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Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production

chain q
Dan Song a, Jin Yang a, Bin Chen a,b,⇑, Tasawar Hayat b,c, Ahmed Alsaedi b
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, PR China
NAAM Group, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan

h i g h l i g h t s

 The lifetime environmental impacts of a cement production chain were evaluated.

 A comparison of best available technologies was conducted by setting scenarios.
 Calcination and grinding processes are the largest environmental emitters.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cement is one of the three main construction materials, which provides support for other related indus-
Received 31 October 2014 tries and fuels the economic growth. However, cement production is also a high-polluting sector. In this
Received in revised form 1 July 2015 study, a life-cycle environmental assessment was performed for a typical new suspension preheater dry
Accepted 2 September 2015
process (NSP) cement production in China. A comparison of the life cycle environmental impact of best
Available online xxxx
available technologies was also conducted by setting a series of scenarios so as to find the most promising
alternative in reducing environmental impacts. The results suggest that although direct calcination is the
largest contributor of environmental emissions in the cement production system, indirect sections, par-
Cement production
Life-cycle analysis
ticularly the downstream grinding section, play an important role in terms of environmental impact,
Raw material and fuel substitution which should be considered as the control point in achieving energy saving and emission reduction goal.
Best available technology Comparing the environmental performance of raw material and fuel substitution alternatives and best
Environmental emissions available technologies, the results of scenario analysis reveals that environmental benefits of carbide slag
and the mixture of carbide slag and limestone slag as raw material substitutions is not prominent as it
induces extra environmental costs that offset the environmental benefits from reduced limestone usage.
Corn straw as coal substitution and heat recovery and cogeneration are found to be promising ways to
achieve environmental mitigation with a notable environmental benefit for cement production. The pre-
vailing NSP kiln technology is more environmental beneficial compared with shaft kiln technology.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tons in 2000 to 2.18 billion tons in 2012 due to growing demand.
Cement produced by China’s industry accounted for 58% of global
Cement industry provides an irreplaceable support for the oper- cement output in 2012 [1,2]. Moreover, this status will continue
ation of various downstream industries of Chinese economy. The in the next decade, which may exert great pressure on the environ-
production of cement industry in China increased from 597 million ment. The total coal and electricity consumptions of the Chinese
cement industry in 2012 amounted to 208 million tons and 168
q billion kWh, which result in the atmospheric emissions of sulfur
This article is based on a short proceedings paper in Energy Procedia Volume
161 (2014). It has been substantially modified and extended, and has been subject dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulates at 1.09 mil-
to the normal peer review and revision process of the journal. This paper is included lion, 1.98 million and 0.67 million tons, respectively [3,4]. In addi-
in the Special Issue of ICAE2014 edited by Prof. J Yan, Prof. DJ Lee, Prof. SK Chou, and tion, CO2 emissions of Chinese cement industry accounts for 5–8%
Prof. U Desideri.
⇑ Corresponding author at: No. 19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Beijing 100875, PR China.
of global anthropogenic emissions [5]. Due to the extensive
Tel./fax: +86 10 58807368.
resource consumption and inevitably environmental discharge in
E-mail address: (B. Chen). the production process, cement production has attracted growing
0306-2619/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
2 D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

