Stability Theory - OOW-2

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DWA - The Dock Water Allowance (DWA) of a ship is the number of millimetres by which the
mean draught changes when a ship passes from salt water to dock water, or vice-versa, when
the ship is loaded to the summer displacement. (2011/2013/2015- JULY/MAR 2017)

CB- Block coefficient (Cb)

The block coefficient (CB) of a ship is the ratio of the underwater volume of a ship to the volume
of the circumscribing block. (2011 - July)

TPC - The TPC for any given draught is the weight which must be loaded or discharged to
change the ship's mean draught by one centimetre. (MAR 2007/OCT 2008/OCT 2010/ JUNE
2011/2012 - OCT/2013 - MAR/ JULY 2015/ MAR/OCT 2017).

Cw - Is defined as the ratio of the ship's water-plane area to the area of a rectangle having the
same length and breadth of the ship at the waterline in question. (2012-OCT/2013 - MAR).

Freeboard - Freeboard is indicated by the vertical distance from the upper edge of the deck line
to the upper edge of the load line in question. For ex: Summer freeboard is measured from the
top edge of the plimsoll line (which corresponds to the top edge of the Summer line) to the top
edge of the deck line. (2012 - OCT / OCT 2014).
State the reasons for loadline: The purpose of loadline is to ensure that vessel is not
overloaded at any time and hence enough freeboard is maintained to have adequate reserve
buoyancy, the loadline also aim to reduce the risk of instability and breach of watertight
integrity. (MAR 2007/OCT 2010/2012 NOV/2013 OCT/ DEC 2016/ NOV 2017)

Waterplane area: The area of a hull at a particular horizontal plane, i.e. within the waterline in
question. (2013 - MAR).

State the reasons for Loadline zones: The load lines S, W, WNA and T indicate the maximum
draught in salt water. The maximum depths to which a ship may be loaded in different seasons
in the various parts of the world are laid down in the Load Lines Rules, The world has been
divided into various “load line zones" and seasonal areas based on prevailing weather conditions.
These load line zones ensure that a vessel passing in the course of her voyage from one zone or
area into another zone or area, in which another load line applies, must have been loaded in
such a way that when she arrives in the zone or area in question, her mean draught will not be
in excess of the maximum draught allowed in the second zone or area, so that at each point of
time while transiting different load line zones the vessel has adequate freeboard at every point of
time, thus ensuring the safety of vessel, cargo and life on board. (OCT 2010/2013 OCT / DEC
2016/ NOV 2017).

State how a vessel's mean draft changes when passing from salt water to fresh water.
Explain why the draft changes as stated in your answer.
The mean draft changes by its FWA. This is because FW is less dense, and therefore less
buoyant than SW. This means that( assuming displacement remains constant) as the ship
moves from FW TO SW, they rise up slightly and the opposite happens when passing from SW
TO FW., as a result mean draft changes by its FWA.

Explain EACH of the following terms:(OCT 2014 / FEB 2018)

Density: Mass per unit volume of a substance.

State how a vessel’s mean draft changes when passing from dock water to Salt water.
Explain why the draft changes as stated in your answer.:(OCT 2015) .
The mean draft changes by its DWA.
The mean draft changes because of the density, the density of DW will always be less than SW
(1.025) since the density of SW > DW, the mean draft would reduce as it passes from DW to SW
and vice versa. Due to the density the up thrust of the water also varies, it is greater in SW and
less in DW, hence the mean draft changes.
State Archimedes principle: (MAR 2007/DEC 2011):
When a body is wholly or partially immersed in a liquid, it experiences an up thrust (apparent
loss of weight- termed 1 buoyancy force), equal to the mass of liquid displaced.

Explain why it is necessary to know the Dock Water density when loading a vessel to her
Summer Marks. (MAR 2008).
In order to load the vessel correctly, i.e, so that the vessel is at her summer mark once at sea.
The DW density is needed to find out the DWA, provided the DW is not a FW. Then the vessel's
Summer mark can be submerged by that DWA, so that she rise up to her Summer mark out at
sea. If the DWA is not applied to the draft mark, then there is a chance that the correct sinkage
whilst floating in the DW cannot be detected, hence there will be a high chance that the vessel
may sail out to sea under loaded, i.e. the Summer mark out at sea will be above the waterline.
Hence DW density is necessary to know when loading a vessel to her summer mark.
DWA (mm) = FWA x (1.025 - RD dock water) / 0.025 .

