Astrological Indicators of Presidential Election Wins - A Case Study - Incarntology

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1/18/2021 Astrological Indicators of Presidential Election Wins: A Case Study – Incarntology

Astrological Indicators of
Presidential Election Wins:
A Case Study
May 18, 2020 Shaun Barry

There are definitive astrological traits that characterize

presidents of the United States. I’ve verified the INCARN
charts of 17 presidents, and an overwhelming majority of
them (88%) either have a cardinal sign or Leo rising on
the Ascendant. Only two of the 17 presidents did not have 1/34
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a cardinal Ascendant or Leo rising, although one of them

did have a cardinal sign on the Midheaven. The second
one who had neither a cardinal (or Leo) Ascendant was a
vice president that was elected to office only after the
president could no longer fulfill his duties, and he served
only one term.

In addition to definitive astrological traits that define all

presidents of the United States, there are definitive
indicators that point to election wins and losses. This
article includes the presidential elections from 1960 to
2020 that show such findings.

The two key indicators that stand out in all comparisons

between presidential wins and losses is the Midheaven
(MC) and/or natal tenth house. It is not necessarily the
type of aspect that is made to the MC or natal tenth house
(i.e., parallel, contraparallel, semisquare, 15°, etc.) that
points to presidential wins but rather whether or not
those aspects coincide with northern or southern
declinations. So, if both presidential candidates had
progressed aspects involving their MCs or natal tenth-
house planets on election day, the winner of the two
candidates would be the one who had northern
declination aspects. If both candidates had northern
declinations, then the candidate with the STRONGER
northern declinations would win. In THIS particular
case, the type of aspect to the MC (conjunction, parallel,
etc.) WOULD matter. If there is a case in which both
candidates had southern declination aspects, then the
same rule applies.

NOTE: There are certain instances in which a slow-

moving planet maintains its aspect with a tenth-house
planet over the lifetime of an individual (Pluto parallel a
tenth-house planet, for example). In such instances, that
progressed, slow-moving planet must simply be looked at
as a lifetime influence and not an indicator of change or
of instigating the event. Additional aspects must be
looked at for supporting the event. 2/34
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For those who wonder why a strong emphasis is placed

on northern declinations (or active planets in the natal
tenth house), regardless of whether the aspect involving
the MC or natal tenth house is in longitude or
declination, it is because presidents of the United States
focus on issues affecting the entire nation as a whole as
well as international matters—unlike governors, mayor,
senators, etc., who focus on local matters pertaining to
their jurisdictions. The most powerful and noteworthy
astrological progressions are those that involve the Sun,
Moon, ASC/DSC, and MC/IC.

For all candidates involved, there was a multitude of

progressed aspects involved. But the focus and relevance
here are to present and compare those involving the MC
and natal tenth house.

Starting with the 1960 presidential election between

Kennedy and Nixon, you’ll see that both Kennedy’s and
Nixon’s longitude aspects to the tenth house and MC
correspond to northern declinations. Both have
progressed Venus in natal tenth (northern declination)
making strong aspects. But whereas Nixon’s progressed
Venus was in a square aspect to his progressed Neptune
in the first house, Kennedy’s progressed Venus made a
parallel aspect to his natal Neptune in the tenth house.
Also, Kennedy’s progressed Sun was in a stronger
position and house than Nixon’s progressed Sun. 3/34
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Continuing with the 1964 presidential election, LBJ

was reelected by a landslide. His progressed MC was in
northern declination and involved in four aspects,
whereas Barry Goldwater had no MC aspect and only one
weak aspect of progressed retrograde Jupiter in the tenth
house (Jupiter’s natal position is in the eleventh) making
a 75° aspect to natal Mars. 5/34
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In the 1968 presidential election, Richard Nixon had

his progressed Moon semisextile natal MC (in northern
declination) by 6 minutes, progressed MC (in northern
declination) contraparallel natal Uranus by 4 minutes,
and progressed Venus (in northern declination) in natal
tenth house semisextile progressed MC (northern
declination) by 3 minutes. Hubert H. Humphrey had his
progressed MC (in southern declination) contraparallel
progressed Mars by 2 minutes. 7/34
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Richard Nixon was reelected in the 1972 presidential