concern in exploring its emission reduction potential [6,7]. Differ- applications later. Therefore, the whole cradle to gate process
ent from other industries, cement production emits pollutions not within system boundary include mining, transportation of raw
only via direct fossil fuel use, but also through the production pro- materials, crushing, preblending, grinding, homogenization, pre-
cedure as indirect emission [8]. Therefore the whole process emis- heating decomposition, clinker calcining, grinding, packaging,
sion must be considered when assessing the environmental and waste treatment. To simplify the whole production chain, we
impacts of cement industry. merge the whole chain into 8 processes, i.e., mining, transporta-
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a valuable tool for improving our tion, raw material preparation, calcination, waste gas treatment,
understanding of the environmental hazards posed by a product’s grinding, packaging and others (see Fig. 1). The emission discharge
life stages. Using LCA, many existing studies have been conducted is emphasized at these stages.
to evaluate the environmental impacts of cement production
chains [7,9–14]. However, in light of the expanding cement pro- 2.2. Life cycle inventory analysis
duction in China, it is crucial to not only probe into environmental
impacts of traditional production lines, but also to find possible The materials and energy consumed in this system embrace: (1)
improvements of Chinese cement production through technologi- limestone, sandstone, flyash, sulfuric-acid residue, gypsum and
cal changes in the context of environmental impacts alleviation. mixtures; (2) energy input from external systems such as coal
Currently, research on environmental impacts of fuel substitutions and electricity. The system outputs include P.O 42.5 Portland
[15,16], raw materials substitutions [17–21], and best available cement (0.455 million tonnes) and P.F 42.5 Portland cement
technologies [3,12,22–26] for cement production have already (0.578 million tonnes). The specification of P.O 42.5 and P.F 42.5
been conducted. In China, although new suspension preheater Portland cement is shown in Table 1. The data was collected from
dry process cement production constitutes more than 90% of total a typical enterprise in north China with a production capacity of
cement production in 2012, technological improvements that con- 77.5E + 04 tons per year. The data cover all the consumed raw
tribute to energy saving and environmental emission reduction materials and energy in the production chain.
should be explored to meet the more and more strict environmen-
tal protection goals. 2.2.1. Mining
This paper aims to undertake a lifetime environmental assess- The required limestone is 0.92 million tonnes per year for
ment of a typical 2500 t/d new suspension preheater dry process cement production. The recoverable source of the mine nearby
(NSP) cement production line in China, and compare its environ- the concerned cement plant is 70.02 million tonnes, which is
mental impacts with those of best available technologies and raw affluent for limestone extraction. In the mining process, the
material and fuel substitutions in calcination. The purposes of this environmental impacts of electricity consumption by extraction
paper include: to find the environmental emission-intensive sec- machines used are taken into account.
tions in the cement production chain, and to shed light on future
technology selection of cement production based on a life-cycle
2.2.2. Transportation
examination of the pro and cons of best available technologies in
The cement production plant concerned in this study has a con-
cement production. The rest of this paper is organized as below:
venient transportation network. Motor transportation is used for
In Section 2, the steps how LCA is conducted in cement production
raw material and products delivery, starting from the manufac-
are introduced in detail. The environmental impact assessment
turer nearby and arriving at each specific site for production. In this
results of a typical Chinese NSP cement production chain are pre-
case, heavy diesel truck with the carrying capacity of 30 t was used
sented in Section 3. Scenario analysis of best available technologies
for transportation. The quantity and distance transported is shown
is conducted in Section 4. Finally, based on the LCA of the cement
in Table 2.
production line, conclusions are drawn to shed light on the selec-
tion of cement production technological pathways.
2.2.3. Raw material preparation
The raw material preparation stage includes processes of crush-
2. Methodology ing, preblending of sandstone, raw material grinding, fuel pre-
blending and grinding. In this stage, electricity is used to drive
LCA is a tool to assess the potential environmental impacts and equipment of crusher, belt conveyor, stacker–reclaimer, vertical
resources used throughout a product’s lifetime, i.e., from raw mill system and ball pulverizer. The electricity consumed in this
material acquisition, via production and use phases, to waste man- stage is 19.6 GW h.
agement [27]. Based on ISO 14040 standard, there are four major
steps of an LCA of cement production, i.e., (1) define the assess- 2.2.4. Calcination
ment goal and system boundary; (2) compile the life-cycle inven- The prepared raw material is then heated in a pre-calciner to
tory; (3) conduct the life-cycle impact assessment of the product/ initiate the decomposition of CaCO3 to calcium oxide (CaO) and
technology; and (4) interpret, summarize, analyze and communi- CO2. It is then burned in a rotary kiln to continue the
cate the results. In this section, the LCA method of cement produc- reaction between CaO and other elements to form calcium silicates
tion is elaborated based on the steps aforementioned. and aluminates. The output mixture, i.e., clinker, is delivered for
cooling afterwards. The capacity of the calcination system is
2.1. Goal and scope definition 2500 t/d, with the heat rate of 3178 kJ/kg. In this stage, direct envi-
ronmental emissions from CaCO3 decomposition and raw coal
The goal of this study is to appraise the environmental perfor- combustion and indirect emissions from electricity consumption
mances of a typical NSP cement production chain as well as its are considered.
technological alternatives. The considered functional unit is 1 t
Portland cement production. In terms of system boundary, LCA is 2.2.5. Waste gas treatment
in principle a cradle to grave exercise. However, in some cases cra- The dust generated from raw material grinding and calcination
dle to gate, gate to gate, gate to cradle or, more recently, cradle to is collected and delivered to a bag filter, and emitted out via dust-
cradle approaches are possible. In the case of cement the approach discharging fan. In this stage, electricity of 0.2 GW h is used for the
can only be cradle to gate as it can have many different operation of bag filter and dust-discharging fan.