Explain why it is important to know the Dock Water Density, whilst loading a deadweight
cargo. (JULY 2008)
DWT cargo is a cargo on which freight is usually charged on its weight. If we do not know the
density of the DW, then we will be unable to detect the DWA, if we do not know the DWA, then
we will not be able to apply the same to the load line mark in question, hence the vessel will
either be overloaded or under loaded. Because DWA is a deciding factor by how much the vessel
would rise or sink in the dock whilst loading, so that out at sea she is at her appropriate load
line mark. So if the vessel is under loaded the owner of the vessel will not be able to get the full
freight, and if she is overloaded it is a contravention of load line regulations. Therefore it is
imperative to know the density of DW while loading DWT cargo.

State what EACH of the following represent on a vessel's Loadline mark (OCT 2008):
F - Fresh water; W - Winter T-Tropical; LS- Lumber Summer; WNA-Winter North Atlantic,

Explain FWA (JUNE 2011):

The Fresh Water Allowance (FWA) of a ship is the number of millimetres by which the mean
draught changes when a ship passes from salt water to fresh water, or vice-versa, when the ship
is loaded to the summer displacement.

Explain Relative Density (DEC 2011):

Relative density of a substance is the number of times the substance is heavier than FW. Being a
ratio, RD has no units.
RD = Density of the substance/Density of the FW.
Since the density of the FW IS 1 t/m3, RD of a substance is numerically equal to its density, if
the density is expressed in t/m3.


Define the term free surface effect, explain how it affects a ship stability. State the possible
consequences of free surface effect. Describe with the aid of sketch, how free surface can cause a
virtual rise of a V/L'S COG. (JULY 2007/JULY 2009/DEC 2010/JULY 2011/FEB 2013/ OCT
2013/JULY 2014/ DEC 2015/JULY 2016/ OCT 2016)
A ship has a slack tank as shown i.e. the tank is only part full.

External forces cause the ship to heel to some angle and liquid in the tank moves from the high
side to the low side (gg l ), as it heels will have an adverse effect on stability.

This causes G to move off the centre-line to G l . As a result of the shift of liquid, righting lever is
reduced from GZ to G 1 Z 1 . The righting lever G 1 Z 1 is the same as the GZ that would have existed
had G been raised to GV. GG V represents the virtual rise of G that results from the free surface
effect of the slack tank. Hence free surface effect can be seen as virtual loss of GM. When
applied, it is known as a Free surface correction.

GM is the solid GM; GvM is the effective or fluid GM.

When calculating the GM of the ship it is important that the effects of free surfaces are
considered i.e. It is always the fluid gm that must be determined to take account of the reduction
in GZ values that arises from liquid movement within the ship as it is heeled.

Possible consequences are:

• Adverse effect on stability, as the GZ of the vessel reduces, thus it reduces the righting
• As the vessel heels the liquid in the slack tank move towards the lower side during each
roll, thereby causing the angle of roll and the period of roll to increase.
If the vessel is having a small initial GM, then having a slack tank will worsen the situation due
to the free surface effect, it will create A FSM (and loss of GM)- a virtual rise in G.

Explain why free surfaces must be eliminated or minimised during heavy lift operations.
(FEB/ MAR 2012/FEB 2013/ MAR 2015/ JUNE 2015)

During a heavy lift operation the GM of the vessel reduces causing a reduction in stability, at the
same time the vessel is listed, and if there is a slack tank in the ship, the liquid in the slack tank
will move to the lower side, generating a further listing moment, which thereby reduces the
stability of the vessel even further. This reduction in stability is accounted for by a virtual rise in
centre of gravity of the vessel, due to tank free surfaces. Since the GM is reduced to GvM (THE
FLUID GM), it can be seen that the angle of list has increased for the same distance that G is off
the centre line (GGh). The greater the FSM/FSE; the greater will be the list for the same listing
moments. Also to avoid reaching unstable condition and angle of loll or to prevent the vessel
from capsizing. Hence for this reason it is imperative that free surfaces must be eliminated or
minimised during heavy lift operations.