election by a landslide. He had progressed MC (in
northern declination) parallel progressed Neptune in his
natal first house by 0 minutes as well as progressed Moon
(northern declination) in the natal tenth house making a
75° to progressed Uranus by 5 minutes. George
McGovern had progressed MC (southern declination)
semisquare natal tenth house Jupiter (southern
declination) by 8 minutes. His progressed MC (southern
declination) was parallel progressed ASC by 2 minutes
and quintile progressed Sun by 1 minute. 8/34
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In the 1976 presidential election, Jimmy Carter had

progressed Moon quintile natal MC (northern
declination) by 3 minutes, progressed Neptune in natal
tenth house (northern declination) semisextile natal MC
(northern declination) by 5 minutes, and Progressed MC
(northern declination) square natal Jupiter by 2 minutes.
Gerald Ford had progressed Mars contraparallel natal
MC (southern declination) by 5 minutes, progressed MC
(southern declination) semisquare progressed Jupiter in
natal tenth house (southern declination) by 4 minutes,
and progressed Jupiter in natal tenth house (southern
declination) contraparallel progressed Mars by 2
minutes. 10/34
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In the 1980 presidential election, both Jimmy Carter

and Ronald Reagan had northern declinations involving
their MCs. However, Ronald Reagan had aspects that
showed stronger support whereas Jimmy Carter had
many opposing aspects to his natal and progressed MC.
Ronald Reagan won the election. Ronald Reagan had
progressed Mercury 75° natal MC (northern declination)
and progressed MC quintile natal MC (norther
declination). Jimmy Carter had progressed Neptune
semisextile natal MC (northern declination), progressed
ASC contraparallel natal MC (northern declination), and 11/34
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progressed MC (northern declination) opposition

progressed Uranus. These were opposing aspects.

NOTE Regarding Ronald Reagan’s horoscope: There are

various times proposed for his time of birth. But the fact
is there was no reported birth time or source. Joan
Quigley, who was the personal astrologer for the Reagan’s
for seven years, even stated in her book, “What Does
Joan Say?“, that—although she knew Nancy’s time of
birth—it was a challenge for her to calculate Ronald
Reagan’s birth time because his family did not know the
time of day he was born. She essentially had to rectify his
chart. On the bottom of page 42 (continuing into page
43), she states:

“I had Nancy’s birthtime to the minute, but to do

Ronnie’s chart was much more difficult because
the Reagan’s did not know what time of day he
was born, not even a hint. All Nancy could tell
me was Ronnie’s date and place of birth. No one
who might have known was still alive, and no
one remembered his late parents or other
relatives mentioning his birthtime. It was then I
began painstakingly to rectify Ronald Reagan’s

Based on her rectification, she concluded he had

Sagittarius rising (on page 53). Hence, the 4:16AM that’s
quoted by his daughter was the time Joan Quigley
rectified. However, I’ve tested that chart and it does not
fit him. That led me to do a full day’s run for all potential
Incarnation Times based on his birth location at 111 S.
Main St., Tampico, IL 61283. The INCARN chart that was
confirmed (26° 05′ Libra ASC) indicated that he was
born at the eleventh hour of the day.

The 1980 presidential election comparison charts of the

two candidates are shown below: 12/34
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In the 1984 presidential election, Reagan was

reelected by a large margin. Both he and Walter Mondale
had parallel aspects to their natal MC. Only difference
was that Reagan’s was in northern parallel while
Mondale’s was in southern parallel. Ronald Reagan had
progressed Mercury parallel natal MC (northern
declination) by 0 minutes and progressed MC (southern
declination) trine natal Sun by 4 minutes. Mondale had
progressed Venus parallel natal MC (southern
declination) by 5 minutes and progressed MC (southern
declination) sesquiquadrate progressed Neptune by 7
minutes. 14/34
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In the 1988 presidential election, George H.W. Bush

had strong but challenging aspects to his MC as
compared to Michael Dukakis’ tenth house and MC
aspects. However, Bush’s aspects were in northern
declination versus Dukakis’s aspects which were all in
southern declination—hence, making Dukakis’s aspects
weaker. George Bush won the election. This differs from
Reagan’s and Carter’s comparisons during the 1980
presidential election in which both of them had northern
declinations, but Carter’s challenging northern
declination aspects compared to Reagan’s supportive 16/34
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northern declinations aspects hindered him and led to

Reagan’s win.

