along the Firehole River and
identified and mapped include kaolinite, alunite, muscovite, and silica contains approximately 30 springs with predominantly alkaline
along with green and dry vegetation. Field verification was performed chemistry, including the largest single hot spring in the world, the
utilizing spot measurements with an ASD FieldSpecPro spectropho- Grand Prismatic Spring, which is more than 100 m across. The Lower
tometer for selected locations. Geyser Basin is the largest of all of the Yellowstone geyser areas,
characterized by large, deep hot springs and alkaline geysers covering
3.4. Mineral mapping of active geothermal systems (Yellowstone, WY) an area of approximately 40 km2. As in the Upper Geyser Basin,
surrounding slopes and ridges characteristically have acid springs,
Yellowstone National Park covers nearly 3500 square miles in the mud pots, and fumaroles; some of the acid features, however, occur in
northwest corner of Wyoming and contains the largest concentration of close proximity to alkaline hot springs (Bryan, 1986).
geothermal features in the world (Rhinehart, 1980). The park contains AVIRIS data were acquired for portions of Yellowstone National
around 100 hot springs groups, totaling over 10,000 individual thermal Park during August 1996 as part of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
features (Bryan, 1986). Yellowstone has been the site of extensive efforts to map the national parks using AVIRIS data (Livo et al., 2007).
48 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

These data were calibrated to apparent reflectance using ATREM, an

older MODTRAN-based atmospheric correction method (Gao and
Goetz, 1990; Gao et al., 1993; Kruse, 2004). Data were then analyzed
using the standardized procedures previously described (Kruse et al.,
2000). Reconnaissance mineral mapping results using AVIRIS at 20 m
spatial resolution for the Upper, Midway, and Lower Geyser Basins
(alkaline-dominated with some acid springs) have been previously
described in (Kruse, 1997) and (Livo et al., 2007). Mineral end-
members were extracted from the data and distributions mapped
using the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), (Kruse et al., 1993a). These
results are shown in Fig. 9. The AVIRIS mineral mapping results serve
to illustrate the ability of AVIRIS to map hydrothermal silica in sinter
terraces using the SWIR wavelengths and differences in mineralogy
between the silica-rich alkaline basins and more acidic fringing areas
(denoted by kaolinite and alunite). Siliceous sinter, as used here, is a
spectral group of SiO2 minerals including opal, chalcedony, and
cristobalite derived from hydrothermal fluids and (or) the decompo-
sition of rhyolite (Livo et al., 2007).

4. Integration of imaging spectrometer results with

digital elevation models for improved geomorphic mapping
and visualization

4.1. Overview and background

The previous sections and examples along with applications cited

in Section 1.1 demonstrate the unique capabilities of imaging
spectrometers to identify and map minerals. Imaging spectrometer
mineral maps by themselves provide a synoptic overhead view of
surface mineralogy; however, these can be difficult to interpret
without additional information. This section presents examples of
how HSI mineral mapping can potentially be combined with digital
elevation models (DEMs) for improved geomorphic characterization
and mapping. The ancillary use of DEMs from a variety of sources is
Geomorphology initially started with surface observation, then
incorporated topographic maps into the analyses, and more recently,
digital elevation models (DEMs). For many years, the only source of
DEMs was from hand digitized or scanned maps and from stereo aerial
photography. A wide variety of high-quality DEM sources are now
available, however, including LiDAR, InSAR, and stereo-capable
optical satellites. DEMs are available on a near-global basis through
data generated by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and
the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM). SRTM DEM data
covering areas from approximately 60 N to 56 S latitude were derived
from Radar data acquired with a C-band interferometric synthetic
aperture radar system flown on the Space Shuttle (Farr et al., 2007).
The ASTER GDEM, covering the surface of Earth between approxi-
mately 83 N and 83 S latitude, was calculated based on photogram-
metric correlation of ASTER stereo pairs (Abrams et al., 2010). LiDAR
data, generated by measuring the ground elevation using a laser pulse
(Wehr and Lohr, 1999), provide another source of high resolution
DEMs (on the order of 15 cm vertical resolution), though currently on
a more limited spatial scale (local sites rather than global coverage).
Combined, these datasets herald a new era of high-quality DEM data
availability that has fostered a wide variety of geomorphic studies
using digital elevation models.
Many efforts at geomorphic mapping still concentrate almost
exclusively on use of DEMs and terrain/topography aspects. Recent
examples include characterization of volcanic (calderas) based on
topography and structure only (Kouli and Seymour, 2006; Prima and
Fig. 7. Goldfield ground spectra measured using an ASD FieldSpecPro spectrophotom-
eter. Key spectral features for specific minerals are indicated. Top: Site#2 spectrum –
Yoshida, 2010) and digital morphometry for objective characteriza-
Alunite, Kaolinite, and Jarosite. Center: Site #3 spectrum – Kaolinite and Jarosite, tion of fluvial, eolian and neotectonic features (Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger
Bottom: Site #6 – Alunite and Goethite. Locations shown in Fig. 6. et al., 2008). Other researchers have attempted geomorphic recon-
structions using multispectral remote sensing imagery or imaging
spectrometer data only, without the benefit of DEMs. Selected
F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56 49

