GR-20GK Om

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Roland synTHesizes Or co Owner’s Manual ‘Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitied: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES" (p. 2-3, p. 4. These sections provide important information ‘concerning the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, n order to feel assured that you hhave gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, Owner's manual ‘should be read init entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a conve- rent reference. Copyright © 2004 ROLAND CORPORATION Allrights reserve. No par ofthis publication may be epreduce in any form without the writen Permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. PU SING THE UNIT SAFELY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREVENTION OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS. ‘About AS WARNING and ZSCAUTION Notices ‘About the Symbols “The A symbol sles the wee fo imporant instructions] Aannge Te spectic meaning of Se symbol ‘Used for instructions intended to alert The A oy the see f0 the rk of death or severe} |g. ng z etermined, by. the. design contained within the ANWARNING |injury “should the unit be “used IMiangle nthe case ofthe symbol at lef i used Fr improperly ‘general cautions, wamings, or alerts to danger. Uaed x ngeaiog enact igi] |The sl ar er ies hat man the user to the ak of injury ov materi be caried out (are forbidden). The specie ‘ damage should the unit be used) | hes not be done indcated bythe design conned improperly Within te cele nthe case of the symbol at ef AXCAUTION |. pisterial damage rfers to damage or ‘means thatthe unit must never be disassembled. other adverse effects caused with The @ symbol alerts the user to things that must be respect to the home and all its | cared cut The specific thing that must be done is furnishings, as well to domestic | Indicted by the design contained within the rele. In animals or pets © | the case of the symbol at left fe means thatthe power [cord plug must be unplugged from the outlet. soo ALWAYS OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING =~ AXWARNING AXWARNING ‘+ Do not open (or medify in any way) the unit or its hazards! + Never use o store the unit in places that are: + Subject to temperature extremes (eg, direct ‘+ Donotallow any objects (eg, flammable materia, sunlight in an enclosed vehicle, near a heating ‘coins, pins) or liquids of any kind (water, soft uct, on top of heat-generating equipment); or drinks, ete} to penetrate the unit + Damp (e4-baths, washrooms, on wet floors); '@O emi ee) ‘+ Immediately turn the power of, remove the AC _ F adaptor from the outlet, and request servicing by Expoard to rainy or are Yout retailer, the nearest Roland Service Center or + Dusty: orare ‘an authorized Reland distributor, as listed on the + Subject to high levels of vibration, “Information” page when: + The AC adopor, the power-supply cor, othe ‘+ Make sure you always have the unit placed so itis plug has been damaged; oF level and tre to remain stable Never pace on 4 smoke or unusual odor occurs and that could wobble, or on inclined surfaces Cee ae spill oto the ton + Be sue tose only the AC adaptor supplied with ‘The nit as been exposed to rin (or otherwise the unit Also, make sure the ie voltage the has become wet or installation matches the input vllnge pci on ee re eer the AC adnporstndy Other AC adap may lege earn bese tse ciferet polarity, orbe designed fora Aitfrentvoltngeso tei use could result ‘damage, malfunction or eet shock AXWARNING - AXCAUTION In households with small children, an adult should provide supervision until the child is capable of following all the rules essential forthe sale operation ofthe unit. Protect the unit from strong impact (Do not drop itt) Donot force the unit's power-supply cord to share an outlet with an unreasonable numberof other devices. Be especially careful when using extension cords—the total power used by all, devices you have connected tothe extension cord’ outlet must never exceed the power rating (eats /amperes forthe extension cord. Excessive loads can cause the insulation on te cord to heat uupand eventually met through Before using the unit in a foreign county, consult with your retailer the nearest Roland Service ‘Center, of an authorized Roland distributor, 3s. listed