Describe the effect on free surface of longitudinal subdivision of a tank. OR Explain how
longitudinal subdivision of a tank affect the FSE. (MAY 2012/JULY 2013/2016 FEB)
FSM= (lb3/12) x density - from this formulae it is evident that FSM largely is influenced by
breadth of a tank, hence If we reduce the breadth, FSM will reduce dramatically.

For a tank to be considered subdivided, it must be fitted with an oil-tight or water-tight

longitudinal bulkhead ensuring that there is no possibility of liquid transfer.
A single subdivision will reduce the FSM (and LOSS OF GM) TO 1/4th of the original value.

2 subdivisions (creating 3 compartments) reduce the FSM (and loss of GM) to 1/9th of the
original value.

It follows that the original FSM (and loss of GM) will reduce by the factor of 1/n2.
Where 'n' is the number of equal sized compartments into which the tank is subdivided.
Therefore subdividing a tank into four equal subdivisions will reduce the FSMs to l/16lh,
i.e. 1/42 = 1/16 and so on.

Define metacentric height: (MAR 2016)

The vertical distance between the ship's centre of gravity (G) and the initial transverse
metacentre (M)

Explain the difference between an angle of list and an angle of loll: (MAR 2011 /JULY 2017)
When a ship is listed the COG of the ship is off the centre line to port or starboard by a distance
GG H . If we consider a listed ship being progressively inclined from the upright, the initial
transverse metacentre (M) is above G so the ship is stable in terms of GM.

Angle of loll can be defined as the angle to which a ship with negative initial GM will lie at rest in
still water.
Angle of List Angle of Loll
Initial Positive GM Initial Negative GM
Angle of List happens due to off-center weight Commonly caused by excessive FSM
Happens Progressively Happens suddenly
May not be dangerous and can be corrected by Can be dangerous, correction requires prudent
internal shifting of weights action and elaborate calculation

A vessel is initially upright, port side alongside, with a KG of 9 m. A heavy lift is to be

loaded using the ship’s own crane. It will be stowed at Kg 3 m, 5 m to starboard of the
centreline. The heavy lift is initially on the quay at a distance of 9 m from the centreline.
(June 2014)

Explain, with the aid of a sketch, how the ship’s centre of gravity moves:
(i) when the weight is initially lifted;
(ii) when the crane has slewed to starboard and the weight is suspended at maximum height
over the stowage position;
(iii) as the weight is lowered over the stowage position;
(iv) when the weight has been loaded.
Sketch a vessel with initial neutral stability heeled to a small angle. The sketch should
clearly indicate the positions of G, B and M and should also show the action of the forces.
(MAR 2015 / JUNE 2014)

Outline the consequences and dangers of a free surface. (FEB/ OCT 2016)
Consequences are:
• Adverse effect on stability, by a virtual rise in GZ of the vessel – a reduction in the GZ of
the vessel.
• If the vessel is having a small initial GM, then to the free surface effect, it will create a
FSM (and loss of GM) – a virtual rise in G.

• As the vessel heels the liquid in the slack tank move towards the lower side during each
roll, thereby causing the angle of roll and the period of roll to increase.
• Excessive FSM may cause the vessel to reach an unstable condition, causing it to reach to
Angle of Loll.
• During a heavy lift operation if there is a slack tank in the ship, the liquid in the slack
tank will move to the lower side, generating a further listing moment.

Sketch a stable vessel listed to a small angle and clearly indicate the positions of G, B and
M and show the action of different forces. (DEC 2016)


Explain TWO methods whereby FSE may be reduced or eliminated in a compartment. (OCT
2007/ DEC 2010).
Free surface effect can be seen as virtual loss of GM. When applied, it is known as a Free surface


Hence equally subdividing a tank will reduce the FSM (and loss of GM ) by the factor of: 1/n2,
Where ‘n’ is the number of equal sized compartments into which the tank is subdivided.

FSE may be eliminated by completely filling up the tank or by completely emptying it.

By increasing the displacement of a ship the FSC can be reduced as FSC is inversely
proportional, to displacement as evident from above formulae

With reference to a vessel's transverse stability, define each of the following terms: (OCT
2009/ MAR 2010).
GM: The vertical distance between the ship's centre of gravity (G) and the initial transverse
metacentre (M). GM is very important in determining the initial stability of the vessel.
KM: The vertical distance between the ship's Keel (K) and the initial transverse metacentre (M).

