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Second Year Final Exam-2019

Course: Contemporary World Politics (208)

Assignment On

Topic Name: Strategic Alliance among Iran-Turkey-Pakistan and

Impact on Global Politics

Submitted To
Nurul Huda Sakib
Associate Professor
Department of Government and Politics
Jahangirnagar University

Submitted By
Md. Akimul Islam
Roll: 503, Register No. 46498
Exam roll: 180882
Session: 2017-18, 47th Batch
Department of Government and Politics
Jahangirnagar University

The role of the Middle East as a geopolitical region of the world is immense. The rise of Turkey
has rekindled hopes for Muslim rule in the Muslim world. He is going to lead the world Muslims
in the same way that Turkey has opened the world in the form of multidimensional diplomacy. An
analysis of geopolitical and geopolitical judgments shows that Turkey is going to lead the Muslim
world. He is trying to convey this by forming another OIC counter-alliance. With the withdrawal
of US troops and weapons from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, the global
strategic system is undergoing major changes in the Middle East. Moreover, Turkey continues to
lead the fight for regional influence in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Caucasus. As
a result, the Middle East context and geopolitics are leaning towards Muslim polarization. Thus,
the influential communities that Ankara, Tehran, and Islamabad have built across the Middle East
and fulfilled their aspirations are a very important step in the current era that is signaling change
in the Middle East.
Strategic Alliance among Iran-Turkey-Pakistan

Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan are among the few countries that are considered as emerging nations
and geopolitical keys in the world. The three states have recently started working together through
various policies to overcome the problems in the way of development and influence. One of these
policies is to establish a strong regional communication system by activating the Eurasian
Organization Economic Cooperation Organization. In a continuation of Eco’s creation of a free
trade region, trinity finalized a decision to run 6,500 km of railways at the 10th meeting of the
company’s transport and communication department in December 2020 (AAMIR, 2021). The plan
to launch the rail network which includes one-sixth of the world’s total region may seem like a
dream, but the company has hinted that it will soon become a reality. At the 14th ECO Summit on
March 4, 2021, they announce strategies to build a large network (Ajans, 2021).

The much-discussed railway is set to become operational at a time when the Biden administration
is starting to manifest a belligerent approach in the Middle East and is signaling a return to nuclear
deal with Iran under various conditions. In recent years, US relations with Pakistan have
weakened. But the main reason behind the alliance becoming so effective in the last five years, is
the US sanctions. And in preparation for this, Iran-Turkey-Pakistan is going to launch one of the
main trade routes of Eco (Sheikh, 2021). In this situation, three countries have activated Eco under
the supervision of Iran.

The 2,600-kilometer rail line in Iran, 1,950 in Turkey and 9,000 km in Pakistan will set a unique
precedent by making 21-days travel possible in just 12 days. It will take 12 days to reach the
destination and each train will be capable to transport 650 tons of goods. The launch of the eco-
train between the three countries is mainly a sign of friendship (Sheikh, 2021).

Moreover, Turkey has recently dug long canals from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea. Which will
make them more affordable and economically prosperous.

At present Iran has railways connected to almost all parts of the world, and it the future his
country’s railways will also be connected to the Mediterranean. The railway line from Basra in
Iraq to Shalamcheh, the Syrian railway line would be built and through it the Iranian railway line
would be attached to the Mediterranean. As a result, neighboring countries that cannot enter
international waters due to lack of seaports will be capable to use Iran’s resources for import and

In addition, the plan adopted by Iran, in recent years to build its infrastructure implies a radical
change in its communication system. Iran, a geographically important country, has already taken
several initiatives to make its country a hub for intercontinental communications.

• Wants to establish seaports as import-export routes for countries into ECO member states
Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

• Islamic Republic of Iran’s largest seaport will be built in the Sea of Oman.

The development of the port and the establishment of a commercial port are the most important
topics for Iran now. So, the move to build a port in the Sea of Oman would be a strategic move by
the Iranian Ports and Maritime Organization.

