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ADMA HSE INTERVIEW 1. What is your Work Experience? Answer: * State and brief about your's PREVIOUS PROJECTS, Scope of work, location of the Project, Client Name, how long you worked and your Position on that Projects. 2. What are your duties and responsibilities? Explain carefully and specify, Answer: * Make sure that each and every work scope are performing with compliance of existing standard {and as per the HSE Plan. But the thing is first | should know the client's HSE Standards, Reguletion + and understand it including the approved Project HSE Plan, Emergency Response Plan, and ensure that it has been implemented on Site. * [coordinate with site supervisors/foreman to ensure that Daily Tool Box talks are properly conducted prior to start job. Also ensure the possible hazards in the work and safe work practices are explained clearly to the workers to carry out their duty without any harm. * Wealso ensure the PTW is always available in the work area, we must verify if itis validated on dally basis by the responsible Issuing Authority. * During high-risk activities; such as Critical lifts, High-pressure test, Electrical Energization , Entry in confined spaces, gas-in, hot works in hazardous zones, night works, etc. | must participate in developing or review of Task Risk Assessment according to its Method Statements, * Formy general routine on site, | made sure that daly observation card/reportis being implemented. Ensure that all substandard practices and conditions; near misses, ‘accidents/Incidents are immediately reported to the management & the Client - and monitor the corrective and close-out action. 3. What is Hazard ? Answer: * Anything potential to cause harm to people, equipment, properties or damage to environment is called hazard or Hazard could be a situation, an object, tools and equipment, or human behavior, 4. What is risk ? Answer: * Risk isthe probal lity or chance of hazard, which can be re: ‘with severe consequence. 5. What is Permit to Work? Answer: * A Permit to work (PTW) system is a formal written document authorizing a person or group of Personnel to perform the activities in safe manner. ' * _ Heconsidered as a legal document, Its signed declaration by the Area Authority and the Issuing Authority will issue the permit to the Performing Authority to perform a specific job within a specific period of time. * PTW should include as attachments Method statements, Risk Assessments, Location plan, Third Party Inspection certificates for equipments used for the job; third party training certificates of the workers/operators involve, 6. Who is the Authorized person to sign the PTW? Answer: * The Authorized person should be the Area Authority (AA) who is usually the Work Area in-charge or Team leader from Client side; ‘+ The Issuing Authority (1A) who is usually the Shift Supervisor from t/PMC side; ‘And, the Performing Authority or the work authority who is usually the Site Engineer or ‘Supervisor that may come from Contractor side. ‘7. What is Risk Assessment? Answer: ‘© Risk Assessment is a process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in any planned or unplanned activity or undertaking. ‘In practical terms, a risk assessment is a detailed inspection at our workplace to identify those things that may cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, evaluate how cely and severe the risk is, and then decides what measures should be in place to effectively prevent or control the harm from happening. 8. What is hot works? Answer: ‘+ Hot work is any activity or process that can be a source of ignition when flammable material is present in the workplace. Some common sources of ignition are welding torches, sparks from any source, falling hot debris from welding, grinding, cutting works etc. ‘+ When performing hot work activities in a classified area i.e. in operational gas plant, or near gas wells; a hot work permit should be secured. Also the use of “non-sparking” tools shall be used. ie. 9. What is Hydrogen sulfide (H25) ? Answer: ‘+ Hydrogen sulfide is colorless gas with a “rotten egg” smell. tis very poisonous, flammable, corrosive and toxic. It occurs naturally in crude petroleum and natural gas and from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxvaen gas. Its heavier than air and can collect in low-lying and enclosed, poorly ventilated areas such as excavations, manholes, sewer lines ete. 110.What is Accident? What is incident ? Answer: ‘* Accident is defined as, any unplanned or unexpected event that results in injury or ill health to people or damage or loss of property, plant, materials or the environment. ‘+ Asan example, if someone leaves a ladder in a leaning unstable position and it falls over without harming anyone or causing damage to the premises or to any items on the premises, that is an incident. ifthe ladder lands on someone when it falls over, causing injury to the person, that is an accident. 