A vessel is initially upright KG 9.50 m, with a heavy lift stowed at Kg 3.00 m, 10.00 m to
port of the centreline.
The lift is to be transferred to starboard of the centre line to a position Kg 2.00 m, 12.00
m to starboard of the centreline using the vessel's crane.
There are four stages to the operation as follows:
Stage 1 when the weight is initially lifted;
Stage 2 when the crane is slewed to starboard and is over the centreline;
Stage 3 when the crane is slewed to 12.00 m to the starboard of the centreline;
Stage 4 when the weight has been placed in the stowage position.

(i) Using Worksheet Ql(a) show the position of the vessel's Centre of Gravity at EACH
stage of the operation.
(ii) For EACH stage describe the effect on the metacentric height and the effect on any
possible list.
Explain how an increase in a vessel's displacement will effect an angle of list due to an off
centre weight, (FEB 2017)

Stage 1: GM will decrease. V/L will be upright no list

Stage 2: GM will remain the same as stage 1. But on this occasion the vessel will list as G will
move off the centreline (GGH) to the stbd as indicated above in the diagram G2, hence there will
be a list to stbd.
Stage 3: GM still remains the same as in stage 1, but G moves further away from the centreline
to position G3, as shown in the diagram, causing the vessel to list further as compared to
STAGE 2. Hence it can be said that the list will be maximum at this stage.
Stage 4: IN STAGE 4, since the weight has been shifted from.the crane head to the stowage
position, G of the vessel moves directly towards the weight, hence g will be lowered to a position
G4, hence GM will increase as compared to initial gm as cargo loaded below ship's initial kg, but
G still remains off the centreline vertically beneath G3. Hence list angle will reduce as compared
to stage 3, as GM increases.

Explain how an increase in a vessel's displacement will effect an angle of list due to an off
centre weight.
Tan θ=LM/W X GM
From the above formulae it is dear that one of the factor affecting list is displacement, i.e. if the
displacement of a vessel increases the list will decrease due to an off centre weight and vice

Define each of the following: (DEC 2010)

(i) righting lever; (MAR 2009)
(ii) initial metacentric height.
Righting lever is defined as the horizontal distance, measured in metres, between the COG and
the vertical line of action of the buoyancy force (Bf) acting through the centre of buoyancy, when
the ship is heeled.
Initial metacentric height can be defined as the vertical distance between the ship's centre of
gravity (G) and the initial transverse metacentre (M).


Describe, with the aid of a sketch, EACH of the following: (JULY 2007/ MAR 2009))
centre of gravity;
centre of buoyancy
Sketch an inclined vessel in neutral equilibrium, indicating the position of G, M, K, B and B1.

CENTRE OF GRAVITY may be defined as being the point where the total weight force of the ship
is considered to act vertically downwards, provided that weights within the ship are properly
secured, the position of ‘G’ is assumed to not move as the ship heels.

CENTRE OF BUOYANCY of a ship can be defined as the geometric centre of the underwater
volume of a ship at a particular instant and the point through which the total buoyancy force
(Bf) is considered to act vertically upwards.
State the condition of stability for EACH of the curves on Worksheet Ql(l) - GZ Curve and
Worksheet Ql(2) - GZ Curve.
Explain the differences between the two GZ curves.
Describe the dangers associated with each condition of stability.
Using Worksheet Ql(l) - GZ Curve, calculate the Righting Moment at an angle of heel of 15
degrees if the displacement is 14520 t. (FEB 2012)

Condition of stability:
The GZ curve in worksheet Q.l(l) represents a curve of a stiff ship which is upright, the ship will
be excessively stable; whereas the GZ curve in worksheet Q.l(2) represents a curve of a Tender
ship with a very small GM, the ship will have marginal stability, which is also upright and stable.