In addition, the ECO unites the Arabian Sea and South Asia, the Persian Gulf and the Middle East,
and the Mediterranean, Central Asia, and Europe, separately. The recent launch of the Iran-
Pakistan-Turkey freight commercial train, after a long period of preparing and diplomatic setbacks,
will undoubtedly play a major role in triangle relations and international trade. So, this trade
alliance of triangle powers is now one of the hot issues of discussion in the world.

Impact on Global Politics

The role of the Middle East as a geopolitical region of the world is immense. It is even thought
that the Middle East is in the hands of the whole world. Therefore, the cooperation structure that
Ankara, Tehran, and Islamabad have developed to increase their influence and fulfill their
aspirations across the Middle East is a very important step in the current era of change in the
Middle East (Ebrahimi, Yusoff and Seyed Jalili, 2020). Below we will learn how strategically
important this agreement is:

➢ Through their alliance with Turkey and Pakistan, Iran will gain a significant foothold
against the oil-rich Arab countries. At the same time, the issue of sanctions with the United
States is being addressed, as evidenced by the announcement of the withdrawal of troops
and weapons from Saudi Arabia. In other words, the geopolitics of the Middle East is going
to change. Through this agreement, Iran will be economically prosperous and will play a
strategic role in the Caspian Sea and the Gulf of Oman, including Central Asia.
➢ On the other hand, Pakistan and Turkey have huge fuel demand. Turkey and Pakistan are
potential countries for arms production. Iran has huge trade with these two countries.
Opportunities to use each other's ports and infrastructure facilities. As a result of this
agreement, these three powerful countries are going to play an important role in the
economic, military, and regional power in the Middle East.
➢ Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is currently involved in the Syrian civil
war, the conflict in Iraq, Libya, and the South Caucasus. Ankara is also challenging
Greece's exclusive economic zone in the East-Mediterranean region. Turkey and Iran both
aim to reduce the influence of Arab countries in the Middle East. At the same time, both
countries want to increase their influence in the Middle East and ensure a stronger position.
As a result, the agreement has made them a stronger alliance.
➢ On the other hand, Pakistan-Turkey relations are moving forward with three goals in mind.
Increasing military, economic, and diplomatic cooperation with Pakistan is not a matter of
choice but it is an obligation (DW, 2021). The two countries recently participated in a joint
military exercise. Fear is rife in world politics, including in the Middle East, over possible
nuclear cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey.
➢ Again, if Iran and Turkey acquire nuclear weapons, other countries in the region are likely
to be involved in the race to build nuclear weapons. Therefore, this agreement is now giving
a hint of important changes in world politics and the Middle East.
➢ Meanwhile, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan, which are in ideological conflict with Israel, will
push them to some extent through this agreement. So, Israel will relax at least a little bit
from its Middle East policy.
➢ Meanwhile, the Lausanne agreement is about to end in 2023. The role of this agreement in
turning the future Turkey into a single Muslim hegemony or power is undeniable. The
agreement will simultaneously speed up Turkey's military, economic and diplomatic
relations. As a result, Turkey will undoubtedly intervene in the Mediterranean. There is
also the possibility of a Turkish war with Greece (Drakoularakos, 2020). As a result of this
agreement, Turkey has got two nuclear-armed allies, Iran, and Pakistan. Turkey will not
hesitate to seize oil, gas, mineral resources and international borders and islands in the
Mediterranean without fear. So, the importance of this agreement is immense.

The framework that Iran, Pakistan and Turkey once envisioned for regional development to
address cooperation and security challenges is now gaining momentum. The agreement is expected
to boost trade, diplomatic and defense co-operation with Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan.

My Opinion

The cooperation framework that Ankara, Tehran and Islamabad have built to increase their
influence and fulfill their aspirations across the Middle East is a very important step in the current
era of change in the Middle East. Which is going to be used to create the world's foremost scenario
by using this alliance.

In global geopolitics, Turkey now seeks to establish itself as a leader in the Islamic world. The
Turkish army is brutally suppressing the Kurds in the Middle East. In addition to Syria, there are
Turkish troops in Libya. Turkey wants to increase trade and economic influence in Africa by
sending troops to Libya. Cyprus also wants to ensure its presence in the name of extracting mineral
resources. Turkey has increased its influence in the Mediterranean by signing military and political
agreements with Libya to reduce Greece's influence in the Mediterranean. The development of
Saudi Arabia's diplomatic relations with Israel has sparked outrage in many Muslim-majority
countries. Using this, Turkey is now going to form another alliance against the OIC. If this step is
successful, Turkey's influence in the world will increase a lot more (SPYER, 2021).

