RME 085 Notes

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UNIT - 4

Q.No. Question
1. Which among the following options can be considered to be a random cause of defect.
A. Absenteeism
B. Shortage of material supplies
C. Photocopy machine failure
D. Small vibrations in the equipment

2. What does reliability function is R(T) = e-λT. Represents?

A. The probability that the component will fail within T time units
B. The probability that the component will not fail within T time units
C. A discrete model of reliability
D. None of the above

3. Which of the following can be considered as reliability of a product?

A. How easy it is to repair the product?
B. How long does the product last?
C. Will the product do the intended job?
D. How often does the product fail?

4. ___________is best known for his zero defects management.

A. Philip B. Crosby
B. Deming
C. Juran
D. Edward Deming

5. _______________is
the probability of performing a successful repair action within a given time
A. Maintainability
B. Design for Manufacturing
C. Reliability

6. The overall system's dependability is referred to as

A. Partial reliability
B. Isolated reliability
C. Closed reliability
D. system reliability

7. As the number of components in a system grows, the system's reliability .

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Cannot be determined

8. As the number of components in a system grows, the system reliability for components kept in
parallel .
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. Cannot be determined
9. What does the graph of ‘bathtub curve’ represent?
A. Failure rate v/s Mean
B. Failure rate v/s Time
C. Failure rate v/s Distance
D. Failure rate v/s Velocity

10. A system consists of four components in series with two components having reliability of 0.5 and
two others having reliability of 0.6 at the end of one year. What is the system reliability at the end
of one year?
A. 0.9000
B. 0.0900
C. 0.7000
D. 0.5184

11. A production line is using five robots for its daily operations. If each robot has a reliability of 0.98,
what is the total system reliability?
A. 0.9039
B. 0.9500
C. 0.9000
D. 1.0000

12.  If the failure rate of the system is 0.000125 units, what is the mean time to fail?
A. 7812.5 units
B. 7830.5 units
C. 8000 units
D. 8200 units

13. Which of the following is a type of defect?

A. Sporadic Defects
B. Chronic defects
C. Both are correct
D. None of these
14. Defect diagnosis is an important task and it results in
A. Improve the yield
B. Reduce the cost
C. Both are correct
D. None of these
15. There are how many standard steps in data mining process
A. 1
B. 2
C. 8
D. 5
16. The expected impact of a risk (E) is calculated as _____, where: P = Probability of the risk
becoming a problem and I= Impact in Rupees if the risk becomes a problem.
A. Product of P and I
B. Ratio of P and I
C. P and I has no relation with Impact
D. None of these
17. Which of the following is not a step in Minimizing expected impact?
A. Eliminate the Risk
B. Reduce the Probability of a Risk Becoming a Problem
C. Reduce the Impact if there is a Problem
D. Convert the risk into problem
18. Which of the following is a category of failure?
A. Debug
B. Chance
C. Wear – out
D. All the above options are correct
19. A test is considered reliable if we get;
A. The same result repeatedly
B. Wide variety of results
C. Results are out of the control limit zone
D. It depends on quality of product
20. Which of the following is not a parameter of reliability?
21. Which of the following is not related to Bath tub curve of failure
A. Infant failure
B. Constant failure
C. Wear out failure
D. Predictive failure
22. Which of the following will have a positive impact on maintainability?
A. Ease of fault location
B. Ease of repair
C. Jammed system due to corrosion
D. Both A and B

