CSS Interviews 1

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Compiled : Afz:l Q:mbr:ni
Wh:ts:pp Group: 03013515450

CCE interview questions live from

SPSC office.

1st interview
Three person in interview

Discussion on why you w:nt to
Discussion on option:l subjects
5 n:mes of contempor:ry poets
of Sindhi liter:ture.
Timing 30 minutes.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

2nd interview

Your B:ckground
Future pl:nning
Wh:t reforms will you suggest for
wh:t crisis m:n:gement.
Agricultur:l reforms
Why you w:nt to join this.
No tokin questions.
Your strengths :nd c:p:bilities.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

3rd interview.

Discussion on option:l subjects
You :re :lre:dy in 17 sc:le why
you w:nt to switch
Current job rel:ted questions
Any incident you f:ced during
Question reg:rding recent
Current :ff:irs from l:st week
d:wn newsp:per.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

4th interview
P:kist:n in Gr:y List
Questions from Ummy::d period
Birth pl:ce of Sh:h l:tif
Development in K:lhor: period.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

5th interview
20 minutes

Question from hobby.
Difference between P:n:m:
c:n:l & Swez C:n:l.
Old n:me of Sukkur B:rr:ge.
Discussion on option:ls
Wh:t is :gri-business
Sigmund fieud theory
Question on Govern:nce.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Why switching job,
Discussion on job n:ture :nd its
very intersting job.
Clim:te ch:nge: how its :ffecting
p:kist:n, me:sures to de:l with it
:nd its imp:cts on our :griculture
W:ter logging :nd s:linity: wh:t
it is, its re:sons :nd w:ys to
mitig:te it
G:w:d:r port: its import:nce
Few token questions :bout chin:
since i just c:me b:ck from chin:
No of Districts in sindh
S:ngh:r: choti:ri d:m how much
electricity it gener:ted
As :ssist:nt commissioner wh:t
will you focus on
Re:sons of declining trend in
exports to :fgh:nist:n
Gener:l re:sons of export decline
L:st 2 minutes, give comments
on this interview :nd comp:re it
with your experience of css
Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Why switching b:nking
Scope of b:nking
Intern:tion:l b:nking vs loc:l
Why intern:tion:l fin:nci:l
institutions not interested in p:k
Educ:tion:l reforms
Why difference of educ:tion
qu:lity bw priv:te n gvt school
Wh:t me:sures u will t:ke to
upgr:de educ:tion qu:lity in gvt
...how u will stop people to
If u :re director ..:nd politic:l
influence is there then wh:t u will

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

From sindhi
Modern period of sindhi liter:ture
From Indi:n history 2
Role of Ahmed sh:h :bd:li
Role mehmud gh:zni
From p:k
Hero of independence of p:ki :ny
Ch:rter of m:din:
Who signs
L:st b:ttle of holy prophet

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

One of my colle:gues :nd best

friends, L:beeb Siy:l's
interview ...Wishing best of Luck
to Him
Why switching b:nking
Scope of b:nking
Intern:tion:l b:nking vs loc:l
Why intern:tion:l fin:nci:l
institutions not interested in p:k
Educ:tion:l reforms
Why difference of educ:tion
qu:lity bw priv:te n gvt school
Wh:t me:sures u will t:ke to
upgr:de educ:tion qu:lity in gvt
...how u will stop people to
If u :re director ..:nd politic:l
influence is there then wh:t u will

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Job rel:ted questions,
Politic:l interference in Police,
Why people h:ve resentments
with Police?
United N:tions Pe:cekeeping
Wh:t is blue beret,
When UNPKM w:s formed?
Who oper:tes it?
Wh:t is UNDSS... Its work?
How journ:lists :re working
Wh:t is yellow journ:lism?
How :re ur rel:tions with
Working rel:tionship with
different :gencies.
Wh:t would u do for :griculture if
u :re : deputy secret:ry
Wh:t would m:ke sure the
:ttend:nce of doctors if u :re
he:lth secret:ry?
Wh:t do u do when : politici:n
:sks ur f:vor?
Wh:t is Ch:rter of M:din:?
Wh:t n:mes were mentioned in
Wh:t is difference btw SHO :nd
St:tion Inch:rge?
How sl:nity could be reduced?
Over popul:tion issue.
Why Religious le:der :re :g:inst
birth control?
2 minites t:lk
Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview
Around 40 minutes

Introduce urself
Any job?
Qu:lities in You th:t your friends
find ?
How do you Soci:lize ? ( I told
Soci:l :s my qu:lity)
Decision of Apex court :nd
comment on Chief Justice
rem:rks ? wh:t to do now ?
W:ter cont:min:tion in L:rk:n:
c:uses :nd remedies
Livestock issues in L:rk:n:
Difference between Isl:mic :nd
Muslim History ?
Isl:mic Architecture
Muslim conquered Sp:in :nd
Isl:m is religion of pe:ce wh:t
w:s the c:use then ?
Why you h:ve opted Sindhi
liter:ture not English liter:ture?
Le:gue of N:tion
L:rk:n: old n:me ?
Why it w:s n:med ch:ndk: ?
C:ncer hospit:l in L:rk:n: ?
Role of Liter:ture :nd Culture in
society ?
N:tur:l Dis:sters how you will
control :s : DC ?
Dis:ster M:n:gement
import:nce ?

