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Choose correct or incorrect. Correct the wrong sentences.

1. The journalist said us that she would contact us later. 

The journalist told us that she would contact us later.
2. The newspaper said that the celebrities were in Madrid. correct

3. Yesterday the governor tell reporters he wouldn’t answer questions.

Yesterday, the governor told reporters that he will not answer questions. E
4. The reporter asked the editor if he could write an article about Mexico. correct

The journalist told us that the interview would on tv tonight be.

The journalist told us that the interview would be on tv tonight.


1. hadn’t talked
2. had forgotten
3. couldn’t understand 
4. _wouldn’t work__

III.- Jim and Anya met in a café last night. Rewrite some of the things they said as reported
1. Jim Have we met before? Jim asked if they had met
2. Anya I’m a journalist. Anya said _she was a
3. Jim Do you write your own stories Jim asked if _she  wrote her
own stories___
4. Anya I want to live in LA. Anya said _she wanted t o live
in LA_diego
5. Jim Are you looking for a new job? Jim asked if she was looking for
a new job___
6. Anya I hope to be a celebrity someday. Anya told Jim _that she hoped
to be a celebrity someday

IV.-Lunch with Miranda

Miranda is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, but she said that her life __hadn;t changed_
since she became a celebrity. In fact, she said she just 2. __had gone _ out with friends from
high school. I said that her life certainly 3 _had changed_ in a way and asked if she 4 _could 
affrod_ more expensive things now. She agreed. She told me her diamond 5 _wasn’t__ fake,
and she said her shoes 6 _were_real designer shoes. When I asked if she 7 _had always eaten_
so much food for lunch, she said she 8 _loved_to eat.

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