on the “Information” page. The unit and the AC adaptor should be located 50 their location or position does not interfere with, their proper ventilation > Always grasp only the plug onthe AC adaptor cord when plugging int, of unplugging fom, an ful or this unit At regular intervals, you should unplug the AC adaptor and clean it by using a dry cloth 0 wipe all dust and other accumulations away from its prongs. Also, disconnect the power pg fom the ower outlet whenever the units to remain ‘unused for an extended period of time. Any fccumulation of dust between the power pig and. the power outlet can result in poor insulation and lead to fre, Try to prevent cords and cables from becoming, entangled. Also, all cords and cables should be placed so they are out ofthe reach of children. [Never climb on top of nor place heavy objects on the uni cuamncairmcmesce @ ‘Before moving the unit disconnect the AC adaptor and all cords coming from external devices ‘Whenever you suspect the possibilty of lightning ‘in your area, disconnect the AC adapior from the outlet IMPORTANT NOTES {In addition tothe tems listed under “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” on page 2-3, please read and observe the following: Power Supply ‘+ Do not use this unit on the same power circuit with any device that will generate line noise (atich as an electric rotor or variable lighting system) ‘+ The AC adaptor will Begin to generate eat afte long ‘hours of consecutive use. This s normal, and is not 2 ‘use for concer. + Before connecting this unit to other devices, turn off the power to all units. This will help prevent malfunctions And /or damage to speakers or ther devices, Placement + Using the unit near power amplifiers (or other equipment containing lage power transformers) may induce hun, ‘Toalleviate the problem, change the orientation ofthis unit; or move farther away from the source of inter- Terence. 4+ This device may interfere with radio and television reception. Do not use this device in dhe vicinity of such + Nolse may be produced if wireless communications devices, such as cell phones, are operated in the vicinity of this uit. Such novse ould oecur when receiving oF iit ating. call or while conversing, Should you experience ‘uch problems, you should relocate such witeless devices 0 they are ata greater distance from this uit or switch them off + Do not expose the nit to direc sunlight, place it near devices that radiate heat, leave it inside an enclosed vehicle, or otherwise subject it to temperature extremes Excessive heat can deform or discolor the unit. + When moved from one location to another where the temperature and or humidity is very diferent, water troplets (condensation) may form inside the unit, Damage ‘or malfunction may result f you attempt to use the uni in this condition. Therefore, bere using the unit, you must allow ito stand for several hours, anil the condensation hhas completely evaporated. Maintenance ‘+ For everyclay cleaning wipe the unit witha sot, dry loth for one that has boen slightly dampened with water. To remove stubborn dirt, use a cloth impregnated with 2 ‘mild, nonabrasive detergent. Afterwards, be sure #0 wipe the unit thoroughly with a sof, dry cloth ‘+ Never use benzine, thinners alcahol or solvents of any kind, to avoid the possibility of discoloration and/or deformation. Repairs and Data ‘Please be aware that all data contained inthe unit's memory may be lost when the unit is sent for repairs Important data should always be backed up in another MIDI device (eg, sequencer) or written down on paper (oshen possible). During repairs, due cares taken to avoid the los of data However in certain cases (sich as when circuitry related to memory itself is out of erder), we regret that it may not be possible to restore the data, and Roland assumes no ability concerning such loss of data Additional Precautions ‘+ Pease be aware that the contents of memory can be lrreteievably lost a6 2 result of a malfunction, or the improper operation of the unit-To protect yourself against the risk of lasing important dats, we recommend that you periodically save a backup copy of important data you hhave stored in the units memory in another MIDI device (eg 2 sequence) + Unfortunately, itmay be impossible to restore the contents fof data that was stored in another MIDI device (ea