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Sameer Chincholikar
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B.Tech, M.Tech from IIT-Roorkee
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HomeWork Discussion
Example Let Z be the set of all integers and R be the relation on Z defined as
R = {(a, b) : a, b ∈ Z, and (a – b) is divisible by 5}
Prove that R is an equivalence relation.
Example Show that the relation S in the set R of real numbers, defined as
S = {(a, b) : a, b ∈ R and a ≤ b3 } is neither reflexive, nor symmetric nor
Statistics is a branch of mathematics working with data
collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and
Measure of Central Tendency

It is the average value of all the observations.

Mean of ungrouped data
Mean of grouped data
Example The mean of the data set comprising of 16 observations is 16. If one of the
observation valued 16 is deleted and three new observations valued 3, 4
and 5 are added to the data, then the mean of the resultant data is:

A. 15.8 B. 14.0 C. 16.8 D. 16.0

Grouped Mean
Example The average marks of the boys in class is 52 and that of girls is 42. The
average marks of boys and girls combined is 50. The percentage of boys in the
class is 2007
A. 40 B. 60 C. 20 D. 80
It is the middle value when the observations are arranged in
increasing or decreasing order.

It is the observation with maximum frequency.

Relation between Mean, Median and Mode

For a moderately skewed distribution mean, median and mode

are related as: (Mean - Mode) = 3 (Mean - Median)
Example In a frequency distribution, the mean and median are 21 and 22 respectively,
then it’s mode is approximately. 2005
A. 20.5 B. 22.0 C. 25.5 D. 24.0
Measure of Dispersion
Is Mean, Median and Mode not sufficient ?

Class 1: Total 20 Students Class 2: Total 20 Students

10 students : 0 Marks All Students: 50 Marks

10 students : 100 Marks
Mean : 50
Mean : 50

The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value
is called the dispersion of the data. Important Measures of Dispersion

1. Mean deviation

2. Standard deviation and variance

Mean Deviation
Mean Deviation

Mean Deviation
Example If the mean deviation of the numbers 1, 1 + d, I + 2d, .... 1 + 100d from their
mean is 255, then d is equal to:
A. 20.0 B. 10.1 C. 20.2 D. 10.0
Example If the mean deviation about the median of the numbers a, 2a, ……… 50a is 50,
then |a| equals 2011
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 2
Standard Deviation and Variance

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