Summative Assessment Directions

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Civil Rights End of Unit

Showcase Digital Portfolio Directions

You will create a portfolio that encapsulates what you have learned throughout the
Movements for Equality unit. You will share your finished digital portfolio with me via
Google Drive or Dropbox. The link is posted on the class website.

The digital portfolio must include:

Table of Contents
Please label each file/folder appropriately, keep it organized, and in order
3-4 previously completed assignments that demonstrate proficient mastery of
content and skills (essays, civil rights digital poster, campaign letter, journal
entries from this unit, digital timeline, etc...)
Each item should include a written reflection of 250-400 words. Why did
you choose the assignment? Why is it your best work? What did you like
about completing the assignment?
1 completed assignment must include all drafts.
For example, if you chose to include the essay on Freedom of Speech, you
will include your brainstorm/free write and drafts with edits on it. Scan
and upload copies of the peer-edited drafts and nest them in one PDF
1-2 artifacts relevant to your portfolio accompanied with a short explanation of
why you chose that particular artifact
Reflection Response: Your reflection response can be written or can be recorded
as a podcast or presentation.
What surprised me about what I have learned so far in this unit?
Why is it important that I learn about the Civil Rights movement?
How has this impacted my learning and understanding of civic duty?
Did the Civil Rights Movement succeed? Why or why not?
What do “equal” rights mean?
All links must be live and accessible

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