Primary Revision Sheets (Oral Exam) Lesson 1 - Story of Abraham - Review Questions Scripture Portion: Genesis 12-15 Chapters

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Primary Revision Sheets

(Oral Exam)

Lesson 1 – Story of Abraham – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Genesis 12-15 chapters

1. What was Abram’s nephew’s name? LOT

2. What did God tell Abram to get out from? His country,family and father’s house
3. Where was Abram when God called him? HARAN
4. How old was Abram when he departed from Haran? 75 years
5. Who is Abram’s wife? Sarai
6. Whom did Abram take with him? Sarai ,his wife and Lot,his nephew
7. To which place did he go first ?Bethel
8. Where did Abram build his first altar? Bethel
9. Where did God ask Abram to go? CANAAN
10. Why did Abram go to Egypt? Because of the famine in Canaan
11. How many kings did Abram fight with, to get back his relative Lot? FOUR
12. How many men of Abram went with him to fight the battle? 318
13. Why did Abram and Lot separate? Because they had a large number of
herds and they could not live together in one place
14. After Abram and Lot went in different directions, Lot lived in Sodom; Abram
lived in Canaan.
15. Where did God appear to Abram ? Great tree of moreh
16. What did the Lord say to him there? That He would give that land to
Abram’s descendants
17. To what did God compare Abram’s descendants ? To the stars in the sky
and sand on seashore.
18. After Abram defeated the four kings, who came to meet with him with
bread and wine?Melchizadek, King of Salem
19. Who was Melchizadek? King of Salem
20. Abram gave Melchizadek, a tenth of everything.
21. Why was Abram considered righteous? Because he believed the Lord.
22. How did God answer to the offering that Abram gave to the Lord? The Lord
sent a smoking firepot with a blazing torch to approve his offering and also made
a covenant with Abram.

Lesson 2 – Jacob’s dream – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Genesis 28: 10-22

1. Where was Jacob going and from where? Jacob was going from BeerSheba to
2. Why was he going there? He was running away from his brother Esau.
3. How did Jacob cheat his brother? He deceived his father and Esau and took his
birthright and blessings.
4. Where did he run away to? To his uncle Laban’s house
5. On what did he lay his head to sleep? Stone
6. Explain : Jacob’s dream – A stairway was resting on Earth with its top reaching
Heaven. Angels were going up and down on it. The Lord stood above and
promised Jacob, that He would give that land to him.
7. All peoples on Earth would be blessed through Jacob and his offspring.
8. Who spoke from above the stairway in Jacob’s dream? The Lord, God of Abraham
and Isaac.
9. What did God tell Jacob in his vision?  “I am the LORD, the God of your
grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying
on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants.  Your descendants
will be as numerous as the dust of the earth!”
10. Where was Jacob sleeping? In Luz, now called Bethel
11. What did Jacob do in the morning? The next morning Jacob got up very
early and He took the stone he had rested his head against, and he set it upright
as a memorial pillar. Then he poured olive oil over it and made a vow to God.
12. What did Jacob vow? If God would take care of Jacob and bring him  back
to the land, that he was running from, he would give tenth in everything.
13. Bethel means House of God.

Lesson 3 – Joseph’s Boyhood – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Genesis 37

1. How old was Joseph when he was sold? 17

2. What was the occupation of Joseph’s brothers? They were Shepherds
3. What was Joseph doing? He was tending his father’s sheep and also brought the
bad reports of his brothers to his father.
4. Jacob was renamed by God as what? Israel
5. Israel loved Joseph more than the other sons.
6. What did Jacob give Joseph as a token of his love? Multicolour Coat
7. Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him? When they saw that their father loved
Joseph more.
8. What were the two dreams that Joseph had? (a) In the field, Joseph’s sheaf of
grain stood upright and all the others’ bowed down to it. (b) Sun and Moon and
11 stars bowed down to him.
9. Who plotted to kill Joseph? His brothers
10. Who was the “dreamer”? Joseph
11. Where did Joseph go in search of his brothers? Shechem
12. As they weren’t there,where did he finally found them? Dothan
13. Where did Joseph’s brothers throw him?Into a pit in the wilderness
14. Who tried to rescue Joseph from being killed? Reuben
15. To whom did Joseph’s brothers sell him? To the Ishmaelites
16. Whose plan was it to sell Joseph? Judah’s
17. For how many shekels did they sell Joseph? 20
18. Where did the Midianites (Ishmaelites) take Joseph? To Egypt
19. How did they deceive Jacob regarding Joseph? They dipped Joseph’s coat in
goat’s blood and pretended to their father as if they got it from the wilderness,
leaving their father to think that Joseph was killed by an animal.
20. To whom did the Midianites sell Joseph? Potiphar, one of Pharoh’s officials