11. What is Near Miss? Answer: © NEAR MISS is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, iliness, or damage - but had the potential to loss of some kind. 12. What is a Substandard practice/Substandard condition ? Example. Answer: ‘© Substandard practice is a Deviation against the safe work method. Also known as Unsafe Acts. ‘© Examples of substandard practices are ie... An employee using a stool instead of a safe work. platform for elevated work, using grinding machine without protective guards, ete. © Substandard condition is a juation which can create adverse effect on man, material and environment also called as unsafe conditions - Examples for the substandard conditions are work area without rest shelter during summer, Excavation or confined space without proper access and Poor housekeeping at work area. 13. In case of fire or gas leak, what should you do? ‘Answer: © Asa safety engineer or officer; | must act as an emergency coordinator on Site. If am present in the affected area or witnessed personally the incident, | will immediately instruct. ‘supervisor to stop the job. Direct the workers to nearest safe Muster point. During gas leak, ! will make sure | have checked the wind direction by seeing wind sock. ‘© Then | will immediately call Emergency Control Center or the emergency number, to report the incident; and order to raise the alarm. If safe to do so, | will initially assess the situation and report to Emergency control centre (ECC). | will also be responsible in Head counting in the muster area. © If lam away from the incident - upon hearing the alarm, | must advice supervisor to stop the work in the premises and turn off all equipments; and direct the worker to nearest safe Muster point, ‘Then | will communicate to Emergency Control Center to gather information and get necessary instructions. 14. What do you know about OIL & GAS? Answer: ‘In safety point of view, or in layman's term — OIL and GAS is a substance that involves a significant amount of hazards in a form of Gas intoxication, and fires (minor/major fires, Jet fires), since most of gases present in the area are highly combustible such as H2S. General construction hazards are also present. 15. What is Chemical ? Answer: ‘© A substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic Properties. 16. Color of Oxy-acetylene cylinders Answer: ‘© Oxygen cylinder = Black color ‘© Acetylene cylinder = Brown color 17. What is Flash back arrester ? Answer: © Aflash back arrester is a special gas safety device most commonly used in Oxy-acetylene welding ‘and cutting set to stop the flame or reverse flow of gas back up into the equipment or supply line and it prevent the user and equipment from damage or explosions. INOTE : Flash back arrester should not be confused with a check valve (NRV) Which has no particular flame stopping properties. ANRY can reduce the probability of a flash back, as it serves to prevent reverse flow of oxygen in to fuel lines and fuel in to oxygen lines. 18. What is Confined space ? Entry procedures ? Answer: ‘* A Confined space can be any space of an enclosed or limited space where there is a risk of some kind on occupants. ENTRY PROCEDURES : ‘The purpose of these procedure is to ensure that entry in to any confined space is planned and documented as required in order to identify and control the hazards before entry. ‘© Obtain Entry permit . ‘+ Assess, evaluate the risk and place suitable and sufficient contro! measures. ‘* Specific training required for all personnel involved in this type of work. '* For obtaining Entry permit, Conduct a Gas test and make sure that the atmosphere is free from both toxic and flammable vapors and that there is an adequate concentration of oxygen prior to entry. Acceptable oxygen range is between 19.5% and 21%. * A competent person using a suitable gas detector, which is correctly calibrated must carry out testing frequently. + Make sure that adequate ventilation is provided. * Appoint a trained or certified standby man with entry/exit log and suitable communicative means {ie... Air horn, whistle and Mobile phone) ‘* Adequate rescue team in place with safe procedure according to the approved emergency rescue plan. ‘* Supervisor must be appointed to oversee all confined space work. 19. What is hot work ? HOT WORK PRECUATION. Answer: * Hot work is defined as any activity that involves open flames or produces heat and / or sparks capable of initiating fires. HOT.WORK PRECUATION + Obtain a valid permit to work for the task. Remove all combustible/flammable materials from the location within 10 meter radius. If combustible/flammable materials cannot be removed cover with fire proof blanket, ensure that ‘no opening exist into which spark can penetrate. + If you are using oxy-acetylene cylinders welding/Cutting set, Check hoses and equipment for deterioration, malfunction and leaks prior to start work. + Assign a trained or certified person for the task. (ie.. Welding, cutting and grinding) Use specified Personal protective equipments for the task. (ie..Welding helmet, Fire proof leather boot, Safety goggle, Face shield, Apron, Welding gloves ) © Appoint a Trained fire watch to look for fire, upon completion of the task inspect work place 30 minutes to detect hidden or smoldering fires and to ensure that proper housekeeping is maintained. © Place suitable fire extinguisher. 20. What you know about OHSAS 18001? Answer: * OHSAS 18001- (Occupational health and safety assessment series) '* OHSAS 18001 is a Management system which developed to provide organizations with internationally accepted system for managing the organization's activities and process in order to reduce eliminate OH&S risks to employees. 21. What is OHSMS ? Answer: : ‘© An occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) provides a framework for ‘managing OH activities, procedures and processes so they become more efficient and a more integrated part of the overall business operations. 22. What is ISO 9001 ? t Answer: ‘+ International organization for standardization (ISO) is the title of standard that outlines the requirements an organization to maintain in their quality management system. 23. What is ISO 14002 ? Answer: ‘© International organization for standardization of environmental management system. ‘© The ISO 14001 Standards provide a guideline or framework for organizations that need systematize and improve their environmental management efforts Best wishes- End SARB PROJECT ZIRKU ISLAND HSE DEPARTMENT Date 09-07-2015

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