Verificare Sem 2 MNG 1 - 28 Mai

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Final Test

1. Anne-Marie Clark works for a firm of management consultants. She is a guest

speaker at an international conference and her topic is recruitment. What
can she say in an adequate manner in her presentation:
a. To identify herself;
b. To interact with the audience by showing she knows where she is and
saying what she thinks of the place;
c. To tell the audience when she will answer questions;
d. To announce the title of her talk;
e. To say how her speech will be structured;
f. To end her presentation.

2. Ask 6 questions to which the answers can be found in the following text:
Companies or products in the same market are competitors or rivals.
Competitors compete with each other to sell more and be more successful.
The most important companies in a particular market are often referred to,
especially by journalists, as key players.
When competition is strong, you can say that it is stiff, tough or fierce. If it is
not strong, it may be described as low-key.
There is no one answer about what is competitive advantage or one way to
measure it, and for the right reason. Nearly everything can be considered as
competitive edge, e.g. higher profit margin, greater return on assets,
valuable resource such as brand reputation or unique competence in
producing jet engines. Every company must have at least one advantage to
successfully compete in the market. If a company can’t identify one or just
doesn’t possess it, competitors soon outperform it and force the business to
leave the market.
There are many ways to achieve the advantage but only two basic types of
it: cost or differentiation advantage. A company that is able to achieve
superiority in cost or differentiation is able to offer consumers the products
at lower costs or with higher degree of differentiation and most importantly,
is able to compete with its rivals.
3. Read the definitions and write the corresponding words:
A. a country’s system of moeny, work, etc.
B. the study of A in schools, universities, etc.
C. adjective used to talk about profitable activities:
D. The opposite of C:
E. the value of all the goods and services produced in a particualr product
F. how money is managed and the study of this
G. an organization’s money and how it is managed
H. the number of people without a job

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