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1.Coined in the word "Criminology" - Rafaelle de Garofalo.

2.Father of Classical criminology- Cesare Beccaria.

3.Father of Criminaliastics- Hans Gross

4.Father of Behavioral genetics- Francis Galton.

5.Father of traditional/Old Criminology - Cesare Beccaria Father of Modern Criminology- Cesare


6.Father of Questioned Doc. Examination- Albert Osborne

7.Father of Forensic/ ModernBallistics - Col. Calvin Henry Goddard

8.Father of Probation- John Augustus

.Father of 9.Organized Military Espionage- Frederick the great.
10.Mother of All Criminals- Ada juke/ Margaret.

11. First probation officer in the whole world- Edward Savage

12.Coined in the word "Photography" - William Herschel

13. Father of Police Professionalization- August Vollmer

14. Father of Police Organization- Henry Vayol.

15. Father of Utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham

16. Father of Philippine Probation- Teodulo Natividad.

17. Father of English Probation- Matthew Daven Porthill.

18. Father of Parole/Modern Penology- Alexander Macanochie

19. First prison chaplain- Rev. Jarred Curtis

20.First Probation Officer- Edward Savage

21. Father of Modern Policing- Sir Robert Peel.

22. Father of traditional polygraphy- John A. larson.

23. Father of Modern Law Enforcement- August Vollmer.

24. Father of Psycho analysis- Sigmund freud

25. Father of forensic Investigation- Dr. Edmon Locard

26. Father of Podoscopy- Dr. Edmon Locard

27. Father of Personal Identi- Alphonse Bertillion

28. Father of fingerprint- Sir Richard Henry

29. Father of Criminalistics in Austria- Dr. Hans Gross

30.Father of Crims in America- Dr. Paul Kirk

31.Father of American Prison- Zebulon Reed Brockway.

32.Father of Victimology- Benjamin Mendelson Von Henteg

33. "Criminology" - Edwin Sutherland "Criminologie" -Italian word by Paul Topinard" 34."Criminologia"-
Latin word by Rafaelle de Garofalo 33. Benjamin Robins - F of Modern 35.Gannery/F. of Ballistics

39. Father of eugenics- Galton First lethal injection- Leo echagaray./RAPE

37.John Augustus-Father of Probation

38.Edward Savage-First Probation officer in the world

39.Teodulo C. Natividad-Father of Philippine Probation

40.Mathew Davenfort Hill-Father of English Probation

41.Zebulon R. Brockway-He was the first superintendent of Elmira Reformatory

42.Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise-Director of English prisons who opened the Borstal institution

43.John Howard-known as the Father of Penitentiary

44.Sir Walter Crofton-He was the director of the irish prison

45.Alexander Macanochie-Father of modern Penology and Father of Parole

46.AUGUS Father of Biology : Aristotle

47.Father of Modern Biology: Linnaeus

48.Father of Antibiotics : Alexander Fleming

49.Father of Taxonomy : Carolus Linnaeus

50.Father of Immunology : Edward Jenner

51.Father of Microbiology : Anton van Leuwenhoek

52.Father of Modern Microbiology : Louis Pasteur

53.Father of Medical Microbiology : Robert Koch

54.Father of Pathology : Rudolph Virchow

55.Father of Bacteriology : Robert Koch

56.Father of Virology : W.M.Stanley

57.Father of Embryology : Aristotle

58.Father of Modern Embryology : Ernst Von Baer

59Father of Physiology : Stephan Hales

60.Father of Modern experimental physiology : Calude Bernard

61.Father of Genetics : Rev. Gregor Mendel

62.Father of Modern Genetics : Bateson

63.Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical genetics : Arachibald Garrod

