15 Track Signage

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Permanent Way Manuat Parti KTR Track Signage Chapter 15 Chapter 15 Track Signage Document History T Issue | Date Description 0 May,2015 | First Issue MOHD RAMLIMOHDNOH 26 NAY 2019 General Manager Permanent Way Keretapi Tanah Nalayu Berhad Kuala Luau OxTWe Rev. 0 Page 10148 Permanent Way Manual Part It KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 164 PURPOSE 3 15.2 TYPES 3 153 INDICATORS DEPICTING PHYSICAL FEATURES. 3 18.4 INDICATORS FOR SPEED RESTRICTIONS. vo 155 INDICATION BOARDS AT LEVEL CROSSINGS 4 156 SIGNAGE IN BRIDGES AND TUNNELS 5 18.7 INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE 5 LIST OF FIGURES. 6 LIST OF ANNEXURES 6 Annexure 15.1 - Specification of Materials 4a Annexure 15.2 - Installation Guidelines 46 48 Annexure 15.3 - General Guidelines Page zfs Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15, 15.1 15.2 15.3 18.3.4 15.3.2 153.3 15.3.4 153.41 153.42 15.3.5 153.5.1 OKTMB PURPOSE Track signs are provided by the side of the track to convey information about various track features for the guidance of Drivers, inspecting officials, KTMB staff, and general public. Besides pin-pointing specific locations, they also help in maintenance operations as aids to KTMB personnel in the discharge of their duties. TYPES Track signs can be classified into: + Indicators depicting physical features. + Indicators for speed restrictions. Indication Boards at Level Crossings. Whistle Boards. INDICATORS DEPICTING PHYSICAL FEATURES ilometre posts These posts shall be provided at every kilometre. Irrespective of the position of any existing posts, all kilometre posts shall be erected at right angles to the track at a minimum distance of 2.8m to the left from the centre line of the track. They shall be located on the permanent way cess so as to be distinctly visible from a train. For double track area, they are installed on both sides of the double track for the Up and Down line separately. Figure 15.1 shows the details of a kilometre post used on formation, Quarter kilometre posts These posts shall be provided at every quarter of a kilometre. They are erected at the same distance from track and in the same direction as kilometre posts. The signage’s are longer in size for track on formation (refer Figure 15.2 (a) and (b)) and shorter in tunnels, with the kilometre and quarter kilometre figures displayed in two rows. Kilometre & quarter kilometre lettering lettering guide for the posts is provided in Figure 15.2 (c).. Gradient posts These posts shall be provided at every change of grade and erected on the cess at the same distance as kilometre posts with the figures indicating the grades facing the track. For newly constructed Class 1 lines and for future new lines, the signage’s shall be installed facing the front of the train so as to be in the frontal view of the train driver. This shall be the new standard for all new track signage's installation. Figure 15.3 (a) and (b) show the detaiis of a gradient posts, Curve and Cant indicators (On the outside of the curve, rail posts shall be erected on each approach of the curve to indicate the beginning and the end of the transition curve and circular curve. Figure 15.4 shows details of curve indicators for curves, ‘Super-clevation or cant shall be indicated by painting its value on the gauge side foot of the outer rail of the curve at every versine station. Rev. 0 Page 3 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Parti KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 15.4 154.4 15.5 16.5.1 INDICATORS FOR SPEED RESTRICTIONS General Whenever cautious driving at restricted speed is necessary during both day and night for any reason, the following types of indicators shall be displayed by the Permanent Way staff, These shall be exhibited in the direction from which trains approach on the Double Line and in both directions on the Single Line. For Permanent Speed Restrictions, indicators in Figure 15.6(a) and (b) Figure 15.7 shall be used. Where the restriction is temporary, the indicators shall be comprised of reflective material and as detailed in Figure 15.5 which shows various details