Aspectorial Significance & Meanings - Incarntology

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12/7/2020 Aspectorial Significance & Meanings – Incarntology

Aspectorial Significance &

April 21, 2020 Shaun Barry

In longitude and declination, there is a total of 17 aspects

combined that show up during secondary progressions of
significant events. Those aspects
include 00°, 180°, 120°, 90°, 72°, 60°, 45°, 30°, 15°, 75°, 105°, 135°, 150°, 165°, parallel 1/10
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north, parallel south, and contraparallel(n/s).

Astrological aspects indicate the implications of events
while the planets and Major Angles indicate the
nature/activities of an event.

The aspects are divided into three groups:

Declination parallels north or south of earth’s

equator:parallel north (║N), parallel south (║S), and
contraparallel north/south (N╫S). Aspects can occur
anywhere from 00° to 26° north or south parallel to the

Longitude aspects that result from a division of

whole numbers by a 360° circle: 00° (one), 180°
(two), 120° (three), 90° (four), 72° (five), 60° (six), 45°
(eight), 30° (twelve)

Longitude aspects that result from multiples of

whole numbers by 15°: 15° (one), 75° (five), 105°
(seven), 135° (nine), 150° (ten), 165° (eleven).

The multiples of 15 relate to the earth’s rotation of 15° per

hour (or 30° every two hours, which equates to a new
sign on the ASC every two hours) during a 24-hour cycle.

With the sole exception of the quintile (72°), every other

aspect mentioned above has a corresponding aspect that
complements its opposite sign in the division of a 360°
circle or the multiple of 15° to complete half of a circle
(180°) when making an aspect to a major angle.
This also applies to parallel aspects to the equator (north
or south). The duplicity of aspected parts of a
horoscope only applies when the major angles
and their opposites (ASC/DSC, MC/IC) are

So, for example, when a planet conjuncts (00°) the MC,

it’s also in opposition (180°) to the IC. When it’s 75° to
the IC, it’s also 105° to the MC. When it’s parallel (║) to 2/10
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the ASC, it’s also contraparallel (╫) to the DSC. The

square (90°) angle is unique in that it complements itself
evenly with its own 90° angle. That is, when a planet is
90° away from the ASC, it’s also 90° away from the DSC.

If no aspect is made to any of these major angles, then

the duplicity (or complementary nature) of aspects don’t

The one aspect that is an exception to all of the others is

the quintile (72°), with the divisor being 5. It is quite
unusual because although 108° complements the quintile
(72°) in the opposite major angle/sign it aspects, it does
not form a whole number value (integer) when divided by
a 360° circle nor from a whole number multiple of 15°.
Hence, when there is a quintile aspect to a major
angle, special emphasis is to that one major angle
only and not its opposite—making the quintile a very
unique aspect, indeed!

The table below shows each aspect and its

opposite angle:

Astrological Aspect Its Opposite Angle

00° (360° ÷ 1) 180° (360° ÷ 2)

120° (360° ÷ 3) 60° (360° ÷ 6)

90° (360° ÷ 4) 90° (360° ÷ 4)

72° (360° ÷ 5) 108° (no integer from 360

or 15°)

45° (360° ÷ 8) 135° (15° × 9)

30° (360° ÷ 12) 150° (15° × 10)

75° (15° × 5) 105° (15° × 7)

15° (15° × 1) 165° (15° × 11)

║ (has the power of 1) ╫ (has the power of 1) 3/10
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The meaning of each aspect is indicated below:


Aspects in declination are not only stronger but also

occur more frequently than those in longitude. That’s
because they do not depend on angular resonances
forming between two or more celestial bodies during
cycles of change as the earth rotates on its axis, resulting
in the formation of angular relationships from a division
of 360° or multiples of 15° increments within that 360-
degree circle. Instead, declination aspects can and do
occur anywhere from 00° to 26° north or south parallel
to the equator.

Declinations provide profoundly valuable information

that’s often missing from horoscopes with just a
longitude perspective. They are so important, in fact, that
no INCARN horoscope can be verified without them. So
it’s paramount that both declination and longitude
aspects be included and used together in the delineations
of all horoscopes because they supplement one another.
Many times the main aspects of an important life event in
secondary progressions occur in declination while
supporting (and sometimes zero) aspects are found in
longitude. Any aspect that involves the Sun, Moon, or
Major Angles (ASC, IC, DSC, and MC) predominates over
all others—regardless of the type of aspect being formed.

N Northern parallels occur when two or more

planets are parallel north of the equator (or to a major
angle north of the equator). It is an extremely powerful
aspect, similar to the conjunction, in the sense that two
or more energies are operating synergistically 100% of
the time (there is a unity of power and purpose), without
interruption. It demands attention. Northern parallels
are in reference to outwardly-directed decisions and
social circumstances. 4/10
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S Southern parallels occur when two or more

planets are parallel south of the equator (or to a major
angle south of the equator). Like northern parallels, they
demand attention. Unlike northern parallels, they are in
reference to inwardly-directed decisions or those that
affect self only.

N/S Contraparallels occur when two or more

planets are parallel opposite sides of the equator—one
north and the other south (or opposite a major angle
north or south of the equator). Contraparallels are
interpersonal in nature and relate to decisions affecting
two or more people. They often appear during
partnerships, negotiations, battles, takeovers, marriages,
merges, etc. It could also be a health-related aspect.