Sequencer) once it has heen lst. Roland Corporation ‘assumes no liability concerning such los of dat, + Usea reasonable amount of care when using the units button, sliders or ather controls; and when using its jacks and connectors, Rough handling can lead to malfunctions. + When connecting / disconnecting all cables, grasp the connector itself—never pull on the cable. This way you ‘will avoid causing shorts, or damage tothe cable's internal elements + To avoid disturbing your neighbors try te keep the unit's volume at reasonable levels, You may prefer to use headphones, so you do not need tobe concerned about those around you (especially when itis late at nigh). + When you need to transport the unit, package iin the box (including padding) that it came in if posible. Otherwise, you will eed to vse equivalent packaging materials, + Usea cable from Roland to make the connection. If using some other make of connection eable, please note the following precautions. + Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use ‘ables that incorporate resistors for connecting to this tuit, The ute of such cables can cause the sound level tobe extremely low, or impossible to hear For infor ‘mation on eabe specifications contact the manufac- turer o the cable > All product names mentioned in this document are trade ‘marks or registered trademarks oftheir respective owners. Introduction ‘The GR-20isa guitar synthesizer (guitar synth) which contains a high-quality sound generator and is designed for easy operation, ‘The GR-20 carefully analyses the pitch and volume of each string as tracks the signals being output by the divided pickup ( pickup installed on your guitar which outputs a separate signal fr each string) andl uses this information to trigger its built-in sound generator, At the same time a data stream interpreting your guitar performance can also be transmitted via the MIDI OUT connector, and used ta play an extemal MIDI slovice such asa sound module Main Features ‘= Youcan play more than 450 different conventionally - of syath sounds in the same way as when playing your guitar + In addition t playing the synth sounds by themssives, you can combine the normal guitar sound with the synth sound *+ When applying an external eects unit to the normal guita sound, you ean use the Mix In jack to mix the processed sound with the synth sound, + The GR-20 can be used with any stee-string guitar on which a GK-3 or GK-2A (divided pickup: sold separately) an be correctly installed. + effects (reverb, delay, chorus) are provided for the synth sound, creating arch and spacious ambiance. (p. 20) ‘+ You can adjust and store sotings suchas attack and decay time, and effec depth. (p. 29) + You can use the GR-208 two foot pedals to apply a Hold efector Glide effect: (p15) + Use the built + Since your guitar performance is output as MIDI data, you can use your guitar to play an extemal sound module or as an inpst device for your MIDI sequence. (p28) in expression pedal to control parameters such as volume o iter. (p. 16) ‘+ A guitar toner fs built-in for quick and accurate tuning. (p. 13) USING THE UNIT SAFELY. IMPORTANT NOTES .. Introduction... Main Features. Names of Things and What They Do. Front Panel, Rear Panel.. Chapter 1 Play the Sounds! Preparing Your Guitar Connections nnn sens Turing the Power On. 2 Adjusting the Output Level 2 Adjusting the Input Sensitivity (GK SENS). 2 Tuning Your Guitar (Tuner Function). B Specifying the Output Device (OUTPUT SELECT). 4 Selecting a Sound (Patch) wns : : = 4 Using the Knob to Select Patches. os Using the Switches of the GK Pickup to Select Patches o pene IS Using the Foot Pedals to Select Patches. 15 Using an External Device Via MIDI to Select Patches soe S Play the GR-20!. - Using the Foot Pedal to Change the Pith (GLIDE) AS Using the Foot Pedal to Sustain the Sound (HOLD). 16 Using the Expression Pedal to Modify the Sound (EXP PEDAL). 16 ‘Turning the Power Off. son 16 Chapter 2 Using the GR-20 with Guitar Effects. ‘Connections. Switching between the Synth Sound and Guitar Sound Using the GR-20 with a Multi-effects Unit (Channel (CH)... . 18 Patch Link Setup (PATCH LINK SETUP) sooo 19 Chapter 3 Editing The Sounds.. Selecting a Sound to Start From Use the Knobs to Adjust the Sound. Adjusting the Attack—ATTACK. Adjusting the Release—RELEASE. Adjusting the Spaciousness of the Sound CHORUS Adjusting the Reverberation—DELAY /REVERB. Adjusting the Volume—LEVEL. sepeseee8 Editing Other Parameters. — Adjusting the Brightness of the Sound FREQ. a1 ‘Adding a Distinctive Character tothe Tone—RESO... . 