of the indicators boards. Refer to section ‘K’ of the General Manual in the current KTMB Rules and Regulation Book for details. Refer to Chapter 45: Execution of Works, Speed Restrictions and Indicators, for procedure on Speed Restrictions. INDICATION BOARDS AT LEVEL CROSSINGS General The following are the main types of Level Crossings: Table T-3.1: Types of Level Crossings No. | Level Crossing Description Type () | Public Level | These are for public use to cross the railway track and are Crossing manned with KTMB gatemen. These crossings are provided with Gate Signals and Road Signals. The operation of the gate or road barrier is interlocked to the gate signal to ensure safety to rail and road traffic Responsibility of operation is with KTMB. (ii) | Occupation (Not used anymore, legally under the discretion of the Crossing Minister to declare, at which point, KTMB shall install barriers or gates similar to private level crossings) (ii) | Accommodation | These are specifically for KTMB own purposes, such as for Level Crossing | access to KTMB godowns and yards. These are not provided with Gate Signals or Road Signals. Responsibility of operation is with KTMB. (iv) | Private Level ] These are owned by private owner or private companies Crossing and are manned by his or their Gatemen. These are not provided with Gate or Road Signals and the level crossing gates are kept closed to private road traffic at all times unless required to be opened for the owner/private company use. Responsibility of operation is with the owner of the private crossing () | Construction These are similar to private level crossings in terms of its Level Crossings | requirements and operation. These are usually approved by KTMB on a ‘project-need’ basis and governed by specific conditions imposed by KTMB on the project. ©OKTMB Rev.0 Page 4 of 49 KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 155.2 15.6.3 15.5.4 155.4.2 15.5.5 15.6 15.7 Permanent Way Manual Part Il The barriers or gates and road and rail signage to be provided vary according to the type of Level Crossing, Whistle Boards Whistle boards shall be provided on the approach of all Public Level Crossing, Accommodation Crossings and Private Crossings. They are fixed at a distance of 400m On either side of the crossing on the left side of the track. Refer to Figure 15.8 (a) and (b). Class 1 lines are not provided with Level Crossings, except in Yards and Depots. Indication Board on stop signals ‘At certain public level crossings which are outside station limits, the driver of a train can ass the stop signal in the "STOP" or "ON" position in accordance with Rule 2.1.(d) of Appendix No.7 to General Manual 1994. At these level crossings, the indication board as in Figure 18.9 shall be fixed on the same post as the stop signal and kept below the signal War Warning boards shall also be provided for all Level Crossings with non-interlocked barriers in accordance with Rule 2.2. of Appendix 7 to the General Manual in the current KTMB Rules and Regulation Book. They are erected at an adequate distance as approved by the Regional Engineer and Regional Signal Engineer, on either side of the Level Crossing, to warn train Drivers to stop at the Warning Board, until a hand signal is exhibited from the barrier. 1g Boards for non-interlocked Barriers The Warning Board shall carry the following inscription: “BARRIER GATES. DO NOT PASS UNLESS HAND SIGNALLED FROM THE GATE” The letters shall be in black on a yellow background. These warning boards shall display ‘a white marker light at night. “OWN RISK” Boards and Warning Boards for Road Users: These Boards are provided at suitable locations on the road approaches on either side of all Occupation Crossings, Accommodation Grossing, and Private Crossings to warn road users. Figure 15.10A shows the details of a “Own Risk” Board and Figure 15.10B shows the details of a “Warning Board” for road users. SIGNAGE IN BRIDGES AND TUNNELS. ‘Signages in new Tunnels and on Bridges and Viaducts are generally the same as for formation however fixing detail will differ depending on the designs of the structures. INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE During his