23. The meeting of quality circle members are held at what interval?
A. Once a week
B. Once a month
C. Once in two months
D. Daily meetings
24. The quality circle team consists of
A. 7 to 10 members
B. 15 to 30 member
C. It involves everyone in the organization
D. None of the above
25. Availability depends upon
A. Reliability
B. Maintainability
C. Both A and B
D. It only depends on repairability
26. Which of the following is not the correct methodology of zero defects
A. Quality is conformance to requirements
B. Defect prevention is preferable to quality inspection and correction
C. Quality is measured in monetary terms – the Price of Non-conformance (PONC)
D. Corrective actions are more preferable for zero defect.
27. MTTF is a suitable parameter for
A. Repairable product
B. Irreparable product
C. Both
D. None of these
28. MTTR is a suitable parameter for
A. Repairable product
B. Irreparable product
C. Both
D. None of these
29. A bath tub curve is a plot of
A. Failure rate and frequency
B. Failure rate and time
C. Failure and defects
D. Defects and sample size
30. Which of the following can be considered to have a negative impact on reliability of system
A. Prevention Cost
B. Design Cost
C. Repair cost
D. Manufacturing cost
31. If an equipment is reliable and maintained properly, what will happen to MTTR
A. Failure is high, and system is not working for longer duration
B. Failure is low, and system is not working for longer duration
C. Failure is high, and system is not working for shorter duration
D. Failure is low, and system is not working for shorter duration
32. In order to have equipment operational which type of maintenance is suitable?
A. Preventive
B. Predictive
C. Corrective
D. None of these
33. The correct relation for Reliability and failure rate is
A. R = λt
B. R = -λt
C. R = e λt
D. R = e- λt
34. Which of the following can be used to identify the potential causes of failures
A. Preventive maintenance
B. Corrective maintenance
C. Mean time to diagnosis
D. None of the above
35. Infant mortality failures can be best described by
A. Improper use of equipment
B. Natural calamities
C. Failures that occur in the early stages
D. None of the above are correct
36. Which of the following strategies can be used to improve reliability
A. Try to improve individual component
B. Try to indulge in corrective maintenance
C. Try to reduce the MTTR
D. None of these
37. Identify the suitable options that matches with Corrective maintenance technique
A. Maintenance after breakdown
B. Precautionary measures to avoid breakdown
C. Scheduled maintenance
D. None of the above
38. Identify the suitable options that matches with Predictive maintenance technique
A. Maintenance after breakdown
B. Precautionary measures to avoid breakdown
C. Scheduled maintenance
D. None of the above
39. Zero defect policy was promoted by
A. Deming
B. Philips Crosby
C. Juran
D. Ishikawa
40. Which of the following is inline with the Zero defects philosophy
A. Quality is free
B. Quality comes with Cost
C. Quality only depends on skills
D. Quality cant be defined
41. According to the general belief, Zero defects can be achieved by
A. Doing things right the first time
B. Doing things always right
C. Maintain a quality system
D. None of these
42. Identify MMTF if the failure rate = λ =0.005 per hour
A. 200hrs
B. 500hrs
C. 100hrs
D. 50hrs
43. What is the expectation of doing maintenance
A. Restoring machine to its normal efficiency
B. Making machine only suitable for work
C. Taking time and resource to fix errors
D. None of the above
44. Mean Time to Failure is calculated by
A. Total time of repair / no. of failure
B. Total time of diagnosis / no. of failure
C. Total time for which machine was working / no. of failure
D. Total scheduled time of machine / no. of failure
45. In quality circle meeting discussions are held on
A. General discussions
B. Work related issues only
C. Personal problems of employees
D. Discussions on appraisal
46. Philip Crosby's gave 14 Step Quality Improvement Process, which steps mentions about zero
A. 5
B. 3
C. 7
D. 9
47. Which of the following options is true with reference to Sporadic Failures
A. Idling and minor stoppage losses
B. Sudden and Major losses
C. Natural Calamities
D. None of these
48. Which of the following options is true with reference to Chronic Failures
A. Idling and minor stoppage losses
B. Sudden and Major losses
C. Natural Calamities
D. None of these
49. If the failure rate of a bulb is 0.002 per hour, what will be the probability that the bulb will be
reliable for first 100 hours?
A. 95%
B. 93.42%
C. 98%
D. 96.35%

50. What can best describe the term Mean Time to Diagnosis
A. Time spent in repairing the failed system
B. Time for which system was running
C. Time between failure and start of next cycle
D. Time spent in finding fault before repair

Q No. Option Q No. Option

1 D 26 D
2 B 27 B
3 D 28 A
4 A 29 B
5 A 30 C
6 D 31 D
7 B 32 A
8 A 33 D
9 B 34 A
10 B 35 C
11 A 36 A
12 C 37 A
13 C 38 B
14 C 39 B
15 D 40 A
16 A 41 A
17 D 42 A
18 D 43 A
19 A 44 A
20 D 45 B
21 D 46 C
22 D 47 B
23 A 48 B
24 A 49 C
25 C 50 D

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