21 Adjusting the Pitch TRANSPOSE, . 21 Adjusting the Playing Fee!—PLAY FEEL sus 21 Selecting the Type of Glide Effect GUIDE TYPE ss 2 Selecting the Type of Hold Effect-HOLD TYPE. a Selecting the Etfct Controlled by the Expresion PedalEXP PEDAL wenn 33 Storing the Sounds You Create (WRITE)... 24 Chapter 4 Other Function 25 Copying Patch nn : 5 Exchanging Patche : 25 Changing the function ofthe foot pedals (SW MODE) 26 Switch Mode 1 26 Switch Mode 2 sn 26 Saving Patches and System Parameter Settings onan External Device (BULK DUMP) 28 Loading Patches and System Parameter Setings From an External Devie (BULK LOAD)....27 Chapter 5 Connecting an External Sound Module or Sequencer Connecting an Extemal Sound Module or Sequencer sn Setting the Transmission Mode Setting the MIDI Channel (BASIC CHANNEL). 29 Specifying the Bend Range vcs o 2 MIDI Messages Transmitted by the GR-20.. 29 Local Control Off. Chapter 6 Appendices Restoring the Factory Settings (Factory Reset Calibrating the Expression Pedal sw ‘Troubleshooting... st 7 During Normal Performance Using the GR-20 Alone 32 When Using the GR-20 with other MIDI devices. nmin SD Other: sen 3S Patch List senna 3S User Patch List 1-38 MIDI implementation 9 MIDI Implementation Chart 46 Main Specifications snr —— INDEX. 48 Names of Things and What They Do Front Panel 1. BANK indicators ‘These indicators light to indicate the currently selected sound bank. If the bank has been switched from an external device (such as via MIDI or by the switches of your GK pickup), the indicator forthe selected bank will ight regardless ofthe position ofthe BANK knob, 2. [BANK] knob Selects the sound bank. The banks are ongaized into ten categories of sound, Sounds you edt canbe stored inthe User bank (p24) 3. splay Indies the cureily sled sound umber, When you'te iting parameter he diplay inde the value you've ete the sound the dt wl ight (p20 4. [NUMBER/VALUE] knob Use this to select the number ofthe sound you want to play. Use the [BANK] knob (2) to select a category of sounds, and use this knob to select a sound within that category This knob i also used to change the values of other parameters GK SIGNAL indicator ‘This indicator lights when a signals received from the divided pickup. [GK SENS] button Pres this button when you want fo aust the sensitivity to match the output ofthe divided pickup, The system may malfunction f this adjusiment snot made correctly. Please adjust his sting accurately to match your gla (p 12). OUTPUT/FREG indicator ts when you edit the System FTSelect or the Patch parameter ‘This indicator parameter OUT FREQ(p. Hp. 21), SW MODE/RESO indicator ‘This indicator lights when you edit the System parameter SW MODE or the Patch parameter RESO (p, p20, Names of Things and What They Do 9. PATCH LINK SETUP/TRANSPOSE indicator This indicator lights when you edit the System parameter PATCH LINK SETUP or the Patch ‘parameter TRANSPOSE (p. 19, p-21) 10. MIDI CH/PLAY FEEL indicator ‘Tis indicator lights when you edit the System parameter MIDI CH or the Patch parameter PLAY FEEL (p18, p. 21). 11. [SYSTEM EDIT] button Press this when you want to edit System parameters (p 14,p-18,p-19,p.26 p.27. 12. [PATCH EDIT] button ress this when you want to edit Patch parameters (p. 2», 13. [ATTACK] knob Adjusts the sped ofthe attack (. 20 14, [RELEASE] knob Aalst the length ofthe ease (p20) 15. [CHORUS] knob Adjusts the chorus dept (p20. 16. [DELAY/REVERB] knob Adjusts the delay or reverb depth p20 17. [LEVEL] knob Aalst the volume of the synth sound fr each patch 2, 18. [EXIT] button Press this to cancel an operation, oF toreturn toa previous state 19. [WRITE] button Press this but to write store) or copy a patch (p24, p25) 20. [TUNER] button Press ths button when you want to use the Tuner fonetion (p13) 21. [EXP PEDAL] button Tress thisbutton o selec the function ofthe expression pedal p23). 22. [GLIDE TYPE] button Press this button to select the function ofthe Gide pedal(p.22. 23. [HOLD TYPE] button Pres this button to slat the faction ofthe Hold pedal (p23). 