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Media Choice

Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews

and Rob Mason

Media Choice

Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews and Rob Mason

Traditional Media

Dan Hagen
Head of Strategy

What is traditional media?

Sponsorship Brand Direct

Print Radio Gaming


Cinema TV Outdoor Affiliate


On Pack Promotion Display


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
4 key drivers of media change

Digitalisation Culture of free

Rece ssion Engaged consumer

The rules of media planning

are changing

Reach an d fr equ ency are still impo rtant

But eng ag ement, int er act ion , sales and ROI

ar e th e end go al

And th e chang es and choices ar e exploding

Originally it was easier

TV Print Radio Outdoor Cinema

Impact Audience Frequency Proximity Captive

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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Now, however, these channels
have much more to offer

Print Radio Cinema TV Outdoor


This evolution is driving consumer

behaviour and expectation

Consumer control Community


Smart brands are connecting

in multiple ways

Find a running
their own Community

Makes you a better
and desirable
touch points

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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
We need to understand
consumers better

Dat ab ase
Psych ogr ap hics
segm entation

W here W hat, wh y, ho w


What we know broadly about

consumer consumption
High est co mm er cial viewin g in year s,
lo west p ricing

Shr in kin g circulatio ns, p ag e r ates

being m aint ained

Com m er cial list en er sh ip high , sh ift in d evices


Contin ued incr ease in t im e sp ent OOH ,

mor e opp ortun ities to en gage

Adm ission are on th e up

Cinema 11

So what are the benefits of each

media channel in this new landscape

Radio Cinema TV

Print Outdoor


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

Curr ently v er y
Must see T V

Still p rovid es Place and tim e

high imp act shift ing

Tradin g Fully dig ital

opport unities b y 2012



Author it y
Shr in kag e
and gr avit as

Sp ecific
Multip latfo rm
aud ien ce

Reg ion al
Microp aym ent s
opport unities



Digit al ro llo ut Onlin e p layer s

gainin g ch ang ing
mo mentum the land scape

Tradin g Flexibilit y and

opport unities per so n alit y


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Out of home

Techn olo g y Bro ad cast

Pro xim it y
throug h mobile

Tradin g Incr easing

opport unities flexib ilit y



Capt ive
Digit al ro llo ut
aud ien ce

Beyon d Sh ar ed
the sp ot exp erien ce

Good for youth

targ eting



Tradition al m edia is n o long er tr adit ion al

Digit al advances an d lear ning fro m th e Int ern et

ar e driving m an y of th e ch ang es

Con sum ers ar e d em anding v alue fro m adv ertising

Reach an d fr equ ency st ill r elevant measu res,

but eng ag ement and action mo re impo rtant


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason


Online Pic’ n’ Mix

Kieron Matthews
Marketing Director


What I’d like to cover

1. Overview of the market

2. Some trends


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

1. Overview of the market


Market has changed dramatically

2008 2009
• Optimism • Nervou sness
• Confidence • Cut backs

• Integrated • Re-evaluation

• Collaborative • Accountability

• Investment • Media vs. media

• Growth • Caution

• Innovation • Regression


Record cuts predicted in Q3 08


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Marketing budgets to hit new low in Q4 08


Disappeared from the High Street


Shoppers find convenience and value online


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

In uncertain times…
…when budgets are being slashed
…Marketing has to be accountable

This is the first recession

since the internet has become
a mass medium…


Number of internet users in the UK

34. 68m 1 5.3m


71% 44%
UK Online
66% Pop 37%
UK Pop
Pop Pop

Jul-Dec 2007 Jul-Dec 2008 Jul-Dec 20 07 Jul-Dec 2008

Number of people online Internet users going online
more than once a da y

Source: NRS UKOM: Jul-D ec 200 8; Jul-Dec 2 007


2 thirds of broadband services are now

above 2 MB

12% 26% 62%

14% 32% 54%

34% 38% 28%

4 8% of h om e bro ad ba nd us e rs h av e u s ed wi re l es s
bro adb an d at ho m e in th e l a st m onth ( Nov 2 00 8)

Base: All who know speed of broadband connection at home.

Source: BMRB Internet Mon itor Nov 20 06; Q: Do you know the connection speed of your home
Nov 200 7; Nov 200 8 broadband package? (Nov 06; Nov 07; Nov 08)

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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

2008 adspend figure

market in 2008

An increase of £537.1m year-on-year

Source: Pricew aterho use Coo pers / Internet Advertisin g Burea u / WARC

2008 vs. 2007

17.1% increase
on a like for like basis

Ne w contributions in 2008 represented £88.3m

Source: Pricew aterho use Coo pers / Internet Advertisin g Burea u / WARC

2008 market share - 19.2% (15.5% in 2007)

% share of revenues for January to December 2008

adv ertising

IAB estimate s for actual ad spend by format are based on samples of categorised revenue
from key IAB m ember s provided by PwC. Data excludes unclassified figures.