routine inspections, the PWI shall inspect and ensure proper up-keep and maintenance of all rack signage in his jurisdiction, KTM Rav.0 Page 5 of 49 Gi TM LIST OF FIGURES Figure 15.1.1 (a) (a) Figure 15.1.2 (a)—(b) Figure 15.2.4 (a) -(c) Figure 15.2.1 (d) ~(e) Figure 15.2.2 (a) ~ (b) Figure 15.2.3 (a) Figure 15.3.1 (a) -(c) Figure 15.3.2 (b) Figure 15.4.1 (a) ~(c) Figure 15.4.2 (a) - (b) Figure 15.4.3 (a) Figure 15.5.1 (a) Figure 15.6.1 (a) ~(d) Figure 15.6.2 (a) Figure 15.7.1 (a) ~(b) Figure 15.8.1 (a) ~(b) Figure 15.8.2 (a) Figure 15.9.1 (a) Figure 15.10.1 (a) Figure 15.10.1 (b) LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure 15.1 Annexure 15.2 Annexure 18.3, Permanent Way Manual Part Ill Track Signage Chapter 15 Kilometre Post (New) (Formation) Kilometre Post (Old) (Formation) Quarter Kilometre Post (Formation) (New) Quarter Kilometre Post (Tunnel) (New) Quarter Kilometre Post (Formation) (Old) Lettering Guide — Kilometre and Quarter Kilometre Post Gradient Post (New) Gradient Post (Old) Curve Indicators (Formation) (New) juct) Curve Indicators (Bridge and Vi Curve Indicators (Old) Temporary Speed Restriction Indicators ‘Speed Indicator Board (New) ‘Speed Indicator Board (Old) Termination Indicator Board Whistle Board (New) Whistle Board (Old) Indicators on Stop Signal “OWN RISK" Board Warning Board for Road Users ‘Specification for Signage Materials Fixing of Signage Boards General Guidelines KTMB Rev. 0 Page 6 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 saat so ea) 125} GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF KILOMETER BOARD. 0 tat Pa a eras : seems ETT oe, SIDE ELEVATION Figure 15.1.1 (a) — Kilometre Post (New) (Formation) OKTMB Rav. 0 Page 7 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 18 GROUND LEVEL aaa aeons sy . coucrere cuss 20/20 | + g 200m 2. 200mm x Som THK 40S" Bait, WEBES “6 Verrcat post l tt | 00 DETAIL ‘A’ TYPICAL DETAIL OF KILOMETER BOARD BOARD MATERIAL, DURAPLAS (SOLID) 4mm THICK BACKGROUND : ENGINEERING GRADE 3M YELLOW (REFLECTIVE) NUMERAL AND SYMBOL : GRADE 3M SCOTCH BLACK BORDER : GRADE 3M SCOTCH BLACK LETTER SIZE HEIGHT = 200 wioTH - 125 THICKNESS ~ 40 * PROPERTIES OF DURAPLAS BOARD — TENSILE STRENGTH (N/mm?) : MO:17 > TD:12 — COMPRESSION STRENGTH (N/mm?) : 9.4 IMPACT HIGH VELOCITY @ 23°C (JOULE) : 18 FINISHING : SMOOTH, CLEAN WITH NO BUBBLES AND JOINTS. Figure 15.1.1 (b) — Kilometre Post (New) (Formation) ©KINB Rev.0 Page 8 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 ott DIGIT KM BOARD 7 i 655 = 8 186.25 __ 125 e25_ 125 __ 196.25 _ 18 DURAPLAS BOARD 3- DIGIT KM BOARD. DURAPLAS BOARD Figure 15.1.1(c) ~ Kilometre Post (New) (Formation) OKTNE Rav. 0 Page 9 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Il KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 nm hk Aimunum Pate @ doom th. Durapas Paste High impact late e+ 00g 0b Rat RaiLevel - 200 x 200 x 635mm MSS Plate welded to rat / post Figure 15.1.2 (a) — Kilometre Post (Old) (Formation) ‘KTM Rav. 0 Page 10 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 — 281.25 | 00 ‘en ere ATER (YELLON) eas Note: Minimum distance post rom centre line of nearsttrack are 2.786 m. Figure 15.1.2 (b) — Kilometre Post (Old) (Formation) eKTNB Rav. 0 Page 11 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 a6 00 Gwin) r oa a Cee AnsosceENT OF KLOMETER BOARD ba. "a Murs PLAN ESF Wtoco™ i © * * Pat ts 30 Po 3 +: ie + oo) nee ess 2 ' Es # Ta es aunts ; ) oe ry e oe | aOLTS & NUTS Barjptnn 7 ERs ne oe ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION CONNECTION DETAIL Figure 15.2.1 (a) — Quarter Kilometre Post (Formation) (New) oxTs Revd Page 148 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill ICTM Track Signage Chapter 15 GROUND LEVEL CONCRETE CLASS 20/20 - 8 200mm x 200mm x 3mm THK U.S PLATE WELDED TO VERTICAL POST | } | a] _ 750 DETAIL ‘A’ BORED FOOTING SCALE 1:20 BOARD MATERIAL : DURAPLAS (SOLID) 4mm THIC BACKGROUND ENGINEERING GRADE 3M YELLOW (REFLECTIVE) NUMERAL AND SYMBOL : GRADE 3M SCOTCH BLACK ) BORDER GRADE 3M SCOTCH BLACK LETTER SIZE : HEIGHT = 200 wioTH ~ 125 THICKNESS — 40 PROPERTIES OF DURAPLAS BOARD : TENSILE STRENGTH (N/mm?) : MO:17 > TD:12 COMPRESSION STRENGTH (N/mm?) : 9.4 — IMPACT