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LAHORE GRAMMAR SCHOOL FAISALABAD Summer Vacation Homework July’2021 Class 10 O-Level islamivat: 1. (a) Write @ detailed account about the election and administration of Abu Bakr. [10] (®). In your opinion, what was the greatest service performed by Abu Bakr during his caliphate? Give reasons for your choice. (4) 2. (a) Write an account of the campaign led by Abu Bakr against the tribes refusing to pay zakat. [10] (b). How important in your view was the campaiga against the tribes refusing to pay zakat? [4] 3. (a) Write an account of the achievements of Abu Bakr as the first caliph of Islam. {10} (®). Which was his greatest contribution as caliph? Give reasons for your answer. [4] 4.(a) Write a detailed account of the four false prophets, and how the caliph Abu Bakr defeated them. (10) (b). Why did Abu Bakr think it of great importance to defeat the false propliets? [a] 5. (a) Write a detailed account of the battle of ‘Yamama, and of the compilation of the Que’an during the caliphate of Abu Bake. {10] (b). The Prophet called Abu Bakr ‘ai-Siddiq’ CTestifier of the Truth). How did Abu Bakr live up to his title during his caliphate? (41 6. (a) What do Muslims generally understand by the terms: + isnad and matn of Hadiths; + musarnaf and musnad Fladiths? [10 (b). Which in your opinion is more beneficial for Muslims to have; musannaf collections or Musnad collections of Hadiths? Give reasons for your answer, iy) 7. (a) Write an account of the collection of Hadiths during * The Prophet's lifetime, and + The time of the Companions immediately after the Prophet's death. [10] (b). In your opinion what were the main reasons for Hadith collections? Give reasons for your answer. (4] 8, (a) Write an account of the different ways in which revelations came to the Prophet. Include examples in your answer. [10) () Muslims around the world memorise/recite the Qur'an in Arabic even if they do not understand it. ‘What do you think are the benefits of this? (al 9. (a) Write about the way in which the two primary sources of Islamic legal thinking are used. (10) (b). How is the use of ijma’ (consensus) important to Muslims today? [4] 10. (a) List the Six Articles of Faith and give an account of what any two of them teach. (). What, in your opinion, is the importance of prophets being seat to humanity? Mathematics: Book: New Syllabus Mathematics 7" Edition D2,.D3 Chapters Exercises Paget? Workbook 2 | Paget ‘Volume and Surface Area of Pyramids Cones and Sphere _| Q2 (D2) Review Ex.12: Qi(a-d), Pg 350,351 | Ch 12: [Pa 130 Q12,13.14, Review Ex. 10: QL Review ‘Pythagoras Theorem ‘Coordinate Geometray (D2) Ex.6: Q1.2,3,4.5 (D3) Pt 278,279 | Pera | Pg# 168 | Pakistan Studies: P.S - 11 2059/02 Minerals | Pe#87 Fishing Agriculmure | Pg#129_ Industries | Pg 167 Do topical past paper Questions of: Initial problems of Russians Power resources Personalities Pgel49 Pak Govt. 1951-58 glish Language: Reading for meaning: Passage 3: Volume 1 “A New Beginning” [Per 62 Directed Writing : Volume 1 Peale unsuccessfill shopping trip Narrative writing Volume 1: (attempt formal letter) Write a story about an Pg #28 Description: Volume | attempt # 1 Describe a journey that you particularly enjoyed Pg #22 (1) attempt ‘Urdu Language: Nol Total Marks: 25 Last date of submission 10% August’ 2021 First Language: Past Papers (3247) May/June 2016-2017 ‘Secong Language: Past Papers(3248) May/June 2016 - 2017

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