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Dread Prince

The creation of a harbinger demands understanding of one’s most primal emotions, and the desire for violence that
arises from them. The dread prince understands that mastery of fear is mastery of the man—both his own fear, and
that of his foes. He stalks his foes relentlessly, demanding their attention, their obedience, and their fear in equal
measure. Like a vengeful ghost, the dread prince is a grim presence in the lives of the fearful and wicked.

Maneuvers: The disciplines available to a dread prince are Black Seraph, Eternal Guardian, Scarlet Throne,
Shattered Mirror, and Veiled Moon.

Bonus Feat (Ex): The dread prince chooses either Dark Allure or Dark Authority as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Mask of Shadows (Su): The dread prince makes use of a new resource, Terror, gained by Claiming and intimidating
his foes as detailed in his terror’s claim class feature, below. The dread prince’s current Terror pool counts as the
number of creatures he has claimed for the purpose of abilities and feats which care about the number of creatures
claimed by a character. A dread prince’s current Terror remains for one minute after a battle ends, and then resets to

Terror’s Claim (Su): The dread prince draws forth his foe’s nightmares as potent weapons. As a swift action, a
dread prince may Claim an opponent he can see within close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 harbinger levels) for a
number of rounds equal to his class level (minimum 1), as the haunting darkness of his will is sustained by
single-minded authority. For each round a single Claim is maintained, the dread prince gains one point of Terror, as
his attention draws their fear around him. If his Claimed foe is shaken, frightened, or panicked, the dread prince
gains an additional point of Terror as their rampant fear shapes his power. When an opponent under the effect of
terror’s claim is reduced to 0 hit points, the dread prince automatically recovers a number of expended maneuvers
equal to his initiation modifier and may extend the Claim to a new creature as a free action.
A dread prince may only maintain one terror’s claim at a time—if at any point he initiates a new Claim while an
existing Claim is still in effect, the older Claim immediately expires. Each time the dread prince issues a new
Claim, he recovers one expended maneuver.
This ability otherwise functions as the normal harbinger's dark claim class feature. This ability replaces dark claim.

Haunting Focus (Ex): The dread prince haunts his foes like the shadow of death, ensuring that no foul deed goes
unpunished. At 2nd level, the dread prince chooses one of the following two abilities:

No Warning (Su): The dread prince is a grim spectre, looming over the foe. When a Claimed opponent
within Close range (25feet + 5feet per 2 class levels) attacks an ally and does not include the dread prince as a target
of that attack, the dread prince can teleport up to his movement speed towards the enemy as an immediate action. If
this places them adjacent to the foe, the dread prince may attempt to intercept the attack—the dread prince uses his
own miss chance and AC or other relevant defense to determine if the attack hits, but any penalties are applied as if
the enemy was still attacking their original target (such as from range increments, cover, Dark Allure, or other
abilities that would apply a penalty to the attack)

No Escape (Su): The dread prince is a cruel revenant, promising retribution to the defiant. When a Claimed
opponent within Close range (25feet + 5feet per 2 class levels) attacks an ally and does not include the dread prince
as a target of that attack, the dread prince may draw the foe towards them 30feet + 10feet for each point of Terror as
a immediate action once the attack or attacks resolve. The enemy is knocked prone at the end of this movement
(flying creatures fall to the ground as normal). The opponent may make a Reflex save with a DC of 10+your dread
prince level+your initiation modifier to negate the movement and instead be tripped. This movement must take the
most direct path to the dread prince (but is allowed to move around obstacles, if necessary) and is affected by
difficult terrain. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, with one exception—if the foe enters the
dread prince’s threatened area, the dread prince may make an immediate attack of opportunity against them. This
attack of opportunity does not count against the dread prince’s number of attacks of opportunity for the round.

At 6th level, the dread prince deals damage equal to his initiation modifier to any foe that ends their turn in his
threatened area. In addition, he gains one of the following abilities, based on his choice made at 2nd level:

Guardian Spirit (Su): The dread prince allows no trespass. His allies may move through his threatened area
without provoking attacks of opportunity from enemies. A dread prince who chose the no warning ability gains this
ability at 6th level. If the dread prince currently knows the Valiant Keeper’s Stance, he may trade it for another 1st
level stance when he gains this benefit.