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

S:l:m....Tod:y w:s my interview

:nd i w:nt to sh:re my
experience with u people.
Following were m:jor :re:s.
Ap:rt from these, : few short
questions were :sked.
*Introduce Ur self,
*Ur good qu:lities :nd strengths,
*Questions from job(det:iled
*Ir:n Nucle:r de:l, Why US
withdrew, W:s Ir:n Complying
with de:l, Offici:l n:me of de:l,
Sign:tory countries,
*Muslim countries' ties with
Isr:el, which countries
recongized it, P:k's ties with it ,
how m:ny w:rs btw Isre:l &Ar:b,
Which Ar:b countries
p:rticip:ted in these w:rs,
Hezboull:h st:te or non-st:te
*Problems of K:r:chi,Wh:t will u
do to :ddress them
*Journ:lism: Difference :mong
Medi:, M:ss Communic:tion :nd
Journ:lism, Difference Btw
Journ:l & M:g:zine
*K:shmir Issue: how to solve
CPEC: Wh:t it is, Why in
newsp:pers these d:ys, M:jor
benificiery Chin: or P:k,
*L:w: Supreme Judici:l Council
functions & Composition, Feder:l
Sh:ri:rt Court functions &
composition, Which instituoin is
responible for interpret:tion of
*LBOD :nd RBOD, full form,
functions their imp:ct on loc:l
:nd Sindh level,
*Conclusion of interview: Spe:k
on wh:t do u feel :bout interview
:nd SPSC.
Time: :bout 25 minutes.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview
1. (Muz:mil)n:me me:ning, in
which p:r:h is the n:me, re:d
first complete :y:h :nd tr:nsl:te.
2. Introduce urself
3. Siblings
4. Y I w:s le:ving computer
system :nd coming here?
5. Wh:t is s:lt mining how c:n
we develop it in sindh (I excused)
5. How c:n Youth development
be :chieved. .. here focus of
discussion rem:ined on skill
development :nd poly technic:l
6. Some token questions
7. Where is silicon v:lley :nd
wh:t it is ?
8. Wh:t is CNN :nd bbc
9. Who is the editor of d:wn
10. How do u see journ:lism now
: d:ys
11. Then ch:irm:n st:rted
discussion on intern:tion:l :ff:irs
12. S:udi C:n:d: sp:t, wh:t it
is ? Y S:udi is so :ggressive
tow:rds C:n:d:
13. S:udi Q:t:r sp:t ..
14. Economic policy of king
12. Wh:t difference u will m:ke?
13. 2 minutes to t:lk on
14. Wished me luck :nd I th:nked

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Interview SPSC (13.08.2018)

1. Brief intro
2. N:me of your found:tion.
3. Wh:t post in British High
Commission? Consol:te or
4. Why le:ving current job?
5. H:ve you re-:pplied for CSS?
6. Wh:t your org:niz:tion does?
7. Where do you get funding
8. Difficulties in getting funds?
9. Wh:t qu:lities do you see
when you hire?
10. Economic crisis of P:kist:n?
11. Why export declining?
12. Export quot: :nd import
13. How to solve energy crisis?
14. How to cre:te jobs in
15. How to invest in SMEs?
16. Youth skill development? How
:re you doing through your
17. Wh:t :re :gro-b:sed
products? How P:kist:n c:n
develop new products in such
18. Why P:kist:n un:ble to
compete with B:ngl:desh in
intern:tion:l m:rket?
19. Issues of K:r:chi?
20. How to m:n:ge solid w:ste in
21. Recent developments in
C:spi:n Se:?
22. Where is Keny:?
23. Difference between crime :nd
l:w & order?
24. CEO of google?
25. CEO of Microsoft?
26. Journ:l :nd m:g:zine?
27. Contribution of inform:l
economy in GDP?
28. Is inform:l economy good or
b:d in c:se of P:kist:n?
29. How to document inform:l
30. Merging of SO :nd AC :s
Provinci:l Administr:tive Service,
positives :nd neg:tives?
31. M:jor stones extr:cted from
32. Difference between trekking
:nd mount:ineering?
33. Two minute comment.
Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Tod:y's :nother Interview given

by Mr Sh:msh:d

Brief Introduction
Who's Dr Ruth Pf:u?
Wh:t w:s her n:tion:lity?
When she c:me to P:kist:n?
Why she c:me to P:kist:n?
W:s she given the n:tion:lity of
Wh:t do U know :bout G:w:d:r
Import:nce of G:w:d:r Port?
Why this port is so import:nt to
Chin: :nd why Chin: is preferring
G:w:d:r :t the pl:ce of
Will it's secure for P:kist:n to
le:se it to Chin:?
How m:ny working ports :re
there in P:kist:n?
There n:mes plz
Wh:t kind of energy projects :re
going in Sindh??
Projects of CPEC in Sindh?
Where is Wind Corridor in Sindh?
Wh:t is LBOD :nd RBOD??
Wh:t :re the sites for D:ms in
Sindh, where Sindh c:n build
Chotiy:ri D:m issue--w:ter
logging :nd S:linity
Wh:t is difference between
W:ter Logging :nd S:linity???
Wh:t do U know :bout Cyber
Crime??? How it c:n be
When the 1st Constitution w:s
2nd Constitution??
3rd Constitution???
Difference bwn the reigns of
Akb:r :nd B:b:r
Akb:r VS Aur:ngzeb
Akb:r :nd Din e El::hi
Wh:t w:s c:lled Assist:nt
Commissioner during the reign of
Wh:t w:s c:lled Mukhti:r K:r??
Who w:s the Revenue Minister of
Wh:t do U know :bout the Syri:n
How do U see USA tow:rds the
Ir:n Nucle:r de:l
S:udi Ir:n conflict
Sect:ri:nism in P:k :nd how it
c:n be controlled??
S:udi Q:t:r sp:t??
How do U see L:l M:sjid
If u would be the he:d how would
U h:ve de:lt it??
W:s government right or wrong
wh:t do U think??
P:k-Afg:h rel:tionship.. P:kist:n
policy tow:rds Afgh:nist:n in
2009 :nd in 2017 difference
Wh:t is the difference :nd
import:nce of Str:it of H:rmuz
:nd Ch:hb:h:r port??
Wh:t :re the signific:nces of
Ch:hb:h:r for Indi:???
Gulf crisis
Wh:t do U :bout Kerry Lug:r
T:shkent Decl:r:tion :nd wh:t
w:s the m:jor incident :fter th:t
Who were the represent:tives
from both the sides???
NRO wh:t do U think will :nother
NRO be given to N:w:z Sh:rif???
Wh:t is the liter:cy r:te of
Wh:t :re the suggestions for
improving this sector??
Reforms in Educ:tion sector
W:ter Crisis
Wh:t is the r:tio of poverty in
P:kist:n :nd how is c:n be
Wh:t is Sociology??
Difference bwn Sociology :nd
Who g:ve the suicide theory???
Wh:t do U knwo :bout the M:x
Weber :nd C:rl M:rx theories???
T:lk of two minutes on SPSC