Fig. 8. Left: Endmember spectra extracted from the Beatty 1 m Terra HSI data, Right: MTMF mineral map for the Beatty area using the endmember spectra at left.
50 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

Fig. 9. Yellowstone National Park AVIRIS: Left: Color Infrared Composite (0.82, 0.65, 0.55 μm as RGB). Right: Mineral Mapping. From (Livo et al., 2007).

multispectral examples include mapping dune sands and morphology the published literature. Sophisticated GIS-based and quantitative
using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data (Pease et al., 1999; Howari statistical approaches for combined multispectral and DEM analysis
et al., 2007), and general characterization and classification of are now possible (Das et al., 2010). Examples combining imaging
periglacial surfaces and geomorphological units in the Lena Delta, spectrometer data and DEMs for geomorphic analysis are, however,
NE Siberia utilizing their field and TM spectral properties (Ulrich et al., much more limited. Stream morphology and depth have been
2009). Hyperspectral examples include those geologic studies cited in mapped in Yellowstone National Park using the HyMap HSI system
the introduction section above as well as many others. Widespread to measure spectra of woody material and linear regression between
availability of high-quality aerial photographs, multispectral remote reflectance and field-measured depths to calculate stream bathyme-
sensing data, and DEMs, has naturally led, however, to some try (Marcus et al., 2003). A good example combining imaging
geomorphic studies combining imagery datasets and DEMs. Consid- spectrometer data (AVIRIS) with DEMs characterizes potential for
erable recent research has used DEMs combined with remote sensing debris flows in the context of volcanic hazards (Crowley et al., 2003).
data for applications such as glacier characterization (Paul et al., 2004) Recent work at Mt Etna, Italy using field spectral measurements, the
and landslide inventorying and mapping (Singhroy et al., 1998; Hyperion imaging spectrometer from NASA, and airborne LiDAR data
Casson et al., 2003; van Westen and Getahun, 2003). Singhroy used shows good correspondence between the spectral measurements and
combined InSAR DEMs and TM data, Casson used aerial photographs LiDAR intensities related to surface textural features of specific
and photogrammetric techniques to study landslide changes over volcanic materials such as tephra (Spinetti et al., 2009). Similar
time, whereas van Westen and Gethahun utilized multitemporal efforts utilizing AVIRIS and LiDAR data at Cuprite, NV show some
DEMs and aerial photo interpretation for similar purposes. Another relationships between mineralogy and LiDAR-derived surface rough-
example demonstrates mapping of landslides using spectral informa- ness (West and Resmini, 2009).
tion from the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) combined with
DEMs generated using Cartosat-1 data (Martha et al., 2009). Airborne 4.2. Examples utilizing mineral maps and DEMs
LiDAR elevation data have been used in fused classification of
multispectral IKONOS images over coastal areas (Lee and Shan, Preparation of the results of mineral mapping for geomorphic analy-
2003). Numerous other descriptions of various applications exist in sis and/or visualization requires the additional step of geocorrection
F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56 51

