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J. metamorphic Geol., 2004, 22, 119–134 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2004.00502.

Petrogenesis of andalusite–kyanite–sillimanite veins and

host rocks, Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt, Hamadan, Iran
Department of Geology, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 USA (
Department of Geology, Tarbiat-Moallem University, Tehran, Iran

ABSTRACT Quartz-rich veins in metapelitic schists of the Sanandaj-Sirjan belt, Hamadan region, Iran, commonly
contain two Al2SiO5 polymorphs, and, more rarely, three coexisting Al2SiO5 polymorphs. In most
andalusite and sillimanite schists, the types of polymorphs in veins correlate with Al2SiO5 polymorph(s)
in the host rocks, although vein polymorphs are texturally and compositionally distinct from those in
adjacent host rocks; e.g. vein andalusite is enriched in Fe2O3 relative to host rock andalusite. Low-grade
rocks contain andalusite + quartz veins, medium-grade rocks contain andalusite + sillim-
anite + quartz ± plagioclase veins, and high-grade rocks contain sillimanite + quartz + plagioclase
veins ⁄ leucosomes. Although most andalusite and sillimanite-bearing veins occur in host rocks that also
contain Al2SiO5, kyanite-quartz veins crosscut rocks that lack Al2SiO5 (e.g. staurolite schist, granite).
A quartz vein containing andalusite + kyanite + sillimanite + staurolite + muscovite occurs in
andalusite–sillimanite host rocks. Textural relationships in this vein indicate the crystallization sequence
andalusite to kyanite to sillimanite. This crystallization sequence conflicts with the observation that
kyanite-quartz veins post-date andalusite–sillimanite veins and at least one intrusive phase of a granite
that produced a low-pressure–high-temperature contact aureole; these relationships imply a sequence of
andalusite to sillimanite to kyanite. Varying crystallization sequences for rocks in a largely coherent
metamorphic belt can be explained by P–T paths of different rocks passing near (slightly above, slightly
below) the Al2SiO5 triple point, and by overprinting of multiple metamorphic events in a terrane that
evolved from a continental arc to a collisional orogen.
Key words: andalusite; Iran; kyanite; quartz veins; sillimanite.

Okrusch & Evans, 1970; Rumble, 1973; Pattison,

1992; Cavosie et al., 2002) and andalusite + kyanite
Quartz veins and leucosomes containing Al2SiO5 (Grambling, 1981; Evans & Berti, 1986; Kerrick,
polymorphs occur in regional metamorphic terranes 1988). In cases where veins and host rocks contain the
(Read, 1932; Yardley et al., 1980; Stout et al., 1986; same polymorph(s), the veins likely formed at similar
Lang & Dunn, 1990; Nabelek, 1997; Whitney & Dilek, P–T conditions as the host rocks, and formation of the
2000; Widmer & Thompson, 2001; McLelland et al., veins may have involved chemical and ⁄ or physical
2002) and contact aureoles (Speer, 1982; Cesare, 1994; interaction with the host rock; e.g. transport of com-
Okuyama-Kusunose, 1994; Larson & Sharp, 2003). ponents from the host rock to the vein or mechanical
The presence of Al2SiO5 phases gives information incorporation of host rock phases into the veins. The
about the P–T conditions of vein formation and opposite case (e.g. Sauniac & Touret, 1983; Whitney &
possibly also the conditions of metamorphism, the Dilek, 2000) is more difficult to interpret because the
source(s) of vein-forming materials, and the mech- presence of different polymorphs in veins compared to
anisms of vein formation. These aspects of vein petro- host rocks does not necessarily imply lack of vein–host
genesis and Al2SiO5 crystallization are of interest interaction during crystallization of the vein nor an
because they provide insight into fluid–rock inter- entirely external source of vein-forming materials.
actions during orogenic processes such as metamor- Variation in vein vs. host rock mineralogy might
phism, magmatism and deformation, and information indicate that different kinetic or chemical factors
about the influence of chemical and kinetic factors on affected one environment relative to the other, such as
polymorph crystallization. variation in abundance of fluid or nature of deforma-
Various combinations of two Al2SiO5 polymorphs tion regimes. For example, andalusite might form
are common in pelitic schist and quartzite: for exam- during decompression in veins within host rocks con-
ple, andalusite + sillimanite (Leake & Skirrow, 1960; taining kyanite or sillimanite (Stout et al., 1986), but

 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 119


might not form in the host rock owing to a more 45° 60°

favourable kinetic or chemical environment in the Caspian

veins. Vein assemblages may therefore provide addi-

tional, new information about metamorphic condi-

tions and paths. Hamadan Iraq

+ + nd
In most rocks containing multiple Al2SiO5 poly- +
+ 9 30°
++ an
morphs, the polymorphs formed during sequential + + be

+ 8 9 3 bt lt

+ +

s ia
crystallization during progressive regional metamor- + + + KV


crd++ + + + +KV
+ + Arabia

phism or a combination of regional and contact kfs + + + + +SVH235A + + +
+ + + + Qatar

+8 + + + + + + + +

metamorphism, and one or more may persist meta- + + + + + + + + +
7 + + + + + + + +SV + + + +
stably relative to the peak metamorphic (equilibrium) +
+ + + + + sil+
+ + +
KV 2 bt
+ + + + + + 531 KVH
assemblage in a rock (Loomis, 1972; Kerrick, 1990). + + + + + + 6 KSVH
+ + + + + + sil+
The sequence of crystallization may be deduced from + + + + + KSV + + + 7b 7a st and
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + 5 ++

textural relationships among the polymorphs, provi- 1
+ + Alvand
+ + Plutonic
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + + 4b
+ +
+ + + Complex KV
ding information about the conditions and mech-