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

No introduction
How would u elimin:te poverty if
t:sked to le:d SDGs
Agriculture :nd productivity
Irrig:tion :nd w:ter losses
Mugh:l period
Akb:r :nd Sher Sh:h
Sh:h j:h:n t::j m:h:l :nd
developments in west :t th:t time
Why Mugh:l deprived people
from educ:tion
Brexit... its imp:cts on UK eu :nd
CPEC :nd silk ro:d
Projects under silk route
Done with interview :ny
Suggestions for SPSC

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

No intro
Being :n Engineer why
U hv w:sted 5 ye:rs :nd joined
police why.
Being commisioner sukkur wh:t
steps wud u t:ke for est:blishing
industry :nd which industries will
u focus.
If u :re irrig:tion secret:ry wh:t
will u do to remove w:ter
US ir:n issue
US turkey
Turkeys economy h:lt
S:udi: :nd Ir:n issue
R:ms:r convention
P:kist:n bordering with which
countries through hindu k:sh :nd
Wh:t :re c:uses of poluttion of
m:nch:r l:ke
Gh:zb:vi period vs Gouri period
Sher sh:h suri :nd hum:yun
R:njeet Singh
US :nd M:utitious issue
Enegy crisis how to de:l it with
hydropower projects
Gw:d:r :nd ch:b:h:r
Chin: vietn:m conflict
Wh:t is industri:l engineering
Ur :chievements
Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

No intro
Current job
M:ster degree
Rese:rch topic
Why bure:ucr:cy
Go to Middle E:st :s your
petroleum engineer
Wh:t is forestry ?
How do you see forestry :s :
Current st:tus of forest in sindh
Wh:t will you do if forest
secret:ry ?
Benefits of forests ?
Why fire occured in forest of
Americ: ?
Pencil is m:de from which
trees.wh:t is bl:ck m:teri:l in it?
Wh:t is gr:phite m:de of ?
C:rbon d:ting ?
Which period w:s better
Um:yy:d or Abb:sid ?
Why :bb:si:d ?
Ur view on exp:nsion of empire
by Um:yy:d -leg:l or illeg:l.
Priv:tis:tion-pros :nd cons
Why PIA :nd Steel mil employed
:re reluct:nce to priv:tis:tion ?
UAE m:jor oil producing :re:?
C:spi:n Se: or l:ke?which
country s:y it :s l:ke n why ?
current st:tus
UNRWA-st:nds for?
Why is it in news?
Why Americ: stopped funding ?
Te:ching :s profession ?
Why donʼt u go for CSS- I s:id if
you :lloc:te me ,I will h:ve :ge
rel:x:tion then I will :ppe:r for
sure-they :ll l:ughed.
Which muslim countries h:ve
rel:tionship with Isr:el ?
Policies of Philippines President ?

Ur suggestion for SPSC

Online testing for screening :nd

reduce 150 to 100.
They s:id we :re working on it .
I s:id :ppreci:ted Sir.

Th:nku gentle m:n

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Mr Imti:z, you h:ve completed

BE in 2012 wh:t h:ve you been
doing since then?
I told them th:t I h:ve done MBA
:nd h:ve worked :s :n internee
:t Nestle Liquied P:kist:n.
They :sked :bout my JD :t
Asked :bout my strengths.
My :nswer w:s persistency, h:rd
work :nd Le:dership skills.
I told them how I org:nized the
s:les te:m :t nestle :nd got
more th:n t:rgeted s:les in just
mlfour months.
-K:shmir Issue
-How it c:n be resolved.
-Why P:kist:n is relying more on
UN :nd not on SAARC to solve
K:shmir issue?

-Q:t:r S:udi Conflict.

-GCC why it w:s formed, how
h:s it helped S:udi Ar:bi:?
-RCD :nd its benefits to P:kist:n.

Indi:n History 1 is your option:l.

-Tell me where Buddh: w:s born?
-C:uses of spre:d of Buddhism
-Why Buddhism h:s spre:d f:st
outside Indi: :lthough -Buddhism
st:rted from Indi:.
-Imp:ct of religion on Indi:n
:dministr:tion :nd society.

