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Core Values

Core values are the root beliefs that a person or organization operates from. They are
the principle perspectives that guide a person or organization’s behavior with others. Core
values represent the totality of who we are as person and as a member of the community may
it be large or small and how we deal with other people. The most important role of these core
values should be the development of our harmonious relationship with others.

Core values are important since they can be a determinant of our relationship with
others. We can be respected or not based on how we deal with others in our community. The
video presented discussed several examples of core values. These are attitude, work ethics,
competitiveness, and sacrifice.

We all have different sets of core values, may it be a collective or individual
core values. We culture within us these values that we think are good for us and for
others. We culture them because we believe they are requisites to achieving our vision,
mission, and goals. I think the core values presented in the video are very essential to
possess. Attitude is really a big part in shaping the lives that we want to live with.
Work ethics is the way we perform our tasks in line with our beliefs. In doing our
work or in every endeavor that we undertake, we must display the competitive attitude
and we should be willing to sacrifice or compromise something. If something is very
important over anything else, we need to learn to sacrifice.

In a nutshell, we can practice and culture different sets of core values. What we need
to consider is that they should be able to build our harmonious relationship with others and
that they should be able to bridge us to our vision, mission, and goals in life.

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