+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + KV ASVH
anisms of vein formation. An ideal situation for + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
4a ASV
investigating Al2SiO5 crystallization conditions and + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +8 KV KAV 2
+ + + + + + AV ASKV 3
sequence is a field site containing rocks with multiple + + + + + + +
ASKVH gt 1
+ + + + + + SschH
polymorphs and regional variation in polymorph + + + + + +
+ + + + + AV bt
+ + + + + sil KAV KV
type, so that the crystallization sequence can be + + fs+ + + + KV
and and
+ +k+ nd + +
evaluated in the context of different P–T conditions crd d + a + + + + KV 4a AVH
cr + + +
st 3
and the overall tectonic setting. In this paper, we + + + +
+ + + + +
st 2
+ + + 4 1
describe a suite of quartz veins and host rocks from 4 st st AV gt bt
Hamadan, Iran, that contain andalusite, kyanite, sil- 2
limanite, andalusite–sillimanite, andalusite–kyanite, 1 bt and
sillimanite–kyanite, or andalusite–sillimanite–kyanite 2 2.5 km
(that is, all possible combinations of Al2SiO5 poly- N
morphs), and the Al2SiO5 crystallization conditions, 1
sequences and relationship to country rock evolution b
are discussed.
Fig. 1. (a) Location of the Sanandaj–Sirjan belt in Iran.
GEOLOGICAL SETTING (b) Generalized geological map of the study area near Hamadan.
Isograds (dashed lines) and metamorphic zones are shown, as
The study area is a part of the 1500-km long Sanandaj– well as the locations of Al2SiO5-bearing quartz veins (black
Sirjan metamorphic belt of the Zagros orogen of ellipses). Kyanite-bearing schists and hornfels are within units 6
and 7 but are not mappable. Some faults are shown (heavy lines
western Iran (Fig. 1a). The Zagros formed during within unit 4); contacts between zones 4a–4b, 4a–5, 2–5, and
subduction of a Neo-Tethyan seaway and subsequent possibly 4–7 are faults. Locations of vein samples used in this
oblique collision of Afro-Arabia (Gondwana) with the study are designated with white stars; host rock samples
Iranian microcontinent in the Late Cretaceous–early are designated by black stars. In the sample numbers:
Tertiary (Berberian & King, 1981; Alavi, 1994; Moh- A ¼ andalusite; H ¼ host rock; K ¼ kyanite; S ¼ sillimanite;
V ¼ vein. Locations of samples 235 A (kyanite host rock) and
ajjel & Fergusson, 2000). Crustal shortening associated 531 (sillimanite vein) are also shown. Zones: 1 ¼ biotite zone;
with subduction and collision metamorphosed and 2 ¼ garnet zone; 3 ¼ andalusite zone (± fibrolite); 4 ¼ stauro-
deformed Late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary lite zone (a ¼ staurolite + andalusite ± fibrolite; b ¼ stauro-
rocks, including a sequence of pelitic, psammitic, lite + garnet, no andalusite); 5 ¼ sillimanite-andalusite zone;
6 ¼ sillimanite-kfs zone; 7 ¼ cordierite zone (a ¼ cordierite
mafic, calc-pelitic, and calc-silicate rocks near with no new growth of Al2SiO5; b ¼ cordierite + neoblastic
Hamadan (Fig. 1b). andalusite + sillimanite); 8 ¼ cordierite kfs zone; 9 ¼ spotted
The tectonic evolution of the Sanandaj–Sirjan belt schist.
involved continental arc magmatism followed by
collision. Mafic to intermediate plutonic bodies
(olivine gabbro, gabbro, gabbro-norite, diorite, quartz
diorite and tonalite) (Valizadeh & Cantagrel, 1975) FIELD OBSERVATIONS
are older than crustally derived granitic plutons in the In the field area near Hamadan, metapelitic rocks are the most
region (Alvand Plutonic Complex), but all intrusions abundant rock type, and are interlayered with minor metabasaltic
formed during Cretaceous-Tertiary subduction and rocks (amphibole schist and amphibolite), metacarbonate and calc-
collision (Baharifar et al., 2004). The plutons, inclu- silicate rocks. Metapelitic rocks occur as slate, phyllite, mica schist,
ding the granites, are commonly associated with garnet schist, garnet–andalusite (± sillimanite or kyanite) schist,
garnet–staurolite schist and garnet–sillimanite (± kyanite) schist, and
contact aureoles defined by hornfelsic textures and hornfelsic or migmatitic rocks (near the Alvand Plutonic Complex).
mineral assemblages that overprint earlier minerals These contact zone rocks include cordierite + K-feldspar (± andalu-
and fabrics. site, fibrolite) and garnet–staurolite (± kyanite) hornfels. In the

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Hamadan metamorphic sequence, cordierite and K-feldspar are only

found near (<3 km from) the Alvand granite.
The general trend of increasing metamorphic grade is towards the
pluton, with a succession of isograds in metapelitic rocks: biotite-in,
garnet-in, andalusite-in, staurolite-in, cordierite-in, and K-feldspar-
in. In some parts of the field area, the complete sequence occurs, but
in other areas, some of the lower grade zones are missing (Fig. 1b).
Faulting has disrupted the sequences in places, and some apparent
isograds may actually be faults. The most obvious example of dis-
ruption of the sequence by faulting is the fault-bounded panel of
andalusite–sillimanite schists (zone 5) that occurs between the
andalusite and staurolite zones (Fig. 1b).
Abundant coarse-grained, quartz-rich veins and pods occur in the
metamorphic rocks of the study area (Fig. 1b). Veins range in
thickness from centimetres to 3 m and strike NW–SE, sub-parallel to
isograds and to regional structures such as axial planes of folds,
foliation, and major directions of joint sets.
Veins contain quartz and one, two, or three Al2SiO5 polymorphs
(andalusite, sillimanite, kyanite) as major minerals. The mode is
extremely variable, from Al2SiO5-dominated (up to 75% of the
mode) to quartz-dominated. The size of Al2SiO5 crystals varies from
mm-scale up to 30 cm, and most polymorphs can be identified in
outcrop (Fig. 2), although identification may be complicated by
pseudomorph textures. Although grain size varies from vein to vein,
most veins are very coarse grained (cm-scale). Some host rocks (e.g.
sample ASVH) also contain large porphyroblasts (Fig. 2), but most
typically Al2SiO5 in host rocks is finer-grained than in associated
veins (Fig. 3a–c).
In outcrop, the veins are isolated and do not form interconnecting
networks with other veins. Some veins have been boudinaged and
are therefore discontinuous in outcrop; others can be traced in
outcrop for up to 20 m. Contacts with host rocks are typically
sharp. However, some veins are associated with metre-scale zones
(up to 3 m wide; referred to here as vein marginal zones) that
contain less quartz and more muscovite than the main part of the
adjacent vein. These vein marginal zones contain Al2SiO5 poly-
morph types and textures that have characteristics of both veins and
host rocks. One sample described in this study is from a vein
marginal zone (andalusite vein sample AV2); all other samples
designated with a ÔVÕ are from the interior regions of veins and are
dominated by quartz or Al2SiO5.
The most abundant vein types identified in the field are: andalu-
site–quartz veins in garnet–andalusite (chiastolite) schists (zone 3;
Fig. 3a–c); andalusite–sillimanite–quartz veins in garnet–andalusite–
sillimanite schists (zone 5; Fig. 3d); andalusite–kyanite–quartz veins
in staurolite schist and garnet–andalusite–sillimanite schist (zone 4;
Fig. 3g); sillimanite–quartz–plagioclase veins in garnet–sillimanite
schist, including migmatitic rocks (zone 6); and kyanite–quartz veins
in many lithologies (schist, hornfels and granite) (zones 4–7 and the
granite; Fig. 3h). The zone designations in this list are keyed to the Fig. 2. Photographs of outcrops. (a) Andalusite in fine-grained
map in Fig. 1(b). Other quartz-Al2SiO5 vein types such as andalu- graphitic schist ⁄ phyllite. (b) Sillimanite in migmatite (diatexite).
site–sillimanite–kyanite veins (Fig. 3e) and kyanite–sillimanite veins Sillimanite is inferred to have replaced (pseudomorphed) anda-
(Fig. 3f) occur but are less abundant. lusite. (c) Andalusite-sillimanite schist (host to andalusite-
sillimanite veins) with two large andalusite crystals that have
been partially replaced by prismatic sillimanite (sample ASVH).
Al2SiO5-bearing veins of the study area are composed of quartz +
Al2SiO5 polymorphs, ± plagioclase, garnet, muscovite, biotite and textures of major phases, as these are relevant for understanding the
staurolite (Table 1). The naming of zones (Fig. 1b, Table 1) is based conditions and mechanisms of vein formation, and the relationship
on the dominant assemblage in metapelitic rocks. For example, zone of veins to host rocks.
3 is comprised of andalusite schists and andalusite–quartz veins, but Mineral compositions and major element distribution maps of
some rocks in this zone contain accessory fibrolite and others contain garnet, Al2SiO5 polymorphs, and staurolite were obtained using a
rare crystals of kyanite. Despite the significance of these other JEOL JXA-8900 electron microprobe at the University of Minne-
Al2SiO5 polymorphs for the P–T path of the rocks, the zone is sota. Operating conditions for quantitative analysis (WDS) were
designated by, and the rocks are named for, the presence of abun- 15 kV accelerating voltage, 15–25 nA beam current, and a range
dant, coarse-grained andalusite. of beam diameters (higher current, <1 lm beam for garnet,
The petrography of the metamorphic rocks and plutonic complex Al2SiO5, and staurolite; lower current, beam defocused to 5–20 lm
is reported in one M.Sc. thesis (Baharifar, 1997) and one Ph.D. thesis for micas and plagioclase). X-ray maps were determined for Fe, Mn,
(Sepahi, 1999), both in Farsi, and in Forghani (1975). Based on Mg, Ca and either Al or Si using a beam current of 100 nA, 50 ms
information in these previous studies and the results of this work, dwell-time, and 2–10 lm beam diameters. Most grains that were
we discuss the mineral assemblages, mineral compositions, and mapped were also analyzed quantitatively along traverses from core