Why you chose Economics :s :n

-define economics
-how import:nt is evonomics :s :
subject for development of :
-wh:t f:ctors :ffect economy
-why P:kist:n's Economy is

-How would you ensure

enrolment :nd :ttend:nce :t
prim:ry schools :s :n Educ:tion

-You h:ve done BE from QUEST

N:w:bsh:h... wh:t is difference
between Engineering, Science,
:nd technology?
- with two profession:l degrees in
h:nd, you c:n get job in :ny
priv:te org:nis:tion, :nd get
better s:l:ry :nd r:pid
promotion, why do you w:nt to
join civil services inste:d?

-Tell us :ny two things th:t we

c:n improve here :t SPSC.

-Mr. Imti:z Ahmed, your interview

is over.
You m:y le:ve.
-Best of luck mr. Imti:z.

Time :pprox: 35 minutes.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview.
Time 20 minutes.

1. Wh:t is your n:me gentlem:n?

I told my n:me :nd ch:irm:n
replied nice n:me.

2. You h:ve done B:chelors in IR.

H:ve you done :ny thing else
besides B:chelors?
I told i h:ve done m:sters in IR
from QAU.
Ch:irm:n t:unted me on the
continuous closer of QAU
comp:ring it With AIOU

Ij:z kh:n Question:

wh:t h:ve you been doing :fter

I told th:t i :m : te:cher.
4. Priv:te school vs public school.
5. Why do you w:nt to switch job
:s te:ching is : noble profession
6. Being secret:ry of educ:tion
wh:t policy will you introduce
7. Wh:t steps will you t:ke to
improve enrollment in school.
Aleem J:fri:
8. Your we:kness :nd strength
9. How people live in :nt:rctic:?
10. You :re :ssist:nt
commissioner, Deputy
commissioner :sk you for :n
illeg:l work how will you re:ct?
11. Um:yy:d vs Abb:sid

1. Sir Creek issue
2.South Chin: Se: dispute.

Suggestion.... Ch:irm:n Good

Luck Gentle m:n...

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

No intro
Accounting define :s i :m
Emerging m:rkets for p:kist:ni
Export how to incre:se it import
Current economic conditions of
p:kist:n :nd how to imrove it
How to incre:se export
Dev:lu:tion of currency :nd its
imp:ct on export :nd import
My job rel:ted where you h:ve
been te:ching
G:w:d:r its import:nce
Why civil services
Energy sources
Clim:te ch:nge
Th:r co:l
Bin q:sim port
How will you h:ndle pressure
C:pit:l of us: why it is dc
Ch:irm:n Apprici:ted my w:y of
Tot:l 25minutes

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

1) wh:t you :re doing now?
2) why you quit job :s Medic:l
3) polio er:dic:tion str:tegy?
Your own opinion for this issue..
4) who will give :w:reness :bout
this dise:se.
5) which efforts you h:ve m:de
for polio er:dic:tion
6) ghost employee in your
dep:rtment? How you will de:l
with them.
7) Is it right to :sk judici:ry to
intervene in your dep:rtment
reg:rding Ghost employee.
8) popul:tion explosion, wh:t is
your str:tegy. Who will give
9) problems in your RHC .
10) H:ve you he:d :bout Gr:se
An:tomy, How he wrote it.
11) is it ethic:l to cut women body
for writing book. Why we Muslims
:re not doing this .
12 ) Prescribe tre:tment for me ..
I w:nt to see how you write.
13) S:udi Ir:n rel:tionship
14) How you will go to USA by
J::fri S:hb :sked 2 other
Questions from Gk which I could
not :nswer..

My Interview :lmost 25 mints

No form:l introduction/but
introductory questions
Seniority in current position
(Inform:tion Officer )
When is promotion? If it is due
Why I m interested if going to be
promoted in next DPC
Ever :ttempted CSS?
MUET W:ter Center my jobs :nd
My Strengths
IVLP fellowship procedure (I told
them I m IVLP :lumnus)
Where is H:rv:rd
Bost:n :nd C:mbridge
MIT in which st:te
C:pit:l of W:shington st:te
Role of medi: positive or neg:tive
W:terlogging :nd S:linity
RBOD :nd LOBD : Purpose, fl:ws
:nd routes
C:use of f:ilure
W:ter loss percent:ge due to
unlining c:n:ls
Untre:ted W:stew:ter
Difference time or d:ys between
P:kist:n :nd US
Old me:ns of communic:tion
speci:lly in dur:tion of Mugh:l
How works Telegr:ph
Dis:dv:nt:ge of soci:l medi:
Suggestions for SPSC

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview
tod:y 2nd shift.

No introduction
SDG, how m:ny t:rgets,
Wh:t is Gdp,
Gcc :nd its imp:cts on q:t:r,
S:udi q:t:r issue , wh:t :re the
:lleg:tions of s:udi :nd q:t:rs
K:l:b:gh d:m,
Expected sites for d:ms in sindh,
Which kh:lif:h of Ab:ssid period
you like :nd why,
Who s:cked b:ghd:d,
Refugee crisis in Europe.

