EET 222 Exam Questions, Sem 2, 2017-18 Session (Final)

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Course Code: EET 222

Course Title: Engineering Thermodynamics I
Credit Unit: 2
Time Allowed: 2½ Hours
Departments: Civil, Mechanical, and Materials & Metallurgy Engineering
Instructions: (i). Answer All Questions
(ii). Use the following property values for air and other perfect gases, where
required: R = 0.287 kJ/(kg.K); Cp = 1.005 kJ/(kg.K); Cv = 0.718 (kJ/kg.K)
(iii). Give your answers only in the spaces provided; any answer extending beyond
any of the spaces would not be marked
Student name:---------------------------------------- Matric. No: --------------------------- Dept:---------------------
(Q1). List five intensive properties and five extensive properties of a thermodynamic system. (2½ marks)
Intensive properties: (i) ----------------, (ii) ---------------, (iii) ---------------, (iv) ---------------, (v) --------------
Extensive properties: (i) ----------------, (ii) ---------------, (iii) ---------------, (iv) ---------------, (v) --------------
(Q2). Distinguish the following thermodynamic systems: (1½ marks)
(i). Open system: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii). Closed system: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iii). Isolated system: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Q3). State two examples each of an open system, a closed system, and an isolated system. (3 marks)
Open system: (i). -----------------------------------------------------, (ii). -------------------------------------------------
Closed system: (i). ----------------------------------------------------, (ii). --------------------------------------------------
Isolated system: (i). ---------------------------------------------------, (ii). ---------------------------------------------------
(Q4). State one example each of the following processes. (2 marks)
(i). Constant pressure process --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii). Constant volume process ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iii). Isothermal process ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iv). Adiabatic process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Q5). Distinguish between the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics by stating the relationship between the network
done by a system and the quantity of heat supplied to the system as implied by the laws. (2 marks)
1st law -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2nd law -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Q6). Distinguish between a perpetual motion machine of the 1 st kind (PMM1) and a perpetual motion machine of the
2nd kind (PMM2) in the ways the machines utilize energy to produce work. (2 marks)
PMM1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PMM2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Q7). What is the total energy change for the following systems if each undergoes a process between two different
states 1 and 2? (i). A closed system ---------------------- (ii). An open system ------------------------ (1 mark)

(Q8). The 1st law of thermodynamics applied to a closed system undergoing a constant volume process between two
thermodynamic states 1 and 2 yields the equation ------------------------- (1 mark)
(Q9). 1 kg of air at atmospheric pressure and 15 oC is compressed isentropically to 6 atmosphere. Determine the final
temperature T2 and the work done W. T = ----------------, and W = ------------------ (3 marks)

(Q10). A perfect gas at temperature T = 650oC undergoes an isothermal expansion process during which heat is
transferred to the gas. What is the quantity of heat Q transferred if the volume of the gas doubles at the end of the
process? Q = -----------------------. (1½ marks)
(Q11). If the gas in question (Q10) is air, but the expansion process is such that the temperature drops from 650 oC to
150oC, what is the quantity of heat Q transferred? Q = -------------------- (1½ marks)
(Q12). A piston-cylinder device initially contains 0.6 m 3 of air at 120 kPa and 150oC. The air is now compressed to
0.15 m3 in such a way that the temperature inside the cylinder remains constant. Determine the work done W during
this process. Take the air as an ideal gas. W = ------------------ (1½ marks)
(Q13). State the form of the non-flow energy equation for a piston-cylinder system undergoing a reversible constant
pressure process between two thermodynamic states 1 and 2 and receiving a quantity of heat from the surroundings
while doing boundary work on the surroundings. -----------------------------------. (1 mark)
(Q14). A piston-cylinder system encloses a gas at 4.5 bars when the volume of the gas is 0.6 m 3. The internal energy
of the gas is 150 kJ. Heat is transferred to the gas across the boundary at constant pressure until the volume of the gas
doubles and the internal energy increases to 350 kJ. The quantity of heat transferred to the gas during the process,
Q = --------------------. (2 marks)
(Q15). A closed system undergoes a cycle consisting of two processes. During the first process, 45 kJ of heat is
transferred to the system while the system does 65 kJ of work. During the second process, 40 kJ of work is done on the
system. Calculate (i) the heat transfer Q during the second process, (ii) the net heat transfer Q net for the cycle.
(i) Q = --------------------------, (ii) Q net =¿ ------------------------- (2 mark)
(Q16). Water is being heated in a closed pan on top of a range while being stirred by a paddle wheel. During the
process, 30 kJ of heat is added to the water, and 5 kJ of heat is lost to the surrounding air. The paddle wheel work
amounts to 0.5 kJ. If the internal energy U1 at the initial state is 10 kJ, determine the internal energy U2 at final state.
U2 = ---------------- (1 mark)
(Q17). A closed system receives 168.7 kJ of heat at constant volume. It then rejects 177 kJ of heat while it has 40 kJ of
work done on it at constant pressure. What quantity of work W is required to be done by the system to restore it to the
initial state? W = --------------- (1 mark)
(Q18). 180 kJ of heat is transferred to 1 m 3 of air at 14 bar and 200oC. If the volume remains constant during the
process, determine (i) the final temperature T2 and pressure P2, (ii) the final temperature T '2 and volume V '2 if the
process occurs at constant pressure. (i) T = ----------, and P = -----------, (ii) T '2 = ----------, and V '2 = ---------- (4
(Q19). A rigid tank contains a hot fluid which is cooled while being stirred by a paddle wheel. Initially, the internal
energy of the fluid U1 = 500 kJ. During the cooling process, the fluid losses 600 kJ of heat, and the paddle wheel does
150 kJ of work on the fluid. Neglecting the energy stored in the paddle wheel, determine the final internal energy U2 of
the fluid. U2 = ------------------ (1½ marks)
(Q20). State the functions of the following devices: (2 marks)
(i). A condenser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii). A diffuser ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iii). A compressor -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iv). A throttle valve --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Q21). State the forms of the steady flow energy equation (SFEE) for processes involving the following devices,
assuming negligible change in potential energy for the processes: (2 marks).
(i). A Nozzle ----------------, (ii). A boiler ----------------, (iii). A turbine ---------------, (iv). A throttle valve --------------
(Q22). Air enters a centrifugal compressor at 1.05 bar and 15 oC, and leaves at 2 bar and 97 oC. The mass flow is 50
kg/min. Determine (i) the specific volume v1 at compressor inlet, (ii) the specific volume v2 and temperature T2 at the
exit, (iii) the power P required to drive the compressor. (4 marks)
(i). v1 = ----------, (ii) v2 = ----------- and T2 = ------------ (iii) P = -------------