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b AV2 c 1 cm
1 cm AV1
And vein

1 cm
And schist
(vein host)
And vein - marginal zone

e 1 cm
1 cm And-Sil-Ky
vein ASKV

g AKV h KV 1 cm
f KSV 15 cm
long dim.
Ky vein

1 cm
Ky-Sil vein

Fig. 3. Photographs of hand samples of Al2SiO5-bearing rocks. (a) Andalusite (chiastolite) schist (AVH), host rock to andalusite vein. (b) Andalusite vein marginal zone;
interstices between andalusite grains are graphitic (AV2). (c) Andalusite-quartz vein. Pink (zoned dark to light pink) are andalusite; all white regions are quartz (AV1).
(d) Andalusite-sillimanite vein (ASV): pink is andalusite, white is sillimanite. (e) Andalusite-sillimanite-kyanite vein (ASKV): blue is kyanite (some of it is very pale but can be
seen to occur as bladed crystals), pink ⁄ red is andalusite, white is mostly quartz. Sillimanite is difficult to see in hand sample in this rock. (f) Kyanite-sillimanite vein (KSV):
75 modal% of this rock is kyanite; most of the white crystals visible in hand sample are quartz. Sillimanite occurs as prismatic and fibrous crystals that are difficult to see in
hand sample. (g) Andalusite-kyanite vein (AKV): photograph is 15 cm in the vertical dimension. (h) Kyanite-quartz vein (KV).

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Table 1. Characteristics of veins and host rocks.

Vein type Zone (Fig. 1b) Strike Vein minerals Host rock Host rock minerals Grade

Andalusite (AV) 3 N10)20W And, Qz, Ms, Bt, Ilm ± Gr ± Pl ± Grt-And schist (AVH) Qz, Bt, Ms, Gr, Grt, low
Grt ± Ky (rare), Chl (s), Dsp (s) And, Pl, Fi, Chl, Opq
Andalusite-Kyanite (AKV) 4 N10)20W And, Ky, Qz, ± Ms ± Grt St schist, Grt-And-Sil (Fi) schist Qz, Bt, Ms, Pl, Gr, Grt, medium
St ± and ± Fi ± Chl
Andalusite-Sillimanite (ASV) 5 N10-20 W And, Sil (prism + Fi), Ms, Qz, Opq Grt-And-Sil schist (ASVH) Qz, Bt, Ms, Gr, Grt, medium
And, Sil, St, Pl ± Ky*
Andalusite-Sillimanite- 5 N20)30W And, Sil (prism + Fi), Ky, Qz, Ms, St, Grt-And-Sil ± Ky schist (ASKVH) Qz, Bt, Ms, Gr, Grt, medium
Kyanite (ASKV) Opq ± Grt** And, Sil, Ky, St, Pl, Opq

Sillimanite (SV) 6 N20)30W Sil (prism + Fi), Qz, Pl, Bt ± Grt ± St Grt-Sil-Kfs schist, migmatite (SVH) Qz, Bt, Ms, Grt, Sil, Pl, medium-high
Kfs, Opq

Kyanite-Sillimanite (KSV) 6 N20)30W Ky, Sil (prism + Fi), Qz, Ms Grt-Sil-Kfs ± Ky schist, Qz, Bt, Ms, Grt, Sil, Ky, medium-high
migmatite (KSVH) Pl, Kfs, Opq
Kyanite (KV) 4–8 + granite N10)20W Ky, Qz, Ms, Opq, Chl (s) ± Dsp (s) various; e.g. Grt-St schist (KVH), various various
hornfels, granite

And ¼ andalusite, Bt ¼ biotite, Chl ¼ chlorite, Dsp ¼ diaspore, Fi ¼ fibrolite, Gr ¼ graphite, Grt ¼ garnet, Ilm ¼ ilmenite, Kfs ¼ K-feldspar, Ky ¼ kyanite, Ms ¼ muscovite,
Opq ¼ opaques; Pl ¼ plagioclase; prism ¼ prismatic sillimanite; Qz ¼ quartz; (s) ¼ secondary, Sil ¼ sillimanite, St ¼ staurolite.
* Relict kyanite was observed in one sample of andalusite-sillimanite-staurolite schist.
** Garnet occurs at the margin of the vein; may be part of the host schist.

Table 2. Representative Al2SiO5 analyses from quartz veins and host rocks.*
And And And And vein ⁄ margin And-Sil vein And-Sil schist And-Sil-Ky vein ⁄ margin KV-Sil Ky-Sil Ky Sil
schist vein vein AV2 ASV ASVH ASKV vein schist vein vein
And And-white And-pink core rim And Sil** Sil** And And Sil Ky Ky Ky Ky Sil

SiO2 36.93 37.09 37.23 36.54 37.36 36.70 37.09 36.85 37.13 37.73 36.92 37.74 37.02 37.06 37.22 36.47
TiO2 --- --- 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.01 --- 0.01 0.01 --- --- 0.06 --- --- ---
Al2O3 63.11 63.18 63.31 62.06 63.48 63.13 63.56 62.83 63.03 62.36 62.97 62.18 63.47 63.02 62.88 62.83
Fe2O3 0.15 0.13 0.22 0.73 0.20 0.55 0.11 0.10 0.24 0.44 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.18 0.25 0.16
MnO --- --- --- 0.01 --- --- --- --- --- 0.04 0.02 0.02 --- --- 0.06 ---
MgO 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.11 --- 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 --- --- --- 0.02 ---
Cr2O3 0.07 --- --- 0.08 --- 0.05 0.07 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.03 --- 0.03 0.08 0.03
Total 100.28 100.43 100.79 99.63 101.08 100.62 100.83 99.85 100.52 100.61 100.08 100.12 100.65 100.30 100.51 99.49
mol% Fe 0.10 0.09 0.15 0.50 0.14 0.37 0.07 0.07 0.16 0.30 0.10 0.11 0.07 0.12 0.17 0.11

* Representative means that these are actual analyses (not averages) and are typical compositions observed within each sample (vein, host) or domain (core, rim).
** Prismatic sillimanite replacing andalusite.
Key to abbreviations and symbols: And ¼ andalusite, Ky ¼ kyanite, Sil ¼ sillimanite; - - - ¼ analyzed but element not detected.

Table 3. Representative garnet analyses.