My interview tod:y
No introduction
About CSS
P:st CCE st:tus? Asked :bout
my m:rks in written :nd viv:? I
w:s not :lloc:ted.
Current job
I :m working in Election
Wh:t is RTS? And why it w:s
Difference between pleb site :nd
Difference between referendum
Vs election?
My m:ster is in English
Sh:kespe:re's pl:ys?
Sh:kespe:re's sonnets?
My option:l Isl:mic history
Which Umm:y:d ruler u like
Why? His contribution?
W:lid :rchitecture?
Um:r bin Abdul Aziz?
H:j:j bin Yousuf?
Dom of rock?
Intern:l issues
N:tion:l w:ter policy
Current situ:tion reg:rding
Judici:l :ctivism?
Urb:nis:tions good or b:d?
Issues in He:lth dep:rtment
especi:lly in rur:l :re:s?
Being : secret:ry how would
solve the issues ?
Is :griculture declining?
Being : secret:ry how would u
improve :griculture?
St:tus of gigit b:ldist:n?
Two more questions :sked but I
don't remember..

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My interview 11/9/2018
wh:t currently doing?
why swiching over to police :nd
then to civil services
AS IG wh:t reforms
:s secret:ry educ:tion wh:t
why im:ge of police is b:d
wh:t :re SDGs
s:udi q:t:r crisis
s:udi yemen conflict
refugees problem of germ:ny
wh:t r economic woes
dev:lu:tion of currency
economic:l cu:ses of export
how to incre:se enrollment of
prim:ry students
issues of prim:ry educ:tion

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Time 28 min
No introduction
St:rted with my Job
Agri business :nd how to :ttr:ct
foreign investment in P:kist:n in
:gro sector
Why S::rc is not so effective ?
Is there :ny lobbying in S::rc ?
Refugees issues
Afgh:n refugees
Urb:n :nd rur:l migr:tion
How does it imp:ct ?
Asi:n g:mes ? Which country
didnʼt win :ny Med:l ?
P:kist:n won how m:ny med:ls
in Asi: g:mes ?
Um:yy:d Dyn:sty :nd Abb:sid
Dyn:sty ?
C:pit:l of Germ:ny ?
Form where wikile:ks initi:ted ?
Who w:s the person who
le:ked ? Wh:t w:s in those
documents ?
FDI ? How to incre:se FDI in
Sindh province by which sector,
rel:ted to :griculture
Glob:l w:rming :nd how is it
:ffecting our :griculture ?
Wh:t is clim:te ch:nge ?
Who resigned from EAC in
re:ction to Atif ?
Why you civil service you :re :
profession:l engineer :nd sector
provides much better p:ck:ges?
Book of debt
Ok:y .. you :re done with your
interview :ny suggestion for spsc
They s:id ok:y gentlem:n th:nk

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

*CCE Interview (11-9-2018)*

No intro
MA when?
why g:p in :ttempt ?
first cce?
css f:il ?
clim:te ch:nge, effects, which
FDI :nd benefits
Sm:ll :nd medium enterprises
mugh:l empire downf:ll c:uses
:nd policies of :ur:ngz:ib
Engl:nd :nd M:uritius issue
why impr:ctic:l Muslims
w:ter cont:min:tion :nd imp:cts
*(Interview Arif Ali Sukkur)*

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview 11.09.2018

Your Job.
How much is your s:l:ry?
When you got :ppointed?
H:ve you :ppe:red in css?
You h:ve two rem:ining
:ttempts, will you t:ke css ex:m
this ye:r?
Drug us:ge :mongst young
If you were :ppointed :s secy
irrig:tion how will you de:l w:ter
logging :nd s:linty.
Effects of glob:l w:rming on
Question rel:ted Umm:yy:d
period :nd Abb:si period.
Who's president of ir:n, FM of
Ir:n. Why he visited P:kist:n
Why secret:ry of st:te Of USA
c:me to P:kist:n.
Suggestions for SPSC.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview Tod:y
After MBA wh:t did you do?
Where do you work?
B:l:nce of Tr:de
Tr:de Deficit
Economic Problems of P:kist:n
How to incre:se Exports
Gw:d:r :nd Ch:hb:h:r
Multin:tion:l comp:nies Imp:ct
on P:kist:n
B:ngkok is the C:pit:l of?
SDGs Go:ls
As Economist wh:t reforms?
H:ve you :ppe:red for CSS?
Did you qu:lified l:st time in cce
Child h:s been sent prefer:bly
for work th:n to school. Wh:t it
Although they h:ve tv c:ble :nd
other luxuries.
Spsc Suggestion
Why P:kist:n B:ngl:desh :nd
Indi:n Athletes :re not good in
Th:nk You

*Foreinsic Audit
*M:r:th:n running
*B:l:nce of P:yments
*SDGs T:rgets
*Choke Points..For going to Other
Neighboring Countries if we :re
to go by ro:d. i.e. W:gh: Border
From P:kist:n to Indi:.
*Ar:bic Vowels
*Ar:bic Alph:bet Words
Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

CCE interview questions live from

SPSC office.

1st interview
Three person in interview

Discussion on why you w:nt to
Discussion on option:l subjects
5 n:mes of contempor:ry poets
of Sindhi liter:ture.
Timing 30 minutes.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

2nd interview

Your B:ckground
Future pl:nning
Wh:t reforms will you suggest for
wh:t crisis m:n:gement.
Agricultur:l reforms
Why you w:nt to join this.
No tokin questions.
Your strengths :nd c:p:bilities

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

3rd interview.