HIGH VELOCITY @ 23°C (JOULE) : 18 FINISHING : SMOOTH, CLEAN WITH NO BUBBLES AND JOINTS, Figure 15.2.1 (b) — Quarter Kilometre Post (Formation) (New) OKTNB Rav. 0 Page 13 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Parti KTM “Track Signage Chapter 15 225 125 22 3- DIGIT QUARTER KILOMETER BOARD : 7 2 ae 128 1975 2 5 e / 5 4 4-DIGIT ‘ QUARTER KILOMETER BOARD SAE 110 so 25 50 125 50 125 | " 5 4 s a as, 40 Figure 15.2.1 (c) - Quarter Kilometre Post (Formation) (New) OKTMB Rev.0 Page 14 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM “Track Signage Chapter 15 SIGN FACE Smee STANLESS BOTS & NUTS Sm CAP PLATE ‘SPOT weLOro Sm x. Snm He Putte Brox (ekivataseoy wetness APL Yo Post , Samm © STANLESS Bouts ee NUTS, Py pad : SN FACE eit al + > 1 Sit “Lr > | + 1 P \ + ® I > & I a Eee zl ZSenme x 3.250mm - Stee Post icabiateseoy ' I ey BRKcKET ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION Figure 15.2.1 (d) ~ Quarter Kilometre Post (Tunnel) (New) OKTNB Rev.0 Page 15 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 8.113 40 | 125 |s0_ 125 || 147 a5 25) DETAIL 'B’ BOARD MATERIAL DURAPLAS (SOLID)" 4mm THICK BACKGROUND ENGINEERING GRADE 3M YELLOW (REF NUMERAL AND SYMBOL: GRADE 3M SCOTCH BLACK BORDER RADE 3M ScoTCH LETTER SIZE HEIGH - 200 wioTH - HICKNES “PROPERTIES OF DURAPLAS BOARD — TENSILE STRENGTH (N/mm ) : MD:17 > TO:12 ESSION STRENGTH (N/mm ) : 9.4 ~ IMPACT HIGH VELOCITY @ ZC (JOULE) : 18 FINISHING : SMOOTH, CLEAN WITH2 NO BUBBLES: AND JOINTS. Figure 15.2.1 (e) - Quarter Kilometre Post (Tunnel) (New) OKTMB a Rev. 0 Page 16 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 44mm thick Duraplus Plastic High impact pate with 3M ENGINEERING GRADE REFLECTIVE MATERIAL (YELLOW) (Goth Sides) | ‘00mm x 100mm Rc Post (Concrete G20) 800mm 1] ‘100mm x 100mm RO Post — Lettering - Blac Background - Yellow (Luminous) Ral Level v Ground Level =i ass Concrete 600mm 7 z PRIS 4mm thick Duraplus Plastic High impact pate with mm @ ‘Scrows @ Rebate 200mm = “4mm thick Duraplus Past High impact pate with Figure 16.2.2 (a) - Quarter Kilometre Post (Old) ‘©KTMB Rev.0 Page 17 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 | 1510 \ | Refer to KTMB Standard Drawing Toca) \I Text and Color Detais zl8 er Kiometer Board, ll, (w= 100mm = 200mm) Al a 3 Nee 6mm @ ‘Screws @ Rebate 100m x t00mm + Rerost 7 e | mm ick Duras Piastic $I High impact pate ity SM ENGINEERING GRADE REFLECTIVE MATERIAL (YELLOW) # (Bat Sis) 0 200 am 3 6mm @ + 1 T ‘Screws @ Rebate mJ I 1 foci ° faba @4nos Figure 15.2 (b) — Quarter Kilometre Post (Old) ‘©OKTMB Rev. 0 Page 18 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill TM Track Signage Chapter 15 eS See 7 320 : LETTERING GUIDE (FULL KILOMETER POST) 1s | — PRES ae fag eh et fa ff 3| | LETTERING (BLACK) | l 42.50mm LINING (BLACK) t 4mm THICK DURAPLUS PLASTIC HIGH IMPACT PLATE WITH SM ENGINEERING GRADE REFLECTIVE MATERIAL (YELLOW) (BOTH SIDES) Figure 15.2.3 (a) — Lettering Guide — Kilometre and Quarter Kilometre Posts OKTMB eet Rev. 0 Page 19 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part il KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 : 3000 (rin) ee 200 a 00 (rin) “4 al u ey es | resp AEN | eee eee LocaTioN: LEGEND: 1-2 A SE oF wr oun sup com rane cee sneo Shiite 10 Toe an NUNC TO THE VIP. LOCATEN. eas, = ompent oe oO « OG «# oO BOARD MATERIAL ‘ouRAPUS (SOU0)" 4mm THICK “PROPERTIES OF DURAPLAS BOARD toner fences cae oon gm) CEA Sm fs Wt? > 2 enema svg te scene = outst sn et) ieee fee fa Gees = et wage wei0otY @ 25 GOAE) +18 ) (erenze con a ~ ROP; MOM cue wm vo es Figure 15.3.1 (a) — Gradient Post (New) ra Revo Page 2049 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM ‘Track Signage Chapter 15 425 Sipm CAP PLATE - - SPOT weLoEO Some 3mm Her PLATE ‘BRacKeTs (exivanisen) weLbeD To post 5 erin STAINLESS aS 8075 “a NUTS 400 SIGN FACE 4 SION FACE e 2 boone eS STEEL POST (GALVANISED) ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION CONNECTION DETAIL ‘SCM 1:10 (GROUND LEVEL. Zz T ¥, 1 oem @ x 3.2mm STEEL Post ‘imme. STANLESS BOLTS a NUTS SIGN FACE CONCRETE CLASS 20/20 : 200mm 200mm x Simm THA ics" Plate,eOED "To VERTICAL POST PLAN (ata 300 DETAIL, BORED FOOTING SCALE 1:20) Figure 15.3.1 (b) — Gradient Post (New) OKTNB Rev.0 Page 21 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Track Signage 2» LEVEL] Figure 15.3.1 (c) ~ Gradient Post (New) xKTMB Rev.0 Part ill Chapter 15 Pago 22 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM ‘Track Signage Chapter 15 Sym M5 plote 27 ded 08 5 post a N 60 LBS RAIL ee PScSSSSS Hl t ' 1 1 i uu 1. 