Gt-St Gt-St And And And-Sil And-Sil And-Sil-Ky And-Sil-Ky Ky-St Ky-St Ky-Sil Sil Sil Sil
schist schist v ⁄ margin v ⁄ margin schist schist vein vein schist schist schist vein schist schist
SschH core SschH rim AV2 core AV2 rim ASVH core ASVH rim ASKV core ASKV rim KVH core KVH rim KSVH rim SV rim SVH core SVH rim

SiO2 37.23 37.25 31.13 37.38 37.38 37.36 37.23 37.40 37.36 37.30 37.19 37.34 37.33 37.43
TiO2 0.06 0.03 0.30 0.33 – 0.01 – – 0.04 0.02 – 0.32 0.01 –
Al2O3 21.04 21.07 21.10 21.15 20.89 21.19 21.16 21.11 21.24 21.21 21.07 21.30 20.95 21.12
FeO 27.93 36.18 31.24 35.02 21.29 34.36 30.47 33.14 31.61 34.31 34.86 33.73 31.10 34.66
MnO 9.56 1.12 6.39 2.63 5.44 4.39 8.56 5.39 7.38 4.65 2.77 2.70 6.15 2.79
MgO 1.00 1.95 2.07 1.71 2.38 1.80 1.86 2.32 2.22 2.33 2.44 2.88 2.76 2.68
CaO 2.81 2.42 1.76 2.57 1.38 1.01 0.69 0.86 0.82 0.64 1.26 1.86 1.74 1.88
Total 99.64 100.02 99.99 100.80 99.76 100.12 99.97 100.22 100.67 100.47 99.59 100.12 100.04 100.56
Si 3.02 3.01 3.00 3.00 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.00 3.01 3.01 3.00 3.01 3.00
Ti 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00
Al 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.00 1.99 2.02 2.02 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.01 1.99 2.00
Fe 1.90 2.45 2.11 2.35 2.18 2.32 2.06 2.24 2.13 2.31 2.36 2.26 2.10 2.33
Mn 0.66 0.08 0.44 0.18 0.37 0.30 0.59 0.37 0.50 0.32 0.19 0.18 0.42 0.19
Mg 0.12 0.23 0.25 0.20 0.29 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.34 0.33 0.32
Ca 0.24 0.21 0.15 0.22 0.12 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.11 0.16 0.15 0.16
XAlm 0.65 0.82 0.72 0.80 0.74 0.79 0.70 0.76 0.72 0.78 0.80 0.77 0.70 0.78
XSps 0.23 0.03 0.15 0.06 0.13 0.10 0.20 0.12 0.17 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.14 0.06
XPrp 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.11
XGrs 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05

to rim. Natural mineral standards and the ZAF matrix correction The following discussion is organized by metamorphic grade, from
routine were used. Representative analyses for Al2SiO5, garnet, and lowest (chlorite, biotite zones) to highest (sillimanite–K-feldspar
staurolite are given in Tables 2–4. zone).

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Table 4. Representative staurolite analyses. Mica schists, some containing garnet, also occur in the sequence
(zone 2, Fig. 1b). In some schists, garnet is partially to completely
Gt-St schist And-Sil schist And-Sil-Ky vein Ky-St schist Ky-Sil schist replaced by chlorite and white mica. Garnet crystals have complex
SschH ASVH ASKV KVH KSVH relationships to deformation, and may have had a protracted growth
history in relation to deformation. These schists contain more
SiO2 26.70 26.46 28.08 27.73 27.68
abundant quartz veins than the lower-grade rocks, and the veins lack
TiO2 0.43 0.59 0.29 0.67 0.87
Al2O3 55.68 55.32 54.58 53.33 55.18
Al2SiO5 polymorphs.
FeO 11.71 14.16 13.16 14.36 12.39
MnO 0.02 0.41 0.39 0.29 0.41
MgO 0.93 1.57 1.45 1.38 0.98 Andalusite-bearing schists and veins (zone 3)
ZnO 2.18 0.45 0.36 0.09 0.68
Total 97.63 98.95 98.32 97.84 98.18 Andalusite-bearing schists are medium to coarse grained, with an
XFe-St 0.78 0.69 0.69 0.72 0.74 average ground-mass mineral size of 3–6 mm, porphyroblasts of
garnet up to 1 cm in diameter, and andalusite crystals up to 20 cm in
length (Fig. 2a). Common minerals are quartz, biotite, andalusite
(chiastolite), garnet and muscovite. Minor minerals are graphite,
chlorite, plagioclase, tourmaline, ilmenite, rutile and fibrolite (in
Low-grade rocks (zones 1 and 2) some rocks). Garnet has been partially to completely pseudomor-
phed by white mica ± chlorite in andalusite schists near veins. Some
The lowest-grade metapelitic rocks in the field area are very fine- andalusite grains, particularly those near faults and veins, are par-
grained slates and phyllites that are interlayered with carbonate tially replaced at their margins and along fractures by fine-grained
rocks and quartzite. Rare quartz veins with accessory iron oxides and white mica and coarse chlorite. Andalusite porphyroblasts, including
rutile cut through the slates, but are more common in the phyllites; chiastolite (Fig. 3a), in the schists are colourless in plane light
these veins lack Al2SiO5. The slates are chlorite zone rocks (not (Fig. 4a) and contain low abundances of trace elements (¼ 0.15 wt%
shown in Fig. 1b) and the phyllites are biotite zone rocks (zone 1, Fe2O3, or ¼ 0.1 mol% FeAlSiO5; sample AVH; Table 2). Elongate
Fig. 1b). crystals display boudinage.

a AVH b AV1

clear And
clear pink And
clear Dsp
1 mm
1 mm clear And
1 mm

c AV2 0.8

Qz + Gr + Ms d
weight percent oxides

clear Fe203

pink And
0.2 MgO
1 mm
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Distance (mm)

Fig. 4. Andalusite-bearing schists and veins. (a) Andalusite from the host schist (AVH), see Fig. 3(a); (b) Vein andalusite with both
pink (Fe-richer) and white (Fe-poorer) regions and texturally late diaspore (inset); both photographs are from sample AV1, see
Fig. 3(c). (c) Vein marginal zone andalusite with pink core inside graphite-rich inclusion band and clear rim (sample AV2, see Fig. 3b).
Colour zoning corresponds to higher trace element concentration in the core (d).

