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We live in the world wherein negativities rise along with positivities. It seems to jive
with Newton’s Third Law of Motion which states that “in every action, there is always
opposite and equal reaction.” Hence, this line reminds us that in this world, we are bounded
with balance in nature.

If we noticed, almost in everything that we do, there is always something that would
boomerang to us. If we do right things, it is expected that negative thoughts among the people
around you will be heard. In this world, we will not only face happiness and cloud nines, but
we also have to face adversities and challenges.

I believe that negative things has its purpose in our lives. I believe that it serves as the
balancing side of the nature. For example, we cannot learn the value of faith, hope and trust
when we only have to be enjoying life all the time. If no challenges are met, our life would
seem boring and we cannot be able to learn the value of resiliency. Negative situations would
also give rise to positive situations. Another, if we always have to destroy our surroundings,
like deforesting all the time, we will have to face frightening consequences. These things
imply that life is all about being balance. We cannot just feed on our desires and personal
interests just to live according to our principles. We have to think of others also. We need to
have balance with the nature.

We are all bound to practice balance with the nature. Being open and understanding
with the consequences of our actions will lead us become in harmony with others. Living our
lives the way we want and not infringing on the rights of others and the balance of nature will
make us live a wholesome life.

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