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

Global Warming Potential(GWP)

Background system
Acidification Potential (AP)
Clinker Eutrophication Potential (EP)

Environmental impact assessment

Photochemical Ozone Create
Potential (POCP)

Ozone Layer Depletion (ODP)

Raw material
Resource Abiotic Depletion(ADP)
Production process

Calcination Human Toxic Potential (HTP)

Waste gas
Freshwater Aquatic Ecotoxicity
Waste water Marine Aquatic Ecotoxicity

Waste soil Terrestrial Ecotoxicity (TETP)

Waste treatment

Fig. 1. System boundary of the typical cement production line.

Table 1
The specification of cement types.

Type Output (million ton) Composition (%) Compressing strength (MPA) Standard
P.O 42.5 Portland cement 0.455 80% 6 (gpsum and clinker) < 95% 42.5 GB175–2007
P.F 42.5 Portland cement 0.578 60% 6 (gpsum and clinker)<80% 20% 6 fly ash < 40% 42.5 GB175–2007

Table 2 in Fig. 2. This figure comprises all non-fuel raw materials such as
Transportation of major materials. limestone (0.92 million tonnes), sandstone, flyash, surfuric acid
residue (0.29 million metric tonnes) together with gypsum
Materials Quantity Quantity (ton/day) Distance (km)
(million ton/yr) (0.24 million metric tonnes). At the raw material preparation stage,
approximately 1.22 million tonnes materials were consumed, of
Limestone 0.96 3095.96 1.5
Sandstone 0.13 434.90 2.0 which limestone is the major input. All prepared raw material
Flyash 0.09 305.56 3.1 together with mixtures (0.23 million metric tonnes) are then deliv-
Sulfur acid residue 0.02 61.86 232 ered to the calcination process. The outputs of calcination are P.
Mixtures 0.20 661.87 3.1 O42.5 (0.46 million metric tonnes) and P.F42.5 (0.58 million metric
Raw coal 0.12 398.44 33
Gypsum 0.04 115.57 70
tonnes) Portland cement. Limestone is the largest raw material
consumed in the production of cement at 60.39% of the non-fuel
raw material. For fuels consumed in this process, coal is the main
fuel to drive the calcination process, and diesel is specifically used
2.2.6. Grinding and packaging for transportation of raw materials and product. Electricity is
According to the specification of P.O42.5 cement and P.F42.5 mainly used for cement grinding (34.7 GW h), followed by calcina-
cement, the output mixture from the calcination stage is mixed tion (27 GW h) and raw material preparation (19.6 GW h). Waste
with gypsum for grinding. The cement produced after grinding is treatment and mining only constitute a negligible part of electric-
then delivered to the packing machine. The electricity consumed ity consumption.
in the grinding and packaging stage is 34.7 GW h and 0.1 GW h,
2.3. Life cycle environmental assessment