24, GUIDE pedal ‘ress this pedal to apply the Gide efet othe sound (15) 25. GUDE indicator ‘This indicator wil light or blink according to how you ‘operate the GLIDE pedal 26.HOLD pedal Tres this pedal to apply the Hold effect to the sound 19) 27.HOLD indicator This indicator wl Hight or blink according to hove you ‘operate the HOLD pedal 28. Expression pedal Use this pedal to adjust the volume orto apply continuous change tothe sound (p. 16) ros ‘When you operate the expression pedal, please be careful not to get your Fingers pinched between the movable part and the panel Tn households with small children, an adult should provide supervision until the child is capable of Fotlosing al the rules essential forthe safe operation of the unit —_— Names of Things and What They Do Rear Panel 29.GK IN connector Use the included GK cable (or GKC-3/5/10 sold separately) to connect this connector to your divided pickup. + Fordetilsom connections toa conmmercaly available GK compte guitar, refer to he sultar manufacturer or your deer. 30. GUITAR OUT jack ‘This jack outputs the sound from the normal pickup of your guitae. Connect this jack to your guitaramp or suite effects unit 31, MIX IN R(MONO)/L jacks ‘The sound that i input to these jacks Is mixed with the synth sound ofthe GR-20 and sent from the OUTPUT Iacks (2). If you have connected the GUITAR OUT jack (30 to an, external effects unit, connect the output of your effects ‘unit t this jack; the synth sound and the sound processed by the effects unit will be output together from the OUTPUT jacks (32) (p. 17. 32, OUTPUT R (MONO)/L (PHONES) jacks ‘These jacks output the GR-20's synth sound combined ‘withthe sound that is input othe MIX IN jacks (31) f ‘you're making connections toa monaural amp, use R (MONO) jack The L (PHONES) jack can also be used asa headphone fack teroo) (However, iheadphones are connected to L (PHONES) jack, you cannot simultaneously use R (MONO) jack as an output) lfmothing is connected to the GUITAR OUT jack (30) oF [MIXIN jacks (31), the guita’s normal pickup sound will also be mixed into this output + ‘This is avila only if the output of your guitar oct othe normal pickup input ack ofthe ddd pickup. 33, [OUTPUT LEVEL] knob ‘Adjusts the volume thats sent from the output jacks 34, MIDI IN/OUT connectors ‘These can be connected to external MIDI devices, allowing the GR-20 to send and receive MIDI dao 35. [POWER] switch Turns the power on at. 36..AC Adaptor jack Connect the included AC adaptor (BRC series) hee be Use only the attached power-supply cord. Also, the supplied power cord must not be used with any other device, 37. Cable hook Loop the AC adaptor cable around this hook to prevent the cable from being accidentally disconnected, 38, Security Slot (if) bitps/ /www kensington com/ 10 Chapter 1 Play the Sounds! Prepai ig Your Guitar + Inorderto use theGR20 you willed a guitar that has _»-Notes may b sounded incorety if there are sing 4 divided pice (Gk pick) such a the Roland GK-S buzzes duet imprope neck curvature or buzzing ies, oF GK2A, which an independent ouput a separate co the octave austen (intonation income signal or ech sting + Fordson instaling the GK pickap refer to the Eta Various guitar manufacturers sell GK-Compatible guitars {hat havea preinstalled GK pickup or contain equivalent functionality. For details, contact your guitar desler or guitar manufactures. ‘manual that came with your GK pickup. Connections Syren amp Stereo set (soybourd apie PA syste) radocassete payer, ig Te AUX, LINE IN Guitar ame ‘utara processors ‘Stereo headphones Geena | emsraveprowelaae ‘Gutar wih X33 /GK-24/ bpok-inats yuo citer GX-Compatole guar ‘Se amen pg and reo pupae sare + To prov! malfunction andor damage to speakers or ether > Toprevnt the indecrtent lstupton of per to your it decices, alwys turn down the volume, and turn of the porwr (should te pug be ple out accidentally), and to aoid imal devices before making any connections applying undue stress lo the AC adaptor ck anchor the + The volume of your ani shouldbe raised only ofler you he oer cord using the cod ho, as sha in the stration turned othe pce ofa your eter equipment + Hf you're outputting in monaural, comncet te cable tothe R (MONO) OUTPUT jack W Chapter 1 Play the Sounds! Turning the Power On ‘Once the connections have boen completed, turn on power to your various devices in the order specified. By turning on ‘devices the wrong order, you risk causing malfunction and /or damage to speakers and other devices, 1, Ifyou've connected a device to MIX IN, tum on the power of that device 2. Tum on the power ofthe GR-20. This uni quips ith a potion circuit brig inter rp is ogi fore he wt il (a fra seconds) apr p oper nornally EMD After you've turned on the power, you'l be ready to play when the panel indicators and the display rench the state shown in the illustration. This state is alled “Play mode. 3. Turnon the power of your amp. Adjusting the Output Level Use the [OUTPUT LEVEL] knob onthe rear panel adjust the output level of the GR2U, “Torning the knob toward the right (toward MAX) will, increase the volume. With the knob turned al the way tthe left toward MIN), the volume willbe 7er0 * Normally, you show so his nr dhe middle of Ue range. 12 Adjusting the Input Sensitivity (GK SENS) You'll ned to adjust the input sensitivity ofeach sting according to your picking strength and how the divided pickup is installed, oe IF this adjustment is not made coerectly, the system won't work propery. You must perform this adjustment to ensure that you're taking Full advantage of the GR-20's capa * Once you moke this adjustment i's storad within the GR-20; yo con ne to make it again, Hower, you shoul perform: the adjastent again afer changing he strings o adjusting the action of your guitar. o before using a dfnent GK. guitar. 1. Press the [GK SENS] button 2. Play only the 6th string. ‘The left side ofthe display wil show "6," indicating that you played the 6th string, “The right digit will show the GK SENS setting. The BANK indicators wil funetion asa level meter and show the strength ofthe guitar signal. + fie ep digi of the display does nt show the number of te string yon played, press the HOLD pola or GLIDE peel several tes to make the desired string number appr Level Meter 3. Adjust the sensitivity ‘Tur the [NUMBER,/VALUE] knob to adjust the sensitivity. ‘The sensitivity will increase as the number in the right of the display increases. Adjust the sensitivity so that all of the level meter indicators light briefly when you picks note strongly You ca os use your GK pickups UP/S2 button and DOWNS bt to ast the sensitivity the sate wy. Perform stops 2-3 fr strings 5-1 to adjust the sensitivity ofall strings Chapter 1 Play the Sounds! '5. Pres the [GK SENS] button or [EXIT] button. ‘The GK SENS settings you made are stored inthe GR- 20k, and you will return to Play mode, + The dial point Gin th aslo tl Bin eae the sein ling stor Don’ ur of the poer during this ine. + Fy tur ofthe power befor etn to Play mde, he settings you mae will ot he stored Tuning Your Guitar (Tuner Function) Since the GR-20 analyzes the pitch of ech string in order to determine the sound it should produce, you must tune your sitar accurately. * If your guitar is mistuned, the sound produced wil be ou of ume ad the ster ell not operate correctly 1. Press the [TUNER] button ‘The [TUNER] button wil light, and the Tuner function will be on. The lower two digits ofthe current reference pitch will be shown for approximately two seconds in the display. Then you will be able to tune your guitar Example: When the pitch is set to 440Hz + You ean also turn onthe Tuner function by pressing the HOLD posal and GLIDE yal simultanousl. 2. Use the [NUMBER/VALUE] knob to adjust the reference pitch, you turn the [NUMBER /VALUE] knob slighty, the current reference pitch will be displayed for several seconds. By turing the [NUMBER/ VALUE] knob dling this time, you can adjust the reference pitch, 52 Yow en asst the reference pein a mange of 27 When the Gi HOH The reference pitch yo specify ill be stored sien youre he ‘Tuner fection. Be mare that the sething il at strc if you er off the por bor ings, D's shipped from the factory, this set to a ‘Cleanly play an unfretted note on the string that you ‘The display will indicate the note name, Ee: @e- EO a Te e o> Be o do» As : Be» Bee Bo: ‘Watch the indicator in the panel, and tune your guitar so ‘hat only the green indicator in the mide flit u Tune your guitar. “toolow too high Repeat steps 3-4 to tune each string of your guitar Press the [TUNER] or [EXTT] button to ext the Tuner ‘The reference pitch you specified will be stored, and you will rturn to Play mode. “Te dein pot inthe isla wl Wink we the reference pit beng store. Dont tur off the poser ring thie tine. 13, Chapter 1 