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Andalusite-bearing schists are cut by boudinaged quartz veins. than being mechanically incorporated from the groundmass, and
Some veins contain only accessory iron oxides in addition to quartz, that these vein marginal zones may represent transition zones where
but others contain andalusite (Fig. 4b), with minor muscovite, the host rocks have extensively interacted with vein-forming fluids.
plagioclase, biotite, ilmenite, almandine-rich garnet and chlorite
(retrograde). Andalusite is largely inclusion-free except for radiating
crystals of secondary diaspore (Fig. 4b, inset) and rare euhedral Staurolite schists and associated quartz veins
kyanite that appears to be texturally later than the andalusite (i.e. it (andalusite-kyanite; zone 4)
nucleated within andalusite). The vein andalusite exhibits patchy
colour zoning, varying from pink to white, where the pink regions Staurolite schists are composed of quartz, staurolite, garnet,
correspond to slightly higher transition metal (Fe, Cr, Ti) contents biotite, muscovite, chlorite, plagioclase, graphite and tourmaline.
than the white ⁄ colourless zones (Fig. 4b, Table 2, sample AV1). Porphyroblasts of garnet are typically small (<1 cm), but staurolite
The margins of some andalusite–quartz veins are characterized by crystals are up to 20 cm long. Staurolite porphyroblasts have been
andalusite-rich regions that are distinct from the host rock in their partially to completely replaced by chlorite and muscovite near
greater abundance of andalusite (60–70% of the mode) and finer fault zones, veins, and intrusive bodies. Relict staurolite in the cores
andalusite grain size (cf. Fig. 3a,b). The andalusite in the vein mar- of pseudomorphs are Fe- and Zn-rich (XFe-St ¼ 0.8; 2 wt% ZnO)
ginal zone is similar to host rock andalusite in that it displays a (Table 4). In these schists, plagioclase has an intermediate compo-
chiastolite texture (Figs 3b & 4c), and inclusions in andalusite are sition and is unzoned or slightly normally zoned, from An36)29
phases found in the host rock [graphite, ilmenite, quartz and cores to An29)32 rims. Garnet occurs in the matrix and within
plagioclase (An42)]. Andalusite in the vein marginal zone differs pseudomorphed staurolite, and is strongly growth zoned
from host rock andalusite, however, in that it is zoned in trace (core: Alm65Sps23Prp4Grs8; rim: Alm82Sps3Prp8Grs7) (sample
elements, whereas host rock andalusite is typically homogeneous and SschH; Fig. 5; Table 3). Garnet is euhedral and unaltered, with
near-end member Al2SiO5. In vein margin andalusite, the boundary no evidence for retrograde zoning, even in schists in which staur-
between a pink, inclusion-rich core zone and a colourless, inclusion- olite has been extensively replaced (Fig. 5a). These features
free rim region (Fig. 4c) corresponds to an abrupt decrease in minor suggest new crystallization of garnet following formation and
element content of the andalusite (e.g. 0.46–0.74 wt% Fe2O3 in replacement of staurolite. The presence of pressure shadows on
the cores vs. <0.20 wt% near the rim; sample AV2, Fig. 4d, garnet indicates deformation continued during and possibly after
Table 2); cores are also enriched in Cr, Mg, Mn and Ti relative to garnet growth.
rims. The cores contain higher Fe than the pink (Fe-bearing) regions Quartz veins are common in these rocks, and some contain kyanite
of unambiguous vein andalusite, and the rims are similarly low in Fe or kyanite + andalusite. In veins containing both andalusite and
as host rock andalusite. kyanite, tabular kyanite surrounds large euhedral crystals of anda-
In the andalusite-rich vein marginal zones, the interstices between lusite, and also occurs within andalusite, suggesting that they grew at
andalusite grains are very graphite-rich (Figs 3b & 4c), contain the same time or that kyanite post-dated andalusite; i.e. kyanite may
muscovite + ilmenite, and are enriched in apatite + monazite rel- have nucleated within andalusite.
ative to the host schist In these graphitic interstices, accessory Zone 4 has been divided into two sub-regions (Fig. 1b). Both
monazite occurs in clusters with zoned allanite, apatite and musco- regions are characterized by staurolite–garnet schists, so are included
vite. Ilmenite inclusions in andalusite have a higher pyrophanite as one zone, but the western part of the zone contains andalusite
(Pyr) component, that is, are more Mn-rich, than ilmenite in the (kyanite–andalusite veins and andalusite–sillimanite schist), whereas
graphitic interstices (inclusions: Ilm91)93Pyr6)7; matrix: Ilm96)97 the eastern part of the zone lacks andalusite. The 4a)4b boundary is
Pyr2). Euhedral to subhedral garnet occurs in andalusite and in the at least in part a fault (Fig. 1b).
graphitic interstitial regions. Garnet displays typical growth zoning
trends of increasing Fe and decreasing Mn from core to rim (core:
Alm72Sps15Prp8Grs5; rim: Alm80Sps7Prp7Grs6) (Table 3). It is not Andalusite–sillimanite schists and veins (zone 5)
possible to compare the composition of these garnet with those in the Andalusite-sillimanite schists contain large (3–20 cm long) porphy-
host rock because host rock garnet has been completely pseudo-
roblasts of andalusite partially replaced by prismatic and fibro-
morphed by white mica, quartz and plagioclase. Nevertheless, these
lite (sample ASVH1) (Fig. 2c). These large porphyroblasts occur
observations and mineral composition data suggest that garnet and
in a fine-grained matrix of biotite + garnet (1 mm) + quartz +
andalusite have crystallized ⁄ grown in vein marginal zones rather

a relict b Mn c
mole fraction

0.5 Sps
Grt Grs
Chl + Ms

Gr + Ms + Chl + Qtz + Pl
1 mm 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Distance (mm)

Fig. 5. Staurolite-garnet schist. (a) Euhedral garnet crystal adjacent to a pseudomorphed staurolite porphyroblast. Relict staurolite
occurs in the core of the grain, now largely comprised of chlorite + muscovite. (b) X-ray map of Mn zoning in garnet from the
matrix of the same sample. Line marks the location and trajectory of a microprobe traverse, with data shown in (c). The traverse
started in the upper right and ended at the lower left end of the line.

 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd


plagioclase. Accessory minerals are graphite, tourmaline, and kyanite are the most abundant polymorphs in the vein. Euhedral
ilmenite. Garnet is slightly zoned; Mn decreases and Fe increases kyanite occurs within and adjacent to partially resorbed andalusite
from core to rim (core: Alm73Sps14Prp10Grs3; rim: Alm78Sps11- (Fig. 7a,c,d); this texture suggests that kyanite grew later than
Prp9Grs3; Table 3). Small (<500 lm) garnet also occurs as inclu- andalusite, nucleating within the aluminous domain of the andalusite
sions in andalusite, and has similar compositions and zoning trends and likely forming by polymorphic transformation. Both kyanite and
as matrix garnet. Clusters of euhedral staurolite crystals occur at the andalusite are crosscut by prismatic sillimanite (Fig. 7c). Sillimanite
margins of sillimanite-andalusite porphyroblasts near veins (e.g. also occurs as small, oriented prisms in staurolite (Fig. 7a,b) and as
sample ASVH). These staurolite-rich vein marginal zones also con- mats of fibrolite. The texture of sillimanite crosscutting andalusite
tain abundant, coarse muscovite and rare, relict kyanite. This kyanite and kyanite conflicts with other observations in the Hamadan seq-
is surrounded by muscovite and is not in contact with andalusite or uence, in which kyanite is typically the texturally latest polymorph.
sillimanite. Garnet occurs at the margins of the vein, most likely as part of the
Quartz-rich veins that crosscut andalusite-sillimanite schists also host rock assemblage.
contain andalusite + sillimanite (Fig. 3d), with minor muscovite,
plagioclase, biotite, chlorite, graphite, tourmaline and ilmenite. As in
the host schists, andalusite has been partially replaced by prismatic Kyanite-bearing rocks and veins
sillimanite (Fig. 6b,c). Andalusite is pink and enriched in Fe relative
to sillimanite (sample ASV; Fig. 6d; Table 2). Kyanite-bearing rocks are most common in zone 7 of the map
The three-Al2SiO5 vein (sample ASKV, Fig. 3e) occurs in the (Fig. 1b), but kyanite also occurs in schists in zones 3–8. Kyanite
andalusite–sillimanite zone. All three polymorphs are in mutual schists (e.g. sample KVH in zone 7) contain biotite + plagio-
contact with each other. The vein is dominated by Al2SiO5 poly- clase + quartz + kyanite ± garnet ± staurolite. Garnet is typic-
morphs in a matrix of coarse-grained quartz. Euhedral staurolite is ally almandine-rich (Alm72)78) and is not strongly zoned (Table 3).
also relatively abundant in the vein (Fig. 7a-c), and muscovite occurs Quartz veins with kyanite as a major phase occur in zones 4–8.
as a minor phase. Pink andalusite (0.4–0.5 wt% Fe2O3) and Kyanite occurs in veins with andalusite (zone 4), andalusite-

a 1 mm b ASV
And And

And 1 mm

c And ASV 0.5

d S A S A A A S

Fe2O3 (weight %)


Sil 0.2


And S S S
Sil 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 mm Distance (µm)

Fig. 6. Andalusite-sillimanite schist and vein. (a) Andalusite partially replaced by prismatic sillimanite in a garnet-biotite-
andalusite (sillimanite) schist, see Fig. 2(c). Andalusite is rimmed by muscovite. (b) Intergrown andalusite (pink) and sillimanite
(colourless) in a vein; see Fig. 3(d). (c) Sillimanite cross-cutting andalusite in a vein. (d) Variation in Fe2O3 in intergrown andalusite
and sillimanite (sample ASKV, an andalusite-kyanite-sillimanite vein). A ¼ andalusite; S ¼ sillimanite.

