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The researcher concludes that the methods used in this study resulted to significant

findings that may provide some reflections and recommendations.

This is a combination of the quantitative and qualitative methods of research focusing on

the classroom misbehavior of some college students at ACLC. The selected respondents shared

their causes of misbehavior through sharing their experiences and stories. These respondents are

those who have incurred three violations of the same type.

There were 15 cases that underwent investigations. They told their own stories and

experiences during their interviews. Furthermore, some of them were observed during their

classes and significant behaviors were recorded. Those data were then analyzed and became the

basis for guidance plans. The researcher understands the different causes of misbehavior of

college students believing that several factors affect them. Different motivation techniques may

help them.

Six themes and their corresponding subthemes were generated which established the

significant findings in which the guidance plans of ACLC College will be based. The following

are the themes and their subthemes:

Theme 1: Social discomfort. The subthemes are uncomfortable with classmates and unwanted


It can be concluded that peers influence the behaviors of the respondents in negative

ways. Their individual personalities are the reasons for getting negative effects of their peers in

their classroom performances.

In some ways, peers can serve as an agent of learning if they influence their peers in

positive ways. These peers are the replacement to family members when they are out of their

homes so their impact would influence them. But such influence largely depend on their attitude

and choices of peers.

Theme 2: Teacher factor. The subthemes are laizzes faire teacher and inconsiderate teacher.

The respondents’ experience with their teachers caused them to decrease their

motivation to perform better in their classes. The characteristics by the teacher, as described by

the respondents, decrease their academic achievements.

Teachers are the great source of learning in the classroom. Apart from that, they can

influence the students’ desire and interest to learn. An effective teacher has satisfying outcomes

on academic achievements whereas an inefficient teacher has harmful consequences.

Theme 3: Intimacy relationship and early pregnancy and relationship break-up as its


It is concluded that the respondents were not able to handle their relationships properly

and that the consequences caused them to perform poorly in their academic status.

Getting some inspirations from special people are contributor in providing enthusiasms

with studies but if not properly taken care of might instigate worries and distresses.

Theme 4: Financial problems. It has no subtheme.

The financial problems of the respondents affect their academic performances having no

sufficient funds to meet their needs to attend school regularly and being not able to pay school

fees on time cause them to get lower grades.

It is a reality fact that money matters. It is one of needs to provide quality learning so it

becomes a serious problem if not solved.

Theme 5: Academic concern. The subthemes are dislike course, comprehensive difficulties and

broken class schedules.

The respondents were affected by their academic problems. Being unable to follow his

own choice of course led him to being uninterested with his major subjects; The other one,

having a hard time understanding his subjects is a case of knowledge disparity. His learning

ability is not appropriate with his chosen course; Time controlling caused the boredom of one

respondent causing him to cut his classes or even completely not attending at all.

In choosing the right path of career, it is important to determine the learning capabilities

as well as the own choice of the students. Doing something you like will give one comfort and

happiness, otherwise, might lead to being miserable. More importantly, their choices should fit

their knowledge and skills, or else, they will undergo the negative consequences of career


Theme 6: Weak love and affection. Its subthemes are weak parental intimacy, lack of

guardian, lack of parental intimacy and parental favoritism.


It is very obvious that the respondents’ relationship with their parents is unpleasant. Thus,

their longingness for affection and love from their parents cause them to lack inspirations drawn

from them.

Families are the greatest source of joy, strength and inspirations of anybody. Parents

provide resources and more importantly, inspirations so if not provided can lead to academic

problems of students.

It is therefore suggested that all guidance plans be fully implemented by the guidance

office of ACLC College Gapan.

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