Lesson 4 – The Great Liberation – Review Questions

Scripture Portion :Exodus 11-13 chapters

1. What was the last or the tenth plague in Egypt? Death of Firstborn
2. Why did Pharaoh always refused to listen to Moses? God had hardened his heart,
that He may display His mighty wonders.
3. How many years was Israel in slavery? 430 years
4. How did the Egyptians extract the work from Israelites? Egyptians made the
Israelites Slaves and made them do heavy work
5. Who went to Pharoah to free them from the slavery of Egypt?Moses
6. Moses informed his slow of speech and slow of tongue to the Lord.
7. Who was Mose’s brother whom God send to speak for him? Aaron
8. What did the Israelites ask the egyptians when they left Egypt? Articles of silver
and gold
9. How should the Passover be eaten and What does it indicate? The meal should be
eaten by people dressed up, with sandals on feet and walking stick in hand, ready
to go! This indicates that the Israelites left Egypt in hurry.
10. What marked the houses, to show the angel of the Lord, that house
belonged to an Israelite? The blood of the lamb, marked on the doorpost.
11. What should be sacrificed on Passover? A one year old male lamb without
12. What happened on Passover? The Lord passed over the houses that were
marked by the lamb’s blood (Israelite’s house) and killed every first born in the
Egyptian house (those that were not marked). He honored his name by showing a
difference between the people who worshipped Him and people who did not.
13. Passover is celebrated on the 14th of First month.
14. The Israelites left Egypt in the month of Aviv.
15. Was there a shorter way to go to Canaan from Egypt? Yes, through the
Philistine Country.
16. God led the people through the desert road.
17. Moses took the bones of Joseph with them, when they left Egypt.
18. How do we know that the Lord led the people of Israel through their
journey? By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on
their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could
travel by day or night.

Lesson 5 – Crossing the Red Sea – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Exodus 14 chapter

1. Where were the Israelites camped when Pharoh pursued them? Near Pi Hahiroth,
near Red Sea
2. Why did the Egyptians pursued Israel? They wanted the Israelites to serve them
3. Who pursued the Israelites? The Egyptians, all Pharaoh’s chariots, horsemen and
4. What was the behavior of the Israelites when they saw the Egyptian army
pursuing? First, they grumbled and shouted against Moses. Also their hearts were
5. Who said that He would fight for Israel? The Lord
6. What did the Lord ask Moses to do to divide the sea? To raise his staff and stretch
out his hand against the sea.
7. How was the angel of the Lord going with his people? With cloud pillar in the
morning and a fiery pillar in the evening in front of the Israelites
8. Why was it brighter for the Israelites even when it was night? The angel of the
Lord, in the pillar of cloud who was going in front, went behind the Israelites and
stood in between them and the Egyptians. So it was light for the Israelites even
when it was night.
9. How did the Red sea divide? The Lord opened up a path through the water with a
strong east wind .The wind blew all that night,turning the seabed into dry land.
10. How did the Israel cross the red sea? With the wall of water on left and
right, they walked across the sea in dry ground.
11. How many chariots did pharoah take to chase the Israelites? 600
12. Why were the Egyptians trying to get away and to return from the middle
of the sea? Because they realized that the LORD was fighting for Israel
13. What happened to the Egyptians who pursued Israel? The LORD swept
them in the sea. The Israelites saw them dead lying on the shore.
14. Where did Pharoah’s army perish? In Red Sea
15. What did Moses Say? “The Egyptians you see today,you will never see
16. What is the Lord’s purpose in doing all these? To gain glory for His Holy
name and to show that He is the only MIGHTY LORD to both Israelites and the

Lesson 6 – Marah and Manna – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Exodus 15 & 16 Chapters