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sillimanite (zone 5), sillimanite (zone 6), and alone (zones 4, 7, and in marginal zones is Fe-richer than andalusite in host
the granite). Kyanite-quartz veins occur in the contact aureole of the schists. Vein andalusite typically contains 0.11–
pluton, within the granite (Fig. 8), and in low-grade rocks that do
not otherwise contain Al2SiO5 polymorphs. Kyanite crystals in veins 0.70 wt% Fe2O3 (assuming all Fe is Fe3+), and
are typically large blue bladed crystals (Fig. 3f-h); kyanite in some andalusite in the host rocks contain 0.07–0.16 wt%
veins (e.g. sample KV, Fig. 3g) is deformed (folded ⁄ kinked; Fig. 9). Fe2O3. In vein andalusite, the lower values are from
Fe is the most abundant trace element in both vein and host kyanite, the rims and the higher values from the cores of grains.
with mol% FeAlSi2O5 ¼ 0.07–0.17.
Higher Fe2O3 values correlate with higher abundance
for other transition elements (Cr, Ti).
Sillimanite ± kyanite schists, migmatites, and veins Vein and host rock sillimanite typically contain
(zones 6–8) 0.05–0.18 wt% Fe2O3. Fe2O3 concentrations in kya-
nite in both veins and host rocks are also similar;
The highest-grade rocks in the Hamadan region contain sillim-
anite + quartz + biotite + muscovite + garnet + plagioclase + K-feld- vein kyanite has Fe2O3 concentrations of 0.16–0.25
spar (perthitic orthoclase) + ilmenite ± staurolite ± andalusite or wt% (Table 2), and kyanite in kyanite-sillimanite
kyanite. Sillimanite schists grade into migmatitic rocks with meso- schists contains 0.10–0.30 wt%. These low trace
some mineralogy similar to the mineral assemblages in the schists. element abundances will displace the Al2SiO5
The schists are cut by abundant granitic dykes and sillimanite-
bearing quartz–plagioclase veins ⁄ leucosomes.
equilibria an insignificant amount (Kerrick & Speer,
Close to the granite (<3 km), schists have a hornfels texture but 1988).
preserve their primary regional metamorphic assemblages, such as Garnet has been analyzed from andalusite, andalu-
those containing staurolite or andalusite. Texturally late cordierite site–sillimanite, and sillimanite veins to compare
occurs in these rocks (hornfelsed schists), but cordierite has a com- compositions with garnet in the host rocks and to
plex history: in zone 7b (Fig. 1b), neoblastic andalusite crystals occur
in rocks in which cordierite has broken down to form sillim- examine zoning patterns for information about the
anite + biotite ± garnet. Closer to the granite, cordierite has been metamorphic evolution of the veins. Garnet composi-
pseudomorphed by fibrolite + biotite + garnet ± K-feldspar. Less tions are almandine-rich and growth zoned in host
than 1 km from the Alvand Plutonic Complex (granite), rocks have rocks and veins, but some rocks (e.g. zone 6 sillimanite
been extensively hornfelsed and contain unaltered cordierite in
hornfels and in leucosomes. Rocks in this inner contact zone include
schist) have texturally and compositionally complex
cordierite ± andalusite ± garnet hornfels, cordierite – K-feldspar ± garnet, whereas vein garnet exhibits only simple
garnet hornfels, and sillimanite – K-feldspar ± garnet hornfels. In growth zoning. Garnet in veins is typically small
some rocks, sillimanite has been partially replaced by symplectitic (<1 mm), euhedral, and commonly included within
spinel + plagioclase. Al2SiO5 polymorphs; host rock garnet is larger (mm-
Some kyanite schists ⁄ hornfels in the contact zone have textures
that suggest there may have been two distinct generations of kyanite to cm-scale) and occurs as porphyroblasts in the schist
formation. In these rocks, staurolite is ragged and partially replaced matrix, with the exception of small garnet included
by plagioclase + quartz + biotite (Fig. 10a), and some kyanite is within extremely large Al2SiO5 crystals in some
deformed (bent, broken), and also partially replaced by these phases samples (e.g. within 10–20 cm long andalusite crystals,
(Fig. 10b). These rocks also contain euhedral, randomly oriented
kyanite (Fig. 10b) that is typically less blocky (more elongate) than
sample ASVH).
the broken kyanite, and which crosscuts the relict foliation. The Vein staurolite has been analyzed from only the
second generation of kyanite may be related to the event that formed andalusite–kyanite–sillimanite vein; these have similar
the late kyanite veins. composition to staurolite within the host schist (XFe-St ¼
Sillimanite–quartz veins are the most plagioclase-rich of the 0.70 ± 0.05 in both; Table 4). Staurolite in garnet–
quartz vein suite in the field area. These veins consist of pris-
matic and fibrolite + plagioclase (An39)42) + quartz ± garnet staurolite ± kyanite schists and hornfels is more
(Alm77Sps6Prp12Grs5) ± staurolite ± andalusite or kyanite. Sillim- Fe-rich (XFe-St ¼ 0.74–0.78). Zinc content of staurolite
anite-bearing veins also contain minor muscovite, biotite, chlorite is variable, with the highest amounts (2 wt% ZnO) in
and ilmenite. Vein garnet is distinct from host rock garnet; the latter vein staurolite and in relict (partially pseudomorphed)
commonly has complex textural and compositional zoning
(Fig. 11a–d, Table 3) whereas vein garnet is homogeneous and
staurolite in schist.
inclusion-free. In some sillimanite-rich veins, small inclusion-free Plagioclase compositions are sodic in both veins
garnet occurs within prismatic sillimanite. In other sillimanite (andesine) and hosts (oligoclase–andesine) but are
veins, garnet is rimmed by, and in some grains, pseudomorphed by variable. Staurolite schists and hornfelsed kyanite-
plagioclase that is typically twinned (Fig. 11e), and some atoll garnet staurolite schists contain plagioclase that is more sodic
is cored by plagioclase. Sample SV, from zone 6 (<0.5 km from the
Alvand granite, Fig. 1b), contains radiating sprays of prismatic and than plagioclase in sillimanite schists.
fibrolite (Fig. 11f) in a matrix of plagioclase + quartz, with rare
euhedral garnet.
The Hamadan metamorphic rocks have experienced
multiple episodes of metamorphism driven by burial
Vein andalusite has a different trace element compo- and heating during arc construction and collision, and
sition ⁄ zoning compared to host rock andalusite, and these events are associated with local partial melting
vein garnet has different compositions, zoning patterns (at high grades, near the pluton) and infiltration of
and textures compared to host rock garnet. Vein aqueous fluids. Determining the peak P–T conditions
andalusite and the core regions of andalusite in vein and the paths for these various events using vein

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a Ky

And b

Qz St
Sil prisms St blebs
in St And Sil
Qz blebs
in St

Ky 0.5 mm
1 mm Ky

c Ky
Ky Ky

Ky Ky
And And
1 mm St 1 mm

Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of the andalusite-kyanite-sillimanite vein (ASKV), see Fig. 3(e). (a) Zoned pink to colourless andalusite
encloses euhedral kyanite and staurolite. Staurolite contains blebs of quartz and prisms of staurolite. (b) Close up view of staurolite
from (a), shown under crossed polars. Arrows point to sillimanite crystals in staurolite. (c) Euhedral kyanite and staurolite in partially
resorbed andalusite. Both andalusite and kyanite are crosscut by prismatic sillimanite. The staurolite crystal contains quartz blebs
as in (b), and (d) Euhedral kyanite in andalusite.