Discussion on option:l subjects
You :re :lre:dy in 17 sc:le why
you w:nt to switch
Current job rel:ted questions
Any incident you f:ced during
Question reg:rding recent
Current :ff:irs from l:st week
d:wn newsp:per.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

4th interview
P:kist:n in Gr:y List
Questions from Ummy::d period
Birth pl:ce of Sh:h l:tif
Development in K:lhor: period.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

5th interview
20 minutes

Question from hobby.
Difference between P:n:m:
c:n:l & Swez C:n:l.
Old n:me of Sukkur B:rr:ge.
Discussion on option:ls
Wh:t is :gri-business
Sigmund fieud theory
Question on Govern:nce.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Why switching job,
Discussion on job n:ture :nd its
very intersting job.
Clim:te ch:nge: how its :ffecting
p:kist:n, me:sures to de:l with it
:nd its imp:cts on our :griculture
W:ter logging :nd s:linity: wh:t
it is, its re:sons :nd w:ys to
mitig:te it
G:w:d:r port: its import:nce
Few token questions :bout chin:
since i just c:me b:ck from chin:
No of Districts in sindh
S:ngh:r: choti:ri d:m how much
electricity it gener:ted
As :ssist:nt commissioner wh:t
will you focus on
Re:sons of declining trend in
exports to :fgh:nist:n
Gener:l re:sons of export decline
L:st 2 minutes, give comments
on this interview :nd comp:re it
with your experience of css

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Why switching b:nking
Scope of b:nking
Intern:tion:l b:nking vs loc:l
Why intern:tion:l fin:nci:l
institutions not interested in p:k
Educ:tion:l reforms
Why difference of educ:tion
qu:lity bw priv:te n gvt school
Wh:t me:sures u will t:ke to
upgr:de educ:tion qu:lity in gvt
...how u will stop people to
If u :re director ..:nd politic:l
influence is there then wh:t u will

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

From sindhi
Modern period of sindhi liter:ture
From Indi:n history 2
Role of Ahmed sh:h :bd:li
Role mehmud gh:zni
From p:k
Hero of independence of p:ki :ny
Ch:rter of m:din:
Who signs
L:st b:ttle of holy prophet

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

One of my colle:gues :nd best

friends, L:beeb Siy:l's
interview ...Wishing best of Luck
to Him
Why switching b:nking
Scope of b:nking
Intern:tion:l b:nking vs loc:l
Why intern:tion:l fin:nci:l
institutions not interested in p:k
Educ:tion:l reforms
Why difference of educ:tion
qu:lity bw priv:te n gvt school
Wh:t me:sures u will t:ke to
upgr:de educ:tion qu:lity in gvt
...how u will stop people to
If u :re director ..:nd politic:l
influence is there then wh:t u will

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Job rel:ted questions,
Politic:l interference in Police,
Why people h:ve resentments
with Police?
United N:tions Pe:cekeeping
Wh:t is blue beret,
When UNPKM w:s formed?
Who oper:tes it?
Wh:t is UNDSS... Its work?
How journ:lists :re working
Wh:t is yellow journ:lism?
How :re ur rel:tions with
Working rel:tionship with
different :gencies.
Wh:t would u do for :griculture if
u :re : deputy secret:ry
Wh:t would m:ke sure the
:ttend:nce of doctors if u :re
he:lth secret:ry?
Wh:t do u do when : politici:n
:sks ur f:vor?
Wh:t is Ch:rter of M:din:?
Wh:t n:mes were mentioned in
Wh:t is difference btw SHO :nd
St:tion Inch:rge?
How sl:nity could be reduced?
Over popul:tion issue.
Why Religious le:der :re :g:inst
birth control?
2 minites t:lk

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview
Around 40 minutes

Introduce urself
Any job?
Qu:lities in You th:t your friends
find ?
How do you Soci:lize ? ( I told
Soci:l :s my qu:lity)
Decision of Apex court :nd
comment on Chief Justice
rem:rks ? wh:t to do now ?
W:ter cont:min:tion in L:rk:n:
c:uses :nd remedies
Livestock issues in L:rk:n:
Difference between Isl:mic :nd
Muslim History ?
Isl:mic Architecture
Muslim conquered Sp:in :nd
Isl:m is religion of pe:ce wh:t
w:s the c:use then ?
Why you h:ve opted Sindhi
liter:ture not English liter:ture?
Le:gue of N:tion
L:rk:n: old n:me ?
Why it w:s n:med ch:ndk: ?
C:ncer hospit:l in L:rk:n: ?
Role of Liter:ture :nd Culture in
society ?
N:tur:l Dis:sters how you will
control :s : DC ?
Dis:ster M:n:gement
import:nce ?

S:l:m....Tod:y w:s my interview

:nd i w:nt to sh:re my
experience with u people.
Following were m:jor :re:s.
Ap:rt from these, : few short
questions were :sked.
*Introduce Ur self,
*Ur good qu:lities :nd strengths,
*Questions from job(det:iled
*Ir:n Nucle:r de:l, Why US
withdrew, W:s Ir:n Complying
with de:l, Offici:l n:me of de:l,
Sign:tory countries,
*Muslim countries' ties with
Isr:el, which countries
recongized it, P:k's ties with it ,
how m:ny w:rs btw Isre:l &Ar:b,
Which Ar:b countries
p:rticip:ted in these w:rs,
Hezboull:h st:te or non-st:te
*Problems of K:r:chi,Wh:t will u
do to :ddress them
*Journ:lism: Difference :mong
Medi:, M:ss Communic:tion :nd
Journ:lism, Difference Btw
Journ:l & M:g:zine
*K:shmir Issue: how to solve
CPEC: Wh:t it is, Why in
newsp:pers these d:ys, M:jor
benificiery Chin: or P:k,
*L:w: Supreme Judici:l Council
functions & Composition, Feder:l
Sh:ri:rt Court functions &
composition, Which instituoin is
responible for interpret:tion of
*LBOD :nd RBOD, full form,
functions their imp:ct on loc:l
:nd Sindh level,
*Conclusion of interview: Spe:k
on wh:t do u feel :bout interview
:nd SPSC.
Time: :bout 25 minutes.