2.2.7. Others The inventory data for each stage were compiled in the China
Others refer to electricity consumption that support the opera- life cycle database (CLCD) [28]. To evaluate the environmental
tion of the whole cement plant except for the electricity consump- impacts associated with the mass and energy flows, we use the
tion mentioned in the aforementioned stages. CML 2001 method (described in [29]) in this study, covering
impact categories of abiotic depletion (ADP) (indicated by anti-
2.2.8. Diagram the LCA inventory mony eq), global warming potential (GWP) (CO2-eq), ozone layer
The material and energy inputs are diagramed to vividly illus- depletion (ODP) (CFC-11 eq), human toxicity (HTP) (1, 4-DCB-eq),
trate the material flow in the cement production system, as shown freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity (FAETP) (1, 4-DCB-eq), marine

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
4 D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Material flows in the cement production chain.

aquatic ecotoxicity (MAETP) (1, 4-DCB-eq), terrestrial ecotoxicity 3.68E+10 kg C2H4-eq, AP is 2.39E+11 kg SO2 eq, EP is 1.58E+11 kg
(TETP) (1, 4-DCB-eq), photochemical oxidation (POCP) (C2H4-eq), PO4eq, respectively [30]. The normalized environmental impacts
acidification (AP) (SO2-eq), and eutrophication (EP) (PO4 -eq). of producing 1 tonne of cement are presented in Fig. 3. The rank-
ings of cement production on the environment are GWP, AP, POCP,
3. Environmental impact assessment of a typical NSP cement MAETP, EP, HTP, FAETP, ADP, TETP, and ODP. Among these impact
production chain categories, the impact of cement production on GWP is much lar-
ger compared with other environmental impact categories, fol-
The environmental impacts are tracked within eight stages lowed by AP and POCP, which indicates that impacts on GHG, AP
(mining, transport, raw material preparation, calcination, waste and POCP should be emphasized when finding raw materials and
gas treatment, grinding, packing and others). Both onsite and fuel substitutions for production.
embodied environmental emissions in producing 1 functional unit Specifically, GWP impact of different stages is decomposed to
are shown in Table 3. The contribution of different processes to the find the key points for better GHG emissions control. We classify
environmental impact categories is also presented. The calcination the lifetime GHG emissions into direct GHG emissions and indirect
contributes the largest proportion in terms of GWP, HTP, AP, POCP GHG emissions. Direct GHG emissions include those from fossil
and EP. Mining is the largest contributor of impact categories of fuel combustion (raw material combustion and diesel consumed
ADP, ODP, FAETP, MAETP, and TETP. Except for calcination and in the transportation), calcium carbonate decomposition, and
mining, grinding is another important contributor of environmen- non-fuel carbon calcination. Indirect GHG emissions include those
tal emissions in all impact categories. Transportation has a promi- from mining, upstream emissions from purchased electricity, and
nent impact on ODP. Waste gas treatment, packaging have a the emissions from clinker production.
relatively minor impact on the environment. In this cement production chain, the proportion of direct GHG
To rank the impact of cement production on the environment, emission is higher than indirect GHG emission (Fig. 4). Among
we select the environmental impacts of the world average in direct GHG emission, calcinations that consist of decarbonation
2000 as reference, of which ADP is 2.09E+08 antimony eq, GWP and coal consumption is the major GHG emission source. It implies
is 4.18E+13 kg CO2 eq, ODP is 2.27 E+08 kg CFC-11 eq, HTP is that the most efficient way to reduce GHG emissions for cement
2.58E+12 kg 1,4-DCB eq, FAETP is 2.36E+12 kg 1,4-DCB eq, MAETP production is to find raw material and fuel alternatives. Indirect
is 1.94E+14 kg 1,4-DCB eq, TETP is 1.09E+12 kg 1,4-DCB eq, POCP is emissions also constitute a remarkable proportion (15.34%),

Table 3
Environmental impacts of producing 1 tonne of cement. (Units: kg/ton).