Ky Fig. 8. Kyanite-quartz vein crosscutting

granite in the Alvand Plutonic Complex.
Field of view is 40 cm.

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0.25 mm assemblages and associated host rocks is in most cases

not possible because of difficulty in determining which
minerals (and mineral compositions) represent equi-
librium assemblages, and because some key minerals
Ky for P–T determinations have been pseudomorphed
or extensively resorbed in rocks located near veins.
Several metres from veins, textures are more straight-
forward (more consistent with an assumption of
equilibrium), and a study is in progress by A. Baharifar
to characterize P–T conditions of these rocks.
Textures suggesting disequilibrium are common in
both veins and associated host rocks. For example,
in many rocks containing the pressure-sensitive
assemblage garnet–Al2SiO5–quartz–plagioclase, coex-
isting Al2SiO5 polymorphs represent a crystallization
Fig. 9. Deformed kyanite from kyanite-quartz vein (sample KV); sequence of uncertain relationship to the (zoned)
see Fig. 3(g).

a Ky b
Ky Bt


St Ky

0.5 mm Ky 1 mm

c 0.5 mm d 0.5 mm


Fibrolite + Bt
Fig. 10. Photomicrographs of rocks in the contact zone of the granite. (a, b) Kyanite-bearing rock in the contact zone of the
pluton (sample 235 A). Ragged staurolite (a), partially resorbed by plagioclase + quartz + biotite; garnet + kyanite (b) (deformed,
lower left of garnet; and euhedral, twinned, randomly oriented (right of garnet). (c) Cordierite partially pseudomorphed by biotite
and fibrolite. (d) Cordierite partially pseudomorphed by garnet + biotite.

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Fig. 11. (a–b) X-ray maps of Mn and Ca concentration in garnet from a sillimanite schist. Composition in mol% spessartine (a)
and grossular (b) shown for selected points. Data from a complete rim-rim traverse are shown in (c) and (d). Dashed lines on the
Ca map show the outlines of compositional zones: intermediate Ca core, low Ca outer core, higher Ca rim. (e) Garnet rimmed ⁄
pseudomorphed by plagioclase ± sillimanite in sillimanite-quartz-plagioclase vein (sample 531); and (d) Prismatic and fibrolite in
sillimanite-quartz-plagioclase vein (SV). The entire field of view is comprised of sillimanite (fibrolite is darker and mostly in lower
right of photo).

garnet and plagioclase. Our approach to describing the estimates of geothermal gradients, and calculations
P–T history of this region therefore relies largely on a and inferences for rocks in higher grade zones
petrogenetic grid approach, supplemented by thermo- (Fig. 12). For example, garnet-staurolite schist in zone
barometry for rocks with apparently simple and well- 4 records garnet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange temperatures
preserved mineral assemblages. P–T path inferences of 520–570C (Baharifar, 1997; this study) and a
are informed by field relations (e.g. the pluton and pressure of 3 kbar (Baharifar, 1997).
its contact aureole) and thin section observations In zone 5 rocks, sillimanite clearly replaces anda-
(e.g. textures indicating the crystallization sequence of lusite in schists (ASVH) and veins (ASV). Sample
Al2SiO5 polymorphs). ASKV is also from zone 5, and in this vein, sillim-
The absence of primary pyrophyllite, kaolinite anite post-dates andalusite, kyanite and staurolite
and ⁄ or diaspore from low-grade rocks provides a (Fig. 7). Although ASKV contains kyanite, the lack
useful minimum temperature estimate (350–375 C, of kyanite from other rocks (veins and schists) in the
Fig. 12) only in Al2SiO5-bearing rocks in which the same zone is puzzling. Relict kyanite was found in
Al2SiO5 formed at the expense of these phases. This one sample of andalusite–sillimanite–staurolite schist,
may have been the case for the low-grade andalusite indicating that kyanite may have been more wide-
schists (e.g. zone 3, sample AVH), but there is no spread earlier in the metamorphic history but was
direct evidence for the andalusite-forming reactions largely replaced by other minerals (including non-
in these rocks. These minimum temperatures would Al2SiO5 phases). Based on these observations, we
imply high geothermal gradients at the pressure have drawn two generalized P–T paths for zone 5
conditions required for andalusite crystallization rocks as segments of clockwise loops: a path that
(>50 C km)1; Fig. 12). accounts for the sequence andalusite fi kya-
The metamorphic conditions of the low-grade nite fi sillimanite (ASKV), and a path that accounts
andalusite-bearing rocks are therefore not well defined for the sequence (kyanite) fi andalusite fi sillim-
by mineral assemblages, but peak temperatures and anite + staurolite (Fig. 12). Andalusite–kyanite veins
pressures were likely in the range of 375–500C and (zone 4) may have formed along a path that followed
2–3 kbar based on petrogenetic grid considerations, the and ¼ ky equilibrium. The proximity of samples

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H2O saturated

Dsp + Qz
granite solidus

Ky + H

H2 O
+ K + Qz
St +

fs +

Pressure (kbar)

St +

+ H2O

s+ z
or H2
Si l
Ky + Qz +

Kf Q

+ +

d Bt
Ky + Qz

-C +
H2 O

Fe Sil
+ G + Qz
4 KV contact

rt +

/H morphism
/km ASV St

Si l
20 And

S t + + Ch l
2 C/k
4 0°

Gr t
An rl

200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 12. Pressure–temperature diagram. Al2SiO5 triple point from Holdaway (1971); other equilibria calculated using database
and software of Berman (1991). P–T conditions and paths are shown for selected samples. Dsp ¼ diaspore; Kln ¼ kaolinite; Prl ¼
pyrophyllite. The shaded field labelled And (andalusite) shows the conditions at which the andalusite schists and andalusite-quartz
veins may have equilibrated. The field labelled St (staurolite) was calculated for the staurolite-garnet schist (SschH) using garnet-biotite
thermometry, brackets from lower and higher grade rocks, and results of Baharifar (1997). The field labelled St + Ky and St + Sil are
partially defined by equilibria (e.g. the upper stability of staurolite + quartz), but the maximum pressure for St + Ky is not known.
The path for sample ASKV (3 Al2SiO5 polymorph vein) is schematic, but shows a possible path that would result in the inferred
crystallization sequence (andalusite fi kyanite fi sillimanite). This path does not account for the appearance of staurolite before
sillimanite. The path for samples ASV and ASVH is similarly schematic, but accounts for relict kyanite fi andalusite fi sillim-
anite + staurolite. Kyanite veins appear to be late in the metamorphic and magmatic history, so a path is drawn from the contact
metamorphism field (grey box) to the kyanite stability field; this represents a decrease in temperature, with or without an increase in
pressure (and therefore decreasing geothermal gradient); this path could be isobaric.

