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The Cyclic Concept of Nature

Life has always been and will always be a roller coaster ride. Oftentimes, we
experience having problems and involved in troubles, however, it is always observed that
after every painful experience, we can still feel that life is also fair. Our life does not only
revolve in negativities, but along with it, we also experience joy and happiness.

Our life, our environment, and our world are always experiencing change. Not any
man or a single matter in this world is stagnant. Everything follows a cyclic pattern. We were
born, we live, we fight, we survive, we fail, we triumph, and at the end, we die. So does the
plants, our environment, and everything in the solar system always undergo change.
Everything seems to be very dynamic in nature.

This concept of impermanence and relativity will help us guide us as we tread on the
path of life. With our basic concept of impermanence, we tend to make our effort and do our
best to cope with the ever-changing world.

I think the main point of this concept of impermanence is to make us be ready with
our lives. Since we know that nothing stays the same, we have to be very conscious, be clever
enough, and be open minded that nothing would really last in this world. We are all nothing
but a passing matter in this impermanent world. What we have to do is to do our best and be
able to keep in sync and jive with the change. We need to be keep adjusting and adapting with
our environment.

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