Antimony eq CO2-eq CFC-11 eq 1,4-DCB-eq 1,4-DCB-eq 1,4-DCB-eq SO2-eq C2H4-eq PO4-eq 1,4-DCB-eq
Mining 1.97E 06 1.65E+01 3.65E 07 8.94E 02 3.25E 01 3.03E+02 8.51E 02 1.77E 02 1.04E 02 8.95E 03
Transportation 1.59E 08 1.16E+00 9.92E 08 6.88E 04 1.21E 01 1.75E+01 2.32E 02 6.00E 03 4.30E 03 3.52E 04
Raw meal preparation 1.44E 07 1.89E+01 3.26E 08 2.11E 02 1.46E 02 2.69E+01 9.60E 02 2.61E 03 6.74E 03 8.40E 04
Calcination 1.97E 07 5.99E+02 4.48E 08 7.25E 01 2.00E 02 3.70E+01 2.09E+00 9.55E 02 1.22E 01 1.16E 03
Waste gas treatment 8.98E 10 1.19E 01 2.04E 10 1.32E 04 9.10E 05 1.68E 01 6.00E 04 1.63E 05 4.22E 05 5.25E 06
Grinding 2.54E 07 3.35E+01 5.77E 08 3.73E 02 2.57E 02 4.76E+01 1.70E 01 4.62E 03 1.19E 02 1.49E 03
Packaging 1.16E 09 1.53E 01 2.64E 10 1.71E 04 1.18E 04 2.18E 01 7.76E 04 2.11E 05 5.45E 05 6.79E 06
Others 6.79E 08 8.97E+00 1.54E 08 9.99E 03 6.89E 03 1.27E+01 4.54E 02 1.24E 03 3.19E 03 3.98E 04
Total 2.65E 06 6.78E+02 6.15E 07 8.83E 01 5.14E 01 4.45E+02 2.51E+00 1.28E 01 1.59E 01 1.32E 02

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

raw materials. The recovered materials can either be used as raw

Normalized impact
1.60E-011 material in the raw meal, or in the cement grinding as substitutes
1.40E-011 for clinker or cement additives [18]. Carbide slag, generated from
calcium carbide acetylene method with main component of Ca
(OH)2, is a prevailing raw material used for raw material substitu-
1.00E-011 tion in cement manufactory. As carbide slag is difficult for disposal
and exerts great pressure on the environment, using carbide slag
for cement manufactory is one of the most efficient ways for waste
6.00E-012 reuse. Currently, carbide slag has already been used to 100% substi-
4.00E-012 tute limestone [31]. However, carbide slag has a high water con-
tent (8%) even after concentration in sedimentation tank.
Although direct environmental emissions from calcination may
0.00E+000 be reduced using carbide slag as substitution in cement produc-
tion, extra electricity is consumed in the drying of carbide slag.
Impact categories In this scenario, keeping the cement output unchanged, the
amount of carbide slag that can substitute 50% (scenario 1–1),
Fig. 3. Normalized environmental impacts of producing 1 tonne of cement.
80% (scenario 1–2) and 100% (scenario 1–3) of CaO in limestone
was assumed as raw material.
mainly from calcination (3.84%), grinding, which occupies 4.94% of In addition, new technology of mixing limestone slag with car-
the total emission and mining (occupies 2.43%) to the whole pro- bide slag as raw material substitution has also been applied to
cess. For the material transportation, as all kinds of raw material reduce the raw material limestone input (the composition of car-
and fuel resources can be obtained nearby due to the location, it bide slag and limestone slag is shown in Table 4). The combined
has less GHG emissions compared with other stages, of which utilization of carbide slag and limestone slag as raw material sub-
transport of sulfuric acid slag, coal, gypsum occupied larger pro- stitution can thereby not only reduce limestone input in cement
portion due to its long distance. production, but also synergistically dispose industrial waste. To
evaluate the environmental performance of raw material substitu-
tion using the mixture of carbide slag and limestone slag, keeping
4. Scenario analysis
the cement output unchanged, 3 scenarios, i.e., 90% carbide slag
and 10% limestone slag (scenario 2–1), 80% carbide slag and 20%
The results reveal that calcination is the largest contributor of
limestone slag (scenario 2–2), and 70% carbide slag and 30% lime-
environmental emissions. Thus, improvement of calcination pro-
stone slag (scenario 2–3), are designed to replace high quality
cess by using advanced technologies is a possible way to reduce
material use and environmental emissions of cement production.
In this section, scenarios of two raw meal mixes, a fuel substitu-
4.1.2. Fuel substitutions
tion, and a heat recovery and cogeneration technology are hypo-
The energy-intensiveness of cement production processes and
thetically designed. Also, the environmental performances of
increasing fuel prices, combined with fuel deficit, force the cement
cement production by NSP kiln and shaft kiln are compared.
industry to search for technologies based on waste-derived and
alternative fuels [32]. The results in Section 3 also reveal that coal
4.1. Scenarios setting
is one of the largest contributors in the cement production chain.
To cut energy costs and reduce emissions from fuel combustion,
4.1.1. Raw material substitutions
attentions are paid on finding fuel alternatives. Currently, the uti-
Industrial by-products (e.g., slag, fly ash, industrial gypsum, and
lization of fuel substitutions in cement production has already
industrial sand) can be used as substitutes for traditional natural
been proved economically and ecologically feasible [33,34].
Corn straw, a kind of agricultural waste, is regarded a promising
fuel substitution in cement production due to its lower sulfur con-
tent and carbon neutral property. To probe into the lifetime pro
500 Indirect emissions
and cons using straw as fuel substitution, keeping the cement out-
400 Direct emissions
put unchanged, the amount of corn straw that equivalent to 20%
300 (scenario 2–1), 30% (scenario 2–2) and 50% (scenario 2–3) low
200 heating value (LHV) of coal is supposed as fuel to substitute coal
100 in calcination.