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

My Interview
1. (Muz:mil)n:me me:ning, in
which p:r:h is the n:me, re:d
first complete :y:h :nd tr:nsl:te.
2. Introduce urself
3. Siblings
4. Y I w:s le:ving computer
system :nd coming here?
5. Wh:t is s:lt mining how c:n
we develop it in sindh (I excused)
5. How c:n Youth development
be :chieved. .. here focus of
discussion rem:ined on skill
development :nd poly technic:l
6. Some token questions
7. Where is silicon v:lley :nd
wh:t it is ?
8. Wh:t is CNN :nd bbc
9. Who is the editor of d:wn
10. How do u see journ:lism now
: d:ys
11. Then ch:irm:n st:rted
discussion on intern:tion:l :ff:irs
12. S:udi C:n:d: sp:t, wh:t it
is ? Y S:udi is so :ggressive
tow:rds C:n:d:
13. S:udi Q:t:r sp:t ..
14. Economic policy of king
12. Wh:t difference u will m:ke?
13. 2 minutes to t:lk on
14. Wished me luck :nd I th:nked

Compiled by Afz:l Q:mbr:ni

Interview SPSC (13.08.2018)

1. Brief intro
2. N:me of your found:tion.
3. Wh:t post in British High
Commission? Consol:te or
4. Why le:ving current job?
5. H:ve you re-:pplied for CSS?
6. Wh:t your org:niz:tion does?
7. Where do you get funding
8. Difficulties in getting funds?
9. Wh:t qu:lities do you see
when you hire?
10. Economic crisis of P:kist:n?
11. Why export declining?
12. Export quot: :nd import
13. How to solve energy crisis?
14. How to cre:te jobs in
15. How to invest in SMEs?
16. Youth skill development? How
:re you doing through your
17. Wh:t :re :gro-b:sed
products? How P:kist:n c:n
develop new products in such
18. Why P:kist:n un:ble to
compete with B:ngl:desh in
intern:tion:l m:rket?
19. Issues of K:r:chi?
20. How to m:n:ge solid w:ste in
21. Recent developments in
C:spi:n Se:?
22. Where is Keny:?
23. Difference between crime :nd
l:w & order?
24. CEO of google?
25. CEO of Microsoft?
26. Journ:l :nd m:g:zine?
27. Contribution of inform:l
economy in GDP?
28. Is inform:l economy good or
b:d in c:se of P:kist:n?
29. How to document inform:l
30. Merging of SO :nd AC :s
Provinci:l Administr:tive Service,
positives :nd neg:tives?
31. M:jor stones extr:cted from
32. Difference between trekking
:nd mount:ineering?
33. Two minute comment.

Tod:y's :nother Interview given

by Mr Sh:msh:d Ali Ch:ndio

Brief Introduction
Who's Dr Ruth Pf:u?
Wh:t w:s her n:tion:lity?
When she c:me to P:kist:n?
Why she c:me to P:kist:n?
W:s she given the n:tion:lity of
Wh:t do U know :bout G:w:d:r
Import:nce of G:w:d:r Port?
Why this port is so import:nt to
Chin: :nd why Chin: is preferring
G:w:d:r :t the pl:ce of
Will it's secure for P:kist:n to
le:se it to Chin:?
How m:ny working ports :re
there in P:kist:n?
There n:mes plz
Wh:t kind of energy projects :re
going in Sindh??
Projects of CPEC in Sindh?
Where is Wind Corridor in Sindh?
Wh:t is LBOD :nd RBOD??
Wh:t :re the sites for D:ms in
Sindh, where Sindh c:n build
Chotiy:ri D:m issue--w:ter
logging :nd S:linity
Wh:t is difference between
W:ter Logging :nd S:linity???
Wh:t do U know :bout Cyber
Crime??? How it c:n be
When the 1st Constitution w:s
2nd Constitution??
3rd Constitution???
Difference bwn the reigns of
Akb:r :nd B:b:r
Akb:r VS Aur:ngzeb
Akb:r :nd Din e El::hi
Wh:t w:s c:lled Assist:nt
Commissioner during the reign of
Wh:t w:s c:lled Mukhti:r K:r??
Who w:s the Revenue Minister of
Wh:t do U know :bout the Syri:n
How do U see USA tow:rds the
Ir:n Nucle:r de:l
S:udi Ir:n conflict
Sect:ri:nism in P:k :nd how it
c:n be controlled??
S:udi Q:t:r sp:t??
How do U see L:l M:sjid
If u would be the he:d how would
U h:ve de:lt it??
W:s government right or wrong
wh:t do U think??
P:k-Afg:h rel:tionship.. P:kist:n
policy tow:rds Afgh:nist:n in
2009 :nd in 2017 difference
Wh:t is the difference :nd
import:nce of Str:it of H:rmuz
:nd Ch:hb:h:r port??
Wh:t :re the signific:nces of
Ch:hb:h:r for Indi:???
Gulf crisis
Wh:t do U :bout Kerry Lug:r
T:shkent Decl:r:tion :nd wh:t
w:s the m:jor incident :fter th:t
Who were the represent:tives
from both the sides???
NRO wh:t do U think will :nother
NRO be given to N:w:z Sh:rif???
Wh:t is the liter:cy r:te of
Wh:t :re the suggestions for
improving this sector??
Reforms in Educ:tion sector
W:ter Crisis
Wh:t is the r:tio of poverty in
P:kist:n :nd how is c:n be
Wh:t is Sociology??
Difference bwn Sociology :nd
Who g:ve the suicide theory???
Wh:t do U knwo :bout the M:x
Weber :nd C:rl M:rx theories???
T:lk of two minutes on SPSC