3mm MS. PLATE WELDED TO RAIL POST 2. LETTERING TO BE PAINTED BLACK. 3. BACKGROUND TO BE PAINTED WHITE Figure 15.3.2 (a) ~ Gradient Post (Old) KTMB Rev.0 Page 23 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part lt KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 , & D DENOTES CURVE INDICATORS WAS INSTALLED ON FIELD SIDE OF DOWN MAINLINE AND UP MAINLINE AT 3000mm FROM CENTRE LINE OF RESPECTIVE TRACK AS BELOW POST A’ WAS FACING INCREASING KILOMETER POST 'B' AND 'C’ WAS FACING DIRECTION OF TRAIN POST ‘0’ WAS FACING DECREASING KILOMETER 2. INFORMATION ON CURVE INDICATOR POST WAS ACCORDING TO ALIGNMENT DRAWINGS, 3. POST WAS PAINTED YELLOW AND LETTERS WAS STENCILED IN BLACK. 4. START/END OF TRANSITION CURVES. START/END OF CIRCULAR CURVES AND RADIUS WERE STENCILED ON THE INNER FACE OF THE OUTER RAIL OF LOOPS AND YARD, Figure 15.4.1 (a) — Curve Indicators (New) (Formation) OKTMB Rev. 0 Page 24 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill | KTM “Track Signage Chapter 15 3000 (rin) 4200 5 5000 (in) APPLIED CANT GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF CURVE INDICATOR POST @® o ef f SN Cem) | ne aE 4 [a Amn 3 ccmme Cal 00mm] = g gegge om mupe Bah co r pene mimi eiacaa oe ere |. 8 tm eer Re Lea Meoe a Poa "a © © ) STENCH, eaOUS 1608.1 “tag r7i2.q} SEE ETAL °c’ wna ras es i i SREB 20. 75228 00 gn 5, 230mm in3"Fuae wewoeo Figure 15.4.1 (b) — Curve Indicators (New) (Formation) OKTNB Rev.0 Page 28 of 49 Permanont ay anual Part KTM Track Signage Chapter 18 = ed oo 4 DETAIL A’ DETAIL 8’ “SAE 1 SAE: 10 x ante veuLow reese 8 zt = on eons Fates ‘Stan FACE ma teksto) a cconcnere cvsss 20/20 | = NSE WBE to | i DETAIL ‘C’ ‘SIDE VIEW OF (A) & (©) Sou nee Som MS PLATE PLAN OF (A) &) Figure 15.4.1 (c) ~ Curve Indicators (New) (Formation) ‘OKTMB Rev.0 Page 26 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM “Track Signage Chapter 15 (eal awe wa fom mie geccoe [Azare fil mare fal ER] sag om oe Eee np. ap fie Si Figure 15.4.2 (a) — Curve Indicators (New) (Bridge and Viaduct) OKT Revd Page ofa Permanent Way Manual Part il KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 sepuED cant 8 soto ong- a Sioomoes 200! a sateen Sete te i 300 oe a 3 3 1st ay DETAL“C: DETAIL NOTES, 1. ALL DMENSIONS WERE IN MILLIMETERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 2. PAR, & S DENOTED CURVE INDICATOR BOARDS. INFORMATION ON CURVE INDICATOR BOARD WAS ACCORDING TO ALIGNMENT DRAWINGS, 4. ALL WALL PLUG SCREWS WERE LOCATED 20mm FROM THE EDGES OF EACH TYPE. OF CURVE INDICATOR BOAROS. Jmm MS PLATE BOARDS WERE PAINTED YELLOW AND LETTER WERE STENCILED IN BLACK. 5. BOARDS WERE PAINTED YELLOW AND LETTERS WERE IN BLACK. LOCATION 1. ON PARAPET WALL OF UP MAINLINE AND DOWN MAINLINE, RESPECTIVE BOARDS WERE PLACED FACING DIRECTION OF TRAINS. 2, ON LOW LEVEL PLATFORM OF UP MAINUNE AND DOWN MANLINE, RESPECTIVE CURVE INDICATOR WERE PAINTED ON PLATFORM FLOOR, Figure 15.4.2 (b) — Curve Indicators (New) (Bridge and Viaduct) ©KTMB Rov. 0 Page 28 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part il IKTRA Track Signage Chapter 15 tote 2 Bebe pee ase mice so Fos seranenesone A ston Extet tention Cee Left side —-| Left side To be painted view Stencil [55 view Stencil | 9 | in Black colour Cant Radius size 0.05 x 40 mm Gradient 1470 1 in 2500 — To be painted WA Wi 7. in Black colour Right side I view Stenci [Radius ® 1470 if To be pointed —{PX\ |4— aight side eo |/ in Block colour [gg | view Stenci size 0.05 x 40 mm| Cont To be pointed Sn 2200 in Black colour Ss Figure 15.4.3 (a) ~Curve Indicator (Old) ‘©KTNB Rev.0 Page 28 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 ars ian “wero npeston !l i ) tl 5 ) Figure 15.5.1 (a) - Temporary Speed Restriction Indicator OKTMB Rev.0 Page 30 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 reawarion reegunaion Peta, £ GREOAR