4.1.3. Heat recovery and cogeneration
According to the aforementioned LCA results, electricity is a
20 main driver of the NSP cement production. The expanding demand
on cement thereby enlarges the electricity supply in cement pro-
duction industry. Efforts have been made to recover waste (300–
0 400 °C) heat from the kiln gases (preheater exit gas) and cooler
exhaust air for power generation in NSP cement production line.

Raw meal preparation



Waste gas treatment



The heat embodied in waste gas constitutes 35% of total thermal

energy consumption in the clinker calcination process. The heat
recovery and cogeneration technology is of great energy saving
potential. In heat recovery and cogeneration system, the AQC
waste heat boiler was used to capture low grade heat from
waste gas. A superheated steam is then produced, which in turn
Fig. 4. GHG emissions of different stages of cement production. powers a turbine that creates electricity for cement production.

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
6 D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Table 4
The composition of carbide slag and limestone slag.

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 K2O Na2O Cl Loss

Carbide slag 3.38 1.30 0.24 68.90 0.06 0.39 0.03 0.08 0.01 25.61
Limestone slag 2.15 0.35 0.05 51.57 2.01 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.0004 43.55

Table 5
Comparison of environmental performances of raw material substitutions (Units: kg/ton).


Antimony eq CO2-eq CFC-11 eq 1,4-DCB-eq 1,4-DCB-eq 1,4-DCB-eq SO2-eq C2H4-eq PO4-eq 1,4-DCB-eq
Baseline 2.65E 06 6.78E+02 6.15E 07 8.83E 01 5.14E 01 4.45E+02 2.51E+00 1.28E 01 1.59E 01 1.32E 02
Scenario 1–1 1.95E 06 6.73E+02 5.31E 07 8.45E 01 3.54E 01 3.20E+02 2.48E+00 1.21E 01 1.54E 01 1.08E 02
Scenario 1–2 1.52E 06 6.70E+02 4.81E 07 8.23E 01 2.59E 01 2.45E+02 2.47E+00 1.17E 01 1.52E 01 9.43E 03
Scenario 1–3 1.24E 06 6.67E+02 4.48E 07 8.07E 01 1.95E 01 1.94E+02 2.46E+00 1.14E 01 1.50E 01 8.49E 03
Scenario 2–1 1.24E 06 6.70E+02 4.48E 07 8.07E 01 1.95E 01 1.94E+02 2.46E+00 1.14E 01 1.50E 01 8.49E 03
Scenario 2–2 1.24E 06 6.72E+02 4.48E 07 8.07E 01 1.96E 01 1.94E+02 2.46E+00 1.14E 01 1.50E 01 8.48E 03
Scenario 2–3 1.24E 06 6.74E+02 4.48E 07 8.07E 01 1.96E 01 1.94E+02 2.46E+00 1.14E 01 1.50E 01 8.47E 03

Calcination AP
ODP Raw meal preparation ODP
Raw meal preparation ADP



0.00E+000 2.00E-013 1.20E-012 1.40E-012

0.00E+000 2.00E-013 1.20E-012 1.40E-012 Fig. 6. Differences of environmental impacts of baseline and scenario 2–3 in
producing 1 tonne of cement.
Fig. 5. Differences of environmental impacts of baseline and scenario 1–3 in
producing 1 tonne of cement.