1. How many days did the Israel travel without water after crossing the red sea?
3 days
2. Marah means bitter.
3. How did the waters of Marah became fit to drink? Moses cried to the Lord. The
Lord showed him a piece of wood. When Moses threw it into the water, the water
became fit to drink.
4. What was the place where Israel camped which had 70 palm trees and 12
springs? Elim
5. What did the Israel crave over? They craved over the food they ate in Egypt.
6. When they wanted meat, what did the Israelites do? They grumbled against
Moses and Aaron.
7. What did the Lord give the Israelites for bread and meat? In the morning, manna
came for bread and in the evening the Lord rained down quail for meat.
8. What were the instructions regarding Manna? The Israelites are to gather up
manna every day, just enough for that day. But on the sixth day, they have
gather twice as much they need, for Sabbath also.
9. How did Manna look and taste? It was white and small like a coriander seed and
tasted like wafers made with honey
10. How did the Israelites dis-obey in collecting Manna? Some of them collected
more than what they needed for a day and it stunk on the next day with worms.
Some went to collect Manna on Sabbath and found none.
11. How long did Israel eat Manna? For forty years, till they came to the border
of Canaan.
12. How long did the Israelites walk in the Sur Desert? 40 years
13. What is the meaning of Immanuel? God with us
14. Who is the sister of Moses and Aaron? Miriam
15. With what did she sing to the Lord? Tambourine

Lesson 7 – The Great Leadership of Moses – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Exodus 32 chapter

1. Who said,”Tomorrow is a festival to the Lord”? Aaron

2. How did the Israelites sin? They made an idol and worshiped it
3. What idol did they make ? A golden Calf
4. What did Aaron ask the people to make the calf? Gold Earrings
5. What was in Moses hand when he came down from the mountain? Two stone
tablets on which the Ten commandments were written.
6. What was special about the stone tablets? They were written by God himself
7. Who thought that the people shouting sound was like war in the camp? Joshua
,who was waiting for Moses on the mountain.
8. What did Moses do to the stone tablets?He threw the tablets to the ground and
smashed them in his anger.
9. What did Moses do to the golden calf? He took the calf and burned it and ground
it into powder and put it in water and forced Israelites to drink it .
10. Who said ,”Whoever is for the Lord,come to me”? – Moses
11. Who went and joined Moses? Levites
12. What did Moses command the Levites? To kill the people who sinned
against the Lord
13. How many people were killed that day? 3000
14. What did Moses Pray?,”Please forgive their sin or blot me out ofthe book
you have written

Lesson 8 – Call of Simon Peter – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Luke 5:1-11 ,6:12-16

15. Whose boat Jesus got into? Simon’s

16. What did Jesus instruct Simon to do with the nets? He asked Simon to put
out into deep water.
17. What did Simon answer Jesus, who asked him to put the nets again?
“Master we have worked hard all night and have not caught anything. But
because you say so, we are putting the nets again”.
18. Who said,”Go away from me Lord,I am a sinful man” – Simon Peter
19. What did Jesus tell to Simon? Jesus said,”Don’t be afraid .From now on you
will catch men”
20. How many fish did Simon and his partners got? Large number of fish that
the boat began to sink
21. What did Jesus want to make of Simon? Fish for people.
22. How many disciples did Jesus choose? 12
23. Names of the 12 Apostles – Simon Peter, his brother Andrew, James, John,
Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Simon, Judas - son of James,
Judas Iscariot

Lesson 9 – The Lord’s Prayer – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Matthew 6:9-13

1. Say the Lord’s Prayer:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from the evil one.’

Lesson 10 – The Lost Son – Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Luke 15:11-32

1. Who asked the father to divide his property and to give his share? The younger
2. What did the younger son do with the property he got? He set off for a distant
country and squandered his wealth in wild living.
3. What was the younger son doing after he spent all that he had? He hired himself
with a citizen to feed the pigs
4. What did the younger son tell his father when he returned? Father, I have sinned
against heaven and you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
5. What was the father’s reaction/response? He ran to his son, threw his arms
around him and kissed him. He also arranged for a big celebration.
6. What was the response of the elder brother? He refused to come in. He could not
accept his father’s forgiveness.
Lesson 11 – The Good Samaritan – Review Questions
Scripture Portion : Luke 10:25-37