Bush had progressed Sun square natal MC (northern

declination) by 6 minutes and progressed MC (northern
declination) contraparallel progressed Jupiter by 5
minutes. Dukakis had progressed Moon 165° natal Mars
in natal tenth house (southern declination) by 2 minutes,
progressed Mercury in natal tenth house (southern
declination) parallel natal Mercury in ninth by 1 minute,
progressed Mercury in tenth (southern declination)
quintile natal ASC by 7 minutes, progressed ASC 165°
natal MC (southern declination) by 7 minutes, and
progressed Mercury in tenth (southern declination)
quincunx progressed Pluto by 4 minutes. 17/34
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In the 1992 presidential election, Both Bill Clinton

and George H.W. Bush had northern declination MC
and/or tenth house aspects, but Clinton’s were far
stronger. Clinton had progressed Pluto parallel natal MC
(northern declination) by 0 minutes, progressed Saturn
in natal tenth (northern declination) sextile natal
Neptune by 5 minutes, progressed Saturn square
progressed Mars by 3 minutes, and progressed MC
(northern delination) contraparallel progressed Mars by
0 minutes. Bush had progressed MC (northern
declination) square natal Saturn by 8 minutes. 18/34
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In the 1996 presidential election, Clinton won the

election over Bob Dole. Bob Dole had progressed Pluto
parallel two tenth house planets (northern declination);
however, that is a lifetime aspect that was in place since
birth so it was not an indicator of a current or active
energy pattern prompting a win. I had to look at other
MC aspects, including a southern declination MC aspect
that was weaker than Clinton’s northern declination
aspects. Clinton had Progressed Pluto parallel natal MC
(northern declination) by 0 minutes, progressed MC
(northern declination) 15° natal Pluto by 3 minutes, and
progressed Saturn in natal tenth 15° progressed ninth
house cusp by 2 minutes. Bob Dole had progressed Sun
quintile natal MC (northern declination) by 7 minutes,
progressed MC (southern declination) parallel
progressed Venus by 3 minutes, and progressed Moon
semisextile progressed Neptune in natal tenth (northern
declination) by 8 minutes. 20/34
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In the 2000 presidential election, George W. Bush

had progressed MC (northern declination) quincunx
progressed Venus by 3 minutes. Al Gore’s progressed MC
(northern declination) had just surpassed the maximum
9-minute orb mark in its aspect to the progressed Sun,
accompanied by progressed Saturn (co-ruler of his
Aquarius MC) 75° progressed Sun by 1 minute and
progressed Saturn 15° progressed Mars by 7 minutes. 22/34
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During the 2004 presidential election, Bush was

reelected and had progressed MC (northern declination)
75° natal Pluto by 3 minutes and quincunx progressed
Jupiter by 6 minutes. John Kerry lost the election and
had progressed MC (southern declination) opposition
progressed Mars by 4 minutes and 75° progressed ASC by
2 minutes.

In the 2008 presidential election, Obama won. He

and McCain both had southern declination aspects 23/34
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insofar as their MCs and/or tenth house planets were

concerned. McCain had progressed MC parallel his natal
twelfth house Mercury, but McCain’s progressed MC was
in a weaker house position than Obama’s progressed MC.
Also, Obama had parallel aspects to one of his tenth
house planets, plus two progressed planets conjunct in
his tenth house, plus a progressed MC aspect to his first
house Jupiter.

NOTE regarding John McCain’s horoscope: the birth

certificate provided in 2008 that states a 6:25 pm birth
time is filled with markups. Among the most noticeable is
that the number and letter characters that were
supposedly typed from the same typewriter do not match. gives this time an AA rating, but it is
inaccurate. Aside from the markups I just mentioned on
that birth certificate, I decided to test that horoscope
anyway—and it failed miserably. has
additional sources and birthtimes listed, some of which
were received from third-party sources, which aren’t the
most reliable means of getting truthful information (you
know: someone else said that his mom said…etc.).
Anyway, there is a 9AM birthtime claimed to have come
from his mother. However, in a video posted on John
Mccain’s YouTube page on May 8, 2008, his mother says
that he was born around 11AM. Her mind is sharp, the
exchange between them was spontaneous (hence, she
was authentic), and she even had to correct John a few
times in the video regarding the circumstances of his

