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Exercises in Biostatistics

Name of Student :
Activity No. 3 : Drawing Inferences (One Sample)

Problem 1
The manager of the packaging process at a cereal manufacturing plant wants to determine if the
cereal filling process is in control. The process requires no corrective action if the correct
amount of cereal per box is 368 grams. To study this, random samples of 25 boxes were
weighed. The sample mean is 372.5 and the process standard deviation is 15. Is there evidence
that the weight is different from 368 grams? Use 0.05 as significance level.

Problem 2
A group of statistics students recently stated that one of the difficulties they had with learning
statistics was the time of day the class was offered. This particular statistics class had always
been offered at 3:30 PM, and the students stated that they learned better in the morning. To test
this hypothesis, the instructor offered a 10 AM section. The morning class was given the same
final examination that had always been used in the class. The instructor knew that the previous
classes had an average score of 33 on the final. The 20 students in the AM section earned an
average score of 38, with a standard deviation of 2.2. Were these student's scores significantly
different than the population?

Problem 3
A recent survey indicated that the general population of people rated affirmative action plans in
the workforce with a mean of 62. The researcher believes that in a more educated workforce,
affirmative action plans would receive a higher rating. She randomly selected a dozen college
professors from across the country to complete the survey, and below are her results.
Survey: 77 70 68 63 58 64 60 70 63 77 72 61

Did these college professors rate affirmative action plans significantly higher than the general
population? Solve this directional problem with an alpha level set to 0.01.

Problem 4
In national use, a vocabulary test is known to have a mean score of 68 and a standard deviation
of 13. A class of 19 students takes the test and has a mean score of 65. Is the class typical of
others who have taken the test? Assume a significance level of 0.05.

Exercises in Biostatistics Drawing Inferences (One Sample) Page 1

Exercises in Biostatistics

Problem 5
A sample of 12 machine pins has a mean diameter of 1.15 inches, and the population standard
deviation is known to be 0.04. What is a 99 percent confidence interval of diameter width for the

Problem 6

The data below provide scores from a test taken by ten undergraduate students in statistics this
semester. Typically, students are given this test at the end of each semester. In the population
of students, the mean on this test is equal to 50. Do the ten scores in this sample significantly
differ from the population mean?

Scores: 63 56 47 48 52 51 58 55 41 47

Problem 7
Intelligence tests are constructed such that the average score among adults is 100
points. Six undergraduate students from Cebu Technological University were given the
test and have the following scores: Person 1: 110 , Person 2: 118, Person 3: 110,
Person 4: 122, Person 5: 110, Person 6: 150. Can we conclude that these university
students were smarter than the average?

Problem 8
Suppose you are concerned about the amount of violence on TV and decide to
randomly select 10 TV programs, watch them, and count the number of “violent scenes”
in each. The data were collected: 32 12 20 10 4 18 25 26 17 14. Is
there evidence that the (claim) number of “violent scenes” is at least 21 scenes?
Assume an alpha level = 0.05.

Exercises in Biostatistics Drawing Inferences (One Sample) Page 2

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