CHAPTER 10 - Temperature & Kinetic Theory-11

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1 – 30
Robert Boyle (1627-1691)


1. Room temperature is often taken to be 68oF. What is this on Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.
the Celsius scale?

2. Among the highest and lowest temperatures recorded are Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.
136oF in the Libyan desert and –129oF in Antarctica. What
are these temperatures on the Celsius scale?

3. The official record for the lowest temperature ever recorded Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.
on Earth was set at Vostok, Antarctica, on July 21, 1983.
The temperature on that day fell to –89.2oC, well below the
the temperature of dry ice. This temperature in Fahrenheit is?

4. An incandescent lightbulb filament can reach a temperature of Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.
4500oF which is almost half as hot as the surface of the Sun.

What is this temperature in degrees Celsius?

5. Normal body temperature for humans is 98.6oF. What is the Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.
corresponding temperature in Kelvins?

6. We know that –40oC corresponds to –40oF. What temperature Hint: Need to use two equations to relate
Has the same value in both the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales? Fahrenheit to Kelvin.

7. What is 86oC on the Kelvin scale? Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.

8. What is 87oF on the Kelvin scale? Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.

9. What is –100oC on the Kelvin scale? Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.
10. What is 5500oC on the Kelvin scale? Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.

11. What is –459oF on the Kelvin scale? Hint: Use the standard conversion formula.


12. A concrete road is built of slabs 12 m long (20oC). How wide Hint: Use the linear expansion formula
should the expansion cracks between the slabs be (at 20oC)
to prevent buckling if the temperature is +50oC?

13. An alloy made of iron and nickel, is a strong material with a Hint: Use the linear expansion formula
very low coefficient of linear expansion [0.2 x 10-6(Co)-1]. A
2.0-m-long tabletop made of this alloy is used for sensitive
laser measurements where high tolerances are required

How much will this table expand along its length if the
temperature increases 5.0 Co?

14. The SR-71 Blackbird, which is 107 feet 5 inches long, was Hint: Calculate the temperature of the plane
the world’s fastest airplane. It can fly at three times the speed using the known expansion amount. Use
of sound (Mach 3) at altitudes of 80,000 ft. When it lands after the linear expansion formula.
a long flight, it is too hot to be touched for about 30 minutes,
and is 6.0 inches longer than at takeoff.

How hot is the Blackbird when it lands, assuming its

coefficient of linear expansion is 24 x 10-6K-1 and its
temperature at takeoff is 23oC?

15. The world’s longest suspension bridge is the kashi Kaikyo Hint: When steel is heated it expands and
Bridge in Japan. The bridge is 3910 m long and is constructed contracts when cooled. Use the linear
of steel. expansion formula.

How much longer is the bridge on a warm day (30.0oC) than

on a cold winter day (–5.00oC)?
16. To make a secure fit, rivets that are larger than the rivet hole Hint: Change the linear expansion formula to
are often used and the rivet is cooled (usually in dry ice) before solve for temperature.
it is placed in the hole.

A steel rivet 1.871 cm in diameter is to be placed in a hole

1.869 cm in diameter at 20oC. To what temperature must the
rivet be cooled if it is to fit in the hole?

17. A steel span of a suspension bridge is 200 m long at 20oC. If Hint: Use the linear expansion formula.
the extremes of temperature to which it might be exposed are
–30oC to +40oC, how much will it contract?

18. An iron ring is fit snugly on a cylindrical iron rod. At 20oC, the Hint: Change the linear expansion formula to
diameter of the rod is 6.445 cm and the inside diameter of the solve for temperature.
ring is 6.420 cm. To slip over the rod, the ring must be slightly
larger than the rod diameter by about 0.008cm. To what
temperature must the ring be brought if its hole is to the large
enough so it will slip over the rod?

19. A copper flask with a volume of 150 cm3 is filled to the brim Hint: Calculate the change in volume of the
with olive oil. If the temperature of the system is increased olive oil and the flask and subtract the
from 6.0oC to 31oC, how much oil spills from the flask? difference.

20. The Eiffel Tower, constructed in 1889 by Alexandre Eiffel, is Hint: Use the linear expansion formula.
an impressive latticework structure made an iron.

If the tower is 301 m high on a 22oC day, how much does its
height decrease when the temperature cools to 0.0oC?
21. A steel automobile fuel tank is filled to the brim with 45 L. Hint: Use the volume expansion formula.
of Gasoline at 10oC. Immediately afterward, the vehicle
is parked in the sunlight, where the temperature is 35oC.

How much gasoline overflows from the tank as a result

of the expansion

22. An automobile tire is filled to a gauge pressure of 200 kPa Hint: Use the ratio form of the ideal
at 10oC. After a drive of 100 km, the temperature within the gas law.
tire rises to 40oC.

What is the pressure within the tire now?

23. A steel railroad track has a length of 30,000m when the Hint: Find the length of the track and add it
temperature is 0oC. to the original length.

What is its length on a hot day when the temperature is 40.0oC?

24. Estimate the fractional change in the volume of Earth’s oceans Hint: Use the volume expansion formula.
due to an average temperature change of 1oC.


25. An aluminum bar has the desired length when at 15oC. How Hint: Use the stress formula and Young’s
much stress is required to keep it at this length if the modulus 70 x 109 N/m2.
temperature increases to 35oC?


26. If 3.00 m3 of a gas initially at STP is placed under a pressure of Hint: Assume the gas is ideal and use the
3.20 atm, the temperature of the gas rises to 38.0oC. What is ratio formula and solve for volume.
the volume?
27. Standard temperature and pressure (STP) is defined as a Hint: Solve the ideal gas law for the volume.
temperature of 0oC and a pressure of 101.3 kPa. What is the
volume occupied by one mole of an ideal gas at STP?

28. After emptying her lungs, a person inhales 4.2 L of air at 0.0oC Hint: Solve for the final volume and then subtract
and holds her breath. How much does the volume of the air the initial volume to find the increase in
increase as it warms to her body temperature of 37oC? volume.

29. In the morning when the temperature is 286 K, a bicyclist finds Hint: Use the ideal gas law to develop a
that the absolute pressure in his tires is 501 kPa. That afternoon relationship between temperature and
he finds that the pressure in the tire has increased to 554 kPa. pressure.
Ignoring expansion of the tires, find the afternoon temperature.

30. A typical region of interstellar space may contain 106 atoms per Hint: Solve the ideal gas law for pressure.
cubic meter (primarily hydrogen) at a temperature of 100 K.
What is the pressure of this gas?


Note: The following are general formulas, are not in any order, and have not been modified to fit each individual
problem. Distance “d” can be expressed as “x” when horizontal or “y” when vertical.

T ( C) =
o 5
⎡⎣T ( o F ) − 32 ⎤⎦ T ( F ) = T ( C ) + 32
o 9
T (K) = T ( C ) + 273.15

⎛T ⎞
( F ) − 32⎤⎦
P1 P2
T ( K ) = 95 ⎡⎣T o
ΔL = α L0 ΔT ΔV = βV ΔT = → P2 = P1 ⎜ 2 ⎟
T1 T2 ⎝ T1 ⎠

Stress = F A = α EΔT PV
1 1
2 2
→ V2 = V1
P1 T2
PV = nRT
T1 T2 P2 T1

Vi Vf Pf Ti kNT
= Tf = P=
Ti Tf Pi V
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1. 16.

2. 17.

3. 18.

4. 19.

5. 20

6. 21.

7. 22.

8. 23.

9. 24.

10. 25.

11. 26.

12. 27.

13. 28.

14. 29.

15. 30.

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