Meanwhile, the Lausanne agreement is about to end in 2023. Where the possibility of a Turkish
war with Greece arises, Turkey will be able to use two nuclear-armed allies, Iran, and Pakistan.
Turkey will not hesitate to seize oil, gas, mineral resources, international borders, and islands in
the Mediterranean without fear. Turkey is going to establish a military base in Azerbaijan. As a
result, Turkey is trying to secure a strategic position in the Caucasus. Moreover, it is only a matter
of time before Turkey's influence in the Black Sea increases because of the digging of canals in
Istanbul. With the withdrawal of US troops and weapons from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia in
the Middle East, major changes are taking place in the Middle East in the global strategic system.
The construction of the three Muslim alliance railways by Turkey, Pakistan and Iran will enable
the construction of seaports in the neighboring countries and bring the Central Asian countries
under the same network (ANI, 2021). As a result, the emergence of Muslim power in the region
in the geopolitical strategic process is undoubted.

In conclusion, the scope of the Iran-Turkey-Pakistan agreement is huge. Judging from all the
geopolitical and geopolitical judgments, this agreement will play an effective role in making
Turkey the sole leader in the Muslim world. Moreover, the current context and geopolitics in the
Middle East is leaning towards Muslim polarization. Moreover, the withdrawal of US troops from
Afghanistan will reduce the military presence in the region and drastically change the global
strategic system of withdrawing US troops and weapons from Saudi Arabia in the Middle East.
Moreover, the way Turkey is uniting the Muslim countries at once does not mean that it wants to
leave the Muslim leadership in its hands. Moreover, there is no doubt that Turkey has presented
itself on the Palestinian issue, the Rohingya issue, the oppressed Uighur people of China.
Moreover, he is going to give the world Muslim leadership in the way Turkey has opened the door
to the world in the form of its multidimensional diplomacy. Moreover, the gift of the Turkish
Megha series to the worldwide Muslim Cultural Revolution shows a clear impression of the
caliphate under Erdogan's leadership. Moreover, the unity that Iran-Turkey-Pakistan has forged in
the run-up to the Lausanne Agreement of 2023 suggests a major shift in world politics.
Finally, in light of the current situation, it can be assumed that China and Russia will assist in
expanding the EC's activities in Asia and Europe in their own interests, which is expected to be
effective enough to corner Americans in the region. And an alternative to the US-led alliance could
be the Iran-Turkey-Russia alliance. Moreover, it is still unclear what policy the Biden
administration is going to take with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the Middle
East. It remains to be seen how the United States will use its allies and what strategies it will adopt
in the region.

AAMIR, A., 2021. Turkey, Iran, Pakistan rail link to China's Belt and Road. Nikkei
Ajans, F., 2021. Turkey-Pakistan-Iran Cooperation Symposium - İRAM Center |
Center for Iranian Studies in Ankara. IRAM Center | Center for Iranian Studies in
ANI., 2021. Turkey-Iran-Pakistan axis trying to gain traction again amid 'regional
challenges'. ANI News.
Drakoularakos, S., 2020. Turkey and Erdogan’s rising “Lausanne Syndrome”. Digest
of Middle East Studies, 30(1), pp.22-33.
DW.COM. 2021. Is the Pakistan-Iran-Turkey rail link economically viable? | DW |
Ebrahimi, M., Yusoff, K. and Seyed Jalili, M., 2020. Economic, Political, and
Strategic Issues in Iran–Turkey Relations, 2002–2015. Contemporary Review of
the Middle East, 4(1), pp.67-83.
Sheikh, A., 2021. The Iran-Turkey-Pakistan’s Strategic Alliance: Impact on Global
Politics -Arman Sheikh. Perspective.
SPYER, J., 2021. Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Qatar form troubling new alliance.
The Jerusalem Post |

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