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Topic: What is your favorite animal?

 Introduce the topic of the class with the game “Simon

says” and discussion questions related to the context
 Brainstorming about animals that they know and
Pre watch pictures about it
 Students practice pronunciation about animal’s
 Students listen to a song about animals
( Encounter
TD4) & clarify
 Students watch pictures and describe
the animal they’re watching
During  Students listen the song again and find  Students guess animal’s name with a
animal's names game
 In pairs, students make question &
 Students listen again the song and match “what is your favorite animal?” and internalize
animal names with pictures answer with vocabulary

 Students draw and describe Fluently Use
 Students read a description about an animal their favorite animals and
and draw it present it front the class

Garcia Guerrero Johanna Lisbeth 4 “A”

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