Play the Sounds! Specifying the Output Device (OUTPUT SELECT) Here you can specity the type of system connected to the (OUTPUT jacks. This setting allows the GR-20 to internally ‘optimize its sound forthe type of playback system you are using, * This dacs nt affect the sound tha is input to MIX IN. 1L._ Press the [SYSTEM EDIT] button a number of ies until the OUTPUT/FREQ indicator lights 2. Use the [NUMBER/VALUE] knob to Guitar amp GA Use this setting if you've connected the GR-20 to guitar amp. Line the setting 1 mn Us this setting if you've connected the GR-20 fo a keyboard amp, mixer, headphones, of recorder ‘3. Press the EXIT] button The setting will be stored, and you will eturn to Play mode + The lecimal point in the splay wl ink oie the sting és wing stoned. Dont turn of the pve ing this ne IF yon tr of the power fre returning to Play m he setting you made il no be stored 14 Selecting a Sound (Patch) ? . ‘What isa Patch ‘A *patch’ isa sound you play on the GR-2;in addition to the type of sound, a patch also contains settings for effects such as reverb and chorus, The GR20's patches are organized into ten banks by typ, with the patches numbered within each bank. In Play mode, the BANK indicator and the display show the patch that is currently selected, ‘You can eit the settings ofa patch to your taste, and store ‘edited patches in the USER bank (p. 24), You can use any ofthe following ways to select patch Using the Knob to Select Patches 1. Use the [BANK] knob to select the type of sound you From the ten sound banks and the user ban, select the bank that contains the ound you want to use. 2. Use the [NUMBER/ VALUE] knob to select a sound within the bank, ‘Turning the [NUMBER/VALUE] knob will change the number shown in the display, letting you choose from various sounds within the selected bank. Using the Switches of the GK Pickup to Select Patches Jn Play mode, you can use the UP/S2 button and DOWN/S button ofthe GX pickup to selec the next or previous umber. When you rach the upper of lower limit within a bank, you will move to the next Bank Using the Foot Pedals to Select Patches (hen hipped rom he cry. the GR-20 wo feat pedals devas the Ho fancon ane Gide (eh Bend) funtion respectively. Youcanchnge thee igen 0 that th fot pedal ict pace For deta ero Chanting nto fhe oot pels (SW MODE) (p25 Using an External Device Via MIDI to Select Patches You can connect an extemal device (¢.,mult-ffects unit) to the MIDIIN connector, and sclet patches on the GR-20 by ‘operating the external MIDI device. For details, refer to Using the GR-20 with a Mult-effects Unit. 18). Play the GR-20! Let's get stared playing the GR-20, Check the following. points. 1. Make sure that the GR-20 isin Play mode (the state i's normally in immediately following power ep) In some cases, you won't hear any sound ifthe GR-20 is not n Play mode, Set the select switeh of your GK pickup to the “GK” position (on the GK-2A, the “SYNTH” position). If this switch is set to "GUITAR," the normal pickup sound will be output. f this switch is set to "MIX." the synth sound and the guitarnormel pickup sound willbe mixed and output 3, Tum the volume ofthe GK pickup tothe right. ‘This volume controls the synth sounds ofthe GR.20. © Using the Foot Pedal to Change the Pitch (GLIDE) ‘You can press the GLIDE pedal to change the pitch ofthe currently playing synth sound smoothly. ‘The type of change will depend on the sound, and you an also adjust the change to your taste (p. 22) * "The GLIDE intientr el Bink le you are pressing te pedal 15 [chapter 1 Play the Sounds! Using the Foot Pedal to Sustain the Sound (HOLD) You can press the HOLD pedal to sustain the synth sound you're playing. The effect will depend on the sound, and you canals adjust the effect to your taste (p.23) + The HOLD indcror wl Bink woe ow are pressing the petal. Using the Expression Pedal to Modify the Sound (EXP PEDAL) ‘You can use the expression pedal to continuously vary the volume or tone ofthe synth sound, ‘The effect will depend on the sound, and you ean also adjust the effect to your taste (p. 23. Turning the Power Off ‘When you'te ready totum off he power, be sure to das in {he following onde 1. Tumoffthe power of your amp. 2, Tom offthe power ofthe GR2O. 3, Tum off the power ofthe device connected to MIX IN, 16 Chapter 2 Using the GR-20 with Guitar Effects Here's how