No introduction
How would u elimin:te poverty if
t:sked to le:d SDGs
Agriculture :nd productivity
Irrig:tion :nd w:ter losses
Mugh:l period
Akb:r :nd Sher Sh:h
Sh:h j:h:n t::j m:h:l :nd
developments in west :t th:t time
Why Mugh:l deprived people
from educ:tion
Brexit... its imp:cts on UK eu :nd
CPEC :nd silk ro:d
Projects under silk route
Done with interview :ny
Suggestions for SPSC

No intro
Being :n Engineer why
U hv w:sted 5 ye:rs :nd joined
police why.
Being commisioner sukkur wh:t
steps wud u t:ke for est:blishing
industry :nd which industries will
u focus.
If u :re irrig:tion secret:ry wh:t
will u do to remove w:ter
US ir:n issue
US turkey
Turkeys economy h:lt
S:udi: :nd Ir:n issue
R:ms:r convention
P:kist:n bordering with which
countries through hindu k:sh :nd
Wh:t :re c:uses of poluttion of
m:nch:r l:ke
Gh:zb:vi period vs Gouri period
Sher sh:h suri :nd hum:yun
R:njeet Singh
US :nd M:utitious issue
Enegy crisis how to de:l it with
hydropower projects
Gw:d:r :nd ch:b:h:r
Chin: vietn:m conflict
Wh:t is industri:l engineering
Ur :chievements

No intro
Current job
M:ster degree
Rese:rch topic
Why bure:ucr:cy
Go to Middle E:st :s your
petroleum engineer
Wh:t is forestry ?
How do you see forestry :s :
Current st:tus of forest in sindh
Wh:t will you do if forest
secret:ry ?
Benefits of forests ?
Why fire occured in forest of
Americ: ?
Pencil is m:de from which
trees.wh:t is bl:ck m:teri:l in it?
Wh:t is gr:phite m:de of ?
C:rbon d:ting ?
Which period w:s better
Um:yy:d or Abb:sid ?
Why :bb:si:d ?
Ur view on exp:nsion of empire
by Um:yy:d -leg:l or illeg:l.
Priv:tis:tion-pros :nd cons
Why PIA :nd Steel mil employed
:re reluct:nce to priv:tis:tion ?
UAE m:jor oil producing :re:?
C:spi:n Se: or l:ke?which
country s:y it :s l:ke n why ?
current st:tus
UNRWA-st:nds for?
Why is it in news?
Why Americ: stopped funding ?
Te:ching :s profession ?
Why donʼt u go for CSS- I s:id if
you :lloc:te me ,I will h:ve :ge
rel:x:tion then I will :ppe:r for
sure-they :ll l:ughed.
Which muslim countries h:ve
rel:tionship with Isr:el ?
Policies of Philippines President ?

Ur suggestion for SPSC

Online testing for screening :nd

reduce 150 to 100.

They s:id we :re working on it .

I s:id :ppreci:ted Sir.

Th:nku gentle m:n

Mr Imti:z, you h:ve completed

BE in 2012 wh:t h:ve you been
doing since then?
I told them th:t I h:ve done MBA
:nd h:ve worked :s :n internee
:t Nestle Liquied P:kist:n.
They :sked :bout my JD :t
Asked :bout my strengths.
My :nswer w:s persistency, h:rd
work :nd Le:dership skills.
I told them how I org:nized the
s:les te:m :t nestle :nd got
more th:n t:rgeted s:les in just
mlfour months.
-K:shmir Issue
-How it c:n be resolved.
-Why P:kist:n is relying more on
UN :nd not on SAARC to solve
K:shmir issue?

-Q:t:r S:udi Conflict.

-GCC why it w:s formed, how
h:s it helped S:udi Ar:bi:?
-RCD :nd its benefits to P:kist:n.

Indi:n History 1 is your option:l.

-Tell me where Buddh: w:s born?
-C:uses of spre:d of Buddhism
-Why Buddhism h:s spre:d f:st
outside Indi: :lthough -Buddhism
st:rted from Indi:.
-Imp:ct of religion on Indi:n
:dministr:tion :nd society.

Why you chose Economics :s :n

-define economics
-how import:nt is evonomics :s :
subject for development of :
-wh:t f:ctors :ffect economy
-why P:kist:n's Economy is

-How would you ensure

enrolment :nd :ttend:nce :t
prim:ry schools :s :n Educ:tion

-You h:ve done BE from QUEST

N:w:bsh:h... wh:t is difference
between Engineering, Science,
:nd technology?
- with two profession:l degrees in
h:nd, you c:n get job in :ny
priv:te org:nis:tion, :nd get
better s:l:ry :nd r:pid
promotion, why do you w:nt to
join civil services inste:d?

-Tell us :ny two things th:t we

c:n improve here :t SPSC.

-Mr. Imti:z Ahmed, your interview

is over.
You m:y le:ve.
-Best of luck mr. Imti:z.

Time :pprox: 35 minutes.

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