64.Father of Experimental Genetics : T.H. Morgan

65.Father of Haploid Genetics / Neurospora Genetics : Dodge

66.Father of Ecology : Theophrastus

67.Father of Cloning : Ian Willmut

68.Father of Plant anatomy : Grew

69.Father of Histology (Microscopic anatomy) : Malpighi

70.Father of Cytology : Robert Hooke

71.Father of modern Cytology : Swanson

72.Father of Paleontology : Leonard da Vinci

73.Father of modern Paleontology : Cuvier

74.Father of Concept of Evolution: Empedocles

75.Father of Botany: Theophrastus

76.Father of Modern Botany : Bauhin

77.Father of Zoology : Aristotle

78.Father of Biochemistry : Liebig

79.Father of Epidemiology : John Snow

80.Father of Plant Pathology : de Bary

81.Father of Modern Pathology : Rudolf Virchow

82.Father of Genetic Engineering : Paul Berg

83.Father of Gene therapy : Anderson

84.Father of Ethology : Konard Lorentz

85.Father of Endocrinology : Thomas Addison

86.Father of Eugenics : Galton

87.Father of Gerantology : Korenchevsk

88.Father of Palynology : Erdtman

89.Father of Stress physiology : Hans Selye

90.Father of Electrocardiography : Einthoven

91.Father of DNA Fingerprinting : Alec Jeffreys

92.Father of Mycology : Micheli

93.Father of Bryology : Hedwig

94.Father of Phycology:Father of ATP cycle: Lipmann

95.Father of Chemotherapy :Father of Anatomy : Herophilus

96.Father of Modern Anatomy : Andreas Vesalius

97.Father of actinobiology / radiation biology : HJVS Muller

98.Father of Homeopathy : Hahnemann

99.Father of Ayurveda : Charka

100.Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery : Susruta

101.Father of Blood circulation : William Harvey

102.Father of Medicine : Hippocrates

103.Father of Blood Group : Landsteiner

104.Father of Polio Vaccine : Jonas Salk

105.Father of Green Revolution: Norman Borlaug

106.AUGUST COMTE- father of sociology.

107.August Comte --- Father of sociology

108.Emile Durkheim --- father / modern sociology .

109.Jeremy Betham --- pain and pleasure

110.Cesare Becarria --- Free will theory

111.Edwin Sutherland ---- who introduced the ff definition of criminology. "Dean of criminology "

112.Gabriel Tarde ---- introduced the "Theory of imitation - suggestion "

113.Enrico Ferri ---- "Theory of imputable and denial of Free Will.

114.Ada juke --- Mother of criminals.

115.Henry Goddard ---- He was the first person to use the term "MORON"

116.Robert Merton ---- applied the theory of anomie of Durkheim to criminology

117.August Aichorn --- "Latent delinquency "

118 Oedipus complex ---- Electra complex in man.

119.Electra complex ---- girls begin to have sexual feeling for their father's .

120.Erik Erikson ---- "identity crisis"

121.Nehemiah Grew (1684) – describes the ridges and pores of the hands and feet
(Philosophical Transaction) presented in Royal Society of London, England.
122.Govard . Bibloo – works on the sweat pores and ridges.
123.Marcelo Malpighi (1628-1694) – Professor at the University of Bolognia, Italy,
known for his discovery of the Epidermis and Dermis layer. Written the book entitled
“De Externo 124.Tactus Organo” Father of Dactyloscopy.
125.J.C.A. Mayer (1788) – the first to state that fingerprints are never duplicated in two
persons ( Anatomiche Kuphertafeln).
126.Johannes Purkenjie (1823) – Professor at the University of Breslau, Germany.
Established a certain role for classification and be able to identify nine (9) types of
pattern although never associated to identification
127.Herman Welcker – took his own fingerprints twice with a lapse of forty-one years
and show the ridges formation remains the same.
128.William Herschel – the first to advocate the use of fingerprints as substitute for
signature from among Indian native to avoid impersonation.
Rajadhar Konai = the first person Herschel printed the palm.
129.Henry Faulds – A surgeoon at Tsukuji Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, who claimed that
latent prints would provide positive identification of offenders once apprehended ( A
Manual of Practical Dactyloscopy).
130.Francis Galton – Developed the Arch. Loop and Whorl Patterns as general
classification and identified nine (9) types of pattern. First to establish a Civil Bureau
of Personal Identification. He said that the possibility of two prints being alike was
131.Edward Richard Henry – Developed the Henry System of Classification at Scotland
Yard which was accepted by almost all English-speaking country. Known as Father of
132.Khan Bahadur Azizul Haque and Rai Hem Chandra Bose – the two Hindu police
officers who have help Henry in attaining his goal.
133.Juan Vucetich – A Spanish counterpart of Henry who developed his own system of
classification in Argentina and was accepted in almost all Spanish Speaking country.

