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Step 1 : Declaration of Java Package (Import Java.util.*)

Step 2 : Declaration of Class Semiprime
Step 3 : Initialization of Global variable (n, R)
Step 4 : Declaration of default constructor (Semiprime ()) to initialize the
variable with default value.
Step 5 : Check for a prime if (x % I = = 0)
Sum + = 0, where i = 2 to x -i
Step 6 : Print n and (n/i) as semiprint,
Step 7 : else. print not semiprint
Step 8 : Main method created objected declared Method call.
Step 9 : End of the process.

Step 1 : Declaration of Java Package (Import Java.util.*)
Step 2 : Declaration of Class (magic_square)
Step 3 : Declaration of main method
Step 4 : Initialization of variable (p, j, k, n, t)
Step 5 : Accepting the number of rows only of a magic square.
Step 6 : Declaration of array a [] [] int a [] [] = new int [n] [n]
Step 7 : Initialization of double dimensional array
Step 8 : Calculation required for magic square
Step 9 : Display the output magic square
Step 10 : End of the program


Step 1 : Declaration of Java Package (Import Java.util.*)

Step 2 : Declaration of Class (RotateMatrix)
Step 3 : Declaration of main method
Step 4 : Accept the matrix dimension
Step 5 : Initialization of variable (m,i, s,a [] [])
Step 6 : Initialization of array and printing the original matrix
Step 7 : Calculation of matrix after rotation
Step 8 : If m<2 and m>10 then print “Size out of Range)
Step 9 : End of the program


Step 1 : Declaration of Java Package (Import Java.util.*)

Step 2 : Declaration of Class (Number Combination)
Step 3 : Declaration of main method
Step 4 : Initialization of variable (n, c=0, i,ch,n,j,k,l,e)
Step 5 : Accepting the number between 2 to 5 (both inclusive ;
Step 6 : If there are four digits :
Step 7 : If there are three digits :
Step 8 : If there are two digits :
Step 9 : Total number of combination
Step 10 : End of the program

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