Come sPEco,gesreicnon ete % PLAN VIEW A eakRD "oie 75 «75 x 3mm THK. M.S PLATE WELDED TO POST AND Brom © STAINLESS. PLATE TO 2 SIGN FACE BOUT & NUTS. BRACKET BRACKET $ SOmm_x Smm THINS. PLATE Be o> PLATE TO BRACKET 2emm x Som x - ses - ws PLATE Pl Figure 18.6.1(a) ~ Speed Indicator Board(New) ‘©KTNB Rev. 0 Page 31 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Track Signage KTM Part It Chapter 15 75+ 75 x 3mm THK Ms "PLATE (GALVANISED) WELDED To POST 5mm CAP PLATE SPOT WELDED ak | | Some x 3mm TH +] M.S PLATE (GALVANISED) AL < > Siu FACE oF S109 face, oF sos one tom 9 stamuess Sor & fa Isom $x 325mm UW SiEET Post (GaLvatuseD) SIDE ELEVATION, 3 =| concrete ciass 20/20 ruLet wen Revo Wane en ™ i VEncA post WELDING DETAIL 300, DETAIL * BORED FOOTING CONNECTION DETAIL SORE 120 Figure 15.6.1 (b) - Speed Indicator Board (New) ‘© KTMB Rev. 0 Page 32 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 18 3000 (Win) #200 ne 3000 (Min) 1 elf j : g22 3 Hd EB 7 é 2 Ne: GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF PERMANENT SPEED RESTRICTION BOARD NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS WERE IN MILLMETRES UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 2. SIGN FACE OF KM POST WAS FORMED OF DURAPLAS POLYNER BOARD IN REFLECTIVE YELLOW AND NUMBER WAS IN BLACK, 3. PERMANENT SPEED RESTRICTION DEFINES A SPEED LOWER THAN 140kph FOR A SPECIFIED TRACK SECTION. 4, IN CASE OF SPEEDS WITH 2 DIGITS eg. 80 kph, THE BOARD SIZE OF 750mm WAS MAINTAINED, THE 2-DIGIT NUMBER WAS WITH A LARGER SIZE NOTATION 120" DENOTES MAXIMUM PERMITTED SPEED OF 120 KPH. LOCATION 1. ON FIELD SIDE OF UP MAINLINE AND DOWN MAINLINE, PERMANENT SPEED RESTRICTION BOARD WAS PLACED, FACING DIRECTION OF TRANS. 2. IN LINE TO THE POINT WHERE RESTRICTION STARTS, ON REVERSE FACE 'T’ BOARD WAS PLACED. BOARD MATERIAL; DURAPLAS (SOLID) 4mm THICK BACKGROUND : ENGINEERING GRADE 3M YELLOW (REFLECTIVE) NUMERAL AND SYMBOL : GRADE Su SCOTCH BLACK BORDER GRADE 3M SCOTCH BLACK. PROPERTIES OF DURAPLAS BOARD. TENSILE STRENGTH (N/mm?) : MD:17 > TO:12 — COMPRESSION STRENGTH (N/mm?) : 9.4 = IMPACT HIGH VELOCITY @ 28'¢ (JOULE) : 18 ~ FINISHING : SMOOTH, CLEAN WITH NO BUBBLES AND JOINTS, Figure 15.6.1 (c) ~ Speed Indicator Board (New) oKTMB Rev.0 Page 33 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Track Signage OTH Part Ill Chapter 15 hice 8 Tuickness — YELLOW ee ; soicits (FACING SIDE) TEXT DETAIL , 250, Tilo. 1 @ MEGHT = 450 B worm = 250 THICKNESS ~ 65 eux | . ‘YELLOW ALS 2 DIGITS (FACING SIDE) TEXT DETAIL = SONE 1:10 e sc10st 490 8 wort 350 Tucness - 70 i (REVERSE SIDE) TEXT DETAIL Figure 15.6.1 (d) — Speed Indicator Board (New) Rev'd Pago 34 of 49 OxKTMB Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTM “Track Signage Chapter 15, 1] | Border to be paint in BLACK Background to be High Intercity | 2 3M YELLOW 3] Lettering to be paint in BLACK 3mm thick Aluminium Plate OR | ‘4mm thick Dura-plus Plastic ] | High Impact Plate 7 6 - 9mm G.I Bolt a Post | Ground Level | Notes = Lettering Height = 200mm Fillet Welds g \ 8 Lettering Width = 100mm im | soo_} Figure 15.6.2 (a) - Speed Indicator Board (Old) KTM Rov. 0 Page 38 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part ill KTM Track Signage Chapter 18 ae 75 x75 x 3mm THK Bar & RUHMLESS M.S PLATE. WELDED 10 POST AND aoa PLATE TO t SIGN FACE BHA BRACKE 50mm _x 5mm THK.M.S PLATE PLATE TO BRACKET 75 x75 x 3mm THK. M.S PLATE (GALVANISED) WELDED TO POST 50mm x 3mm THK M.S PLATE (GALVANISED) ELEVATION aT 75mm _x 50mm x 50mm THK 860 MS PLATE PLAN 5mm CAP PLATE SPOT WELDED Bes adlvew 4 ] BOARD TERMINATION 8mm STAINLESS BOLT & NUTS 75mm @ x 3.25mm + STEEL POST (GALVANISED) SIDE ELEVATION Figure 16.7.1 (a) ~ Termination Indicator Board OxKTMB Rev.0 Page 36 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill KTR “Track Signage Chapter 15 BLACK . YELLOW REVERSE SIDE. v Di een 8 ' | ' | fic ° CONCRETE CLASS ge 3 =| 20/20 200mm x 200mm x Smen THK. | M.S PLATE WELDED TO VERTICAL POST ' th I | a 5 IF ot if 3 [| { _ 300 |) DETAIL ‘A’ SEE DETAIL A’ BORED FOOTING Figure 15.7.1 (b) ~ Termination Indicator Board ‘© KTNB Rev. 0 Page 37 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part tll KTM Track Signage Chapter 