and registration of the mineral maps (and potentially the HSI data) to a intuit the relationships between the quartz-monzonite-porphyry
digital elevation model. Discussion of the approaches and methods used stock (central oval outlined area) vs. the carbonate roof pendants
for actual generation of appropriate DEMs is beyond the scope of this (A, B, C, D, Fig. 10). The enclosure of the calcite unit “B” by the
paper (see general references regarding InSAR, LiDAR, and photogram- dolomite unit “A” indicates a large-scale fold in the carbonate rocks. It
metric methods for generation of DEMs). Many imaging spectrometer can also easily be seen that unit “C” is a fan surface derived from the
datasets are now available with high precision geolocation information. calcite bedrock exposures. Unit “E”, mapped as zeolite within the
Where this is available, imagery results are matched to the DEM by boundaries of the stock, corresponds to an erosional remnant of the
transforming the data to the DEM map projection and spatial resolution. surrounding Tertiary-age volcanic tuffs. Additional structural infor-
Where georeferencing information is not available, it may be necessary mation was derived from the 3-D relationships as enhanced by
to select ground control points (GCPs) using the DEM, topographic interactive rotation of the perspective view. A large fault cuts the
maps, and/or another georeferenced image. Again, these procedures are center of the stock and along with several related smaller faults (all
not the main focus of this discussion, and readers are referred to general marked “F” on Fig. 10) offsets NW-trending QSP alteration mapped
textbooks and references on the above topics for additional information using the AVIRIS data. A large fan of transported material derived from
and detailed description of the approaches and methods, e.g.: (Novak, highly altered rocks (mapped as Muscovite#1) can also be seen at “G”
1992; Schläpfer and Richter, 2002; Richards and Jia, 2006). and a second fan derived from less altered rocks (mapped as
Muscovite #2) at “H”. Overall, the combined use of the AVIRIS mineral
4.2.1. Northern Death Valley AVIRIS mineralogy on ASTER DEM mapping and the DEM provides a powerful tool for enhanced geologic
The mineral map for northern Death Valley, shown in Fig. 4, was interpretation.
coregistered to a 30 m DEM subset derived from the recent, globally
available ASTER GDEM (Abrams et al., 2010). Visualization software, 4.2.2. Goldfield, NV AVIRIS mineralogy on photogrammetric DEM
the “Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI)” package (ITTVIS, The Goldfield, NV AVIRIS mineral maps, produced above and
2009) was used to generate a topography-draped mineralogy image. shown in Fig. 6, were coregistered to a 10 m DEM generated by
This image could then be rotated, zoomed, and panned in 3 photogrammetric methods from orthophotographs. Digital elevation
dimensions for improved determination of the relations between models like these are available for public download from the National
mineralogy and topography. The software also allows linking back to Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) ( for
the 2-D mineral map and individual band images and reflectance many parts of the USA. Again, the ENVI visualization software was
spectra to help verify specific mineral associations and variability. The used to generate the topography-draped mineralogy image. The
draped mineral image helps to clarify the relationships between ability to dynamically view these data with the DEM contributes to
mineralogy and topography (and geologic structure) at the northern improved understanding of the association of mineralogy with
Death Valley site. Fig. 10 shows the perspective image and caldera structure, topography, and bedrock weathering and transport
interpretation. The 3-D perspective view makes it possible to easily (Fig. 11). It becomes a simple task to interpret the ring fracture trace

