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LK 2: Lembar Kerja Refleksi Modul Bidang Studi/Jurnal Harian 4


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. BIOGRAPHY

No Uraian Respon/Jawaban
1 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama a.How to use mind mapping to help
teman dan dosen mengenai student understand the text that they
pemecahan masalah dalam learned in the class
memahami materi yang mengalami
kesulitan b.Materi yang mengalami kesulitan:
1.The definition of biography text,
2.The generic structure of historical
3.How to compose a well-organised
fable writing,
4.How to determine the differences
between legend and myth.
Hasil diskusi
Dibedah bersama dengan cara
menungkapkan pendapatnya masing-
masing kemudian di draw
conclusionnya serta di luruskan
materi yang mengalami miskonsepsi

2 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama 1.The Differences In the events of

teman dan dosen mengenai biography experienced by the
miskonsepsi di modul ini character, career processes. But in the
events of historical recount,
constructs a complete historical

The historical recount should be
presented scientifically based on the
facts found when the events take
place or written creatively based on
the writer’s imagination…
From this explanation, how to make
historical recount, whether it is based
on the facts or writer’s imagination.
we have to be careful to differentiate
the personal recount and historical
3. Most of times Fable is assumed as a
story about animals to entertain the
readers in funny way but in fact the
main characteristic of a fable is
containing a moral value which can be
found in the end of the story
4.There are marked differences
between a legend and a myth. While
legends are made up stories, myths
are stories that answer questions
about the working of natural
phenomenon. Myths are set in olden
times, even in pre-historic times.
However, legends are narratives that
are partly true and partly imaginary
about a particular person, event, place
or natural feature.

3 Hambatan yang dialami pada Hambatan Internal

pembelajaran analisis materi - Kegiatan bertabrakan dengan
pembelajaran berbasis masalah di kegiatan pekerjaan.
modul ini - Legends and fable is a part of
folktale, another fokltale is
myth and fairy tale

Hambatan Eksternal
Jaringan berbeda-beda, sehingga
penyampaian dan penangkapan hasil
diskusi kurang maksimal di google
meeting diskusi antara dosen dan
mahasiswa, dikarenakan sinyal yang
4 Hal yang akan dilakukan untuk - Mempersiapkan diri lebih awal
sukses di pembelajaran modul untuk persiapan pembelajran
berikutnya modul berikutnya

Menciptakan situasi yang kondusif

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