Branding HS Talks

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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters

Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

How It Works and Why It Matters

Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

James L. Knight Professor of Advertising Emeritus
UNC-Chapel Hill

Core concept of marketing

The marketing plan

is the implementation plan
for the strategic plan

BCG portfolio analysis tool

Invest Investigate

Harvest Divest

+ Profitability -

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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Core concept of marketing

The marketing plan

is the implementation plan
for the strategic plan

The marketing communications plan

is the implementation plan
for the marketing plan

Core concept of marketing

Think about it:

Nothing happens
until somebody buys something

Value of a strong brand

“People don’t buy something;

they buy from someone4”
4and that’s what “brand” is all about

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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Value of a strong brand

• Trust

Value of a strong brand

• Trust

Trust isn’t earned by what you say;

it’s earned (or lost) by what you do

Value of a strong brand

• Trust
• High interest in new market offerings

828,000 albums sold off iTunes in three days!

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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Value of a strong brand

• Trust
• High interest in new market offerings
• Price premium


de Bono’s three stages of business

1) Product and production stage

2) Product relative to competition
3) Sur-petition


Value of a strong brand

• Trust
• High interest in new market offerings
• Price premium
• Protection from competitive challenges


It’s not about making the sale,

it’s about building a customer relationship

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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn


The objective of positioning is to persuade someone

that there is no completely satisfactory substitute
for your product or service



Value of a strong brand

• Trust
• High interest in new market offerings
• Price premium
• Protection from competitive challenges
• First choice of best talent


Value of a strong brand

• Trust
• High interest in new market offerings
• Price premium
• Protection from competitive challenges
• First choice of best talent
• Benefit of the doubt if trouble comes


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Value of a strong brand

• Trust
• High interest in new market offerings
• Price premium
• Protection from competitive challenges
• First choice of best talent
• Benefit of the doubt if trouble comes
• Investor preference

Union Carbide share price in 1999 pre-Dow acquisition = $49


How to build a strong brand

• Figure out who your customers are,

what they need and want,
and what their values are


Marketing driver analysis

• Profitability is driven by customer behavior

• Behavior is driven by motivation
• Motivation is driven by4 perceived value


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Value proposition

If the price is equal, certain specific customers

will buy our products rather than competitive
products because they value _______


Value proposition

Certain specific customers will pay a premium

for our products, because they value _____


Brand-building resource allocation

Value to the customer

Cost of the product


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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Brand-building resource allocation

Where the price falls is a function of power

What matters is understanding

what constitutes value to the customer


How to build a strong brand

• Figure out who your customers are,

what they need and want,
and what their values are
• Find a way to connect with those values,
wants and needs based on who you are


Company vision and brand purpose


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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Typical vision statement

“Nestle is the world food company dedicated

to providing people and their pets with the best food
and beverages throughout their lives.
We will not rest until our employees, our consumers,
our customers, our suppliers and our shareholders
judge our company to be the very best.
Our commitment to achieving our vision
is the source of Nestle pride.”


Typical vision statement

“The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine

care and comfort of our guests is our highest mission.
We pledge to provide the finest personal service
and facilities for our guests, who will always enjoy
a warm, relaxed, refined ambiance.
The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses,
instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpected
wishes and needs of our guests.”

Take a look at your own vision statements4

Are they “we we? or outside-in, i.e. about your customers?

Your vision statement

What does your company’s vision statement say?

Will it be the same five years from now?

Why or why not?


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Brand purpose
WalMart (retail)
“We save people money so they can live better”

Fidelity (investments)
“We help people create better lives
for themselves and their families”

Sherwin-Williams (paint)
“We help people use color to brighten their lives”

What is your company’s brand purpose?


Brand positioning


Brand positioning


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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Brand positioning: Kathy Button Bell

“A few basics can help every traditional company move
forward. First, concentrate on what you do and not on what
you make. This is a terrible mistake that manufacturing
companies tend to get mired in. Secondly, practice research
and great listening skills to better define exactly who the
company is and what it can grow into. You need to stay true
to the authentic ‘bones’ of the company. You don’t want
‘reinvention’ — you want to build aggressively
on your differentiation. Third, think of complexity reduction
in marketing. Less truly is more when trying to make
progress. Always go back to your main brand story.”


How to build a strong brand

• Frank Compton’s title:

“Chief Storyteller”


How to build a strong brand

“What I do for a living is tell stories.”

Glen Cobin, brand-building firm founder

What is your company’s story?


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

How to build a strong brand

• Figure out who your customers are,
what they need and want,
and what their values are
• Find a way to connect with those values,
wants and needs
• Communicate with urgency


How to build a strong brand

Agency assignment: Zero to national brand in six months


How to build a strong brand

• Cable TV show, Website, Social media presence, Mobile phone apps,

Product placement, Interviews on women’s TV and radio talk shows,
Publicity in women’s fitness magazines, Blog
Exercise book, Branded exercise apparel and footwear,
Diet book, Branded vitamins and supplements,
Food and beverages, even Housewares
Retail store deals in selected outlets, Direct marketing print
and TV deals in selected media

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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

How to lose a strong brand


How to lose a strong brand

• Forget who you are
- In your customer’s mind


How to lose a strong brand

• Forget who you are

- In your customer’s mind
• Forget what you “own”
- In your customer’s mind


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

How to lose a strong brand

• Forget who you are

- In your customer’s mind
• Forget what you “own”
- In your customer’s mind
• Forget that it’s not all about you


Marketing myopia
Theodore Levitt
Harvard Business School

Satisfying a customer’s need4


“Why everything they ever taught you

about marketing is wrong!”

Kotler’s 4P’s
vs. Lauterborn’s 4C’s


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Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Lauterborn’s 4C’s marketing model

• Not product:
Customer wants and needs
• Not price:
Cost to satisfy those needs
• Not place:
Convenience to buy
• Not promotion:


“No one buys a product or service;

they buy the anticipation of an experience”

Bob Lauterborn



The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn

Value proposition criteria (Aaker)

• Functional:
- How does a customer use your product?
- What does he or she do with it?

• Emotional:
- How does it make him or her feel?

• Self-expressive:
- What does it help him or her to become?


The power of a strong brand

Brand leaders


Brand leaders2008
leaders5of 1928!

• Soup
• Soft drink
• Canned fruit
• Film
• Appliances
• Tires
• Crackers
• Chewing gum


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements
Branding: How It Works and Why It Matters
Prof. Robert F. Lauterborn




The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknowledgements

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