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SUBIECTUL I (9 items x 2p= 18p)

Read the article about James Cook. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.

James Cook

In the summer of 1768 a small ship 1) ................... Plymouth, England, on 2) ................... expedition to the
Pacific Ocean. 3) ................... charge of the ship was Lieutenant James Cook, who was to become one of the
world’s greatest explorers. This voyage lasted for three years. 4) ................... was a very good captain. He
insisted that his crew 5) ................... lots of fruit and vegetables to stop 6) ................... from getting sick. When
Cook returned he 7) ................... sent on 8) ................... voyage. He became the first European to visit
9) ................... number of islands in the Pacific and expanded the Bristish empire by adding lands such as
Australia and New Zealand.

1) A left B leave C go
2) A few B an Ca
3) A In B On C At
4) A His B Him C He
5) A eaten B ate C eats
6) A them B they C yours
7) A to be B was C had
8) A any B another C that
9) Aa B one C an

SUBIECTUL II (11 items x 2p= 22p)

Complete the letter. Write one word in each space (1-11).

Dear Ruth,

I am writing 1) .............. thank you 2) .............. the wonderful CDs you gave me for 3) .............. birthday last

As you know, I love all music but I especially like classical music 4) .............. opera. I must say that
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony played 5) .............. the London Symphony Orchestra was 6) .............. excellent

I particularly enjoyed Kiri Te Kanawa’s CD with its collection 7) .............. classical songs. I think she
8) .............. an amazing voice. She is probably one of 9) .............. best opera singers I’ve 10) .............. heard.

Anyway, thanks again and I hope 11) .............. see you soon.

Best wishes,
SUBIECTUL III (10 items x 2p= 20p)
Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense.

Dear Megan,

I 1) ...................... (write) to tell you my good news. I 2) ...................... (save) enough money from my part-time
job and, at last, I am going to open a flower shop. My father 3) ...................... (own) a shop years ago and has
given me some advice and suggestions. He thinks that my shop 4) ...................... (be) a success, because there
isn’t another flower shop in the area.

The shop isn’t ready yet. My brother 5) ...................... (already/paint) the inside of the shop and tomorrow he 6)
...................... (paint) the outside. I need to buy a new sign. My mother 7) ...................... (want) me to call the
shop ”Rose”, but I 8) ...................... (still/think) about it. Anyway, I just hope the local people will like it.

I am starting work next Monday. I 9) ...................... (probably/phone) you some time next week if I
10) ...................... (have) time. Wish me luck.

Best wishes,

SUBIECTUL IV (8 items x 2p= 16p)

Correct the mistakes.

1) She works never late.

2) I will buy a car as soon as I will pass my driving test.
3) Look out! You will hit your head on the door.
4) My brother, who he is 12 years old, won the competition.
5) I’m afraid there is some tea left.
6) She can’t swim when she was a girl.
7) I read when suddenly the dog began to bark.
8) That book isn’t yours. It’s mine book.

SUBIECTUL V (8 items x 3p= 24p)

Read the article about a young swimmer. Are the sentences 1-8 `Right` (A) or `Wrong` (B)? If there isn’t
enough information to answer `Right` (A) or `Wrong` (B), choose `Doesn’t say` (C).

Ana Johnson

Ana Johnson is a 13-year-old swimmer who lives in Melbourne in Australia. Her dream is to swim for Australia
in the next Olympics. She swims in both long and short races and she has already come first in many important

As well as spending many hours in the pool, Ana also makes time for studying and for friends. ”I have lots of
friends who swim and we’re very close. It’s much easier to have friends who are swimmers because they
understand this kind of life. But I’m not so different from other people of my age. In my free time I also enjoy
going to the movies and parties. There are also some good things about swimming for a club. I travel a lot for
competitions and I’ve made friends with swimmers from other Australian cities and from other parts of the

Ana is becoming well-known in Australia and she believes it is important to get more young people interested in
swimming. ”I don’t mind talking to journalists and having my photograph taken. But last year I was on TV and
that was much more fun.”

1) Ana’s home in Melbourne.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2) Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3) Ana knows that she is better at short races than long races.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4) Ana has won a lot of swimming competitions.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5) It is difficult for Ana to make friends with other people who swim.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
6) Ana likes doing the same things as other teenagers.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
7) Ana has met people from different countries at swimming competitions.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
8) Ana prefers speaking to journalists to being on television.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say

 Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
 Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.
 Timp de lucru: 2 ore.

Clasa a VII-a

SUBIECTUL I (9 items x 2p= 18p)

1) A 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) B 6) A 7) B 8) B 9) A

SUBIECTUL II (11 items x 2p= 22p)

1) to 2) for 3) my 4) and 5) by 6) an 7) of
8) has 9) the 10) ever 11) to

SUBIECTUL III (10 items x 2p= 20p)

1) am writing
2) have saved
3) owned
4) will be
5) has already painted
6) is going to paint
7) wants
8) am still thinking
9) will probably phone
10) have

SUBIECTUL IV (8 items x 2p= 16p)

1) She never works late.
2) I will buy a car as soon as I pass my driving test.
3) Look out! You are going to hit your head on the door.
4) My brother, who is 12 years old, won the competition.
5) I’m afraid there is no tea left.
6) She couldn’t swim when she was a girl.
7) I was reading when suddenly the dog began to bark.
8) That book isn’t yours. It’s my book.

SUBIECTUL V (8 items x 3p= 24p)

1) A 2) A 3) C 4) A
5) B 6) A 7) A 8) B

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