Source: Pricew aterho use Coo pers / Internet Advertisin g Burea u / WARC 33

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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Online only medium showing growth in 2008

Year on year growth for 2008

Total adverti sing mar ket

growth = - 3.5%

Source: Pricew aterho use Coo pers / Internet Advertisin g Burea u, The Advertisin g Associ ation / WARC:
WARC estimate for director ies

Summary – full year 2008

• Online advertising is the only medium showing growth

in 2008
• Internet advertising reaches £3,349.7m in 2008

• Online achieved a share of 19.2%, up nearly 4 points

from 2007 (15.5%)
• The market grew on a like for like basis by 17.1% year-
on-year, still maintaining strong growth


The digital media mix

• The developing mix of ad products


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
The digital media mix (2)
% share of revenues for the full year 2008

Full year total


IAB estimates for actual ad spe nd by format are bas ed on sam ples of categ orise d reven ue
from key IAB members provid ed by PwC. Data exc lud es uncl assifie d figur es

Source: Pricew aterho use Coo pers / Internet Advertisin g Burea u / WARC 37

Strong growth of search continues


Source: Internet Advertisi ng Bur eau / Pricew aterho useC oop ers

Isolating display gives a different picture

Ba s ed on 9 6%
of tota l d is pl a y ad s pe nd

IAB estimate s for industry sector share s are bas ed on samples of categorised net revenue from key
IAB membe rs provided by PwC. Data excludes unclassified figures and covers 96% of online display
revenues in H2 200 8. NB – an immate rial amount of these figures are classifieds
Source: Pricew aterho use Coo pers / Internet Advertisin g Burea u / WARC 39

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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

2. Some trends

5 in fact


1. Participation


Outside stuff you do inside


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
What to do?



Orange - Balloonacy


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
One moo wonder


2. Advocacy


Twitter – stay connect in real time


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Sony Bravia


3. Contribution


Talk Talk and Treehouse


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason


Day 01 – Nic k H or nby

For the first nineteen years of his life, Johnny Razor wasn't
Johnny Razor at all. He was Malcolm Weatherly,
and he was born in Mile End Underground station
on the night of 17th September 1940


Day 01 – Ric har d C urtis

But the Razor didn't want to burst into the world naked,
with just a fancy name to his name. First he must gain
knowledge, hone skills, become fabulous. Behind the curtains
of Flitbert Street, he trained for greatness...


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Diversity of message


4. Diversity


Integration is not matching luggage


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Nike Boot camp






The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason






The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Analyses your driving technique


Gear change tutorial


Community sharing ‘savings’


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

5. Innovation



Ford Ka in 3D


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason

5 trends

1. Participation
2. Advocacy
3. Contribution
4. Diversity
5. Innovation


Thank you


Media Choice – Sponsorship

Rob Mason


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Background – a changed
environment for marketers
• The media marketplace has changed
– Med ia f ragmentation = consumer choice
– “Interruptiv e adv ertising” is increasingly ineff ectiv e

• The consumer has changed

– They want to consume content in their own time
– They choose brands they like: reputation is key
– Brands hav e to engage their customers and stakehold ers

• Sponsorship is well positioned to take advantage

– Sponsorshi p is taking adv antage: f astest-growin g segment
within marcoms ov er last 5 y ears

Global sponsorship market

Source: IEG 74

Global sponsorship rights structure

Source: The World Spons orshi p Monitor


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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Why is sponsorship growing?

• Sponsorship is ‘content’
– Sponsorshi p is not a ‘channel’, it f eeds the channels
– An enabl er: sponsorship pr ov ides content to driv e
adv ertising, PR, promotions
• Sponsorship is “the brand in action”
– An activ e demonstration of brand v alues and positioning
• Sponsorship is about engagement
– Direct connection with the consumer in their world:
their passion
– Buildin g a relationshi p with stakehold ers bey ond immediate
product/serv ice need