Upon doing an 11-AM run for Incarnation Times at his

birth location, there was only one horoscope that
matched: the 24° 04′ Libra ASC. He had a Libra
personality and always sought to seek a balancing of
positions and fairness of processes. His tenth house natal
Mars contraparallel his fourth house natal Moon
coincided with the lineage of men in his family being in
the military. 24/34
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Anyway, getting back to the subject at hand, Obama had

progressed MC (southern declination) sextile natal
Jupiter in the first house by 8 minutes, progressed
Uranus contraparallel natal tenth house Neptune
(southern declination) by 6 minutes, progressed Pluto
sextile natal tenth house Neptune by 3 minutes, and
progressed Mercury conjunct progressed Mars in the
natal tenth house (southern declination) by 7 minutes.
John McCain had progressed Uranus 75° natal MC by 8
minutes and progressed MC in parallel natal Mercury
(southern declination) by 7 minutes. 25/34
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Like the previous election four years before, both

candidates had southern declinations involving their MCs
or tenth houses in the 2012 presidential election.
Obama was reelected and had progressed Uranus
semisquare natal MC (southern declination) by 1 minute,
progressed Uranus contraparallel natal tenth house
Neptune (southern declination) by 1 minute, progressed
Pluto sextile natal Neptune by 5 minutes, progressed
Mercury parallel progressed Neptune in natal tenth
house (southern declination) by 6 minutes, progressed
ASC parallel progressed Mercury in natal tenth house by 26/34
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5 minutes, and progressed ASC parallel progressed

Neptune in natal tenth house by 1 minute. The only
aspect Mitt Romney had involving the MC or the tenth
house was progressed MC (southern declination) trine
progressed Uranus by 8 minutes. 27/34
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In the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump had

all northern declination MC aspects while Hillary Clinton
had all southern declination aspects. In addition to that,
Hillary had a strong opposing aspect to her natal MC.
Northern declinations always overpower southern
declinations, even if the southern declinations are
making powerful aspects. Only in the case where two
candidates have southern declinations does it matter
which one has the stronger aspects.

Donald Trump had progressed MC (northern

declination) 75° progressed Mercury by 6 minutes and
progressed MC (northern declination) 75° progressed
Pluto by 9 minutes (just in time before the maximum orb
was out of place). Throughout his whole life, but
especially during his presidency, he had that progressed
Uranus and Pluto parallel his natal Sun and ASC,
respectively, which coincides with his unbridled tendency
for absolute extremes, especially as it relates to money,
power, cooperative plans/schemes and enterprises with
others, and personal benefits.

Hillary Clinton had progressed ASC contraparallel natal

MC (southern declination) by 2 minutes, progressed
Mars trine natal MC (southern declination) by 7 minutes,
progressed MC (southern declination) quincunx natal
Pluto by 0 minutes, and progressed Sun in natal tenth
house (southern declination) semisextile (coincides with
endings) progressed Venus by 5 minutes. The progressed
Mercury in tenth aspect to progressed Venus fell just out 28/34
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the maximum 9-minute orb mark, but wouldn’t have

made any difference. 29/34
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For this upcoming presidential election on

November 3, 2020, Biden’s horoscope indicates that
he will be the winner, but not without battles. As
indicated from the progressed aspects in Biden’s chart
and from the United States INCARN horoscope I
calculated, there will be lots of battles from late 2020 into
2021 insofar as it affects the entire nation from those in

Biden will have progressed Saturn parallel natal MC

(northern declination) by 5 minutes, progressed Moon 30/34
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quincunx progressed Pluto in natal tenth house (northern

declination) approaching a 9-minute orb that will tighten
to a smaller orb with a few days after the election, and
progressed Mars contraparallel progressed Pluto in natal
tenth house (northern declination) by 3 minutes (hence,
indicative of the battles and power struggles that are
likely to follow). Biden’s progressed ASC will also be
coming into an 8 minute trine to his natal Moon (those
orbs will tighten within a few days after the election).

Trump will have progressed MC (northern declination)

105° progressed Moon by 3 minutes. The Moon will be
just passing (and conjunct to) his natal IC, which
indicates a deep emotional impact. 31/34
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