18 060 GROUND LEVEL g | CONCRETE CLASS 20/20 BUCK “alan ll eoeean etn 3° [WR-NBCTLINE] | ®' | DETAIL’ WHISTLE AND INDICATOR POST NCAT ST BORED FOOTING (FACING SIDE) wae 3000 (rin) 2100 HLLET. WELD ps “WELDING DETAIL _ SEE DETAIL ‘A GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF WHISTLE BOARD Figure 15.8.1 (a) — Whistle Board (New) OKTMB Rev.0 Pago 38 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Track Signage Part It Chapter 15 75 x 75 x 3mm THK M.S PLATE WELDED TO POST AND gam 8 STAMLESS PLATE 10 SIGN Face BOLT & NUTS BRACKE! BRACKET § 50mm x Smm Tien BUNE 3 ee Puate 70 BRACKET 25mm SOmm mmm TK ni 860 ” MS PLATE PLAN SCALE 1:10 M.S "PLATE. (GALVANISED) WELDED To POST 5x 75 x 3mm THK, Simm CAP PLATE SPOT WELDED mn THK. (GALVANISED) "SIGN FACE OF SPEED PERMANENT BOARD TPE sma o stanuess a 3m BOLT & NUTS ae oe ORE Racker a eT (GhivattseD) WELDED Pate | forest 75mm @ x 3,25mm STEEL POST (GALVANISED) ELEVATION CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE 1:20 SIDE ELEVATION Figure 15.8.1 (b) — Whistle Board (New) ‘OKTNB Rev.0 Page 39 of 49 j I 3500mm Post— Part Il Chapter 15 Permanent Way Manual Track Signage Border to be paint in BLACK Background to be High Intercity 3M YELLOW Lettering to be paint in BLACK ‘3mm thick Aluminium Plate OR ‘4mm thick Dura-plus Plastic High Impact Pate 6- 9mm G.I Bolt 950mm |+-——— Fost 2550mm Rail Level 750mm Ground Level Fillet Welds \ 1000mm Notes Lettering Height 600mm Lettering Width OKTMB 300mm Figure 15.8.2 (a) — Whistle Board (Old) Rev. 0 Page 40 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part il KTR “Track Signage Chapter 15 Note: these indication boards are fixed on ‘the Stop signal of Public Level Crossing ‘outside the station limits, where trains con pass in the "STOP" or “ON” position. f+ - 0 -- i Lede nett v tt ee ebay Stee Sea cl Figure 15.9.1 (a) ~ Indicator on Stop Signal OKIE Rev. 0 Pago 41 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part It Track Signage Chapter 15 3 mm THICK ALUMINUM PLATE. OR “4 mm THICK DURA~PLUS PLASTIC HIGH IMPACT PLATE 150, = — ppLuNe HOLES FoR = ‘Sen BOLTS sis. ‘3 mmm THICK ALUMINUM PLATE OR 44 mm THICK DURA-PLUS PLASTIC HIGH IMPACT PLATE 3660 POST 915 ym ‘GROUND LEVEL 760 ee RG CONCRETE BARBED WRE SPIRAL 150 ©KTMB Figure 15.10.1 (a) ~ "OWN RISK" Board Rev. 0 Page 42 of 48 Permanent Way Manual Part Il KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 ENE S PAINTED IN BLACK VAD AD AiH+== Co) Figure 15.10.1 (b) ~ Warning Board for Road Users KTM Rev.0 Page 43 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill ICTRA Track Signage Chapter 15 Annexure 15.1 - Specification of Materials. 1. General Materials to be used for track signage’s shall be in accordance with the details shown in respective drawings and this Annexure. 2. Conerete Base for the posts The steel posts used for the erection of signage’s shall be firmed embedded in Class 20x20 concrete and the dimensions of the concrete foundation for the post shall be as shown in the respective drawings. 3. Steel Posts for fixing Signage’s The steel posts for fixing track signage's shall be 75 mm @ x 3.5 mm hot dip galvanised. The supplier shall provide details and method for the galvanisation of the posts. The whole surface of the steel post including the inside of the post shall be uniformly galvanised The steel post shall be firmly fixed at the exact locations as shown in the drawings. The steel post shall be well anchored into concrete base by welding 200mm x 200 mm. M.S. Plate as shown in the respective drawings. Details for the welding and type of electrode used shall be approved by the District Engineer. The length of the posts shall follow the details shown in the respective drawings. 4. Signage Boards (KM, % KM and Gradient Posts) ‘Shape of the boards shall be rectanguler. The signage boards shall be made from standard DURAPLAS (Solid) 4mm thick material (or equivalent other material), with engineering grade 3M (or equivalent other make) Yellow (Retro-Reflective).” All numerals, symbols and border shall be of Grade 3M Scotch Black. The height, width and thickness of each letter and the border shall be as er details shown in the respective track signage drawings. The signage boards are either fixed to the steel posts as per item 2.2 or fixed to station platform coping, or to the supporting bracket as in the case of tunnel as per details shown in respective track signage drawings. 