(Q23). 8 kg of air per minute enters a nozzle with negligible velocity and expands from a pressure of 4 bar to 2.2 bar.
The temperature falls from 900oC to 750oC in the process. Determine the velocity C2 at the nozzle inlet.
C2 = ----------- (1½ marks)
(Q24). Air at 27oC and 80 kPa enters the diffuser of a jet engine steadily with a velocity of 320 m/s. From table of
ideal gas properties of air, the enthalpy at inlet is 300.19 kJ/kg. The inlet area of the diffuser is 0.25 m 2. The air leaves
the diffuser with a velocity that is very negligible compared to the inlet velocity. Taking air as an ideal gas, determine
(i). the mass flow rate, ṁ , of the air, (ii). the enthalpy, h exit , of the air leaving the diffuser, (iii). the temperature, T exit ,
of the air leaving the diffuser. (5 marks)
˙ ¿ -----------------------; (ii). h exit=¿ ------------------------;
(i). m=¿ (iii). T exit =¿ ----------------------
(Q25). In a compressor air, at 101 kPa and 300 K is compressed steadily to 850 kPa and 450 K. The mass flow rate of
the air is 0.02 kg/s, and a heat loss of 15 kJ/kg occurs during the process. From table of ideal gas properties of air, the
enthalpy of the air at compressor inlet is 300.19 kJ/kg and that at the outlet is 451.80 kJ/kg. Taking the air as an ideal
gas and assuming changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible, determine the necessary power input P to
the compressor. P=¿ ------------------------. (2½ marks)
(Q26). The 1st law of thermodynamics can be written as Q 1−Q 2=W , where Q 1 is the magnitude of heat input, Q 2 is
the magnitude of heat rejected, and W is network. The thermodynamic device in which Q 2 < Q 1 is called
-------------------------------------------- and that in which Q 2 > Q 1 is called -----------------------------------------. (1 mark)
(Q27). Distinguish between a refrigerator and a heat pump by the functions. (1 mark)
(i). Refrigerator -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii). Heat pump ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Q28). A heat engine operates between a hot reservoir temperature Th = 650oC and a cold reservoir at Tc = 25oC. If the
device receives 700 kJ of heat per cycle and rejects 300 kJ of heat per cycle, the network done by the device,
W = -------------------, and the thermal efficiency th = -------------------- (2 marks)
(Q29). The thermal efficiency of a Carnot engine receiving the same quantity of heat as the heat engine in (Q28),
th,rev = ------------------, and the quantity of heat rejected per cycle, Q = -----------------. (2 marks)
(Q30). The performance of a Carnot refrigerator operating between the same temperature limits as the
heat engine in (Q28), COPref,rev = --------------------, while that of a Carnot heat pump operating between the same
temperature limits, COPhp,rev = --------------------. (2 marks)

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