Differences between the two GZ curves:

Represents a curve of a stiff ship with a very large GM.
Excessively stable ship.
Righting moment will be so large as to cause the ship to return to the upright very quickly. Roll
period will be short. '
In this particular curve-
Area under the curve (Dynamic stability) is greater as compare to the other curve in worksheet
The initial slope of the curve is steeper.
Max GZ is around 0.48m
Approx. Initial GM is approximately 0.54m
Angle of vanishing stability is 60 degree.
Range of stability 0-60°


Represents a curve of a Tender ship with a very small GM.
The ship will have marginal stability
Righting moment will be very small, when heeled causing the ship to be sluggish and slow to
return to the upright.
Roll period will be long.
In this particular curve -
Area under the curve (Dynamic stability) is far lesser as compared to the other curve in
worksheet Ql(l).
The initial slope of the curve is less steep as compare to the other curve.
Max GZ is around 0.18m which is far lesser than the other curve.
Approx. Initial GM is approximately 0.12m.
Angle of vanishing stability is 64 degree.
Range of stability 0-64°

Dangers associated with each condition of stability:

GZ CURVE WORKSHEET Ql.(l)- As the ship is having high initial GM, hence very stable, so the
righting moment will be so large as to cause the ship to return to the upright very quickly
causing excessive strain on cargo lashings and possible shift of cargo, uncomfortable for crew
and passengers, injury may result from the ship's quick motion.

Roll period will be short, but violent - Loose gear may be thrown out.

Structural damage to the ship may occur due to racking.

GZ CURVE WORKSHEET Ql.(2)- As the ship is having a small initial GM, she will have
insufficient stability, the righting moments will be very small, the righting moments of the ship
will only offer limited resistance to being rolled, causing the ship to be rolled to larger angles of
heel. This will increase the risk of water being shipped on deck.

When heeled the ship to be sluggish and slow to return to the upright,, this will cause greater
and more prolonged strain on cargo lashings and increase the risk of cargo shift.

Rolling to excessive angles of heel is also uncomfortable for the crew and injury may result.
Explain EACH of the following terms:
(i) stable ship;
(ii) unstable ship.
With reference to Datasheet Ql(b), state EACH of the following for the TWO curves:
(iii) condition of initial stability;
(iv) approximate initial metacentric height;
(v) Range of stability.
With reference to Datasheet Ql(b), GZ Curve Condition ‘X’, calculate the Righting Moment
at an angle of heel of 25 degrees if the displacement is 15350 t. (MAY 2012)
Stable ship: A ship is said to be in a stable condition of stability, if when heeled by an external
force in still water to a small angle of inclination, it returns to the upright when the force is
removed. In an stable ship the initial transverse metacentre (M) is above G, i.e. GM is positive.

Unstable ship: A ship is in an unstable condition, if when heeled by an external force in still
water to small angle, it continues to heel further when the external force is removed. In an
unstable ship the initial transverse metacentre (M) is below G, i.e. GM is negative.

GZ Curve Condition X- Represents a vessel which is lying at her angle of loll. The initial
transverse metacentre (M) is below G, i.e. GM is negative.

GZ Curve Condition Y- Represents a vessel in a neutral condition of stability. The initial

transverse metacentre (M) is at the same height as G, i.e. KM - KG= 0, i.e. GM=0

Approximate initial GM for GZ Curve Condition X is -0. 17(negative GM)

Approximate initial GM for GZ Curve Condition Y is ZERO
Range of stability for GZ Curve Condition X is 19 0 - 75° = 56°
Range of stability for GZ Curve Condition Y is 8 0 - 77° = 69°
GZ for the Curve Condition X is 0.06m, so the righting moment is
0.06 x 15350 = 921 tm
Sketch EACH of the following vessels, clearly indicating the positions of G, II, M anil L as
appropriate and showing the action of forces;
an unstable vessel heeled to a small angle; (JUNE 2014)
a vessel with neutral stability heeled to a small angle. (JUNE 2014)

Explain the term stable equilibrium.

A vessel has a GM of 0.97m and a displacement of 15645 t. Calculate the Righting
Moment at an angle of heel of 8°.
Sketch a typical curve of statical stability for a vessel listed at an angle of 7° with a range
of stability of 65°.(July 2012)



STABLE EQUILIBRIUM: A ship is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when inclined, by an

external force, she tends to return to the initial position. For this to occur the COG of the ship
must be below the metacentre, i.e. the ship must have a initial positive GM.
Sketch a stable vessel listed to a small angle. The sketch should clearly indicate the
positions of G, B and M and should also show the action of the different forces.
Sketch a curve of statical stability for a vessel listed to an angle of 10° with a range of
stability of 62°.( NOV 2013/ JULY 2016)

Sketch a transverse cross-section of EACH of the following vessels, clearly indicating the
positions of G, B, M and Z as appropriate and showing the action of forces:
an unstable vessel heeled to a small angle;
a vessel with neutral stability heeled to a small angle.