you can use your own effects unit anit combine the sound of the guitar with the synth sound to crente an even more Interesting range of possi ‘The sound of the guita’s normal pickups will passthrough the GK cable and be output from the GR-20' GUITAR OUT jack 20's MIX IN, and internally mixed wit the GR-20. ‘The sound that is processed by your elects tnt can be connected to the GI synth sound. + Connect the output of your guitar to He norma pickup int ack ofthe GK pickup Connections Using a compact effect device or a multi-effects unit that has no MIDI connector Guitar amp 20's OUTPUT SELECT "1. to "Guitar A Using a multi-effects unit that has @ MIDI connector Keyboard ampli, PA system, et © sf you'reusing a malifets ut st ‘he GR-20 a flows: Guitar Amp Sinulation: on Output Stet tne Sette GR-20's OUTPUT SELECT to “Line” ip. 14 + your muit-efets device docs not have ea sinlator, se the GR-20's OUTPUT SELECT to "Guitar Amp," and connect the culpat toa guitar amp, 7 [chapter 2 Using the GR-20 with Guitar Effects Switching between the Synth Sound and Guitar Sound Using the GR-20 with a Multi-effects Unit Toswitch between the synth sound and guitar sound, use the selector switch provided on your GK pickup. Ifthe selector of your GK pickup (e GK-3, GK-2A) is st to the GK position (labeled SYNTH on the GK-2A), the synth sound willbe output. I set tothe GUITAR position, the _uitar sound will be output I the selector is set to MIX, both sounds wil be mixed and output © Toaajust the lume bolanc ete the synth sound and itr sour, ws oon (p20) of ach patch tas the "yt sound, ond he vole of guitar or the connectat cffct device ta adjust the sum of the guitar sound. 18 ‘By connecting Your mult-efects unit via MIDI, you ean automatically change sounds (patches) on the GR-20 by selecting sounds (patches) on your mult-effects unit Channel (CH) [MIDI uses “channels” to send independent streams of data ‘vera single cable. In order for data tobe received, the receiving device must be sett receive the channel that the transmiting device i sending on. This means you must set the transmit channel of your mult-effects unit to match the seceive channel of the GR-20. 1. Check the MIDI transmit channe! of your multi-effets For details, refer tothe manual of your mult-effects unit. 2. Press the [SYSTEM EDIT] button a number of times untit the MIDI CH/PLAY FEEL indicator lights, ‘3. Use the [NUMBER/ VALUE] knob to change the setting Set the channel sit’ the same asthe MIDI transmit chanel of your multi-effets unit 4, Press the [EXIT] button. ‘The setting wll be stored, and you will eturn to Play made, ‘The dino point in he display wi ink we the setting is Being stor. Don’t turn off the pwr daring this time. + IF you turnoff the power before returning to Ploy mae the set you made will not be stored Chapter 2 Using the GR-20 with Guitar Effects Patch Link Setup (PATCH LINK SETUP) Here's how to link the patches (sounds) of your multeects ‘nit with the patches sounds) ofthe GR-20 This wil ease the GR2D to automatically switch tothe specified sound (patch) when you change patches on your multvtfets unt 1s. Usea MIDI cable to connect the MIDI OUT of your snul-etects unit othe GR-20 MIDI IN. Make sure thatthe MID ransmit chanel of your malt- lft uni isthe sme asthe MIDI chan ofthe GR-20 19, 3. Press the [SYSTEM EDIT] button a numberof mes uni the PATCH LINK SETUP/ TRANSPOSE indicator lights, (On your mult-effects unit, selec the patch for which you want to specify a link Wen you selec patch on your mutes wi, send {4 °MIDI Program Change” mesage to Hee R20. The GR20 tol remember the conte of this message, nnd wil beady fo yo to specify the path ink sting, + Ifa more eonscutie patch changes occur sehen you ae selecting a patehon your mutts uni the GR-20 will rementber only the lst recized MIDI program change 'S._ Use the [BANK] knob and [NUMBER/VALUE] knob to select dhe synth sound in the GR.20 that you want to use with the effect you chose in step 4 6, Repeat steps 4-5 to set as many inks 2s you need, 7__ Press the [EXIT] button ‘You will retusn to Play mode, and the settings you made willbe stored ‘The docinal point inthe displays ink wi he setting fs being stn. Don turn of the poor during this ie 1 you ture ofthe oer bore returning to Pay mode, your Settings wl mo! be stored 19

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