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Discuss your personal insights & realizations in relation to the Concept of

Eclectic Leadership.


The ECLECTIC project will develop an implementation framework for achieving,

maintaining and monitoring capabilities for interprofessional collaboration with
multidisciplinary teams charged throughout development from long to in
community settings. It develops key competencies and performance indicators
for collaborative interprofessional working. This is explained according to the
aggregation of leadership strategies based on shifting and emerging realities. It
simply encourages getting used to the available leadership theories and
strategies and providing tools that can be combined to efficiently address its
variables. It’s not just about a single set of assumptions, instead it draws on
multiple theories, styles, techniques, or ideas to gain complementary leadership
insights, or apply different theories to specific case.

2. How important is Relational, Strategic and Systems Thinking in Leadership?


The idea that leadership is something that is done between the leader and the
led, rather than it coincides with the role of an individual manager. Although, we
argue that leadership sharing implies a linked ontology that captures leadership
as an ever -changing series of events that are thoroughly process in nature.
Adding to existing analyzes and expanding the possibilities for leadership
related research, we propose a perspective from the perspective of process
philosophy, where relationships refer to individual leaders and followers, and
not the on the contrary. Understanding leadership in this way, as a related
complex occasion of experience, has implications for expanding the
possibilities for what is known in management as research on leadership related
to the topic. The leadership approach in this theory also has practical
implications in helping leaders pay attention to the importance of their
relationships and to the features of conversation and everyday common
occurrences that may reveal new possibilities for morally responsible
leadership. Strategic thinking, is a concept that can be applied to any
organization looking for a competitive edge. With its focus on creativity and
innovation, the less formal way of developing a vision for the future of an
organization. The literature on strategic thinking is divided into two camps that
focus on strategic thinking as either a part of an organization’s strategic
planning process or as a more holistic effort within the organization. System
thinking, is a concept that can be applied to any organization looking for a
competitive edge. With its focus on creativity and innovation, the less formal
way of building a vision for the future of an organization.
3. Discuss how you can prepare yourself as a junior Officer in terms of
Character, Competence and Capacity Development.


The character is the battery -like and the capabilities are the tools. You need
both to achieve anything meaningful and lasting.

Character + Ability = Capacity

Our character will decide your success. Unfortunately, each individual has the
potential to develop a conducive behavior and reinforce this behavior in the long
run. It is important to operate the calling with integrity and honesty. Also, your
ability to decide how much you are good at performing the job effectively.
Competence is the combination of knowledge and efficiency. So, having a good
skill will allow you to solve a problem. you need to ipolish your skills and
develop a good character so that you will be more successful-

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