Fig. 10. This 3-D perspective view of the results of AVIRIS mineral mapping for the northern Death Valley site overlain on AVIRIS Band 30 (0.65 μm) and draped on a subset of 30 m
ASTER GDEM makes it possible to easily intuit the relationships between the mineralized quartz-monzonite-porphyry stock (central oval outlined area) vs. the carbonate roof
pendants (A, B, C, D). The enclosure of the calcite unit “B” by the dolomite unit “A” indicates a large-scale fold in the carbonate rocks. It can also easily be seen that unit “C” is a fan
surface derived from the calcite bedrock exposures. Unit “E”, mapped as zeolite within the boundaries of the stock corresponds to an erosional remnant of the surrounding Tertiary-
age volcanic tuffs. A large fault cuts the center of the stock and along with several related smaller faults (all marked “F”) offsets NW-trending QSP alteration mapped using the AVIRIS
data. A large fan of transported material derived from highly altered rocks (mapped as Muscovite#1) can also be seen at “G” and a second fan derived from less altered rocks (mapped
as Muscovite #2) at “H”. Scale bar is approximate.
52 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

from the combined AVIRIS mineralogy and DEM perspective, thus, reconnaissance on some of these targets, analysis of these data is in-
establishing the clear connection between alunite distribution and the progress and further field verification is pending.
resistant ridges associated with the ring fracture zone. This also gives
us considerable information about the nature of the hydrothermal
fluids moving through these structures and responsible for gold 4.2.4. Yellowstone, WY AVIRIS on SRTM DEMs
mineralization at Goldfield (estimated formation temperatures and The Yellowstone National Park AVIRIS mineral map (Fig. 9) was
Ph based on mineralogy). coregistered to two different DEMs, 1) a 30 m spatial resolution SRTM
DEM (derived using Interferometric SAR methods), and 2) a 30 m
spatial resolution ASTER Global DEM (GDEM – derived from ASTER
4.2.3. Beatty Terra HSI mineralogy on LiDAR DEM stereo pairs) and perspective views were generated from each. No
The Beatty, NV Terra HSI mineral map, shown in Fig. 8, was significant differences exist in the appearance of the draped
coregistered to a 1 m DEM generated from LiDAR data collected 9 and perspective images on the two different DEMs. Only the SRTM-
10 April 2007 using Terra Remote Sensing's proprietary Terrain draped mineral maps are shown here (Fig. 13). The perspective views
Scanning LiDAR system ( (Fig. 12). serve to illustrate the association of most of the geothermal alteration
Addition of the terrain perspective helps to clarify relationships minerals with the valley bottoms and their spatial distribution.
between topography and mineralogy, including associations of Several large siliceous sinter deposits trend parallel to the Firehole
alunite- and kaolinite-dominated hills with mineral variability across River (see also (Livo et al., 2007). These are characteristic of those
the main highway. Proportions of each mineral (and silica) are found in alkaline, active hot-spring environments and are consistent
probably indicative of varying acid-sulfate conditions and control the with the known locations and mineralogy of the systems in the Lower,
relief. These probably represent portions of eroded hydrothermal Midway, and Upper Geyser Basins of Yellowstone. Kaolinite, indicat-
systems. Several lower relief exposures of apparent silica sinter and ing more acidic water, is present principally in the Lower Geyser
kaolinite/alunite alteration also appear to have morphologies similar Basin, but also occurs in peripheral areas spatially associated with
to sinter terraces commonly seen at active and fossilized hot springs. some flanking hillsides (red on the mineral map, Fig. 9, and
Finally, there are spatially-distinct, lower relief, less acidic areas perspective views, Fig. 13). Riparian vegetation is also spatially
dominated by muscovite mineralogy. The perspective view of the associated primarily with the valley bottoms, whereas the coniferous
mineral map also shows the use of the muscovite-rich materials for vegetation is mostly associated with hill slopes. Finally, other
road development and the transportation of these materials along the signatures associated with color differences, caused by thermophilic
back roads and onto the highway. Whereas we have performed field algae (Kokaly et al., 2007), appear to be spatially adjacent to actively