Explain the term unstable equilibrium.

A vessel has a KM of 9.67 m, a KG of 8.97 m and a displacement of 14296 t. Calculate the

Righting Moment at an angle of heel of 7°.

Sketch a typical curve of statical stability for a vessel listed at an angle of 8° with a range
of stability' of 65° and a maximum GZ of 0.20 m at 40° heel. (JUNE 2014)

A ship is in an unstable EQUILIBRIUM, if when heeled by an external force in still water to small
angle, it continues to heel further when the external force is removed. In an unstable ship the
initial transverse metacentre (M) is below G, i.e. GM is negative.
State the condition of stability for EACH of the curves on Datasheet Q1 (1) -
GZ Curve 1 and Datasheet Q1.(2) - GZ Curve 2.
Explain the differences between the two GZ curves in Q1 (a).
Using Datasheet Q1.(1) - GZ Curve 1, calculate the Righting Moment at an angle of heel of
40 degrees If the displacement is 13790t.
List the information that can be extracted from a Curve of Statical Stability, (NOV 2014/
OCT 2017/MAR 2010)

Condition of stability:
The GZ curve 1 represents a curve of a Tender ship with a very small GM, the ship will have
marginal stability. The GZ curve 2 represents a curve of a stiff ship with a very large GM, the
ship will be excessively stable.
Differences between the two GZ curves:

Represents a curve of a Tender ship with a very small GM
The ship will have marginal stability
Righting moment will be very small, when heeled causing the ship to be sluggish and slow to
return to the upright.
Roll period will be long.
In this particular curve -
Area under the curve (Dynamic stability) is far lesser as compared to the GZ CURVE 2 The initial
slope of the curve is less steep as compare to the other curve.
Max GZ is around 0.54m which is far lesser than the other curve.
Angle of Max GZ is 44 °
Approx. Initial GM is approximately 0.90m.
Angle of vanishing stability is 60 degree.
Range of stability 0-60°

Represents a curve of a stiff ship with a very large GM.
Excessively stable ship.
Righting moment will be so large as to cause the ship to return to the upright very quickly. Roll
period will be short.
In this particular curve -
Area under the curve (Dynamic stability) is greater as compare to GZ CURVE 1 The initial slope
of the curve is steeper.
Max GZ is around 2.75 m OCCURING AT AN ANGLE OF 35 °
Approx. Initial GM is approximately 2.7m Angle of vanishing stability is 82 degree.
Range of stability 0-82°
Information that can be extracted from a Curve of Statical Stability:
The GZ value for any angle. This can be used to calculate the moment of statical stability for the
ship at that particular angle of heel.
The maximum GZ and the angle of heel at which it occurs.
The range of positive stability.
The angle of vanishing stability.
The approximate angle of deck edge immersion.
The approximate initial GM.
Condition of stability.

With reference to Datasheet Q1(a) - GZ Curve, determine EACH of the following:

(i) the initial condition of stability;
(ii) range of stability;
(iii) angle of vanishing stability;
(iv) approximate initial metacentric height;
(v) approximate angle of deck edge immersion.
Explain the relationship between equilibrium and the angle of loll. (DEC 2015)

The above vessel is floating upright with a positive GM , in a state of equilibrium. A vessel is said
to be in a state of equilibrium when Bf and Wf are acting together in the same vertical line as
indicate in the above diagram. For a vessel to float, she must be in equilibrium. In the above
diagram the vessel is in a state of equilibrium where GM is positive. If the ship in the above
diagram is inclined by external force, she will come back to upright initial position.

A vessel at angle of loll will be also in a state of equilibrium when Bf and Wf comes in a same
vertical line as indicated below. At an angle of loll the though the ship is at equilibrium, but the
GM will be zero, and if further heeled by external force the ship will return to angle of loll, but
not upright.