In this scenario (scenario 3–1), the environmental performance of

cement production equipped with a 4500 kW low-temperature
cogeneration system and annual power generation of
3.04  107 kW h is assessed. Extracting auxiliary power consump-
tion, the power supplied to cement production from waste heat
is 2.80  107 kW h.

4.1.4. Comparison of NSP kiln and shaft kiln

There are two most common cement production processes in
China, i.e., the shaft kiln and the NSP kiln, accounting for more than
95% of total cement production capacity [8]. Although the propor-
tion of NSP kilns continues to increase in recent years, shaft kilns
are still adopted in many small and medium-sized enterprises
due to their lower costs. During the period of technical transforma-
tion and the heated concern on environmental issues in cement
production industry, it is of great importance to conduct a compar-
ative analysis with different production techniques. Therefore, we
compared the environmental performances of a NSP kiln (baseline
scenario) with shaft kiln (scenario 4–1). The process data of shaft
Fig. 7. Comparison of environmental performance of corn straw substitution in
kiln cement production is derived from previous research [3]. producing 1 tonne of cement.

4.2. Scenario analysis

environmental impacts exerted by the mining of limestone are
The comparison of LCA results for 1 unit of cement production avoided, using carbide slag as raw material has a better
using limestone, carbide slag, and the mixture of carbide slag and environmental performance in all categories compared with
limestone slag as raw materials is listed in Table 5. As the limestone, the larger the proportion of substitution, the better

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 7

Table 6
The environmental performance of installing heat recovery and cogeneration system (unit: kg).


Antimony eq CO2-eq CFC-11 eq 1,4-DCB-eq 1,4-DCB-eq 1,4-DCB-eq SO2-eq C2H4-eq PO4-eq 1,4-DCB-eq
Baseline 2.74E+00 7.01E+08 6.35E 01 9.13E+05 5.31E+05 4.60E+08 2.59E+06 1.32E+05 1.64E+05 1.36E+04
Scenario 3–1 2.53E+00 6.73E+08 5.87E 01 8.82E+05 5.09E+05 4.21E+08 2.45E+06 1.28E+05 1.54E+05 1.24E+04
Difference 2.11E 01 2.79E+07 4.80E 02 3.11E-+04 2.14E+04 3.96E+07 1.41E+05 3.85E+03 9.92E+03 1.24E+03

