Interview Questions

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We have thousands of applicants to our program.

What have you done that makes you the

best candidate?

"I am confident I would be an excellent addition to your program because of my tenacity to grow

and the shared mission to serve with integrity. My prior educational experiences show I am a

dedicated and diligent student who can achieve high marks and work with my fellow classmates.

I have served as a tutor and teaching assistant in nursing school. Once I was working, I became a

preceptor on my floor and eventually a charge nurse responsible for over 30 nurses a shift. These

experiences have prepared me to live up to the program's belief in leadership."

A long-time friend comes to you asking for a favor. They are currently uninsured and

cannot afford to go to the doctor. They ask you to write a prescription for them, to hold

them over until they get health insurance again. What would you do?

Although I am not at work in this scenario, I believe the same ethical considerations apply. I

assume I greatly care for this person and that they are only reaching out to me because of great

need. It could be that it is a necessary medication for them to stay healthy. However, as a

licensed medical professional, it would be unethical to write prescriptions for individuals that are

not my patients. I would tell my friend that I cannot write a prescription for them, but I will help

them find medical services or coverage to help them during this rough period.

Healthcare is often called a team sport. How do you approach working in a team


Working in a team environment requires strong communication skills and respect for everyone

you are working with. Communication could be as simple as greeting everyone in the morning or

messaging another provider about a concern before it becomes a problem. I find when you are
easy to communicate with and show respect for who you are working with, you have more

remarkable outcomes as a team

How have you prepared yourself for Nurse Practitioner school and the Nurse Practitioner


I see Nurse Practitioner school as a serious step, and I have been taking steps to prepare myself

for the transition. I have been talking and shadowing NPs working in different specialties; I

joined the AANP to become informed about current professional trends. I hope to build a strong

foundation of education and community that will help me in school and beyond.

How would you handle differing culture values different from yours?

I think about the different cultures I’ve encountered in my healthcare career, as well as the

cultures that are within my community. I try to make an effort to learn about those cultures by

becoming immersed in them. I try to Visit the area where that culture is dominant and read about

the culture from reputable books and online sources. I also Question any assumptions I may have

about cultures that are not my own and make an effort to either prove or disprove the assumption

and turn it into knowledge.

Is this the only school you applied to?

Yes, this is

Why (name of school) when you completed your undergrad from (other school)?

I only applied for West Coast University FPN program because I consider it as the best to help

me achieve my academic goals because I will be taking advantage of the online classes which are

engaging and enriched with video content, adaptive quizzing, simulations, and on-the-go
resources. These learning aids will help me stay connected from anywhere. I will also be taking

advantage of the flexible program designed to accommodate my needs as a working-class

scholar to achieve my academic goals. I will also be taking advantage of the support provided by

WCU after I have completed my program which are assistance with professional and career

development through workshops and guidance provided by the Career Service Department of

West Coast University. I look forward to you positive consideration

Why (PNP, AGNP, FNP, etc)?

There are many benefits to becoming an FNP. While FNPs perform many of the same

responsibilities as doctors, the position offers the intimacy of working directly with patients.

FNPs enjoy more freedoms than RNs, including the ability to prescribe medications, obtain

thorough patient histories, perform physical exams, and create comprehensive treatment plans.

They also enjoy higher salaries than other nurse practitioners and RNs. Both rural and urban

areas need advanced practice nurses like FNPs. This high demand allows FNPs to choose from a

variety of specializations and work in many different settings.

What do you plan to do with your degree after you finish?

with my FNP degree, i can leverage on the FNP versatility to practice in a variety of healthcare

settings. In addition to hospitals and clinics, FNPs can hold leadership positions at schools and

colleges, private physician and NP offices, and even public health departments. There truly is no

end to where my FNP degree can take me. This will be a perfect means to increase my level of

autonomy in practice as i will be able to make my own diagnoses and are ultimately responsible

for patient outcomes, My FNP degree will also help boost my management responsibilities and

earning potential.
6. How do you learn best?

7. Are you willing to travel to clinical sites far from where you reside?

8. What would you do if somebody in a group project is not contributing work?

9. What do you do if you felt you deserve a better grade because you worked hard on a paper?

10. What would you do if you have other methods of treatment other than your preceptor? How

are you going to approach that?

11. What are your plans if you do not get into graduate school?

12. How do you deal with conflict? Give an example.

13. Is there a time when your values differ from your boss?

14. How do you plan to finance your education?

15. Describe your support system.

16. How do you plan to contribute to (name of school)?

17. Tell me about your nursing background.

18. Tell me about yourself.

19. What are your long-term goals? short-term?

20. What are your strengths? weaknesses?

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