Shri B.V.V.Sanga'S Basaveshwar Engineering College (Autonomous)

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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Synopsis On


Presented by

Neha I Turamari – 2BA17EC049

Swati Manguli – 2BA17EC096
Rekha B – 2BA17EC070
Nikita Shettar – 2BA17EC108
Under the guidance


Dr. Ashok Sutagundar

Assocaite Professor

Department of ECE,

Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot

Sign of guide Sign of UG coordinator Sign of HOD


The world, in economics has been developed hence the result, more number of vehicles are
on the road so leads to several transportation problems. Traffic control system play an
important role to manage traffic congestion on the road especially during peak hours and
peak seasons. In countries such as India, the rate of road expansion is just one-third the
vehicular growth rate. Statistics show that the current annual growth of vehicles is around
11% while the annual road extension remains to be only around 4%. Studies say that in one
day, traffic congestion causes wastage of 2.5 lakhs of liters of non-renewable fuel. The most
well known explanation of traffic blockage in underdeveloped nations is a traffic signal
controlling which influences the traffic stream. The topic is to control the traffic by deciding
the traffic density on each roadside and control the traffic signal smartly by utilizing the
density data. An automated system based on processing of real time image is proposed for
detection of vehicles and recording count of them. It is used to reduce the crime by
developing a technique of automatic number plate recognition using image processing. The
system successfully reduces the crowd of vehicles and time of waiting through this
mechanism at the traffic signals. Video processing is a better option for calculating traffic
density using Matlab. The System will consist of various stages which includes object
Detection and Signal variation based on density. Captured image will be converted into
frames and which will be pre-processed for number plate detection.


1) To detect the vehicle density on the traffic signal.

2) To make the traffic signal adaptive based on the density of vehicles
3) To detect the vehicle number using image segmentation.
4) To detect the high priority/emergency vehicles in the traffic.


 The proposed system is aimed to give a comprehensive application to

dynamically manage the traffic light systems depends on the current vehicle
 It calculates accurate vehicle density on the roads.
 The proposed system takes the images of all the traffic lanes at the junction
as an input and performs comparison based on the number of vehicles at the
respective lane.
 The lane with the highest density will be given the priority.
 It detect the number plate of the vehicle , through which we can reduce the
 This technique is proposed to design an intelligent traffic system, which is on
four lanes. This also suggests identification of emergency vehicles, within a
restricted scenario.

Signals are allocated a fixed time and according to that time it will work but the problem
here is even if there are no vehicles in that lane the signal will turn green according to the
fixed timer statically allocated to it without any cause. In places like India and Thailand the
road width and length proven to be impossible to create a separate lane for emergency
vehicles, it is difficult for ambulances to navigate through the traffic. We have to propose a
system in which signal lights can be manipulated according to the density of the vehicles in
that particular lane. The lane that has a greater number of vehicles are given a preference.

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