the environmental performance. The mixture of carbide slag and

limestone slag for cement production is also environmental bene-
ficiary compared with the baseline scenario. It implies that waste
co-processing in cement production is a promising alternative in
reducing industrial solid waste and releasing environmental
impact from cement production.
Normalizing all the environmental impacts based on the refer-
ence emissions of the world in 2000 [30], the environmental ben-
efit of raw material substitution is decomposed to different stages
of cement production. Fig. 5 reflects the differences of baseline and
scenario 1–3. Positive values indicate environmental benefits of
scenario 1–3 compared with baseline while negative values repre-
sent extra environmental impacts due to the use of carbide slag.
Less electricity is consumed for limestone mining, which results
in prominent environmental benefits. Also, a large amount of
Fig. 8. Comparison of environmental performances of NSP kiln and shaft kiln in
GHG emissions from calcium carbonate decomposition is avoided
producing 1 tonne of cement.
in the calcination stage. Transportation also contributes to the
environmental benefit as the weight of carbide slag used is lighter
than that of substituted limestone. However, using carbide slag to is 3.04  107 kW h electricity generated from exhausted heat per
substitute limestone increases the environmental emissions in the year. Extracting auxiliary power consumption, 2.80  107 kW h
raw material preparation stage due to the electricity consumption electricity could be supplied for cement production. Table 6 shows
for the drying of carbide slag, which makes the environmental ben- that there is a prominent environmental benefit using waste heat
efit of carbide slag substitution not prominent. for electricity generation. The environmental impacts in EP, ADP,
Fig. 6 reflects the differences of baseline and scenario 2–3. The ODP, MAETP, and TETP are reduced by 6.06%, 7.71%, 7.55%, 8.61%,
results are quite similar with those shown in Fig. 5. The utilization and 9.07%, respectively, demonstrating that heat recovery and
of industrial wastes of carbide slag and limestone slag reduces cogeneration plays an important role in the mitigation of
energy consumption of limestone mining, resulting in prominent environmental influences.
environmental benefits. Also, a large amount of GHG emissions Fig. 8 shows the environmental performances of cement pro-
in the calcination stage is avoided. However, the GWP reduction duction using shaft kiln and NSP kiln (value 100 for the NSP kiln).
benefit of scenario 2–3 is smaller than that of scenario 1–3. In Although shaft kiln has a relatively low energy cost, the available
the raw meal preparation stage, there are also extra environmental calcium content and cement output of shaft kiln are much lower
impacts posed in scenario 2–3, but is much smaller compared with than those of NSP kiln [35]. NSP kiln process with multi-stage
that in scenario 1–3 as less electricity is consumed in carbide slag precalciners is thus more energy efficient and has lower environ-
drying in raw meal preparation. In addition, Figs. 5 and 6 show that mental impact in producing 1 unit of cement compared with shaft
the largest environmental benefits brought by raw material substi- kiln process. Compared with shaft kiln, the most prominent envi-
tution lie on MAETP, POCP, AP, GWP, and FAETP. ronmental benefit of NSP kiln exists in HTP, AP, POCP, and EP.
The comparison of LCA results for cement production using coal
(baseline) and corn straw (scenario 3–1 to 3–3) as fuels is shown in
Fig. 7 (normalized to dimensionless), which indicates that corn 5. Conclusions
straw as a substitution of coal has a prominent environmental ben-
efit in categories of GWP, HTP, AP, POCP, and EP compared with the This study highlighted the lifetime environmental impacts of a
baseline. The larger the proportion of substitution, the better 2500 t/d NSP cement production chain. The results derived from
the environmental performance. This environmental benefit can the LCA can be used to quantify the system performance of cement
be attributed to the reduced coal consumption, which is one of production in terms of environmental aspect and minimize the
the largest contributors of environmental emissions. Compared negative environmental impacts from cement production. Scenario
with baseline, the GWP, HTP, AP, POCP, and EP in the calcination analysis also informs the pro and cons of introducing best available
stage of scenario 3–3 (50% substitution) decrease by 12.20%, technologies in cement production, which may shed light on the
48.00%, 46.84%, 48.12%, and 46.19%, respectively. However, as the management of cement production process.
weight of corn straw used is heavier than that of coal (the LHV of The cement production has a prominent impact on global
corn straw is lower than that of coal, resulting in more corn straw warming, acidification, and photochemical oxidation. The largest
is required to generate the same amount of heat), extra environ- environmental emissions, especially GHG emissions, are generated
mental impacts is generated in the transportation stage. in the calcination stage, from both calcium carbonate decomposi-
When the heat recovery and cogeneration system is installed in tion and coal consumption. Therefore, finding raw material and
cement production line, it can supply additional electricity gener- fuel substitutions is a potential way to reduce environmental emis-
ated from exhausted heat and reduce electricity input from the sions. Wastes and by-products that contain usable minerals such
grid. The environmental impacts induced by electricity consump- as calcium, silica, aluminum oxide, and iron oxide can be used to
tion in baseline and scenario 3–1 are presented in Table 6. There replace limestone, clay and shale in cement production. Grinding

Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://
8 D. Song et al. / Applied Energy xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Song D et al. Life-cycle environmental impact analysis of a typical cement production chain. Appl Energy (2015), http://

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