Starting with
the conjunction (00°), having the power of ONE, it is
the most powerful aspect in longitude because two or
more planets on the same side of the earth (and in the
same sign and degree) maintain their sustained
resonances (vibrations) throughout the earth’s 360° daily
rotation. The divisor is 1, so there are no periods of rest
between such energies. Similar to all of the aspects in
declination, it dominates, is very powerful, and indicates
a situation or experience in which one is totally

The opposition (180°), having the

power of TWO, is the second most powerful aspect in
longitude. Here, you have two planets on opposite sides 5/10
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of the earth, taking up (or making up) 180° consumption

of energy. It’s similar to the contraparallel in declination,
in the sense that it is interpersonal in nature or
represents two points of view or courses of action.
However, it is not as powerful as the contraparallel since
it doesn’t maintain its resonance 100% of the time
throughout the earth’s daily rotation but is rather
reinforced during every half-turn (180° rotation) of the
earth. With its divisor being two, it’s indicative of face-to-
face encounters, opposite forces, two courses of action,
negotiations, or health-related aspects. Cooperation is a
matter of choice as there can be strength of purpose or a
division of ideas, ideals, and actions among parties

The trine (120°), having the power

of THREE, is when two or more planets are 120° apart.
The divisor is 3 because three rotations of 120° are
needed before reinforcements (or jolts of energy) are
ignited between those planets. There are two periods of
rest before the 120° aspect is reenergized. It represents
strength and an unblocked (or free) flow of
circumstances, conditions, energy, and output. Things
come forth or out easily.

The Square (90°), having the power

ofFOUR, is when two or more planets are 90° apart,
making up one-fourth, or quadrant, of a circle. Every 90°
turn of the earth reinforces the square angle between the
two planets. Squares are indicative of a time of challenge,
of changing the “status quo”, and for reflecting,
correcting, building upon, and applying efforts to sow
that which is good, virtuous and that will empower one in
the future. 6/10
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The Quintile (72°), having the

power of FIVE, is when two or more planets are 72°
apart. It is indicative of CHANGE or changes taking place
with respect to activities, circumstances, and conditions.

The Sextile (60°), having the power

of SIX, is when two or more planets are 60° apart. It’s
usually indicative of bringing about balance, favorable
periods or conditions, or for seeking and receiving aid
and support that would be to your advantage.

The Semisquare (45°), having the

power of EIGHT, is when two or more planets are 45°
apart. It’s indicative of conditions coming to a final finish
or time for redirecting one’s energies toward starting or
embarking on something new. This aspect as been
observed many times in secondary progressions as it
relates to changes regarding material success (schooling,
money, career, etc.).

The Semisextile (30°), having the

power of TWELVE, is when two or more planets are 30°
apart and indicates a time of completion, endings, or
finishing projects.



Fifteen Degree (15°). The 15° aspect

forms the basis of all multiples because every 15°
increment represents an hour in time and forms a
recognizable aspect between day and night (from 1 to 12
= 180°, half a day, for daylight hours, before the cycle 7/10
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repeats from 13 to 24 [180° × 2] = 360°). The fifteen

degree plays a supporting and often harmonious role, but
not a major one unless the aspect is to a major angle.

Seventy-Five Degree (75°), also having the

power of FIVE, is when two planets are 75° apart by five
increments of fifteen degrees (15° × 5). It is indicative of
changes, opportunities, and experiences in the offing.

One Hundred Five Degree (105°), having

the power of SEVEN, is when two planets are 105° apart
by seven increments of fifteen degrees (15° × 7). It is
indicative of unexpected elements of surprise that can
have a deeper (or spiritual-based) significance.

Sesquiquadrate (135°), having

the power of NINE, is when two planets are 135° apart by
nine increments of fifteen degrees (15° × 9). It is
indicative of changes in lifestyle and a time for getting
out of the rut or old way of doing things.

Quincunx (150°), having the

power of TEN, is when two planets are 135° apart by ten
increments of fifteen degrees (15° × 10). It is indicative of
new adjustments and opportunities to gain strength and

One Hundred Sixty-Five

Degree(165°), having the power of ELEVEN, is when
two planets are 150° apart by eleven increments of fifteen
degrees (15° × 11). It is indicative of the receiving or
bestowing of something to someone, such as an award, 8/10
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reward, honor, gift, or some kind of positive support




Aspects to the ASC/DSC: Involve and pertain

to existing human beings/bodies, including physical
and mental activities as they pertain to health conditions,
sports activities, injuries, races, adventures, aerobics,
travels, vacation trips, moves, explorations, operations,
illnesses, relocations, combats, fights, wounds,
participation in protests movements, dancing, marriages,
new partnerships, interfaces with other people, physical
fitness, etc.

Aspects to the MC/IC: Involve and pertain to impacts

upon self as a result of being alive, both outwardly—
by one’s public or social influence in outer spheres (MC);
and inwardly—by one’s image of and impact upon
oneself, home life, family matters, and personal status.
Hence, honors, dishonors, awards, jobs, lay-offs, acclaim,
commendations, promotions, appointments, notoriety,
election wins, social triumphs, new positions, taking
command, leaders, bosses, steps up or down the ladder of
success, changes of public image (MC) and purchases of
new homes, places of residence, significant family affairs,
parents, and all matters affecting private and home life
(IC) affect these angles.


Hard and soft aspects don’t necessarily result in events

with the same implications (i.e. negative or positive) but
rather produce different flows of energy and their
respective comfort levels. The main difference between
“hard” aspects and “soft” aspects is that hard aspects
prompt one to exert a greater deal of effort and will
power in furthering objectives. They produce a greater
level of agitation in getting out of a particular comfort 9/10
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zone or status quo. But, nothing worthwhile comes easily.

If constructive decisions are made in relation to ideals,
followed by the right actions, so-called “hard” aspects can
lead to extraordinarily worthwhile accomplishments.

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