ASKV and ASV to each other in zone 5, and the lack occurs as a texturally late phase near the pluton
of recognized structures that could account for a (<3 km) in rocks with a hornfels texture, and over-
significant variation in their tectonic histories, sug- prints an earlier andalusite ± sillimanite assemblage.
gests that factors related to kinetics or fluid ⁄ mineral Migmatitic rocks and the assemblage K-feldspar +
compositions more likely accounted for the differ- sillimanite also occur only near the pluton, implying
ence in the assemblages and inferred crystallization that the highest temperatures were associated with
sequences. intrusion of the granite. Mineral assemblages in
An unresolved question is the relationship between hornfelsic rocks and the presence of granitic leuco-
the staurolite-forming reaction(s) and reactions that somes suggest that the stability of muscovite in
form Al2SiO5 polymorphs. Possible explanations to quartz-bearing rocks was exceeded, and that contact
account for the formation of staurolite before anda- metamorphic P–T conditions were therefore in excess
lusite (zone 4a) and before sillimanite (zone 5) include: of 650C at moderate to low pressures (¼ 4 kbar)
(1) staurolite formed by a different, lower temperature (Fig. 12).
reaction than the garnet + chlorite equilibrium shown Contact metamorphism texturally overprinted
in Fig. 12 (perhaps a reaction involving pyrophyllite or regional metamorphic assemblages and fabrics, but
other low-T Al-rich phase), (2) the Al2SiO5 triple point some phases of the granite and the contact aureole are
of Holdaway (1971) is not applicable to these rocks, or crosscut by kyanite-bearing veins, suggesting a complex
(3) staurolite and andalusite ⁄ sillimanite formed during P–T path of increasing pressure and ⁄ or decreasing
entirely different metamorphic events (separated in temperature following intrusion of at least part of the
time). plutonic complex. In some zones near the granite,
The Alvand Plutonic Complex was emplaced at cordierite is replaced (pseudomorphed) by sillim-
shallow crustal levels and is associated with a low- anite + biotite, implying back reaction of cordierite
pressure–high-temperature contact aureole (Baharifar, (Fig. 12), perhaps during the post-migmatite ⁄ granite
1997; Sepahi, 1999) (zones 6–8; Fig. 1b). Cordierite path that accounts for growth of late kyanite (Figs 8

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& 10). Whether the kyanite-bearing rocks within and

Petrogenesis of the Al2SiO5-bearing veins
beyond the obvious contact aureole experienced
P > 4 kbar before and ⁄ or after intrusion of the pluton The large size (up to 3 m) of the andalusite-bearing
depends on how the different generations of kyanite veins, their coarse quartz and Al2SiO5 crystals con-
formed. taining abundant aqueous fluid inclusions, the growth
The P–T diagram (Fig. 12) illustrates the following of Al2SiO5 perpendicular to vein walls, and the pres-
implications of our data. Some rocks (ASKV, ASV, ence of cm- to m-scale reaction zones with host rocks
ASVH) record a prograde heating path that is suggest crystallization from an aqueous fluid that
clockwise on a P–T diagram. Other rocks that were interacted with the host rock.
buried and heated along apparently similar paths as In all andalusite veins that also contain other
ASV ⁄ H, or at slightly higher pressures (kyanite zone), polymorphs (sillimanite ± kyanite), andalusite is tex-
experienced low-pressure–high-temperature contact turally earliest and partially replaced by the other(s)
metamorphism near the Alvand granite, reaching (e.g. Figs 6 & 7). Sillimanite and kyanite that occur
conditions sufficient to break down muscovite and in andalusite veins may have formed by polymorphic
initiate partial melting in pelitic rocks. The contact transformations, as they nucleated in and around
metamorphosed rocks, the granite itself, and some texturally earlier andalusite crystals. In the host
rocks that are beyond the contact aureole, experi- rocks, there is evidence for polymorphic transforma-
enced kyanite zone conditions following intrusion of tion of andalusite to sillimanite in large porphyro-
the granite. Whether these rocks were buried and blasts (e.g. sample ASVH, Figs 2b & 6a), but Al2SiO5
heated (e.g. during contraction associated with colli- phases may also have formed in the host rocks from
sion and suturing) or whether the P–T path was breakdown of other aluminous minerals. For example,
dominated by cooling is not defined by our observa- in the high-T (K-feldspar-bearing) rocks near the
tions and analyses. granite, some sillimanite in veins and host rocks may
The P–T diagram and inferred paths do not account have formed from breakdown of muscovite + quartz,
for the decompression history of the terrane. The with or without the production of granitic melt
breakdown of garnet to plagioclase + sillimanite, (Fig. 12); some of the sillimanite + plagioclase-bear-
dehydration melting and the formation of spinel- ing segregations may be leucosomes (cf. Nabelek,
plagioclase symplectite on sillimanite could occur 1997).
during decompression or heating; these textures are The formation of the kyanite–quartz veins may not
limited to the contact aureole, so heating is perhaps the have involved the same type of interaction with the
more likely explanation, but, as noted earlier, the P–T host rocks as inferred for the andalusite and sillimanite
conditions and paths associated with the late kyanite veins, as there is no correlation between kyanite-quartz
vein-forming event are not known. veins and host rock type or grade. The rocks in the
Hamadan region may have experienced a significant
change in P–T conditions following generation of the
andalusite and sillimanite-bearing veins. Late growth
In the suite of NW–SE trending quartz-rich veins near of kyanite may have occurred in response to an
Hamadan, andalusite-bearing quartz veins occur pri- increase in pressure and ⁄ or decrease in temperature
marily in andalusite-bearing rocks, andalusite-sillim- (Fig. 12), but the maximum pressures and the paths
anite veins occur in andalusite-sillimanite schist, and are not known.
sillimanite-bearing quartz veins occur primarily in
high-grade, migmatitic sillimanite-bearing rocks.
Metamorphic–tectonic history of the region
Kyanite-quartz veins, however, are not correlated with
host rock mineralogy or metamorphic grade (Fig. 1b). The observations and data presented in this paper are
These observations indicate that different vein-forming consistent with a thermal-tectonic history in which
mechanisms may have operated at different times early regional metamorphism (greenschist to amphi-
during dynamothermal metamorphism. bolite facies) occurred during initial collision ⁄
Veins and host rocks containing two Al2SiO5 phases contraction of continental margin basins and develop-
show a similar crystallization sequence for the poly- ment of a continental margin arc and associated high
morphs: that is, in most veins and hosts, the inferred geothermal gradient. Intermediate stages of contract-
sequence of polymorphic transitions is andalusite fi ional history and arc evolution were associated with
sillimanite, andalusite fi kyanite, or sillimanite fi intrusion of the Alvand Plutonic Complex, including
kyanite. A prominent exception to this trend is the the granite in the Hamadan area that created a low-
andalusite–kyanite–sillimanite vein (ASKV), which pressure–high-temperature contact aureole. Fluids
shows evidence for the sequence andalusite fi kya- related to the intrusion or regional dehydration of
nite fi sillimanite. In the following sections, we discuss hydrous minerals in pelitic rocks may have generated
these inferred crystallization sequences in the context the quartz ± andalusite ± sillimanite vein system.
of P–T conditions and paths and possible vein-forming Continued collision associated with final closure of
mechanisms. the Neo-Tethyan seaway may have driven further

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