Fig. 11. Perspective view of the Goldfield Mining District from the southwest showing the overlay of the AVIRIS mineralogy on a digital orthophoto mosaic draped over a 10 m digital
elevation model. Note enhanced ability to relate mineralogy to topography and interpret the ring fracture trace from the combined AVIRIS mineralogy and DEM perspective. A clear
association of alunite exists with the resistant ridges associated with the ring fracture zone. Scale bar is approximate.
F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56 53

Fig. 12. Beatty, NV area Terra HSI mineral map overlain on 1 m LiDAR DEM. Note the association of kaolinite alteration mostly with silica-rich areas. Left: Perspective view looking
north. Right: Perspective view looking south. Scale bar is approximate.

flowing areas such as Grand Prismatic Spring in Midway Geyser Basin, terrains; soil characterization and mapping, determination of geologic
and other similar areas in Lower Geyser Basin. hazards caused by volcanoes and landslides; detection of alteration
associated with petroleum occurrences (seeps), and exploration and
5. Summary and conclusions exploitation of metallic mineral deposits. The readers are referred to
the scientific literature for examples.
Imaging spectrometry (or hyperspectral imaging, HSI) has been Recently, imaging spectrometry has been used in conjunction with
established as a robust technology for remotely mapping the complimentary datasets, such as InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic
distribution of spectrally active materials at the surface of Earth. A Aperture Radar), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and stereo
wide variety of demonstrated applications exist in geology and in (photogrammetric-derived) digital elevation models (DEMs), to
other areas of Earth remote sensing, such as atmospheric measure- provide a unique means of visualizing the spatial distribution and
ments, vegetation mapping, snow and ice characterization, and association of mineralogy with topography. The case histories
mapping the littoral zone and other shallow-water occurrences (to described here show a small subset of the additional capabilities
name a few). For geologic applications, key spectral signatures from provided by combining spectral remote sensing data and DEMs
these data allow direct identification of iron minerals, such as derived from these sources. The main emphasis of these was on
hematite, goethite, and jarosite in the visible/near infrared (VNIR); visualization – using the topography to better understand the
clays, carbonates, micas, sulfates, and other minerals in the short wave distribution and geologic context of the mineral maps. Specific
infrared (SWIR); and silicates and carbonates in the long wave examples included improvements in structural mapping – determin-
infrared (LWIR). The unique capability of imaging spectrometry to ing the relationships between mineralogy and features such as faults
produce detailed maps of the spatial distribution of specific minerals, and structural zones; characterizing sediment sources and determin-
mineral assemblages, and mineral variability on the surface of Earth ing transport based on mineralogy/topography, and discriminating
makes it an ideal tool for enhanced geomorphic mapping. Case differences between relict and more recent (active and potentially
histories described here illustrate the use of imaging spectrometry for active) hot springs systems based on surface morphology with respect
characterizing and mapping active and relict geothermal/hydrother- to mineralogy. The combined use of DEM and the results of mineral
mal systems and ore deposits. A variety of minerals, including mapping provide new perspectives, thus, contributing to improved
kaolinite, dickite, alunite, buddingtonite, muscovite, jarosite, hydro- understanding of the relations between geology and landscape and to
thermal silica, calcite, dolomite, and zeolites, were mapped in these improved interpretation of surface geologic processes. The examples
systems and verified on the ground. Many other minerals can be shown here, however, do not illustrate quantitative use of the
identified and mapped and there are many other demonstrated combined datasets. Some research along these lines is already in
geologic applications. These include (among many others) character- progress, with DEM-derived factors such as elevation, slope, aspect,
ization of bedrock in igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic surface roughness and texture being extracted and combined with the
54 F.A. Kruse / Geomorphology 137 (2012) 41–56

Fig. 13. Perspective view of color-coded materials map overlain on AVIRIS single-band (0.65 μm) grayscale image and draped on 30 m SRTM DEM for a portion of Yellowstone
National Park. Note spatial associations of alteration minerals with respect to topography. View from the south. Scale bar is approximate.

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