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Graphic Organizer Scoring Guide

Score 4 3 2 1
Data Both the Both the Concept map is Concept map is
formula and the formula and the missing either missing both
definition were definition were the formula or formula and
included in the included in the definition, and it definition and
bubbles and has bubbles, and it has less than 8 has less than 5
at least 10 has at least 9 bubbles. bubbles.
bubbles of bubbles of Student barely Student didn’t
information. information. skimmed the even look at the
Student clearly Student looked websites and websites or
looked at the through the missed multiple didn’t write any
entire website websites but concepts. concepts.
and included the missed one or
main ideas in two important
their concept concepts.
Effort Concept map is Concept map is Concept map is Concept map
filled out in its almost entirely missing multiple has little to no
entirety. filled out. A parts and isn’t information.
Student clearly minimum of one filled out Student didn’t
took their time item is missing, completely. attempt to do
to complete but it is clear the Student didn’t the assignment
assignment and student tried put too much or complete it.
tried their hard and put effort into
hardest. effort. completing the
Organization The concept The concept The concept The concept
map is evenly map is easy to map is messy map is
spaced out, easy follow, evenly and looks incomplete and
to follow, and spaced out, but rushed. does not make
done in a way some of the sense.
that makes words are hard Directions were
sense. to read. ignored.

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