Using Worksheet Q2 (b) GZ Curve, label and determine EACH of the following:
(i) the approximate initial GM;
(jj) the approximate angle of deck edge immersion;
(iii) the angle of vanishing stability;
(iv) the maximum GZ value and the angle at which it occurs;
(v) the range of positive stability. (MAR 2016)

Using Worksheet Q2- GZ Curve, determine EACH of the following: the condition of stability
of the vessel; range of positive stability; angle of vanishing stability;
approximate initial GM (indicate on the graph how this value has been obtained). Using
Worksheet Q2, calculate the righting moment at an angle of heel of 30 degrees rf the
displacement is 15500t. (JUNE 2016)

Sketch a curve of statical stability for a vessel listed to an angle of 10° with a range of
stability 65°(JULY 2016)
Describe the initial condition of stability of the vessel.
Sketch the vessel’s curve of statical stability.( OCT 2016/ MAR 2010)).

Initial condition of stability

Tender ship with a very small initial GM, the ship will have marginal stability.

Describe, with the aid of sketches, EACH of the following: (MAR 2008)
centre of gravity; metacentric height; initial transverse metacentre.
Metacentric Height: Can be defined as the vertical distance between centre of gravity and initial
transverse metacentre.

Initial transverse metacentre: Is defined as the point of intersection of successive lines of action
of buoyancy force (Bf) when the ship is in the initial upright condition and subsequently heeled
conditions. It is assumed to be at a fixed position when the ship is heeled within small angles

Sketch typical GZ curves which illustrate EACH of the following conditions: (NOV 2008)
a stiff vessel; (MAR 2010)
a tender vessel; (MAR 2010)
a vessel with an angle of loll of 20° and a range of stability of 45°.

Worksheet Q2 relates to the Curve of Statical Stability (GZ Curve) of a vessel. From the GZ
curve, extract EACH of the following information:
(i) range of stability;
(ii) the angle of, maximum GZ;
(iii) the maximum GZ;
(iv) the angle of vanishing stability;
(v) approximate initial GM;
(vi) approximate angle of deck edge immersion.
A vessel is inclined by an external force and has positive stability. Sketch the forces
acting upon the vessel and the points through which they are assumed to act.
Define EACH of the following terms;
Moment of statical stability;
Righting lever;
Centre of buoyancy;
Centre of gravity (MAR 2009)
Moment of statical stability: Can be defined as the moment of force tending to return the
vessel to the upright condition usually measured in tonne-metres, when the ship is in still water
conditions, and is momentarily at rest.

Sketch a typical curve of Statical Stability for EACH of the following: (MAR 2010)
(i) a stiff vessel;
(ii) a tender vessel;
(iii) vessel lolled to an angle of 20° with a range of positive stability of 40°.
State the effect of and dangers associated with EACH of the following:
(i) a stiff vessel;
(ii) a tender vessel.
List the information obtained from Statical Stability Curves.

Dangers associated with Stiff and Tender vessel:

Stiff - As the ship is having high initial GM, hence very stable, so the righting moment will be so
large as to cause the ship to return to the upright very quickly causing excessive strain on cargo
lashings and possible shift of cargo, uncomfortable for crew and passengers, injury may result
from the ship's quick motion.
Roll period will be short, but violent -Loose gear may be thrown out.
Structural damage to the ship may occur due to racking.

Tender- As the ship is having a small initial GM, she will have insufficient stability, the righting
moments will be very small, the righting moments of the ship will only offer limited resistance to
being rolled, causing the ship to be rolled to larger angles of heel. This will increase the risk of
water being shipped on deck.
When heeled the ship to be sluggish and slow to return to the upright,, this will cause greater
and more prolonged strain on cargo lashings and increase the risk of cargo shift.
Rolling to excessive angles of heel is also uncomfortable for the crew and injury may result.
Sketch an unstable vessel heeled to n small angle. The sketch should clearly Indicate the
positions of G, It, M and Z and should also show the action of different forces.
Explain the difference between an angle of list and an angle of loll.
Sketch a GZ curve for an unstable ship at an angle of loll of 11° with a range of stability of
56°. (FEB 2011)

Sketch a curve of statical stability for a vessel listed 7° with a range of positive stability of
66°. Explain the difference between a righting lever and a righting moment. (MAR 2011)

Moment of statical stability: Can be defined as the moment of force tending to return the vessel
to the upright condition usually measured in tonne-metres, when the ship is in still water
conditions, and is momentarily at rest.

Righting lever is defined as the horizontal distance, measured in metres, between the COG and
the vertical line of action of the buoyancy force (Bf) acting through the centre of buoyancy, when
the ship is heeled.

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