5. Properties of DURAPLAS (or equivalent): Item | Property Minimum Requirement 1 Tensile Strength (N/mm?): MD:17 > TD:12 2 | Compression Strength (Nimm?) 94 3 | Impact high velocity @ 28°C (Joule): | 18, 4 | Finishing ‘Smooth, Clean with no bubbles and joints. Test results from the supplier of Duraplas shall be submitted for approval by the District, Engineer. ‘©KTNB Rev. 0 Page 44 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part il KTM ‘Track Signage Chapter 18 6 Concreting, and other works Conereting to fix the posts shall be in accordance with approved MS/BS Standards and proper curing shall be ensured to ensure that concrete has attained required strength, The site shall be cleared of all debris and the earth, sub-ballast etc. affected by the work shall be well compacted. The posts shall be fixed perpendicular to the main line and truly vertical Al welding involved in the fabrication shall be tested by dye penetration tests, Test certficates for galvanising of the steel posts and other steel components, etc. shall be submitted to the client. Mill certificates and specification for all steel materials such as steel tube for posts, MS angle, stainless steel bolts etc. shall be submitted for approval by the District Engineer. KTNB Rev.0 Page 45 of 40 Permanent Way Manual Part il KTM Track Signage Chapter 15 Annexure 15.2 - Installation Guidelines 4. Fixing Signage Boards The signage boards are fixed to the steel posts embedded on concrete or fixed to platform copings. In case of viaduct and tunnels special fixing arrangements are shown in the respective drawings. A: Fixing signage boards to steel posts In this case the board is fixed to 75 mm @ steel post with 50mm x 3 mm (Galvanised) MS Plate brackets welded to the post and with 8 mm 9 stainless steel bolts & nuts fixing the board as per details in drawings. B: Fixing signage boards to Platform Coping In this case the signage board shall be fixed to the platform coping with 4 No. of 6 mm approved type of standard wall plug screws. All wall plug screws shall be located 20-mm from the edges of each type of boards. C: Fixing signage boards in Tunnel In this case the signage board shall be fixed to face of the tunnel side wall with specially fabricated bracket as per details shown in drawings. D: Fixing signage boards in Bridge Parapet or Viaduct In this case the signage steel posts shall be fixed to parapet wall with specially fabricated bracket as per details shown in drawings. 2. Signage Boards (Permanent Speed Restriction Boards) In this case the signage boards shall be diamond shape. Materials to used and posts to be used and method fixing ete. shall be similar to KM, % KM and Gradient Posts. 3. Curve Indicator Posts Curve indicator posts shall be fixed at each location of horizontal curves. The posts for fixing the boards shall be of 40x40x3mm galvanised M.S. angle iron embedded in concrete Class 20x20 as per details shown in the drawing. The base of the angle iron shall be welded to 400mm x 200 mm x 3 mm thick MS Plate embedded in concrete. The material for the curve board shall be 3 mm thick MS Plate. The board shall be painted yellow on both faces (Base Coat and Minimum Two Coats) and fixed using § mm. rivets as shown in the drawing. The dimensions of each board and the size of the lettering shall be as per details shown in the drawing and all letter shall be stencilled in Black. Only approved type of paint approved by the client shall be used. In respect of curve board to be fixed for horizontal curves in viaduct / bridges reference shall be made to the drawings. In this case the boards are to be fixed to the face of the parapet wall using 4 No. of 6 mm 9 wall plug type screws. 4, Creep Measurement Indicators Creep measurement indicator marking are to be stencilled in each Full or Half KM Posts as per details shown in the drawings. OKTMB Rov. 0 Page 46 of 49 Permanent Way Manual Part Ill

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