Grasping Shadow (Su): The dread prince offers no respite. His threatened area is considered difficult
terrain for his foes. This does not prevent a foe from charging the dread prince, and does not affect movement
caused by no escape. A dread prince who chose the no escape ability gains this ability at 6th level. If the dread
prince currently knows the Vigilant Keeper’s Stance, he may trade it for another 1st level stance when he gains this

At 10th level, the dread prince gains one of the following abilities, based on his choice made at 2nd level.

Harsh Rebuke (Su): When a dread prince successfully prevents an attack with his no warning class feature,
he may make an immediate attack of opportunity against the foe, with a bonus to damage equal to his class level
plus his current Terror. If this attack reduces the opponent to 0 hit points, the dread prince gains temporary hit points
equal to double his dread prince level in addition to all other effects normally triggered by reducing a Claimed
opponent to 0 hit points. These temporary hit points stack with other temporary hit points granted by this ability. A
dread prince who chose the no warning ability gains this ability at 10th level.

Fearsome Tirade (Su): When an opponent is reduced to 0 hit points while in the threatened area of the
dread prince, he gains temporary hit points equal to his initiation modifier. These temporary hit points stack with
other temporary hit points granted by this ability. If this opponent was the current target of terror’s claim, he may
immediately drag the new target of his Claim towards him as though they had triggered no escape, including the
additional attack for entering his threatened area. The dread prince may only use this ability once per round. A
dread prince who chose the no escape ability gains this ability at 10th level.

At 14th level, the dread prince now deals damage equal to his initiation modifier to foes who begin or end their turns
within his threatened area. This damage suppresses any regeneration or fast healing effect the enemy may possess
until they leave his threatened area. In addition, he gains one of the following abilities, based on his choice made at
2nd level.

Oppressive Trauma (Su): When a dread prince successfully intercepts an attack using no warning, he may
expend a readied counter in order to force the opponent to make a Will save at 10+Initiation modifier+the level of
the maneuver expended. If the opponent fails this Will save, they may make no further attacks this round. A dread
prince who chose the no warning ability gains this ability at 14th level.
Intolerable Anguish (Su): A dread prince may expend a counter as a standard action to Entangle a number
of foes equal to the level of the expended counter within his threatened area for one round. He may target the victim
of his terror’s claim with this effect even if they are not currently within his reach. He may choose to target only the
victim of his terror’s claim with this effect—if he does, they are instead entangled for a number of rounds equal to
the level of the expended counter, though they may make a Fortitude save as a standard action at DC10+initiation
modifier+the level of the expended counter to shake off the effect at the end of each round after the first. A dread
prince who chose the no escape ability gains this ability at 14th level.

At 20th level, a dread prince is an embodiment of fear itself. A dread prince’s bleak prophecy class feature functions
regardless of the opponent’s immunities to fear or mind-affecting effects. In addition, when a dread prince strikes a
foe who is shaken, the foe becomes frightened instead. A dread prince at 20th level gains one of the following
abilities, based on his choice made at 2nd level:

Phantom Killer: The dread prince’s foes find it difficult to look terror in the eye. At the beginning of each
encounter, he is considered hidden (as though you had successfully beaten the Perception of all participants in the
combat) until you make your first attack or use no warning for the first time. He is not revealed by special senses
that would normally prevent you from hiding. When he reduces the target of his terror’s claim to 0 hit points, he
may make a Stealth check as a free action to become hidden again, with a bonus to the check equal to your current
Terror. A dread prince who selected the no warning ability gains this ability at 20th level.

Horror’s Bastion: As a full-round action, the dread prince may draw a veil of nightmares around himself
and his chosen quarry. All creatures except the dread prince and his currently Claimed creature are forcibly ejected
from his threatened area to the nearest safe space, and must make a reflex save (DC20+Initiation modifier) or be
knocked prone. The dread prince’s threatened area cannot be entered by any creature for the duration of the effect,
nor can the dread prince or his Claimed target leave the area. If the affected creature is too large to be fully
contained, the area of effect expands to completely enclose the creature. The affected area is surrounded by a veil of
shifting nightmares that blocks line of sight and effect, preventing effects from trespassing the boundary. The ability
lasts until the dread prince releases it (a free action), is rendered unconscious or dead, or slays his Claimed foe. A
dread prince who selected the no escape ability gains this ability at 20th level.

This ability replaces dark focus.

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