Sponsorship the enabler:

at the core of marcoms

Brand Equ ity Defin ition: Dav id A. Aaker, Manag ing Bra nd Equ ity 77

Understanding sponsorship: definition

• Base lev el: an exchange of v alue
– Rights-own er: prov ides rights, assets, lev erage
(via association)
– Sponsor pr ov ides: cash, v alue-in-kind,
marketing and busin ess support
• Adv anced lev el: a partnership
– Working together to meet identif ied
brand/busi ness challeng es
– Sy nergy between rig hts-owner an d sponsor
• A brand & busin ess driv er
– Return on inv estment (ROI): measure if/where possible
– Return on objectiv es (ROO) = clarity of objectiv es is a crucial
starting point

The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Brands: the keys to good sponsorship
1. Clarity of objectives
– Def ine y our objectiv es (across the business – it’s not
just brand)
– Assess v alue: a) the v alue to y ou b) what the market pay s
– Buy what y ou need, don’t pay f or what y ou don’t!
2. Planning
– Good sponso rship is routinely a y ear-round pr ocess
– Giv e y ourself time to deliv er optimum results
3. Communication (internal)
– Inv olv e all key stakeholders early to ensure assets
are utilised
– Inv olv e and engage staff

Brands: the keys to good sponsorship

4. Activ ation
– The rig hts-fee i s onl y the starti ng point
– Whic h channels ar e r equir ed? incremental budg et or r e- allocation?
– Don’t r el y on the rights- owner
5. Creativ ity
– Maki ng the rig hts and benefits r elevant to y our c ons umers
– Your (br and’ s) equi ty i n the rel ati ons hi p: addi ng val ue,
creati ng a pl atfor m to engag e

6. Ev aluation
– Meas ure per for manc e
– Meas ure agai ns t i niti al objecti ves
– Don’t pos t-rationalis e, but r ec ogni se the ability of s pons ors hip
to deli ver i n ar eas you di dn’t anti cipate
– Exampl e: Cisc o

Understanding sponsorship:
it’s not like advertising!
• Sponsorship takes time to deliver optimum results
– Do not choose sponsorship f or an immediate sales uplif t
– Sponsorshi p is ‘mature’ betwe en 3 - 6 y ears
– It can meet changing obj ectiv es ov er time
• Sponsorship is not ‘your space’
– Adv ertising: the brand owns the space they buy
– Sponsorshi p cannot be “controll ed”
• Great sponsorship is based on st rong relationships
– Betwe en rights-ho lder an d sponsor
– Betwe en the sponsor an d his stakeholders/consumers
– A network of deliv ery partners

The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Understanding sponsorship:
where you need help
• Sponsorship agencies specialise in sponsorship
– Y ou don’t use a PR agency to deliv er y our adv ertising!
– So don’t ask y our media agency to be the key deliv erer
of y our sponsorship assets
– Choose a sponsorship special ist: they understand
the dy namics of the medium
• But it’s a team game…
– Sponsorshi p is an enable r
– Sponsorshi p agency + client = key f acilitators
– + Multi- agency taskf orce to deliv er in required channels
– + Indepen dent ev aluation

The UK sponsorship marketplace

• Sport is 80% of the marketplace
– Football domina nt: AON & Man Utd: £80m f or new
4 y ear deal
– Entertainment sponsorsh ip gro win g, but harder to ‘o wn’
– Premium rights hav e retained (or incre ased) their v alue
– ‘Second-tie r’ rights f ees hav e been decimated
• Corporate Social Responsibility is a key driver
– Londo n 2012 spo nsor/ships will f ocus on this area
– Grass roots, community and participation
(staff and consumers)
– Sponsorshi p is a brand in action = can (re) build r eputation
• Activation: PR and digital are increasing in importance

Sponsorship success – some examples

• Flora London Marathon
– Sy nergy: activ ity closely connected to brand proposition
– Own ership: gre at brandi ng, good PR f ollow-thro ugh
– Creating ne w IP: Flora Women’s Challen ge, 10K etc.
• Orange and Film/Cinema
– Differentiated: ‘Owni ng’ a gen re where competitors
are not activ e
– Focus on prov iding customer benef its
– Created uniq ue IP in their space: “Orang e Wednesd ay s”
• Robinsons and BBC Sports Personality of the Year
– ‘Talk-a bout’: f irst-ev er sponsor of BBC’s iconic ev ent
– Brand f it: TV audience mainly f emale(!), two trusted brands
– Robinsons IP: Unsung Hero award – v ery Robinsons

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Media Choice
Dan Hagen, Kieron Matthews
and Rob Mason
Clients past and present

SBI, McCormack House, Hogarth Business Park, Burlington

Lane, Chiswick, London, W4 2T H
T + 44 (0)20 8233 5909 F + 44 (0)20 8233 5904


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