1. What must be done to inherit eternal life? Love the Lord with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. Love your
neighbor as yourself.
2. Who were the two people who did not help the man, who was beaten up by the
robbers? A priest and a Levite
3. How did the Samaritan take care of the man who was beaten up by the robbers?
He bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine. He took him on his own donkey to
an inn. He gave money to the inn-keeper to take care of him.
4. Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your  strength
and with all your mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Lesson 12 – The Pharisee and the Tax Collector – Review Questions

Scripture Portion Luke 18: 9-14

1. Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector to whom? To some
who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on others
2. How many people went to temple to pray? 2
3. Who all went to pray? The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
4. Who exalted himself and prayed? The Pharisee
5. Who humbled himself and prayed? The Tax collector
6. How did the tax collector Pray? He humbled himself before God and pleaded God
to have mercy on him,a sinner.
7. Who was justified as the righteous one? The Tax collector
8. Why did the Tax collector went justified? He realized his unworthiness and sins
9. All those who exalt themselves will be humbled. All those who humble themselves
will be exalted.

Lesson 13 – The Parable of the weeds– Review Questions

Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

1. In the parable, the one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.
2. Who sowed weeds among the good seeds? Enemy
3. Who is the Enemy? Devil
4. Weeds stand for the sons of evil one.
5. When do we gather the weeds? While harvesting the good plants
6. Harvest is the end of the world.
7. Harvesters are angels.
8. What happen to the weeds? The weeds are collected and burnt.
9. What happen to the wheat? Collected and put in the barn.
10. Wheat represent righteous people.
11. Where will the righteous go? To the kingdom of our Heavenly Father
12. Where will the sons of the evil one put? Into the blazing furnace

Lesson 14 – The Parable of the wedding banquet– Review Questions

Scripture Portion : Matthew 22:1-14

1. Those who were invited for the King’s banquet refused to come.
2. What did the invitees do to the servants who came to remind them of the call? No
one paid attention – one went off to his field and another to his business. Some
seized the servants and mistreated them.
3. What happened to those invitees who mistreated the servants? The king
destroyed them and burned them
4. Whom the king invited, did not deserve to come;
5. Why was an invitation given to those who sit in the street corners? Because those
who invited refused to come
6. The wedding hall was filled with guests, bad and good.
7. What was needed to attend the wedding banquet? Wedding cloths
8. What happened to the man, who came to the wedding banquet without wedding
cloths? He was thrown out
9. What does wedding banquet mean? Cloths of salvation – Righteousness that
comes through Jesus Christ
10. For many are invited, but few are chosen.

Lesson 15 – The Parable of the ten maidens – Review Questions

Scripture Portion Matthew 25:1-13

1. Where were the ten virgins getting ready to go? To meet the bridegroom
2. What did they take along with them? Lamps
3. What was the difference between the foolish and wise virgins? The wise ones took
the oil, but the foolish ones did not.
4. The virgins who were ready went in to the wedding banquet.
5. Once the wise virgins went in, the door was shut.
6. When the foolish came back and called the Lord, what was the answer?  “I don’t
know you”
7. Keep watch,  because you do not know the hour.

Memory Verses

1.Story of Abraham

Abram put his trust in the Lord, and because of this the Lord was pleased with him and
accepted him. GENESIS 15:6

2.Jacob’s dream

Do not fear,for I am with you; Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen
you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

3.Boyhood of Joseph

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your
God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

4.The great liberation

You were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. I
Peter 1:19

5.Crossing the Red Sea

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not
fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

6.Marah and Manna

He judges in favour of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets
prisoners free. PSALMS 146:7
7.The Great Leader Moses

Through patience a ruler can be persuaded. Proverbs 25:15a

8.Simon Peter

The one who calls you is faithful. I Thessalonians 5:24a

9.The Lord’s Prayer

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful Colossians 4:2

10.The lost son

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19:10

11.The Good Samaritan

By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35

12.The parable of the Pharisee & the publican

I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all
those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be
exalted. Luke 18:14

13.The parable of the weeds

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, when he stood the test, he will
receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

14.The parable of the wedding banquet

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see
life, for God’s wrath remains on them. John 3:36

15.The parable of the 10 maidens

Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know the DAY or the HOUR. MATTHEW

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