134.Gilbert Thompson = a geologist in New Mexico, adopted the first individual use of
fingerprint in august 8, 1882 as a protection to prevent tampering with the pay order.
135.Isaiah West Tabor = Photographer in San Francisco who advocated the use of the
system for the registration of the immigrant Chinese.
136.Samuel Langhorne Clemens = An Englishman who informally introduced
Dactyloscopy in the United States in his book “ Life in the Mississippi” and “ Pupp n
Head Wilson”.
137.Francis Galton
138.Dr. Henry p De Forest = Utilized the first Municipal Civil use of fingerprint for
Criminal 139Registration on December 1902 (Mun. Civil Service Comm., New York).
140.Capt. James L. Parke = Advocate the first state and penal use of fingerprint
adopted in SingSing prison on June 5, 1903 later on Auburn Napanoch and Clinton
141.Sgt. John Kenneth Ferrier = First fingerprint instructor at St. Louis Police Dept.
142.Maj. R. Mc Cloughry = warden of the Federal Penitentiaries of Leaven Worth.
Established the first official National Government use of fingerpprint.
143.Mary K. Holand = first American instructress in dactyloscopy..
144.People vs. Jennings, Dec. 21, 1911 = United States leading case wherein the first
conviction based on fingerprint was recognized by the judicial authorities (14 points).
145.Mr. Jones = one who first taught FP in the Phils. (1900)
146.Bureau of Prison = (1968) CARPETAS fingerprint was used.
147.Generoso Reyes – First Filipino Fingerprint Technician employed by P.C.
149.Isabela Bernales – first Filipina Fingerprint Technician
148.Capt. Thomas Dugan, New York Police Dept.
149.Flaviano Guerrero, FBI Washington – gave the first examination in FP in 1927 and
150.Agustin Patricio of the Phils. Top the Examination
151.John Dellinger – known U.S. public enemy number one who attempt to destroy his
own prints using corrosive acids.
152.Robert James Pitts – works on Surgery to forged his own fingerprints and was
named “Man without fingerprint”
153.Lucila Lalu – the first Filipina Chop-chop lady who was identified through
154.Alphonse Bertillion – known as the Father of the first scientific method of
Identification (Anthropometry)
155..Coined in the word "Criminology" - Rafaelle de Garofalo.

156. Father of Classical criminology- Cesare Beccaria.

157. Father of Criminaliastics- Hans Gross

158. Father of Behavioral genetics- Francis Galton.

159. Father of traditional/Old Criminology - Cesare Beccaria Father of Modern Criminology- Cesare

160. Father of Questioned Doc. Examination- Albert Osborne

161. Father of Forensic/ ModernBallistics - Col. Calvin Henry Goddard

162. Father of Probation- John Augustus

163. Father of Organized Military Espionage- Frederick the great.

164. Mother of All Criminals- Ada juke/ Margaret.

165. First probation officer in the whole world- Edward Savage

167. Coined in the word "Photography" - William Herschel

168. Father of Police Professionalization- August Vollmer

169. Father of Police Organization- Henry Vayol.

170. Father of Utilitarianism- Jeremy Bentham

171. Father of Philippine Probation- Teodulo Natividad.

172. Father of English Probation- Matthew Daven Porthill.

173. Father of Parole/Modern Penology- Alexander Macanochie

174. First prison chaplain- Rev. Jarred Curtis

175. First Probation Officer- Edward Savage

176. Father of Modern Policing- Sir Robert Peel.

177. Father of traditional polygraphy- John A. larson.

178. Father of Modern Law Enforcement- August Vollmer.

179. Father of Psycho analysis- Sigmund freud

180. Father of forensic Investigation- Dr. Edmon Locard

181. Father of Podoscopy- Dr. Edmon Locard

182. Father of Personal Identi- Alphonse Bertillion

183. Father of fingerprint- Sir Richard Henry

184. F. of Criminalistics in Austria- Dr. Hans Gross

185. F. of Crims in America- Dr. Paul Kirk

186. F. of American Prison- Zebulon Reed Brockway.

187. F.of Victimology- Benjamin Mendelson Von Henteg

188. "Criminology" - Edwin Sutherland "Criminologie" -Italian word by Paul Topinard"

189.Criminologia"-Latin word by Rafaelle de Garofalo 33. Benjamin Robins - F of Modern Gannery/F. of

Ballistics pendiulum

. 190. Father of eugenics- Galton First lethal injection- Leo echagaray./RAPE

191.John Augustus-Father of Probation

192.Edward Savage-First Probation officer in the world

193.Teodulo C. Natividad-Father of Philippine Probation

194.Mathew Davenfort Hill-Father of English Probation

195.Zebulon R. Brockway-He was the first superintendent of Elmira Reformatory

196.Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise-Director of English prisons who opened the Borstal institution

197.John Howard-known as the Father of Penitentiary

198.Sir Walter Crofton-He was the director of the irish prison

199.Alexander Macanochie-Father of modern Penology and Father of Parole

200.Electra complex ---- girls begin to have sexual feeling for their fathers

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