Aspects of Reality and Talent TV Shows

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Nowadays many different reality and talent shows are broadcasted on TV, every

channel has reality and talent shows in its schedule. There are various views on
these shows among TV viewers. They have greatly influenced generations of young
people as well, whether in a positive or negative way.

Firstly, many supporters of these kinds of shows claim that the first role of TV is to
entertain and there is nothing more interesting and appealing than people’s lives. TV
producers have come up with reality and talent shows which seem to be a good
source of entertainment for people who want to relax and watch something less
serious on TV. However, some people are criticizing it for not being appropriate for
young viewers, that is only often true.

Secondly, these kinds of TV shows have definitely somehow influenced us

regardless of whether we think it did or not. Most shows take away the creativity the
young people have, since the young viewers will most likely only consider the
contestant’s opinion, without creating our own stand on it. Some shows can even
influence us in a negative way, such as showing people walking naked on stage etc.

Of the two aspects mentioned above, I believe entertainment is the most significant
one. Although, some shows can have a bad influence on young viewers. Nowadays,
most teenagers will search the internet for entertainment and I believe TV shows are
not as influential as other entertainment sources, nevertheless TV shows in this time
and age still stay as one of the most entertaining ones.

- David Nguyen
- 262 words

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