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Philosophizing Values

Axiology is a branch of Philosophy which centers around with
the general problem of values, that is, the nature, origin, and
permanence of values. It focuses on questions “what ought to be”
Axiology is important in our individual life.

Axiology is important because, as a teacher, it would help me in
perceiving which values are good and which are bad. It would help me
decide whether one action is ought to be or not ought to be done.

In the field of teaching, axiology will be my foundation in
teaching my pupils the right or wrong. I have to make sure that what
they act are in accordance with what is good.

Axiology plays vital role in shaping everyone’s life. It is
important for it guides us in treading this journey of life. It is helpful
not just in my personal life, but also in relating to others and most
importantly, in discharging my roles and responsibility as the molder
of youth. In me is the capacity to develop the character and values of
the youth.

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